Most of the credit lies with Siobhan OFlynn, who actually suggested a reunion, but some of that same credit should also go to newcomer Aloe Stradling, who happened to make a comment in the Post 6 Model Group Chat that she was honored to be in the group, which opened the conversation, which led Siobhan to suggest a reunion.
The next thing I knew, I was standing on a deck with a dozen or so of the most beautiful people in Second Life.
It was not long after that that I realized that lag and SL's performance of late would not help me, and I would not be getting any world class pictures of this group. Instead of lighting, clothing and hair, I just worried about getting everyone more or less in line and happy with their outfit without runaway lag causing the slightest of movements to send a model careening into the group, scattering models like bowling pins. (You can see I didn't do well with this either, as I think each picture obscures a different model!) Ten minutes into the shoot, I gave up on being Picasso and I opted to get a drink and enjoy the company of these good people.
And wow, it was fun. I got to meet several models whose pictures Marilyn Murphy had taken, and they all got to meet the other models for the first time. I hope I haven't missed anyone, but those that showed up included Siobhan OFlynn, Cicatrice Oh, Bells Semyorka, Fortunate Szondi, Uma Troell, Musimba Yellowknife, Daeynaries Lane, Aloe Stradling, Aurel Miles, Perphides Capalini, Angelica Ludovico, Patrice Cournoyer, Scarlett Niven and Celebrity Trollop. We talked about SL and the things we do here and what it means to them to have been a Post 6 Model.
Siobhan said, for example, "I thoroughly enjoyed being a Post 6 Grrrl. Posing for Marilyn was a really amazing experience. I'd never had anyone take "professional" pictures of my avatar before and that whole morning was just so special. We talked and laughed so much, it took twice as long as it should have, but I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. Waiting for the article to appear on Friday night, I had major butterflies in my stomach, I have to admit. It was the riskiest thing I've ever done with my avatar in her (now over 4) years in SL. I wondered if I was doing the right thing "for her." It was probably the most exciting week I'd ever had in Second Life and I was ultimately very glad I did it. My friends really came through for me in the comments, too. All in all, a positive experience."
Bells Semyorka echoed Siobhan's words when she said "I loved being a Post 6 Grrl! Post 6 was something I aspired to do since first reading the Herald in 2006. It meant a lot to have this dream of mine fulfilled.*smiles* I also loved reading the comments after my entry I found them to be quite funny, some of my friends have now turned the comments into our own inside jokes. Doing post 6 has made me a braver and a tad stronger, after all I survived the firing squad."
Though the idea was born of a random comment in a conversation, something fun came out of it, and I look forward to more group get-togethers with the Post 6 Models group in the near future. In fact, if you are a club owner or store owner and would like to host a wild bunch, give me a shout, as I think we're a party looking for a place to land! If you have posed for Post 6 and are not in the Post 6 Model group and would like another invite, IM me!.
Next week we'll be back with another new member of the club, until then, I hope you enjoy the mini stroll down memory lane!
I'd be offended that Justine didn't ask me to attend, but ehn, it's all cheese anyway. Besides, I gathered quite some time ago that Justine most likely doesn't actually like me anyway.
Oh well.
C'est la Duex Vie
Posted by: Purrrple | February 16, 2008 at 10:35 AM
Without Tizzers, it's not a full lineup.
Posted by: WU | February 16, 2008 at 11:19 AM
I'm very sorry you feel that you were left out, Penance. There were no personal invitations sent out to anyone. Justine simply sent out a group notice with the landmark attached about two days prior to the "reunion." It all came together very quickly, really. It started with Aloe sending a group IM one night last week and those of us who were online responded to her. One thing led to another as they often do in Second Life.
When the appointed time came, those of us who were there tried to track down other former Post 6 girls, guys, furries and robots up until the moment that Justine started snapping pictures.
It was a very nice way to spend a couple of hours in Second Life.
I believe Justine even said she'd like to do another reunion photo session eventually. I, for one, hope she does.
Posted by: Siobhan OFlynn | February 16, 2008 at 11:56 AM
"Without Tizzers, it's not a full lineup."
Tizzers is actually on there, it's just that you can't see her because her avatar was actually a realistic height, while all the people you can see above are a hundred feet tall.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | February 16, 2008 at 12:00 PM
@Penance "C'est la Duex Vie"
Non mademoiselle, il est "C'est la DEUXIEME Vie".
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | February 16, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Nobody does, Penny.
Posted by: duh | February 16, 2008 at 12:57 PM
Siobhan is still TEH HAWTNESS! :)
Posted by: FlipperPA Peregrine | February 16, 2008 at 01:25 PM
Hmmm - The sexiest avatars in the known metaverse?
Besides one or two of them, it could be a picture from any club showing their dancers.
Nice they are, but in SL.... I think they are just ordinary - girl next door types.
Go out and find a piece of art, an unique AV as a Post 6 Grrrl. A girl (human/non human) you would remember an hour after reading the SL Herald.
Have a nice day/night and stay cool (and pretty)...
Posted by: RamsIT Mayo | February 16, 2008 at 03:10 PM
"I was standing on a deck with a dozen or so of the most beautiful people in Second Life."
Clearly just some and not all because I wasn't there! Of course, I have an Ego the size of a small planetary system and not being included with the 'beautiful people' won't irreparably damage my psyche. Just bruise it slightly.
Posted by: Sigmund Leominster | February 16, 2008 at 03:47 PM
omigawd i missed this! im rather estranged from sl of late, but had i gotten the notice prior to this i sure would have participated. you all look great and i bet it was fun.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | February 16, 2008 at 04:47 PM
Thats right, you wont find her in Search, but Tizzers WAS seen at the reunion. Wherever there is tyranny and oppresion, you will find Tizzers. Wherever there are crazy cat ladies, you will find Tizzers. Wherever there are lulz to be had, you will find Tizzers. Long live Tizzers, Tizzers Lives!!!
Posted by: Tizzers Lives!!! | February 16, 2008 at 04:59 PM
What the hell is a Tizzer? Is it spreading? I better check my shot records.
Speaking of which, why are there not any doctors or clinics in SL? I am not talking about Dr.Feelgood or a Head Nurse that us men with mid-life crises seek out at the local orgy room or strip club...I mean real clinics? I realize that no RL doctor would dare give specific medical advice online to an avatar...but wouldn't it be sweet to have an SL clinic for general information? A sort of WebMd for Second Life... Or even veterinarian for furries?
Posted by: Razrcut Brooks | February 16, 2008 at 06:05 PM
"Hmmm - The sexiest avatars in the known metaverse?
Besides one or two of them, it could be a picture from any club showing their dancers.
Nice they are, but in SL.... I think they are just ordinary - girl next door types.
Go out and find a piece of art, an unique AV as a Post 6 Grrrl. A girl (human/non human) you would remember an hour after reading the SL Herald." - RamsIT Mayo
I beg to differ, RamsIT. Ordinary hardly begins to describe most of the avatars who've been featured in Post 6. And I don't think a single person there looked like an ordinary dancer some generic SL club.
I spent a couple of hours of my time chatting and laughing with the diverse group of men and women who attended the reunion and I wouldn't classify a single one of them as ordinary.
One thing I've learned in my years in SL. Anyone can look pretty/handsome/hawt/gorgeous in SL but when the soul behind the avatar is even more beautiful, that's what counts. Somehow, the experience of meeting an exquisite woman in SL is dampened when she says "Hai, UR cute" or "how i mek $ in this game?" ;)
I agree that there should be some diversity when choosing Post 6 participants. And appearance is, after all, the thing that most defines us in SL. But when you meet someone in SL and their personality blows you away, it's just an unexpected bonus. I love it when the Post 6 grrrl or guy (or furry or robot or whatever) is intelligent, clever and funny as well as being interesting to look at.
Posted by: Siobhan OFlynn | February 16, 2008 at 06:23 PM
omg Penance, I'm so sorry you feel that way, because I do like you. (If you're still in the Post 6 models group then you DID get an invitation. If you need another group invite let me know). As Siobhan pointed out this went from "we should do this" to "done" within 24 hours. The only notice was a group notice sent to the Post 6 models group. I would love to do a more formalized reunion, complete with more notice, in the future, because it would be awesome to have more models and Marilyn there!
Posted by: Justine Babii | February 16, 2008 at 07:09 PM
@Siobhan - Ahhhh. I'm not in any Post 6 group. Problem solved.
@Alyx - Sue me, I know very little French.
@duh - No. YOU don't like me. You do not however speak for everyone and to state that everyone agrees with you is incredibly pompous. Just because those who like me are few doesn't make them nonexistant. Grow up.
Posted by: Purrrple | February 16, 2008 at 07:21 PM
And as usual, the first post is Penny, talking about why people aren't talking about Penny.
Posted by: typical | February 16, 2008 at 08:05 PM
Tizzers, Tizzers, Tizzers.
Sigh. Claw my way to the top, become a Post 6 Grrl, and still live under the shadow of someone already gone. Not that I can really object, from everything I heard, Tizzers was awesome.
Posted by: Aloe Stradling | February 16, 2008 at 08:16 PM
I have a friend who is patiently waiting her place in the Post 6 queue. I'm rather confident she will be feted as different, yet still somewhat hot.
Posted by: Winter | February 16, 2008 at 08:22 PM
@typical - As usual you're a bleating dimbulb making grandoise exxagerated statements.
First of all, check my posting history. I've had "first post" maybe twice.
Second, my post wasn't about "Why is no one discussing me", it was a half-hearted sarcastic expression of feigned disappointment I wasn't there. And as I WAS a Post 6, it's hardly unreasonable for me to have an opinion. Third, as I've repeatedly told you, regardless of the name you post under, if I offend you so much, just ignore me. You seem to be a great deal more obsessed with me than you accuse me of being. I've every right to comment if I choose dear. No one said you have to agree with me, but really, to turn your own gripe against if, if you really don't care about me, why do you need to keep stressing over and over how much you don't care?
Posted by: Purrrple | February 16, 2008 at 11:00 PM
Ah Penny a little hint... If you are going to try and use another language pick one you know.
tu a echouer a la maternelle(!)
Posted by: Angel | February 16, 2008 at 11:07 PM
Tizzers was there. Trust me. Behind the scenes doing official FIC business.
Tizzers was never actually banned, but an elaborate hoax by the Lindens to hide their #1 FIC associate until the heat cools down.
More at 11.
Posted by: anonymous | February 17, 2008 at 09:54 AM
Penny --
And the time you posted on a poetry submission asking for money? That was because you were a member of the poets-for-begging group in world? Very tactful and classy jumping on someone else's thread and complaining of financial woes, by the way. PLEASE KEEP THE PERSONAL UPDATES AND ATTENTION-SEEKING TO A MINIMUM. Thank you.
Posted by: Anon | February 17, 2008 at 10:49 AM
GO Anon!!!!!!!!
WOAH Daddy, someone has a brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Cinda Valentino | February 17, 2008 at 12:38 PM
@Anon - Um, nice try, but I shall now effortlessly poke holes in your bullshit.
I posted on the poem yes, but my first comment was that it was a nice poem. I then politely noted the next bits were off-topic, feel free to ignore.
I then mentioned being off SL indefinately until the SL-Capable computer could be replaced, since most of my friends read the Herald for a laugh and would likely see it.
I THEN specifically stated "No I'm not asking for money". I politely said I wouldn't refuse if anyone offered, but no, I was not asking.
On top of that, it's been two weeks since I shared any RL info since being open and honest in a crowd of dishonest skeptical blowhards like you translates into "I'm a raving attention whore! Notice me! Notice me!" in spite of my being well aware of the group of haters and freely inviting you to just ignore me if you dislike me.
There. Actually I didn't even need to poke holes in your bullshit, it's already such a huge stretch of actual fact I could drive a Jetta through the holes in it anyway.
Care to try again? There's no BS lies or fact-twisting you can post here Anon, that I can't calmly dissect with the truth.
Ta ta failbucket.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | February 17, 2008 at 12:55 PM
anonymous, turn in ur FIC badge, ur worse than Hazim at keepin a secret.
Posted by: FIC Commander | February 17, 2008 at 01:31 PM
Being French I would like to clarify something here: Penance's sentence wasn't French but neither were those of the people correcting her. So "If you are going to try [correcting someone using] another language, pick one you know."
Posted by: Yung Kakapo | February 17, 2008 at 02:01 PM
I do agree with Siobhan OFlynn comments to my "Hmmm - The sexiest avatars in the known metaverse?"
Your absolute right - its stunning when an AV's personality blows you away. When I look at the storys behind the Post 6 Grrl's... yes they are something special.
It was just the "sexiest avatars" I was responding to, their appearance in the pictures asking myself - if I meet one of the them some place, would I stop and look at them? Focus my cam on them, until they TP'ed away? I dont think so besides a few of them.
Maybe ordinary wasnt the right word to use (english isnt my native language).
Sorry (I mean that) - I know all of you Post 6 Grrl's had put a lot of work and L$ in your AV - your free to orbit my ass if you see me somewhere.
Stay cool and may your AV be with you!
Posted by: RamsIT Mayo | February 17, 2008 at 03:02 PM
Penny, you read too much Prokofy, and steal too much of the "I'm better and smarter than you and darn it, people like me!" attitude, but you're not smart enough to pull it off.
Please, stop.
Posted by: poke penny | February 17, 2008 at 03:28 PM
@poke penny - Um, again, no, nice try but you don't get a copy of the home game. I don't read Prok at all unless she posts directly about me, which she stopped doing and thus I stopped mentioning her in kind since that last article. Nor do I think I'm better or smarter than anyone, I just know I actually AM intelligent and when a pompous twit like you posts something to attack me that is clearly either horrifically twisted from actual fact or just an outright lie, I have just enough self-esteem to post back poking holes in the bs. And I'm clearly smarter than at least you since I do so effortlessly, constantly, and without fail, as your lies and bullshit are already so full of holes they'd make a cheese hungry cartoon mouse salivate. There's nothing FOR me to stop sweetie. You however, may seriously want to stop trying and constantly failing to insult, defame or emotionally belittle me, since, A) It never succeeds and B) Just makes you look obsessed with me which is even more pathetic. Obsessed with Angelina Jolie I could understand but ME? I'm hardly worth the effort you put into your weak lies and bullshit.
Seriously, get a life.
Posted by: Purrrple | February 17, 2008 at 09:51 PM
Thanks Justine, Siobhan & Aloe! I had fun!
Posted by: Cicatrice | February 17, 2008 at 11:45 PM
People mess with you because you spaz out like that, Penny.
Do you ALWAYS take the bait when you're trolled? Apparently.
You're so predictable.
/now waiting for her "effortlessly disavowing" paragraph of blather.
/line cast, waiting for a bite
Posted by: duh | February 18, 2008 at 12:34 AM
Penny, despite what you seem to need to believe, all your detractors are not the same person.
There are people like me who like to point out your hypocrisy and lack of tact (as exemplified by the fact that you defend your "mentioning" of how you need money and you will accept it but denying the FACT that that is a request) and there are people like typical and duh who simply like to prod you. You might seem a little less reactionary if you only addressed the criticizers who are ACTUALLY attacking your character and not just trying to get a rise out of you.
Posted by: Anon | February 18, 2008 at 11:29 AM
This is genuine, as is my name so feel free to look me up in SL.
People poke fun at you because:
1) You are intelligent enough to know what an articluate and soundly made argument looks like, but you are not intelligent enough to construct one yourself. This is patently obvious and I think it is the number one reason you are flamed.
2) You use 4chan and other teenage net-speak phrases such as 'bucket o'fail' without having a link of any kind to the type of people who normally use them. It comes across as trying too hard and faux.
3) You post about your RL far too much. You're not the only one to have (an admittedly difficult life), but you are the only one who posts about it here. That really does come across as being sympathy seeking.
4) You seem to be trying too hard in your posts.
5) You seem to have a desire to be a SL celebrity, whatever the hell that is.
6) You try too hard.
7) You try too hard.
Posted by: Lord Pork Of Trenchcoat | February 18, 2008 at 03:50 PM
who the eff cares about this tizzers chick???
Posted by: Aya P | February 18, 2008 at 04:40 PM
@Lord Pork Of Trenchcoat
Um.... no, you really are an idiot. Let's dissect shall we?
1) You are intelligent enough to know what an articluate and soundly made argument looks like, but you are not intelligent enough to construct one yourself. This is patently obvious and I think it is the number one reason you are flamed.
- I'm intelligent period, just not always smart. However my supposed arguments ARE in general articulate, well constructed, and based purely on facts and logic. People like you tend to dislike them because of your own baggage and bigotry, but it's only trolls like you who waste energy flaming me, and the flaming, which has dropped dramatically because only the most useless of your ilk still think I'm worth the effort, is because I'm different and probably too honest and open about my life. It's my honesty that made me a target. Since I stopped sharing so openly, only a handful of people such as you can be bothered to troll me at all. Everyone else just ignores me.
2) You use 4chan and other teenage net-speak phrases such as 'bucket o'fail' without having a link of any kind to the type of people who normally use them. It comes across as trying too hard and faux.
- Very rarely, and usually only to be sarcastic when one of you keeps trying to troll me well after your bs has been thoroughly dissected. When I do resort to said sarcastic usage of terms I freely admit I find stupid, it's only out of boredom with people like who who keep flailing blindly in the dark trying to hit me with your silly bs and failing miserablt. Sarcasm which is clearly lost on you. But if you're obsessed enough to post this tyripe to begin with you can be obsessed enough to go look at every post I ever made here and see that the "chan-speak" has been used in less than 10% of my posts, and only after I've had to refute the same person more than twice.
3) You post about your RL far too much. You're not the only one to have (an admittedly difficult life), but you are the only one who posts about it here. That really does come across as being sympathy seeking.
- I've admitted to that. Hardly a shocking accusation. But it isn't attention-seeking, it's innate honesty and having no self-censorship filter. And it's been now 3 weeks since I did so. See above. Besides, I'm very much NOT the only one to have done so here. Nor am I the only one who's been targeted by pompous blowhards like you for doing so. If you view it as attention-seeking, it speaks more to your own repression than my openness.
4) You seem to be trying too hard in your posts.
- No, I just have an admitted tendancy to ramble, but I don't have to try hard at all to calmly dissect BS like yours. It's so stupid and boorish in it's laziness and desperation that it really takes no effort to refute it with fact. A retarded inbred orangutan could swing through the holes in your logic.
5) You seem to have a desire to be a SL celebrity, whatever the hell that is.
- If that were even remotely true dear, I would A) Plug my shop with SLURLS constantly, every time I posted, B) Do more with my SL time than just working and hanging with friends and loves, and C) Have quit the Herald as an active writer, given that I always got noticed doing that more than I wanted to, one reason I quit. As just a comment poster like everyone else, I'm no more or less noticed than anyone else, and content knowing MOST people ignore me altogether and only the obsessed pseudo-intellectuals like you can be bothered to waste energy on me. Your post does a great deal more to make you look bad than it does me.
6) You try too hard.
- You're repeating yourself, proof of weak itellect and no imagination. When you have to repeat yourself in the same arguement it's because you know you've lost it before you even start mouthing off.
7) You try too hard.
- I rest my case.
Care to try again? Dissecting the braying of the sheep is a fun way to kill 5 minutes a day.
Posted by: Peter Venkman | February 18, 2008 at 11:32 PM
“It's my honesty that made me a target.”
No no – its your dishonesty that makes you a target. All that hypocrisy, so obvious to everyone except yourself.
Your honesty is more like a shield. No-one could be bothered kicking someone when they are already down so low. That's why you tell people about your tragic life - so they won't hurt you any more.
And then you turn on and attack those that offer exactly what you want - sympathy. You twisted freak you.
Posted by: like_ummm | February 19, 2008 at 02:13 AM
Nice try like_ummm, but once again, YOU thinking me a liar doesn't make it so. I don't lie, period. I don't have the energy for it. It's too exhausting to maintain a lie. As I've admitted before, I used to lie a lot a decade ago, seeking acceptance, needing to be liked, it blew up in my face. I haven't lied since. Not even a little white lie to spare someone's feelings.
I don't need or want sympathy. I've also never attacked anyone on here who showed me any. Only people I get cranky with are the pompous presumptuous idiots like you who can't be bothered to talk to me or get to know me yet make grandiose proclaimations about my motivations as if you knew me intimately which are universally either bullshit assumptions or outright lies, which you most likely don't actually care if you're right or not, you're saying it solely to pick a fight and get your lulz. Which makes you pointless, useless and not worth the effort.
I talk about things I've been through if the topic at hand seems to require my stating "I understand this topic because...".
Grow up and stop painting me me with your own baggage, Just because you lie and twist and distort doesn't mean everyone else is.
Posted by: Purrrple | February 19, 2008 at 04:36 AM
For fuck's sake. FOR THE LOVE OF -
WTF is WRONG with you? Go get your own blog and stop trying to get on other people's nerves. Justine may still be one of the only people who like you, but you keep posting this crap on one of her postings that have NOTHING to do with anything and she'll see the light.
Nice job, Justine. Looks like a good time, keep it up!
Posted by: Second Insanity | February 19, 2008 at 11:29 AM
@Second Insanity - FOR THE LOVE OF (insert diety and/or pompous scientologist here)
Seriously, switch to decaf, get your head out of your ass, and realize three simple things before you give yourself a coronary.
1) I don't "hijack" threads nor do I TRY to get on people's nerves. We already know what's "wrong" with me; I'm too honest and have a compulsion to deflate assholes like you who attack me unprovoked by calmly telling the actual facts to counterbalance the twisted distorted ones you post to justify the time you devote to acknowledging me at all.
2) My initial post was (GASP!!! SHOCK AND AER!!!) a comment ABOUT this article, that had nothing to do with anything BUT this article, from my own point of view AS a former post 6. Oh you've seen through my devious plan to ACTUALLY POST A COMMENT ABOUT THE ARTICLE THAT WAS WRITTEN. Oh the horror!
3) It was other people, LIKE YOU, who turned this thread and others into a debate about me between assholes like you who make assumptions about my motivations and waste energy trying to crucify me when you're clearly the only ones who care about me at all and me, who actually knows and has stated my motivations, and am simply defending myself against your OCD attacking with calm, logical dissection of your BS, and the only people I look bad to are those like you who are obsessed with me, as no one else GIVES A FLYING FUCK what I say or do EXCEPT you folk.
Now go take some Nyquil, have a nice relaxing nap, and get it through your ass-backwards brain that if idiots like you would stop posting distorted BS and outright lies trying to troll me thus triggering my obvious compulsion to dissect bullshit wheever I see it, especially if it's trying to defame me with untrue assumptions, my posting here would be limited to my initial comment about the ARTICLE ITSELF, and these long-winded pointless debates simply wouldn't happen.
I admit my compulsion to stand up for myself after years of being a carpet. Now it's your turn to admit it's YOUR compulsion to mouth off at me for no other reason than that you WANT me to start going into my long-winded defenses of self so you have something to do to kill a few minutes of your obviously skullfuckingly boring day.
Justine, I didn't see your comment til just now, I'll IM you in world when I can.
Posted by: Purrrple | February 19, 2008 at 02:38 PM
"calm and logical dissection" has no use for multiple exclamation marks (as that would indicate EXCLAIMING, which the dictionary tells us means to "say loudly or vehemently", which is not consistent with the adjective "calm". And as "logic" is defined by clear and consistent reasoning, we all know that word could never be applied appropriately to you.
Now, that bit about logic was an opinion, but I would really like to see you attempt to explain how caps (which on the interwebs means shouting, or at least indicating with great force) and "!!!" has anything to do with being calm. I can only come to the conclusion (ONCE AGAIN) that you have a very poor grasp of either reality or the English language, and I'm afraid past evidence points to both.
Posted by: Anon | February 19, 2008 at 05:24 PM
Sweet Penance. I thought you weren't writing any more articles. And yet there seem to be several on this comments page alone. Instead of encouraging drug use in others - Nyquil - try using that oh so handy key combination of ALT-F4. You'll feel better for it, and the first one is free.
Posted by: Winter | February 19, 2008 at 05:34 PM
Anon - Read the comment I was responding to. The CAPS!!!!!! stuff was sarcasm directed at him for flipping out and having coronary over things I simply wasn't doing. That you couldn't figure that out leads me to the conclusion (ONCE AGAIN) that you have a poor grasp of wit, sarcasm, irony, logic, reality, tact, manners, etc.... Do take your pick Anon. You're still a pompous twit just trying to troll me and failing by smugly saying things that aren't true as if they are hoping you'll be believed. All your "past evidence" is twisted and distorted and bears no resemblance to actual fact no matter how much you wish it to. Just give up, your repeated failure to successfully troll me is fast becoming an embarassment to watch, as 90% of the people here don't care about me and probably think anyone who wastes as much time on me as you do is a good 20 times more pathetic than I.
Winter - I have one last article waiting, unless Pix decides to also run the fluff piece I still have in the cue from two months ago. Comments aren't articles, and as you can buy Nyquil over the counter at any pharmacy, encouraging the hissyfitting nutcase to take a little to relax is hardly encouraging "drug use". And Alt+F4 would be fine if I hadn't already admitted to a compulsive need to deflate liars who twist things to try trolling me. I may generally have a low self-opinion, but I still have just enough self-esteem to not back down when I'm being bullshitted about.
Posted by: Purrrple | February 19, 2008 at 10:40 PM
The true proof of self esteem, dear girl, is to not CARE when others are bullshitting about you. The need to rear up hissing is defensiveness, not the confidence in one's true worth.
And your comments do tend to take on an epic nature; more so than your "articles." The vast percentage of words on this page belong to you.
But please, take this morphine. You can buy it over the counter in any crack house.
Posted by: Winter | February 20, 2008 at 01:55 AM
"As I've admitted before, I used to lie a lot a decade ago, seeking acceptance, needing to be liked, it blew up in my face. I haven't lied since."
and nobody has liked you since... since a decade ago.
Posted by: like_ummm | February 20, 2008 at 02:44 AM
"saying things that aren't true as if they are hoping you'll be believed."
Wow you can't write.
And nah, 90% of the readers actually find it really entertaining when people fuck with you. I'd ask if you seriously thought Pixeleen hired you for your (lack of) ability and not your polarizing attitude that resulted in mega comment activity, but we all know how deluded you can be. But hey, maybe you've figured out how embarrassing you are since she's so conspicuously been absent from the list of those asking you publicly to stay.
Posted by: Anon | February 20, 2008 at 08:31 AM
Anon, look VERY carefully at your own grammar and typing patterns. I'm no worse a writer than you.
And two things.
1- No, YOUR ego convinces you 90% of Herald readers laugh when you try and fail to troll me into raging. The truth is only that twits like you looking for lulz care at all. Trust me, no one else cares about me one way or the other.
2- Pix has asked me more than once in private to stay, I don't need her to post it pubicly to know she wishes it.
Basically, only a couple dozen pompous assholes like you care if I comment. You'll lie about me knowing I'm compelled to refute your lies but mistake my doing so for success in trolling proving your own deluded state. You bitch about my supposed horrid grammar when yours is laughable. Some of you piss and moan claiming you want me gone, while oblivious to the contradiction of you constantly doing exactly what you know will set me off, proving to anyone with any brainpower you get off on goading me and would be pissed if I actually did ignore you because then you'd only have Prok and KalEl to mock.
Unfortunately for YOU, I'm content I've poked enough holes in your bullshit and the other three or four anonymous guys here that anything else you say will have no impact on anything and be ignored or laughed at (Yes at, not with), by everyone else. My OCD is satisfied and I've no further need to acknowledge you. Ta ta.
Posted by: Purrrple | February 20, 2008 at 01:43 PM
I've yet to see any holes you have poked in any of the reasoned observations about you here. Your lack of self-awareness and your massively skewed self-perception are pretty staggering. You seem to think that most people reading this board are clapping you on the back and shouting 'hear hear' everytime you defecate out one of your rants (they are rants). Ummmmm.....I really really don't think that is the case.
Lord Pork
Posted by: Lord Pork of Trenchcoat | February 20, 2008 at 03:13 PM
"Unfortunately for YOU, I'm content I've poked enough holes in your bullshit and the other three or four anonymous guys here that anything else you say will have no impact on anything and be ignored or laughed at (Yes at, not with), by everyone else. My OCD is satisfied and I've no further need to acknowledge you. Ta ta."
Can we hold you to that promise? Is there truly hope that the brainache of sifting through your posts/articles/journalistic vomit for anything coherent is over? Frabjous day, if that be so. Frankly... I'm not betting my firstborn upon it.
Methinks it be time to sit back with a nice glass of cabernet merlot and see if dear Penance can contradict herself in record time. Who has a stopwatch?
Posted by: Winter | February 20, 2008 at 06:00 PM
Its spelled queue, not cue. Although I suspect there are some here who would like to use said "cue" to knock you upside that pixelated cabeza of yours.
teee heeee heeeeee.
Posted by: TossThis | February 20, 2008 at 06:25 PM
Its spelled queue, not cue. Although I suspect there are some here who would like to use said "cue" to knock you upside that pixelated cabeza of yours.
teee heeee heeeeee.
Posted by: TossThis | February 20, 2008 at 06:26 PM