by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate
He thought he found himself in heaven
When all his dreams he seized;
All he wanted for the taking
Or creating, as he pleased
The months flew by and all he tried
Grew tiring in the depth
And degree of concentration made,
To max the width and breadth
Of all he ever fantasized
In this life or the next
Until he cared not for his life.
The governer, he did text:
"I want to go to the other place
Described here in your dream-
For I tire of having each
Of everything, it seems"
The governer laughed with rais-ed brow
And could not hide his face;
"Human know, where we did go
It was the other place."
copyright (c) 2008 - Kris Dibou - used by the gracious permission of the author.
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