Alphaville Herald
March 08, 2008
La Vida Linden
Mar 8, 2008 7:03:00 PM
Adv: Polimio Enterprises Releases First Gift Card Vendor System Integrated with FirstMeta MetaCard
GiftNet Gift Card System also sells transferable and fully automated gift cards Today Polimio Enterprises is announcing the release of a revolutionary new gift card vendor system, the first one to be integrated with the FirstMeta MetaCard API. The vendor...
Server Code
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate Feeling creative, forceful, and bold I sought out the server code Onto my harddisc quickly it lands Tip-tap, clicking with my hands What did I have when I loaded it Down? What the hell is...
Recent Comments
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Op/Ed: The Positive Feminist
Posted by: Lola | March 08, 2008 at 07:16 PM
i must say. i lol'd quite hard indeed. winning article right here man.
Posted by: Thrax Trilam | March 08, 2008 at 08:09 PM
Funny. Hits the mark. 10 out of 10.
Posted by: Unwashed Mass | March 08, 2008 at 08:34 PM
Posted by: MilosZ | March 08, 2008 at 09:30 PM
I'm glad I clicked for the second page, punchline delivered with style and aplomb. Oh hell yea, message recieved. So, you think you gotta great idea...chances are if ya look, someone has boldly gone before. The farce, Luke...use the farce!
Posted by: Wyatt Merryman | March 09, 2008 at 05:00 AM
I like how the picture came out... it makes you all look old and outdated but yet... cheap!
(tastes like vomit)
Posted by: Nacon | March 09, 2008 at 04:12 PM
lol I like this one the irony is not alot of "creators" will think its funny lol
Posted by: Aya Pelous | March 09, 2008 at 05:00 PM
Posted by: JimBean | March 10, 2008 at 03:57 PM
Oh, I think there are plenty of creators who will think it's funny (like me). Not every creator is a myopic narcissist, but yes, Second Life has it's share. :) Love it.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | March 10, 2008 at 04:01 PM
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | March 11, 2008 at 12:11 AM
I thought the post was funny, and have made similar comments in-world too. That said, there are two other points I'd like to make:
a) I have no idea what percentage of creations in SL are original, and what are RL "homages" / "knock-offs" (chose your poison). Does anyone else?
b) There is no "take picture of RL fashion and convert to SL clothes" button on the SL client. It takes *work* to do this translation. In the real-world, programmers who port a game from one system to another get paid for their work, despite the fact that they are not changing the core of the game itself. So, while I do see the argument for stripping at least some SL content creators of their "designer" title, they are still entitled to payement for the "porting" component of their work. Lucas is entitled to a cut (groan) for all light-sabres sold too, or indeed to rule that light-sabres as represented in Star-Wars may not be sold at all. Whether its worth his time to monitor this is another matter.
Posted by: /dev/null | March 11, 2008 at 12:51 AM
a) Well Anne Hathaway's Oscar Dress was probably a direct rip off of the Marchesa design -- dontcha think? And um.. yah the Hello Kitty franchise? Owned by Sanyo. Don't even get me started on textures. How about that bird you put on the skirt you released a few days ago. You draw that?
Frankly I think copyright infringement is more prevelant than you think it is. Without even thinking hard, I can probably come up with at least a dozen knock-offs from RL Fashion Week and so could you probably.
b) So its ok to rip off copyrights as long as you spend a lot of time and effort doing it?
The next time someone rips off a skin they'll have to remember to tell everyone how hard it was to rip the skin and how you really have to know what you are doing in order to rip texture out of Second Life. I can just hear the sighs of relief from the originators of the skins as they realize that even though their hard work will be sold for less by someone who ripped them off, its ok because he worked really hard at ripping them off. That should make them feel oogobs better.
Posted by: Vivianne Draper | March 12, 2008 at 04:42 AM
Did you read the post with the (a) and (b) points, and think it was written by Tenshi? I ask, because I, /dev/null, wrote it and I'm not her, and I have no idea about "birds on skirts", have never been to Fashion Week, etc.
Posted by: /dev/null | March 12, 2008 at 09:23 AM
I did dev/null... sorry my mistake and apologies to Ten. Scrap the skirt comment but the rest holds true
Posted by: Vivianne Draper | March 12, 2008 at 11:40 AM
Knock offs in the RL fashion world are quite common, in fact in RL fashionista circles it is sometimes called Schwartzing, after A.B. Schwartz who does knock off's of award show gowns. In shoes, Steve Madden is known for making shoes inspired by those of more expensive designers. You remember all those mary jane pumps that came out after the Manolo Blahnik Campari's became famous thanks to Sex and the City? Schwartzing in action.
And there's plenty of Schwartzing going on in SL.
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | March 12, 2008 at 11:36 PM
Ah, here I find the answer to my question...
"b) There is no "take picture of RL fashion and convert to SL clothes" button on the SL client. It takes *work* to do this translation."
"b) There is no "take picture of SL fashion and make copy" button on the SL client. It takes *work* to do this translation."
measuring with two different measuring cups there I think... this reads like "It's OK to steal designs, rip off real designers, and make money off their backs, as long as it's not stolen from an SL designer but from a RL one"
Niiiiiiice going. Suits well with the whole NO CONTENT THEFT CUZ ITS BAD BAWWWW campaign that they have going on.
HEy, Stroker, which google found picture was your chesthair on your skin stolen from?
Remember kids, IP rights are worth protecting as long as no-one finds out your 'intellectual' designs were stolen from RL designers and models!
Posted by: ? | March 14, 2008 at 09:00 AM
'?' appears to be ignorant of the reality that many SL creators who photosource either pay for the privilage (e.g. Naughty and their Dante skin) or simply use pictures with open licenses, of which there are millions on the internet.
Clearly there are many who abuse the system but I think on the whole creators have a valid gripe when it comes to copybotted items/stolen textures, and people like '?' are just trying too hard to be contrary.
Posted by: A concerned parent | March 14, 2008 at 11:33 AM
Just to add
it wasn't me
I am Archie Lukas
with a K
no hate mail okay?
no boiling bunnies?
no cut up suits?
and no brake fluid and pickaxes through my car
It was not me
Posted by: Archie Lukas | March 15, 2008 at 07:19 PM
Awwww, Tenshi isn't pleased! Poor diddums!
Posted by: insanegigglefits | March 17, 2008 at 05:46 PM