GiftNet Gift Card System also sells transferable and fully automated gift cards
Today Polimio Enterprises is announcing the release of a revolutionary new gift card vendor system, the first one to be integrated with the FirstMeta MetaCard API.
The vendor is desgined to sell objects like any other vendor, but thats were the similarities stop. GiftNet Gift Card System also sells transferable and fully automated gift cards - owners no longer have to manually redeem gift certificates it is all done securely through this new system.
After weeks of extensive testing and bugfixes we are finally prepared to announce that GiftNet is now commercially available to the residents of Second Life!
FirstMeta, the company that created Second Life's first in-world credit card system, worked closely with us during the development process designing the button with the First Meta logo displayed and supplying the Metacard API.
Our system is highly flexibile, allowing owners to configure gift card prices, values, associate textures with objects being sold,etc,etc. Any product stored inside these vendors can be purchased or discounted with a gift card. Merchants can optionally share access codes to make their systems compatible with one another. In addition to that these vendors will take both cash payments and metacard payments. In order to use MetaCard functionality merchants must acquire a merchant account at The process is painless and you are always approved as long as you have a real business location within second life.
Dozens of residents have been awaiting the release of this new system since it's development was announced on slexchange in mid february when Polimio Enterprises began recruiting beta testers. We kept details about our integration with First Meta secret, however, until the very moment that the product was released.
While there are about a dozen other known gift card systems in second life this new system offers many features others do not - besides the MetaCard integration, GiftNet is extremely easy to configure compared to other systems and priced competitively to boot. For a mere 650 Lindens anyone can acquire this new system to use in their place of business.
Here is a list of product features:
This Vendor is EASILY the most advanced gift card vendor in SL with a plethora of security features, and other nifty features designs to make it EXTREMELY EASY to use. FirstMeta officially granted us their permission to use their logo on our machines!
Interested yet? If you aren't now then you will be after you read this:
-accepts MetaCard, gift cards or lindens
-autosplit transactions if gift card has insufficient balance
-automatically sells gift cards, add other objects too!
-user friendly, configure only one single notecard, click vendor. reset and you're ready to go
- Set a password and give it to other merchants if you want your system to be compatible with theirs
-Secure, GiftNet uses encrypted communications with a hardcoded 27 digit alphanumeric password along with your own password you set as the owner to authenticate. GiftNet uses other secret authentication procedures to ensure that we keep your lindens safe!!
- Simple, You configure the GiftNet Gift Card System and it comes with built in gift card textures, automatically loads gift card object names into memory and sells them along with any other objects you add to the vendor
- Flexible, You can disable gift card functionality at any time and the vendor will simply sell objects at the prices you have set. Disabling the gift card system makes it so that users who have purchased cards from you will be unable to use them. Choose who you want your vendors and cards to be compatible with!! Configure price and values for you gift cards (ie if you want to sell a 100L gift card for 75l), set textures to display along with your objects.
- Sleek and Large - An Attention Grabber!! - GiftNet vendors have large screens to make you products highly visible. The vendor has a contemporary design. When GiftNet detects that no one has touched it for a certain amount of time it autocycles through your products displaying them one at a time.
-Efficient, GiftNet shows product names and prices of objects it shows on the display screen in green hovertext over the vendor.
-when wants to pay with a gift card all they have to do is rez it, activate it if it hasn't been used before and click it within 50 feet of the vendor, once the price has been adjusted all they have to do is click the vendor and a confirmation dialog box will display asking them to approve or deny the charge once approved the product is sent to the customer
It is ESSENTIAL that you set all gift cards to nomod and nocopy before selling them to customers or else you may as well give all you products away free.
For security purposes this system will not allow gift cards to be attached so it is recommended that you leave a small build spot around wherever you place this system so that customers can use their gift must be rezzed within about 50 feet of vendors.
It is also important to set the config notecard to nocopy/nomod.
Currently if the gift card balance is insufficient customer can pay the difference in lindens but not metacard.
If a customer wants to pay with metacard they can by simply clicking on the vendor which will bring up a dialog asking them to approve the charge. When paying with metacard customers cannot split the transaction between lindens and metacard or gift cards and metacard.
Vendor works with up to 30 objects with metacard enabled or 45 objects with metacard disabled. The system is copyable so you can make unlimited copies for personal use!!
NOTE: This vendor DOES request debit permissions. However you may refuse them if you are uncomfortable and the vendor will still operate. Debit permissions are only required if you want the vendor to be able to automatically refund customer if they pay too much or too little
GiftNet vendor is currently available at:
our offices are at:
and see more of our products here:
How amusing. The loudmouth who threatens people over free speech, and threatens griefing, and who is a member of the REJECT Intellectual Property Rights group, has an advertorial. Still he is two faced, said he was leaving SLX but still has his products listed...
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 08, 2008 at 11:17 AM
Gee, it sure is advertising around here.
Around here.
Around here.
Around here.
Around here.
round here round here round here round here round here round here-
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | March 08, 2008 at 12:37 PM
so this will be like the discover card of SL?
Posted by: Blak Hax | March 08, 2008 at 02:17 PM
@Montana Corleone
Please whine some more. It makes you look great. Really.
Posted by: Adromor | March 08, 2008 at 03:07 PM
@ Adromor, perhaps people should see how you whine when you are beaten in a discussion, and don't have the grace to admit defeat?
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 08, 2008 at 04:34 PM
Oh and for those of you who are interested she has now stalked me onto the item discussion threads where she is product griefing on SLX:
No matter, since I will be removing my listings from slx as soon as my ad link is changed
This is proof of my favoritism by the SLX mods who have refused to take action. Clearly this is a case of harassment.
Posted by: Adromor | March 08, 2008 at 04:55 PM
And let's not even mention your pettiness at beta stage, when you took it as an almighty affront when people offered friendly critique (which was what you were asking for in offering free Betas).
But no, there you are, barely 2 weeks old in world, already the Know-it-all, posting in the wrong section, reporting people who corrected your errors when you saw red mist and the paranoid you thought they were out to get you...
Lost a couple of scripting arguments there too didn't you? But anyway, you do it once, get some friendly advice from the Mod. Then you start in another thread, same thing, and lose your cool. You get a warning for that one. And on too a third, where you really lose your cool, insult people, threaten them on public forums, threaten the mods, threaten people in this rag, and then in world. You got a lot of growing up to do boy. It might help to stick around a little longer and look at what is happening, to check your facts before spouting (but you never do), to actually read things like the Copyright Act before you give your version of it. And a piece of advice. When you do get legitimately beaten on threads, take it like a man and learn, and don't go running off like a cry baby whining to SL Herald.
Just know that threatening people isn't generally good. They have a nasty habit of coming back at you and biting you hard on the bum. An ethical man would apologise for his behaviour.
Anyway, I hope the red mist lifted enough so you didn't make code errors, and your hurried testing was enough to make sure you have the money debit permissions sorted okay. Wouldn't want people to lose their Lindens would we?
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 08, 2008 at 05:01 PM
Now the Herald is disguising advertising as articles? If this article was a real journalistic endeavor there'd be some balance to it. For all the nice things said and features of this gizmo pointed out funny how they didn't mention it is UGLY. So many thing released into SL everyday that the herald never takes any interest in but suddenly they write a long boring advertisement for a gift card vendor? I wonder who paid who or better yet who is having a scandalous affair with who to get the herald to write articles about their products? I guess the Herald has given up all pretense of being a semi serious news outlet.
Posted by: Ed DelRio | March 08, 2008 at 05:07 PM
Mr. DelRio - did you overlook that ADV: in front of the title and the category (advertisements) the piece is listed in?
Yes, the Herald takes paid ads - we even label them. That is how newspapers work. Contact Tenshi Vielle for details on how to buy your own ad.
Posted by: pixeleen mistral | March 08, 2008 at 07:17 PM
'Just know that threatening people isn't generally good. They have a nasty habit of coming back at you and biting you hard on the bum. An ethical man would apologise for his behaviour.
Anyway, I hope the red mist lifted enough so you didn't make code errors, and your hurried testing was enough to make sure you have the money debit permissions sorted okay. Wouldn't want people to lose their Lindens would we?'
Could you possibly be even more whiny than that. The public is eating you alive and all you can do is sit there and prove everyone right, over and over again.
Maybe if you wanted to discredit me on my ad then you shouldn't be so obviously biased and suggest that a healthy hate for bigots would effect my 'coding' skills as you put it. Really smart but I guess thats because you're so civilized huh?
'When you do get legitimately beaten on threads, take it like a man and learn, and don't go running off like a cry baby whining to SL Herald.'
Oh I was beaten because a bitter cunt said so, yes ma'am your word means everything doesn't it? Well FYI you can post links here all day long and whine but the public has already spoken in regards to you and I don't waste my time spreading despicable propaganda to anyone who will listen. Please get some professional help, you really need it.
Posted by: Adromor | March 08, 2008 at 07:31 PM
Montana, you were already owned in the other article that was actually about you - where ironically you spoke of moral fiber either just before or just after posting this rubbish. It seems like every statement you make conflicts with another one you made. I can't believe that you can speak of moral fiber. Ironically every single word you posted only supported Adromor and the negative views everyone else already has of you. Don't sweat it Adromor, just let her continue to hang herself!
Posted by: Oh Not Again | March 08, 2008 at 07:58 PM
Eating me alive? Dream on Sonny. LOL. You can't read either can you then? Looks about pretty even those supporting me and the tards here. Except most of those foaming bigoted tards used Anonymous and made up names so were probably all the same person.
As for harassment, what about your stupid group? Got many takers apart from your alts? Or the threat you IM'd me?
[4:54] Adromor Wierwight: (Saved Fri Mar 7 17:01:30 2008) Many readers of the article are outraged at both you and slx admins and they're commenting on it. I hope you enjoy the beginning of a press campaign targetting you and slx- this is going to be interesting.
You are the one spreading lies here, when you can't get your own way and stamp up and down like a spoiled brat. What's the matter? Your press campaign not going quite according to plan? Should have thought of that before you started your feeble war and threatening people. I think you've bitten off more than you can chew. You've picked the wrong enemy here matey. Who are you going to run to and whine at now?
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 08, 2008 at 10:07 PM
'You are the one spreading lies here, when you can't get your own way and stamp up and down like a spoiled brat. What's the matter? Your press campaign not going quite according to plan? Should have thought of that before you started your feeble war and threatening people. I think you've bitten off more than you can chew. You've picked the wrong enemy here matey. Who are you going to run to and whine at now?'
Picked the wrong enemy? That sounds like a threat. Why don't you get some backbone and do something about it instead of making me laugh then. As for the edited chatlog you posted, it wasn't a threat, even after you edited it it still isn't a threat...a threat is when you say you're going to do something you can't or won't really do (like your feeble claims that I picked the wrong enemy, oh joy). I followed through and I exposed you and the favoritism of mods on slexchange. Don't get all furious at me because you started something and then can't take the heat.
I implore you to act on those threats instead of just sitting there on your fat ass making them. Additionally my vendors are selling like hot cakes despite your failed attempts to attack my credibility.
FYI Alot of people you think are supporting you are just trying to placate you so you'll shut the fuck up.
Wrong enemy lol, yeah you must really feel that way after checking my profile all day to see if I created a new group and my products on slx to see if they were listed, and griefing my products on slx, and coming here to respond to my every comment.
I'm not sure but I think someone recently got banned for disclosure for posting chatlogs on this website. Even if you did edit them it may well be in violation of the tos. I'm going to forward that information to Plexus Linden and we'll see. Please keep shooting yourself in the foot. There are tons of people that are dying to see you gone.
Posted by: Adromor | March 08, 2008 at 11:49 PM
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 08, 2008 at 11:56 PM
Mr 'DelRio', I actually take that as a compliment. I've known Pixeleen for a good while and would have a 'scandalous affair' with her any time. She is a very attractive awesome person who stands by what she believes in unwaveringly. So much so that she even approves retarded comments such as the one you just made even though they insult her.
Posted by: Adromor | March 09, 2008 at 06:56 AM
Posting and sharing information such as IMs is against Second Life Tos.
Posted by: Missy | March 09, 2008 at 09:01 AM
Missy darling, it is only against the ToS if it is done inside Second Life. The Lindens have no control what happens outside of their program, and since logged IMs are technically a text document on the end user's computer, said end user can do whatever they want with them. Best of luck to the Lindens trying to do anything about it.
Posted by: economic mip | March 09, 2008 at 12:03 PM
Needless to say, the above statement in caps is not from me. I have not posted chat logs, but an unwelcome threatening IM from Mr Wieright. It was not edited, and I have the screenshot to prove it. He knows that, if he logs his IMs. But threats are a different matter. Well, I shall submit all the data to Plexus Linden myself, and then we'll see huh?
We'll get the threads looked at, people will see you are whiny, they will see you are lying. They will see this rag not checking and printing lies and allowing libels. They will see from all the information that you are threatening, smearing, lying and libelling.
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 09, 2008 at 08:57 PM
Sorry I just laughed. Plexus is on my friends list and knew about the article before it even came out. No one lied or libelled you the facts are verifiable on slexchange and we have screenshots of those threads too. Like I said, don't make statments publicly that you don't want publicized.
'Best of luck to the Lindens trying to do anything about it'
As for that, LL can actually ban you for no reason at all. Read the TOS. They can terminate service for any reason at any time but they don't operate like that and won't unless you violated the terms of service. Even if those chatlogs are saved on your drive - you transfer them to anyone without consent it violates the tos as they were obtained through the service. A person named Tizzers Foxchase was banned for it.
Please stop whining about 'libel'. Sue someone or shut the fuck up. Oh and I'm not the one whining either, as usual you have everything backwards <3
Posted by: Adromor | March 10, 2008 at 01:27 AM
Montana you silly runt, kindly take your argument elsewhere. Nobody here is interested in reading about your school yard skirmish with this guy. Ever heard of email? Take it private with him if you have a problem. Better yet; go tell your mommy.
Now, as far as this gift card thing, this is as silly as the metacard credit card business itself. Link your account up to your real life credit card, and presto! you are done. Nobody needs a pretend virtual credit card. Most things in SL cost under a dollar. If you are so hard up you don't have a single buck and need to "charge it" and pay interest, guess what? You are in a state of pathetic financial ruin and maybe you shouldn't be buying anything until you can actually afford it. How incredibly silly.
Posted by: Edward | March 10, 2008 at 02:00 AM
That may be but since First Meta does have alot of business it is good for business owners to be able to accept payment this way as well. As for the gift card thing, due to many items being no transfer if a friend wants to buy a gift for a friend they can simply buy a gift card and transfer that to their friend. Gift Card systems are actually in very high demand
This vendor system is designed for the business owner who desires that functionality and who doesn't want to miss out on potential business because they are not equipped to accept metacard.
Posted by: Adromor | March 10, 2008 at 11:02 AM
So, did you like being told to remove my name from your stupid group? Yes, I saw that you were issued with a warning from Linden Lab, yes it was on the police blotter/incident report wasn't it? What was that for? Oh yes, harassment and defamation against a resident in a group charter. Ha ha, even your Linden couldn't help you with that could he, and now you have a record for harassment.
Oh, yes, and you were stupid enough to leave your name when you commented on my blog... Doh. Hello Mr Tony Costello. Well that makes it much easier to find you for the subpoena now. US only lists 50 in the US, and some of those are in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and you won't be there will you? Not many in redneck states either...
So let's recap this then... You have managed to leave SLX, which has bigger traffic and more sales than OnRez. Smart move, shot yourself in the foot there. You have now had a warning from, and have a record with, Linden Lab for harassment and defamation. That'll be a bit awkward the next time you want to bully and harass someone won't it?
Oh, I don't suppose that will look to good on your CV when the media look at it will it now? Well, except for the Herald of course, since as we've seen they only print lies. After all, all people have to do is read the links I supplied to the real threads, and they can see what lies you have been spouting. They just gave you enough rope to hang your self.
We now know you use the alts Chaz Pomilio and Jimmy Pomilio. Yes nice try on pulling your Adromor alt out of the REJECT Intellectual Property group, but you forgot to remove your other alt from it, that's right the one with the same profile text. Where they both claim to be CEO of Pomilio Enterprises. Well, which one is it?
And finally, you left your name behind on my blog. That was bright of you lol. Makes it much easier for my lawyers to find you. Might as well give us your full address now. Or you can apologise publicly now for harassing and defaming me, and promise to cease and desist, and never repeat right here on the SL Herald. Otherwise expect the lawyers to knock on your door and a permaban from SL.
Well that's it, I have way better things to do than waste my time on pathetic juveniles who have no clue how things work. At least it's nice to see that free speech does exist, and justice, and that some bigot cannot lie about you, smear you, defame you and harass you without punishment.
Thank you for playing. You can pick up your brain by the door as you leave.
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 10, 2008 at 11:37 AM
Posted by: Adromor | March 10, 2008 at 03:13 PM
OK. I was served papers today, and I suppose I should just apologize to everyone now. It was wrong of me to use a RL name, it has been wrong of me to portray myself as a woman, it was wrong of me to bash an American which I am one as well.
Does this stop the lawsuit you have against me?
Posted by: Montana Corleone | March 10, 2008 at 03:33 PM
'We now know you use the alts Chaz Pomilio and Jimmy Pomilio. Yes nice try on pulling your Adromor alt out of the REJECT Intellectual Property group, but you forgot to remove your other alt from it, that's right the one with the same profile text. Where they both claim to be CEO of Pomilio Enterprises. Well, which one is it?
And finally, you left your name behind on my blog. That was bright of you lol. Makes it much easier for my lawyers to find you. Might as well give us your full address now. Or you can apologise publicly now for harassing and defaming me, and promise to cease and desist, and never repeat right here on the SL Herald. Otherwise expect the lawyers to knock on your door and a permaban from SL.
Well that's it, I have way better things to do than waste my time on pathetic juveniles who have no clue how things work. At least it's nice to see that free speech does exist, and justice, and that some bigot cannot lie about you, smear you, defame you and harass you without punishment.'
Oh god, I totally laughed out loud. Apologize? LMAO. Montana proceed to hire your 'lawyers' and do whatever you like with them. Hey guys does anyone think that Montana can get me 'permabanned' from SL?
No? Oh lord really? Okay. Does anyone think that Montana could succeed in using the legal system of a country she professes to hate against me? No. Oh ok, so why the fuck doesn't montana go fuck himself. Yes I said HIMSELF because Montana is actually a man. And Montana, Thank YOU for sure and keep an eye out for the next article I'm sure you'll be even more trolled by the time it comes out.
Posted by: Adromor | March 10, 2008 at 03:44 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself....oh wait..
Posted by: Adromor | March 10, 2008 at 04:48 PM
'OK. I was served papers today, and I suppose I should just apologize to everyone now. It was wrong of me to use a RL name, it has been wrong of me to portray myself as a woman, it was wrong of me to bash an American which I am one as well.
Does this stop the lawsuit you have against me?'
You're so stupid, you forgot to change your name. Besides that the fact that you think he'd be served papers so quickly after you announced your err.. 'lawsuit' is laughable. Are you like 12 Montana? Please grow up and I really hope you do eat shit and die.
Posted by: Anne Marie | March 10, 2008 at 04:51 PM
Montana Corleone:
Why in Allah's name did you move to France? The people there are intolerable scumbags who liken shaving to plastic surgery, you're under the thumb of the pigs in Brussels no matter what you do, and France is the central sewer for most of Europe.
Well, it smells like it anyway.
Posted by: A concerned citizen | March 10, 2008 at 04:59 PM
Wow. This weblog sure provided some reading entertainment. The weblog for this article was far more interesting than the article itself. Kind of like a soap opera. At least my post was on topic. In just a couple of posts Montana went from defiant to apologetic. I think we could get a whole Herald article out of this drama alone. Would make for some saucy reading. Keep up the posts kids. I want see where it goes next!
Posted by: Ed DelRio | March 10, 2008 at 05:53 PM
Oh lawd, is dat sum copybot?
Posted by: LOLCOPYBOT | March 10, 2008 at 07:12 PM
Posted by: ACTION BASTARD | March 10, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Posted by: TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE | March 10, 2008 at 10:04 PM
Yep Tizzers was banned for merely posting chat logs, sure I buy that. Of course Lindens have the right to ban people for any reason, but unjustified bans are not a good idea, especially since some people have serious money in this game. Eh what do I know, I would never buy a product from Polimio, and now will just go back to ignoring the Herald for months on end.
Posted by: economic mip | March 10, 2008 at 11:28 PM
Hey isn't stalking a crime, Montana you bitch?
Posted by: Jesus Christ | March 11, 2008 at 12:12 AM
'Yep Tizzers was banned for merely posting chat logs, sure I buy that'
Believe whatever you want to. It's a publicized fact and everyone knows it...well except idiots. Guess that means you. Please learn to do research before you argue about shit you obviously know nothing about.
'Of course Lindens have the right to ban people for any reason, but unjustified bans are not a good idea, especially since some people have serious money in this game'
The TOS covers their asses legally. In the TOS it states clearly that Linden dollars have no real world value. If you're banned for no reason then you have no recourse because you agreed to the tos before playing. Thats retarded statement number two.
' I would never buy a product from Polimio'
Good, I don't ever knowingly sell my products to assholes and bigots so the feeling is mutual.
@Dumbshit Corleone
'That'll be a bit awkward the next time you want to bully and harass someone won't it? '
If you think I've bullied and harrassed you yet then you have another thing coming. I haven't even begun to harrass you yet.
Posted by: Adromor | March 12, 2008 at 01:16 AM