by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate
Feeling creative, forceful, and bold
I sought out the server code
Onto my harddisc quickly it lands
Tip-tap, clicking with my hands
What did I have when I loaded it
Down? What the hell is this shit?
OMG this really sucks the big
One, I think I need a cig...
Wait a minute, I don't smoke those things;
Not menthol, filtered, or Kings...
Getting control of myself again,
I scan ev'ry item with great pain
In my brain from overload syndrome;
I'd be lucky to rez a gnome!
What's this blog about all the server
Code not being available, err...?
Can't they fuck up without fucking up
Fucking up fucking up fucking up?
Time to take that job at the postof-
fice in San Francisco; I am off.
copyright (c) 2008 - Kris Dibou - used by the gracious permission of the author.
Posted by: Jesus | March 10, 2008 at 05:20 PM
hahah this is so terrible
worse than your other ones, not only does the meter not make any sense, you butchered the english language just to shoehorn your rhymes in
it is the first time someone's ever split a word in half and made it rhyme with the same thing though
Posted by: anon | March 10, 2008 at 11:02 PM