PN griefers issue security alert for d3adlyc0d3c’s version of SL client
Does LL’s open source GPL license require publishing exploits?
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Even the most jaded metaverse resident may raise an eyebrow at the idea that Linden Lab’s open source software license could compel sharing exploits among griefers. But this is the legal theory being advanced by members of the notorious PN griefing group - who would benefit from a peek under the covers of d3adlyc0d3c’s modified version of the ShoopedLife client. The PN has also issued a security alert warning against using the modified SL client until they inspect it's inner workings. It is unlikely that the irony of the PN issuing security warnings and invoking GPL legal arguments is lost on anyone - except PN members.
Why is there such a high level of interest in a 3rd party SL client? Until retiring recently, Mr. Cod3c was one of the main scripters for the PN, and his latest work holds out the possibility of taking advantage of a number of exploits to evade various parcel bans - shifting the balance of power from the landowner to the griefer. Thus far Mr. Cod3c has resisted calls to publish his exploits - explaining in a series of exclusive interviews with the Herald that he wants to go straight and rejoin mainstream SL society. This may place him on shaky legal ground with respect to the GPL-licensed SL client from which the griefer-friendly ShoopedLife client is derived. Most Internet lawyers agree that under the GPL derivative works must publish source code - but what happens when the modified source may illustrate serious exploits in SL itself?
the retirement announcement
Our story begins before Christmas as Mr. Cod3c explained to the Herald that much of the charm of griefing was gone, saying "I have decided to call it quits due to many many personal reasons, including but not limited to, our legal grey area and the fact that we may be vulnerable to civil or even criminal prosecution. Another reason for my retirement is that during my 'career' as a griefer I actually became a very skilled scripter. I intend to use those skills to profit in second life".
According to Mr. Cod3c, shortly after his retirement one Linden governance staffer reactivated his main account, but then another Linden staffer deactivated the account after 3 days - upsetting Mr. Cod3c’s plans to become an SL security consultant - and tempting him to continue griefing until the Lindens reactivate his account. Of course, with unlimited free SL accounts and the ShoopedLife client it is possible to evade hardware and IP address bans, but Mr. Cod3c hopes to pursue a mainstream SL role, and this is difficult given the ever-present threat of another account ban.
“the only reason I was PN was because I got to create or change things like this. If I hadn't of been a scripter and had the challenge of finding new ways around stuff and creating new things then I would never have stayed on. It would have been too boring” - d3adlyc0d3c
Resigning from the PN has also cast a pall over his latest work in the griefing community, as a PN security alert warns that the without inspecting the code the writer “can therefore not gaurantee that it is AIDSfree, especially since Cod3c supposedly stopped griefing and left the PN, leaving the aim of this software in doubt. Until someone can link me to the code, I will ask everyone using this software to uninstall it immediately. In addition, he is currently violating the GPL license, which asks that he distributes ShoopedLife’s original code along with his modification”
As might be expected, the potential promise of a parcel ban exploit has created a certain amount of drama in the PN community.
PN forum - where griefing tools are serious business
To those hopeful the PN's weapons will stagnate without the presence of Mr. Cod3c, his words are cold comfort. When I asked who will take over scripting for the PN, he told me "relic likely, both relic and machinecode are superb scripters. relic I'm positive is more skilled than I am and has been for awhile. machinecode rivalled me at the very least. I learned a lot from both of them".
Fact is SL is boring... I read about griefer attacks was on SLH and was about the screaming griefer balls at that concert and maybe the WU stuff. Back then I didn't know shit about LSL. In fact I didn't learn LSL until I became PN. But back then I would go to events hoping an attack would occur just because i thought it'd be fun. I wasn't making any money anyway so if someone griefed my land it didn't matter much. When I founded my fake little mafia the idea was to grief for profit... We needed notoriety in order to be taken seriously. I have openly admitted to the PN where I came from and what I was doing. Its no secret and It's widely known that I'm not ashamed of it. We aren't bad guys, we're just kids making the best out of a crappy game. - d3adlyc0d3c
Will d3adlyc0d3c go straight? It is hard to say. If what Mr. Cod3c told me is true, he has certainly contributed his share of chaos to the metaverse, and habits can be hard to break. On the other hand, it is hard to find any heros in this particular morality play.
The PN appear to be primarily motivated by a desire to get their hands on more exploits rather than a love of the open source free software principles behind the GPL license - the PN's idea of gameplay is to create more chaos.
The inconsistent behavior of Linden staff with respect to troublemakers is worrying, and raises questions about the lack of due process and clearly defined punishment for crimes in the fictional entertainment known as Second Life.
Many of the problems at the Lab are of its own making - combining an open source client and anonymous unverified free accounts led to a situation where troublemakers join forces to work around the Lab's punishments - punishments that do not deter the bad actors but act as a hurdle for those who would like to come in from the cold. Perhaps the best explanation for why this situation continues is it creates the in-world drama which helps keep SL from getting too boring.
"but what happens when the modified source may illustrate serious exploits in SL itself?"
Nothing, the GPL still requires for the source code of the original and all derivatives to be available.
The PN appear to be primarily motivated by a desire to get their hands on more exploits rather than a love of the open source free software principles behind the GPL license - the PN's idea of gameplay is to create more chaos."
This is quite an assumption. To be honest, there are three reasons for our current interest in codec's client.
1) He has recently left the PN, which means he no longer has any kind of loyalty to us. How do we know that it does not contain some kind of backdoor, exploit of his own creation, or other malicious code?
2) ShoopedLife is released under the GPL. The GPL, as everyone here should know, requires that a work and all its derivatives have the source code easily avaialable. By releasing his client without:
a) Instructions on how to obtain the source code of ShoopedLife
b) His modifications to ShoopedLife,
he is in clear violation of the GPL. Now, it is unlikely that any charges will be pressed, as he isn't doing it for commercial profit, but it doesn't make it any less immoral and immature.
3) We are indeed interested in insight into these exploits. Why? Because I'm too lazy to find them myself. And so is N3X15. And so are the other skilled PN's that noone here knows anything about. We're in this because its fun, and its a way to pass 20-30 minutes easily and get a laugh at the same time. Obviously, some of us put more time into the PN than others, but that doesn't mean that we're all willing to look for exploits in a game that is surprisingly similar to a pyramid scheme.
Leader of the PN
Posted by: ^ban^ | January 06, 2008 at 07:13 PM
ITT there's a little fight over a modified client and slfags show their desperation by overhyping it, like when a starving dog spazzes out when you throw it a piece of bacon, lol.
Also there was an argument about macfags, maybe I should give you the chatlog so you can make an article about it.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | January 06, 2008 at 07:16 PM
isnt it silly that u care about the GPL liscense on a tool u use for DENIAL OF SERVICE which is illegal. Why do u think he should honor ur GPL.
Posted by: obi-wan | January 06, 2008 at 07:49 PM
Hogwash. That's all it is. No one is going to get into legal trouble over this nonsense. It's just overhyped, and drama-soaked.
The only truth in this article is, without griefing, the game would be utterly boring. And that's for both sides of the fence.
Imagine playing Grand Theft Auto, without the violence, the sex, the drugs, the racial overtones. It be pretty freaking lame wouldn't it? That my friends is what SL would be without these guys. Granted they screw things up... half-assed and uninspired might I add. But it's nothing that a simple restart can't fix. And the damages are far from serious or permanent.
I always understood why people griefed in SL, or any other game for that matter. It's a modern day version of bored kids throwing rocks at moving cars, or busting abandoned warehouse windows up. The internet provides that now. Hell if I was 16 again, I'd be doing it too.
I say thankyou PN for all the crap you've thrown at us. God at least you gave these people something to bitch about, AM I RITE?
Posted by: Greefin Oh | January 06, 2008 at 07:49 PM
you're all idiots who wanna be the GNAA of secondlife.
You know, the whole "LOL WE'RE BLACK AND THAT'S OFFENSIVE" faggotry.
except the GNAA actually did some epic shit (managed to take down 4chan, trolled harry potter fans by leaking info, trolled OSX fanboys, trolled AOL, trolled everyone with last measure)
you all are closet furfags or sonicfags who want to be "hardcore" like the trolls before you so you seem cool on the internets.
Also, the rest of you who attempt to use "chan" memes are fucking faggots. Stop it, you arent any cooler by doing it.
Cry some more about your wannabe troll drama, and good riddance to deadly, he's a former e-gangster on SL, that's a little less fail in the PN.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 06, 2008 at 08:14 PM
How long is longcat?
Also its ironic you'd bring up GNAA, because their former members are in our irc right now, lol.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | January 06, 2008 at 08:55 PM
You fool, only the Sith can rule the galaxy.
Posted by: Darth Vader | January 06, 2008 at 08:59 PM
Whatever. If codec wants to find and publish shit on his own he can. It's not like it takes a genius to update hashes. Even nex admitted he wasnt a c++ coder.
Posted by: anon | January 06, 2008 at 09:01 PM
Ironically you talk like you're from ebaumsworld (and use ebaums-related words).
Posted by: Rape-Ape | January 06, 2008 at 09:07 PM
"but it doesn't make it any less immoral and immature."
This from the leader of the PN hisself. Oh the irony makes my ribs hurt.
And Greefin Oh? Your weak attempt to justify griefing actually did the opposite. You just basically confirmed why griefing is bad. To most who play SL it ISN'T boring. Those who it IS boring to should go play something else, not waste huge chunks of free time coding and scripting ways to irritate strangers and ruin the fun other people are having.
If you want to play Grand Theft Auto, GO PLAY GRAND THEFT AUTO. You shouldn't be on SL to begin with. SL is a place for people to interact. The only people who think Griefing makes it a better game are griefers themselves and bored sycophants like you Greefin. Go find a game more your speed if SL bores you. Don't encourage bored teenagers to be disruptive when they too can just go elsewhere.
I mean if you don't like what's on channel 5, change the channel and watch something else, don't just stay on channel 5 bitching about how much it sucks.
As for dear D3ADLYCOD3C, retired from griefing? *giggles* Maybe from PN griefing, but I still seem to be proof he'll still be a bored teenage asshole on a smaller scale. Too bad his silly stalking of me is as fail as he is.
The irony all through this story and it's comments is worth more sp-called lulz than any pn stunt ever was.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 06, 2008 at 09:52 PM
Greefin Oh:
"No one is going to get into legal trouble over this nonsense."
Like I said in the first comment, it is doubtful anyone will actually go through with charges in regards to the GPL violation, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be done. GPL violations are a very serious thing in the OSS community.
"I say thankyou PN for all the crap you've thrown at us. God at least you gave these people something to bitch about, AM I RITE?"
You're welcome.
"you all are closet furfags or sonicfags who want to be "hardcore" like the trolls before you so you seem cool on the internets."
We're all internet toughguys who lack all ability with grammar, just like you. <3
"GPL liscense on a tool u use for DENIAL OF SERVICE which is illegal."
The act of performing a Denial of Service attack is illegal under most circumstances, yes, however the ShoopedLife client in no way performs any kind of Denial of Service, beyond the Denial of Service provided by the shitty code base of Linden Lab's "viewer", upon which it is based. Even if was for the purpose of performing a Denial of Service attack, the purpose of the program is irrelevant to how the program is licensed.
Posted by: ^ban^ | January 06, 2008 at 09:54 PM
Being disruptive is fun. Your world, your imagination, right?
Posted by: anon | January 06, 2008 at 10:33 PM
Fact: The PN and their imitators only affect a very small percentage of SL. As an "oldbie", I have never witnessed a sim attack. My friends haven't either. If it were not for the Herald, most would never have even heard of them. The PN feed off of publicity. The 10 or 20 people (at the most) that witness several seconds of loud screaming and Bill Cosby cubes falling from the sky could probably care less. The PN's motivations rely on the YouTube posts of their small-scale "attacks". These videos provide a sense of satisfaction and glory. YouTube is their modern day "show and tell" events.The PN bury their guilt about their actions by calling SL a "game".
Having said that:
I can honestly say I have watched some of their videos. They are entertaining.The SL Herald hype concerning the PN worked and I became curious so I searched the PN on the net.I laughed (or did I lul?)while watching some of them!
The PN have demonstated how wrong it is to take SL too seriously. Residents who spend MANY hours per day on SL trying to build and market a business should be aware now of the small chance they could be attacked.If you get mad then you are WAY to deeply involved in SL. You should take a walk. Enjoy some fresh air. Acknowledge your spouse or lonely child. Lose a few pounds on the treadmill etc..
As for DeadlyCodec....if he/she is sincere in wanting to profit from his/her scripting abilities, I say bravo and wish him/her well. I admire those that can script..they are the true SL gods. SL should welcome him/her back into the mainstream...and learn a thing or two.
Finally, parcel/sim owners: ABOUT LAND/OPTIONS. If you are that worried about griefers, fix you land settings AND do not be an absentee landlord.Do not believe rumors of new weapons that allow one to evade parcel bans. Watch your land or give a group member the proper power to eject and return items.Set your land to ban residents with "no payment on file". Live on mainland? Then you are at risk and will have to depend on you neighbors to make sure their land settings are correct. Good luck with that..
Posted by: Lao-Tzu | January 06, 2008 at 11:18 PM
"As for dear D3ADLYCOD3C, retired from griefing? *giggles* Maybe from PN griefing, but I still seem to be proof he'll still be a bored teenage asshole on a smaller scale. Too bad his silly stalking of me is as fail as he is."
Firstly, you were only ever worth trolling while you published butthurt article about my antics. I haven't even attempted to grief you in quite awhile. If you are being griefed its likely because people are still using this:
You would have bored me anyway eventually, no one person on the planet is worth spending so much time on.
But I actually suspect that this is more or less an attempt to troll me into griefing you due to the fact that you are a lonely attention whore. It didn't work.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | January 06, 2008 at 11:29 PM
frizzle: yeah, and they're probably laughing at you. many of them are not human anymore, just fyi, they might be hanging there, but it isnt because they like you. They look for weakness and then ruin. that's been their thing for ages.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 06, 2008 at 11:50 PM
What a crock of shit.
I like how the greeferkiddies like to claim they do this because they are bored, or because people need to be shown that they take the the net too seriously, and so on and so forth with about another 5000 juvenile and transparent bullshit excuses, when we all know it's because they feel unloved by their parents, are milky-white, never-seen-the-sun-for-more-than-five-minutes, emaciated losers who weigh about 130 pounds, and were picked on severely in school.
They're "getting back at society" (as anonymous cowards none-the-less - ooooh how profound!) when they should be mad at their parents for fucking up so badly at raising them. Chasing McMansions and SUV's while lil Johnny was left to entertain himself. Then lil Johnny found other misfit kids on the net with equally selfish and irresponsible parents, and voila!
Another dubious claim is that they only spend minimal time in SL. I'll bet my life that they spend more time in SL, on average, than most SL'ers.
This deadlimpcock virgin kid changing his ways, whatever. The only thing that will get any of these pussies to change their ways is when they finally discover girls (or boys, for some of these closeted homosexuals).
It would also help if LL employees, teachers, and instructors or professors didn't treat them like little "geniuses" who "are just misguided - we can help them focus that "genius" on more productive things". Bullshit. They need to be forced into real life. There is an epidemic of these "professional students" who never seem to leave home. They have very few responsibilities in life, because their affluent parents would rather placate them by shoving money and material things in their face than actually work on helping them become functioning, responsible adults with something to contribute to society other than their circle jerks on the net. No responsibilities = too much down time = boredom = fucktardery on the net.
These stupid adults (parents and educational faculty both)are so fucking idiotic and naive that they don't see these kids laughing at them behind their backs. Or maybe they just don't care or even support antisocial behaviour, which wouldn't surpise me, given the state of the educational system.
Posted by: Trudeethreedee | January 07, 2008 at 02:29 AM
"SL is a place for people to interact."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe it has been documented that you cannot have interaction without conflict. Have you ever read a book that had no conflict? You probably haven't, because none were ever written. How boring would it be in Second Life without people attacking you? The boringness scale would peak at over 9000. What do you do in Second Life? You chat with your buddies. You dig up stories to send to SLH. Maybe you build some stupid shit from time to time. Think about it. Doesn't that get boring after a while? You're throwing your hard-earned monies at an evil corporation to buy that new skirt that just came out. How long does said skirt entertain you? Less than 10 minutes, I guarantee it. If all griefers were to stop griefing, then all excitement in Second Life would come to a halt. That would be for many reasons. For anti-griefers, they would have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do. For builders and scripters, there would be no excuse to stop work for a day and take a break because "I'm cleaning up after those damn griefers... and fapping." For furfags, you would yiff yourselves dry if you had nothing to BAWWWWW at. And for you, Penny, you would have nothing to write about. NOTHING. Except your shit stories about the status of SL's dogcock economy. But, trust me, if griefing were to suddenly come back, you'll like it better, or my name isn't Orville Redenbacher. See, the human psyche demands some sort of conflict, which is why a Utopian civilization is not possible. Second Life is not a Utopian civilization, therefore, conflict is required.
@Penny, still:
"if you don't like what's on channel 5, change the channel and watch something else, don't just stay on channel 5 bitching about how much it sucks."
If you don't like what's on channel 5, change the channel and watch something else, don't just stay on channel 5 bitching about how griefers are dropping cocks on your e-lawn, because you know damn well that Linden Lab is too incompetent to do anything about it.
Posted by: RoFLKOPTr | January 07, 2008 at 03:27 AM
How does one even obtain this client anyway? /r/ link.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 07, 2008 at 04:29 AM
More drama from the little pimply faced teenagers and Daddy's Cock as well. I hope he did load shoopedlife with 'sploits and I hope your secret stash of furry pr0n is now in the hands of the feds.
Posted by: Angel | January 07, 2008 at 05:39 AM
@Trudeethreedee AKA 'Angel'
Rage moar, it's funny. Kthxbye.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | January 07, 2008 at 07:44 AM
SLH is always first for the weird side of SL.
Posted by: NinaA | January 07, 2008 at 08:48 AM
well first thing is that you can alter GPL code for private uses. you are only required to give the source code if you release the software publicly but as a griefer why does it matter to you. Are you now speaking for morality, are you saying you need legal software for your griefing.
You also need the legal version of windows right?
Posted by: obi-wan | January 07, 2008 at 10:27 AM
Anon's comments that, "The PN feed off of publicity" strikes a resonant chord with the activities of RL terrorists. What we have in SL is a very very small percentage of disaffected individuals who feel that they are somehow "special" and can behave however they like without sanction. Their quest for psychological recognition is typically masked by pseudo-political rationales, loosely connected with "Freedom of Speech" and "Fighting the oppressive tyranny of Linden domination." Yet no matter how verbose the polemic, it remains a hollow self-justified series of excuses for antisocial behavior. Period.
The SL tactics of trying to create maximum disruption and then posting videos to show the effects is used to varying effect by RL malcontents the world over. The good news is that nobody dies in SL and we all move on.
A more real concern for us all is the boorish harassment of folks by loud-mouthed individuals who think that directing comments of a sexual or derogatory nature to other avatars is funny. It's easy to forget that there are people behind the puppets and they do get hurt.
Of course, the standard response to this from the harasser is "Hey, I have freedom to say what I like and if you don't like it, leave." This is such a flawed argument in so many ways but it is pointless to respond because in truth, the harasser simply likes what he does - and I say "he" because that's usually the case.
The loss (or is it the "growing-up"?) of one self-proclaimed Griefer is hardly cause for a major media event. I wish him well in his "legitimate" endeavors and urge others to take his lead.
Posted by: Sigmund Leominster | January 07, 2008 at 12:39 PM
You try to downplay our activities whilst at the same time comparing us to terrorists. In the same breath you reveal yourself as another femminist nazi stereotyping griefers as always being men, as if that even matters in the first place. PN has no political agenda. Anything resembling politics or anything else is a troll and anyone who buys into it has been trolled. Fact is we do what we do for fun and we don't need a reason to do it.
Also codec's retirement is absolutely newsworthy. Besides the fact that SLers everywhere will be relieved to see him go as PN's top scripter and the designer of most of their most devastating weapons, codec is basically like the legendary Plastic Duck of today. He will be missed. Now where the fuck can I get a copy of this new client?
Posted by: anon | January 07, 2008 at 02:59 PM
I agree with Lao-Tsu now that I think about it. The only way I've ever heard of these kids is through SLH's obsessive and half-assed coverage. First through Prock, now through this chick. It's ironic that the tone of these articles is set in such a way that makes it look like SLH is doing this to make people aware of a "threat", but the very fact that the only way they become a threat is if you acknowledge their existence.
What it really boils down to is the fact that SLH has no shame and does whatever they can to get anyone to pay attention. This means SLH "contributors" dwell at a lower level than any of these griefer kids and actually contribute more to the problem than the actual "problem" itself!
If you guys are going to badly document conflict within SL you should focus more on the SL military groups and their conflicts. Try to do it in a less half-assed way than you are doing most of these articles these days, though. ;)
As far as all the angry posts that attack these griefer children, you're not helping. You'd do much more damage to them and SLH if you just DIDN'T CLICK ON THE LINK TO THESE 'TARDED STORIES ANYMORE. That kind of protest would be FAR more effective in getting SLH to get some articles that aren't so redundant and otherwise stupid as well as stealing these kids' thunder.
Otherwise you're all just giving the response that SLH and PN are looking for!
Posted by: DaveOner | January 07, 2008 at 04:34 PM
I disagree with you there. Do griefers enjoy media attention? Absolutely. I know I did. But with or without SLH publishing stories about griefing, griefing will continue to happen.
"the only way they become a threat is if you acknowledge their existence. "
The above statement is one of the most rediculous I have ever read. Not acknowledging someones existance will never cause them to be a threat if that person(s) is capable of being a threat in the first place. I was initially hesitant to be interviewed for this article as it were, because I was just planning on appearing to go inactive on the PN forums. But this article did help solidify my intentions to go straight. I have had alot of problems with individuals in LL and other parties believing that this was just a troll which I believe is part of why I am still being banned by the Lindens. I knew full well that as a result I would be banned from the PN forums and possibly targeted by my former comrades. After the first interview was finished I decided to announce my leave myself on the forums and accept the possibility that I could be targeted next. This article has done nothing to bolster my reputation as an 'infamous' PN member os scripter or whatever, a reputation that I no longer want.
Also the PN Blog entry stating that I am 'distributing' this new client is entirely false. No one other than myself possesses this client either in binary form or otherwise and that is the way it will stay. I never intended even for PN to know of it's existance. That information was leaked by a loudmouth associate.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | January 07, 2008 at 05:35 PM
I don't understand why you PN folk spend this much time scripting, griefing, and then talking about it on various forums. You could easily get a job as a software engineer somewhere, and live a pretty decent life, the money's good and the work isn't that hard. Think about it, you'll have money in the bank because you're talented, and women dig that. And then you can go out and build an actual life. All your exploits will soon be forgotten in the grand scheme of history, and all your time spent will amount to naught. As far as we know, you only get one chance on this planet, why squander it with all these trivial empty nothings?
Posted by: io K | January 07, 2008 at 05:42 PM
Well, since everybody else jumped in here, I figured I might as well.
"I knew full well that as a result I would be banned from the PN forums and possibly targeted by my former comrades."
Actually, we don't care. Whenever someone quits, standard policy is a b&, then we stop giving a shit. The exception is when someone is so butthurt about getting the b&hammer due to being a total fag, that they wage a failure war against PN in revenge. Then they become sources of epic lulz, such as filling their houses with UPS boxes and covering their lawn in e-dongs and EFGs.
"Also the PN Blog entry stating that I am 'distributing' this new client is entirely false. No one other than myself possesses this client either in binary form or otherwise and that is the way it will stay. I never intended even for PN to know of it's existance. That information was leaked by a loudmouth associate."
I lol'd at 'loudmouth associate'. There's no point to the client anyway, since LL has already patched half of your exploits, proving that closed source and 'security through obscurity' mean absolutely nothing.
"Oh the irony makes my ribs hurt."
No, that would be the massive folds of fat.
@ Angel
Do you even read what you type anymore? It looks like you're too busy fapping to babyfurfags having internet sex to form cohesive thoughts and statements.
"As an "oldbie", I have never witnessed a sim attack. My friends haven't either."
That can be arranged. ;)
Posted by: Bladen | January 07, 2008 at 07:55 PM
Codec, if you're serious about going straight than more power to you. Hopefully won't be like others who have claimed to have gone "straight" yet still have cloaked ties with the PN (ex. Alyx), or bounce back to them in a month or two. Being sympathetic to the PN won't help you in the eyes of public, but it looks like you don't really intend do so going so far as to even put a huge target on your back.
Other way good luck Codec.
Posted by: Why Bother | January 07, 2008 at 08:42 PM
@Trudeethreedee AKA 'Angel'
Rage moar, it's funny. Kthxbye.
Who is Angel dimwit? Fluffy? Yeah sure you betcha, moron. Say, I'll bet you're really Prokofy! Makes about as much sense, you retard.
Another product of your paranoid imagination? Yes. I imagine when one is shunned and picked on in RL, they become quite paranoid and given to wild imaginings like this idea that I must be Angel Fluffy because I think you kids are parasitic and worthless fucktards who offer very little to society other than whiny, Gladys Kravitz-like nosiness.
Get a job, get laid, get out of Mom's house, and get out of other people's business.
So what is the name of the alt you'll be using to carry on your fucktardery while you try to clean up deadlimpcock's image?
My "rage" propels me to write critical posts of little kids who think they have life all figured out by 19, and that we need them to be our moral compass.
Your rage, on the the other hand, drives you and your ilk to expend enormous amounts of times acting like the conscience of humanity by being delicate little busybodies, and whose reaction to what other people choose to do with their free time is on par with "ZOMG GURL GERMS!" How profound! Earth shattering!
As more mainstream people come online, your actions will become more closed identified with RL vandalism,(and it is - computers are part of real life, they are property, and if you damage those systems you are plainly and simply a vandal), and you will be held responsible. The day is coming. You can bet on it, so enjoy LL's ineptitude during the final death throes of the internet Wild West while you can, you caffeine and corn syrup addled kids.
All I can do is roll my eyes at kids who hide behind free speech and "counter-culture".
Say "hi" to Mom!
Posted by: Trudeethreedee | January 07, 2008 at 08:44 PM
> "This article has done nothing to bolster my reputation as an 'infamous' PN member os scripter"
Neither did your code on the Wiki Daddy's Cock. LSL is nothing more than the glorified batch language of SL.
Woop-de-doo the phearful Daddy's cock can write .bat files.
> "@Trudeethreedee AKA 'Angel'"
Wanna try a third time? Maybe this is why you are leaving, you have less than zero skills? Either that or you just turned 15 and saw that naked boys excited you more than sending out lolicubes.
Posted by: Angel | January 07, 2008 at 08:56 PM
I don't understand why you PN folk spend this much time scripting, griefing, and then talking about it on various forums. You could easily get a job as a software engineer somewhere, and live a pretty decent life, the money's good and the work isn't that hard. Think about it, you'll have money in the bank because you're talented, and women dig that.
Because they are in this generation which consists of more and more over entitled kids who don't leave home anymore when they come of age. They don't need jobs because their affluent parents (and most of these kids do have affluent parents) coddle them and don't push them out of the nest. I blame their parents and the educational system, the latter for portraying and treating them as "Just misunderstood kids who are very intelligent." Laffles.
Sorry, in my world, displays of intelligence, even above average in certain areas, doesn't trump cowardly and anonymous vandalism and antisocial behaviour. Not for a second.
I personally know many of my own peers who fit this bill - they are still at home, and some of them are now upwards of 25 years old. It's a sad reflection of the times. Many of them openly admit to intentionally dragging out their post-secondary education for just this reason - so they don't have to go out and become functioning adults. I work with kids who laugh about this, as if it was funny and something to be proud of.
They don't want girls either, because that would mean they have to start taking on some responsibilities. Most girls want nothing to do with deadbeats, (I sure don't), who will probably still be living off mom and dad, with an unfinished degree, when they are 30. By then, they will be so far behind developmentally that they may not even now how to relate to adult women. Some of them may even hear, "Hi, I'm Chris Matthews, why don't you have a seat over there?", someday.
Could happen.
Posted by: Trudeethreedee | January 07, 2008 at 09:07 PM
Why does no one talk about the racism and antisemitism?
Posted by: Whatever | January 07, 2008 at 11:36 PM
Why does no one talk about the racism, homophobism, and antisemitism? Whatever else d3adlyc0d3c is, he's a racist and a homophobe and an antisemite. Is there a big market in SL for bigoted script-kiddies?
Posted by: Whatever | January 07, 2008 at 11:38 PM
@Bladen : Your comment "The exception is when someone is so butthurt about getting the b&hammer due to being a total fag, that they wage a failure war against PN in revenge." immediately forces the average reader of your post to yawn and scroll down. Speak intelligently to be taken seriously.
Imitating a PAWN (member of the PN) by trying to speak "moar" like them is comical. I am experiencing a "LUL" now.
PS- The Pool is OPEN now. ;)
Posted by: Lao-Tzu | January 07, 2008 at 11:42 PM
Protip: Codec's secret new client doesn't exist, and you've all been fucking trolled.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | January 07, 2008 at 11:51 PM
"The PN feed off of publicity."
Not true... not true at all. Of course, we do try to get media attention... all the moar lulz to be had, but as long as we get good reactions from our targets, we are happy campers.
'Oh the irony makes my ribs hurt.'
No, that would be the massive folds of fat."
True story.
"Why does no one talk about the racism and antisemitism?"
Because, deep down inside, everybody is racist and antisemitic.
@Those who refer to d3adlyc0d3c as "deadlimpcock" and "Daddy's Cock":
Running out of ways to insult somebody, huh?
@Sigmund Leominster:
"RL terrorists"
As opposed to "SL terrorists"? I lolled hard.
Posted by: RoFLKOPTr | January 08, 2008 at 01:03 AM
It's pretty hard to gain notoriety when all of us are anonymous, amirite? Except for Cod3c and Mootykips, you furfags have no idea who we are.
About SL not being fun without griefing... jesus fuck yes. I've set up several semi-legit accounts before, and played SL just like any other faggot around. Basically, even if i tried to act SRS BNS enough to infiltrate anything, I would end up just seeing opportunities to fuck shit up for people.
The best evidence that griefing = entertainment: ever notice how SLH articles about /b/ or Tizzers or WU or PN always seem to garner the most attention?
Posted by: Jabber39 | January 08, 2008 at 01:22 AM
Anyone outside PN really cares about this article?
Posted by: obi-wan | January 08, 2008 at 01:30 AM
"Hopefully won't be like others who have claimed to have gone "straight" yet still have cloaked ties with the PN (ex. Alyx)"
Since when were my ties to the PN been even remotely 'cloaked'?
And let's not forget who I first heard about the existence of the PN from in the first place: Ah yes. Kalel Venkman and Kara Timtam!
Yes, that's right! It was the Justice League who effectively recruited me into the ranks of the PN by banlinking me purely for being *chan user! Or had you forgotten that little incident last January?
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | January 08, 2008 at 01:46 AM
Tizzers Foxchase is gone from the People List. Comments? The "daughter of Tizzera and Hazim Gazov," Tizzy Gazov, is still in the people list.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | January 08, 2008 at 02:30 AM
oh noes, Whatever, you bought the troll.
Teenage white boys are invariably racist, homophobe, antisemites. They are jealous of big black cocks compared to their little weenies in the locker room shower, they are self-disgusted with their fascination with big black cocks, and they are positive that the jews had something to do with it, cause that jewish doctor conned their parents into that post-natal circumcision.
Posted by: Whatevers Next | January 08, 2008 at 02:32 AM
"You would have bored me anyway eventually, no one person on the planet is worth spending so much time on.
But I actually suspect that this is more or less an attempt to troll me into griefing you due to the fact that you are a lonely attention whore. It didn't work."
Not that I actually intended that, but it apparentl;y worked regardless, since you posted your quick defense to me. You griefed me last week. And I never wrote anything about you until you griefed me the first time because of a comment I made about evangelists not being real christians, which had nothing to do with you, sending you into a wounded sexual ego homophobic hissyfit, so, yes, you griefed unprovoked, and given the nature of the recurring fail attempts to grief me yeah, it's still you Bubbles. I'm not the idiot you'd like me to be, and you're still a failure, as for lonely attention whore? Nope. Not lonely with Fran beside me all day, and anyone who's PN or ever was has no business calling anybody an attention whore, since PN antics are the biggest cry for attention ON sl.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 08, 2008 at 03:16 AM
Uh sorry, but no. All that neo-aggressive therapy of conflict bullshit might be true for you, but not everybody. More people do like SL without griefing. If you actually believe any of that wannabe philosopher bs you just vomited you need serious therapy. I've read plenty of fiction without conflict, and SL has never bored me EXCEPT during griefing, since your so-called conflict is just boring repetetive bluster from bored teenagers that puts me to sleep. My SL is always fun because I'm always doing something, and I don't need conflict to enjoy something. That's what RL is for. Most people play something like SL to escape all that bullshit you somehow convinced yourself is SL's only hope of entertaining anyone.
I'm sure there are a few antisocial misfits who agree with your theory, but you're vain to assume it's a universal take. MOST SL'ers would be quite happy to have a conflict free environment. And if they DO want conflict, there are RP sims for that.
Conflict? griefing isn't conflict, it's harassing strangers out of boredom.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 08, 2008 at 03:24 AM
Oh and um....
"And for you, Penny, you would have nothing to write about. NOTHING. Except your shit stories about the status of SL's dogcock economy."
1) I've found plenty to write about not griefing related. If you'll check, only 2 of the more than 10 articles I've submitted had ANYTHING to do with griefing, and,
2) I don't write about SL's economy. You're mistaking me for Jessica I think, which is mindboggling since she's way cuter.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 08, 2008 at 03:28 AM
Trudeethreedee: I for one think it's ironic when people who play a game in order to have gay furry sex with each other and spend pretend money start accusing others of being low-life nerds. Stones, glass houses, etc.
Other than that I can tell you really must be sobbing your head off when big bad PN shoots a couple dicks at you. If you're attempting to provoke PN (i am not a member of PN so don't get into accusing me of hypocrisy) into getting just as involved in attacking you as you are them, you're probably not going to succeed. If you're genuinely serious, cut the hyperbole and get some help. You clearly have some sort of inferiority issue, or maybe you're just doing the oh-so-laughable projection thing.
Most of PN's membership are *gasp* normal adults. Some of them might be teenagers, some of them might be nerds, but we're on the fucking internet. Do you expect a bunch of college football players? Your attempt to brand people that piss you off as nerds just solidifies anyone who reads your rant's opinion of you: YOU'RE TRYING TOO HARD. Nobody's going to get "held responsible" for crashing your shit because nobody outside of you cares. Do you know what the mass opinion of Second Life is? It's a overhyped joke, and a lot of the people that know what goes on in it find a lot of humor in what the PN does.
"Whatever else d3adlyc0d3c is, he's a racist and a homophobe and an antisemite."
In this thread, we learn what "shock value" is.
Posted by: anon | January 08, 2008 at 04:45 AM
"There's no point to the client anyway, since LL has already patched half of your exploits, proving that closed source and 'security through obscurity' mean absolutely nothing."
Actually you are incorrect. LL has closed none of my exploits. But you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Security through obscurity works fine for me, but in actuality I'm not worried about LL. I refuse to contribute further to the PN for many reasons. LL can close the exploits, thats fine because I haven't actually used them for griefing and I don't intend to....I have come to realize this after having more time to consider what I would do with them. Hell I have even considered submitting them to jira, maybe then LL would finally unban me. Anyway the enjoyment I got was from finding the exploits not using them.
@Whatever aka Trudeethreedee aka Angel
next time time you submit multiple raging posts trying to make it appear to originate from several people wait about an hour or two in between posts so its not so obvious, take it from a professional. Also I'm 22.
"racist and a homophobe and an antisemite"
suffice it to say that most sensible people realize that the PN are not actually racist or anything like that. PN just simply says those things in order to troll you. It appears that they've succeeded.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | January 08, 2008 at 05:04 AM
..."Also codec's retirement is absolutely newsworthy. Besides the fact that SLers everywhere will be relieved to see him go as PN's top scripter and the designer of most of their most devastating weapons, codec is basically like the legendary Plastic Duck of today"...
LOL he's become the Paris Hilton of SLH. If he takes a crap it's newsworthy for the SLH. Nobody else cares and outside SLH who has even heard of him?
Posted by: NinaA | January 08, 2008 at 07:59 AM
"Stones, glass houses, etc."
How about "Nobody should throw stones." That's crappy behavior. My policy is: "No stone throwing regardless of housing situation." Don't do it. There is one exception though. If you're trapped in a glass house, and you have a stone, then throw it. What are you, an idiot? So maybe it's "Only people in glass houses should throw stones, provided they are trapped in the house with a stone." It's a little longer, but yeah.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 08, 2008 at 01:13 PM
@Penny Sautereau
Apparently you are far dumber than I ever imagined. Keep telling yourself you're that important hon, as long as it keeps you from killing yourself, right? I think its funny that you stalked me all the way to the PN Blog and are so obsessed with me. I knew you had mental problems when I read your articles, but
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | January 08, 2008 at 01:21 PM