[Convincing LouLou Loring to pose as Post 6 Grrrl was not easy as it implied changing roles. I have modelled for her a few times and I have a deep respect for her Photoshop skills. But her avi and her style are as unique as her sometimes edgy personality. She outwardly doesn't seem to care about other people's opinions but she once admitted that she's sitting in front of her computer biting her nails when she delivers a pic and waits for the person's response. Her only condition before accepting my invitation as Post 6 Grrrl was to take pictures that would express her true self - dark, edgy, geeky and beautiful in her own special way. - Bunny Brickworks]
Being on this side of the camera is a scary feeling. I had no idea how vulnerable it makes you to expose yourself to the public. The side I feel much more comfortable with is the one of the photographer, the one who is in control, the one who directs the models, chooses the light settings and adds the final touch in Photoshop. And that's exactly what I do in SL: I take pics, touch them up and deliver them. I don't take money for this service; it is my creative outlet. And I don't do the standard 'Ken & Barbie in the sunset' pics, I love the SL subcultures, the demons, Nekos, vampires and post-apocalyptic gunslingers.
My avi is a bit of everything; my style could best be described as post-punk, neo-goth Tokyo Amazon. It is heavily inspired by movies, my main source of creative inspiration besides music. Take some leather and fishnets from the Blade movies, Matrix-style latex and add a touch of Sin City hooker chic and what you get is LouLou Loring. Maybe it's the style I would have loved to show off when I was sixteen but my mom would have never allowed me to leave the house looking like this.
I spent my first week in SL looking for the perfect skin and almost despaired when I had to see how the face I had modeled changed dramatically. It was pure luck to find a black/white skin, one plain version and one with red lips, which came close to the comic girl I was having in mind. My avi needn't look realistic, it is pixels and I want to maintain the cartoonish look.
To be honest, I am very bad at accessorizing. There is hardly any jewelry in my inventory and I suppose mine is the only female avi in SL without a single formal outfit in her inventory. I wouldn't know when to where those fluffy gowns anyways as I have never seen any of the ballrooms from the inside. I have more weapons than shoes and from the many different hairstyles I have bought so far I use only two. Yes, you can have a bad-hair day on SL, too! A friend told me my current fav looks like roadkill but I love the wild look of it.
My online time is very limited and I wouldn't consider myself a social butterfly. There are only five names on my friends list but these five I would trust with my (real) life and two credit cards. Like Jim Morrison once said 'I prefer a feast of friends to the giant family'.
I love exploring. It is amazing to see what people make out of a plywood box and some imagination. It's quite natural that I mostly 'scan' sims for their suitability as photo prop and my favorites are the dark and shabby ones, the combat RP and Neko sims. To me SL simply is a giant stage for my models rather than a means of communication, which has contributed to my reputation as a rude and anti-social person. I am not, I just don't pay attention to public chat and if you meet me in world and I simply ignore you it is because I am taking pictures or I am afk in Photoshop.
Interestingly interesting.
I enjoyed the photos..not so much the article.
Just as it should be.
Candy for the eyes.
Beautiful avie.
Posted by: Aya Pelous | June 17, 2008 at 07:22 AM
Nice! But no money shot!
Posted by: NinaA | June 17, 2008 at 09:15 AM
You rock the monochromatic. I like your style, especially in the second shot.
Bunny, definately living up to the potential you showed in your first foray. Keep it up, please.
Posted by: Winter | June 17, 2008 at 11:36 AM
Very interesting, I like the Sin City comics look with black and white and everything.
Let's hope Bunny stays on, this is another great run.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | June 17, 2008 at 12:42 PM
It's not Friday.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | June 17, 2008 at 06:42 PM
Am I the only one who is sick of the neko goth wannabejapaneseanime samurai vampire dark tattooed baloney? It's only slightly better than the guys who are 8 foot tall 44DD blonde bimbo, no wait I'm a whore, no wait, I mean I'm a lesbian, no wait, I'm an artist because I take screenshots of secondlife, people. No offense to this one in particular :)
Posted by: Kelli | June 17, 2008 at 09:25 PM
Didt you notice Kelli?
Goth is the new black (pun not intended): even non goth chicks look like they go trough thousands of dollars worth of mascara per month. Lemme tell you, it realy really sucks when going out to buy a new, normal looking skin without as much black around the eyes to make Lestat jealous.
Same with the neko-tattoo thing. Sofar, I have seen only ONE (1) neko without a huge mass of tats and piercings all over.
That's fashion for ya, if it's ín' all popular kids will do it... Closely followed by the wanna-be-popular ones.
Posted by: Natasha | June 18, 2008 at 02:48 AM
Let's see some pics of you. ;) Everyone follows a crowd in some way. You can't dress in clothes that don't exist.
Posted by: @ Natasha and Kelli | June 18, 2008 at 01:21 PM
Wow. This is one of the most interesting Post 6 Grrl articles ever.
Great photography that flatters the model and really gives you a feeling of "where she's at", combined with an interesting commentary. I think these pictures have captured more emotional content than ever before. Congratulations everyone on a great job.
I am really looking forward to the next Post 6 Grrl.
Posted by: Faerie | June 19, 2008 at 03:28 AM
Posted by: MoxZ | June 19, 2008 at 12:08 PM
Thank you all for the nice comments. If anyone cares, the pics were taken in Little Heaven, the only sim with the right dark atmosphere, rain, fire and everything we needed to produce the pictures. No Photostudio pics slapped against ready-made backgrounds. It was a long procedure but I guess it was worth all the efforts.
Hey Kelli and Natasha, I bet Bunny would love to receive your application as you obviously have avis that stand out from the usual neko vampire goth anime crowd *smirks*
Posted by: Lou Loring | June 20, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Ooooh. Pretty!
Posted by: Anon | June 23, 2008 at 08:35 PM
Ya, already said that. No need for a smirk, sweetheart.
Posted by: Natasha | June 24, 2008 at 02:40 AM
Very nice - 'specially the first one
"Am I the only one who is sick of the neko goth wannabejapaneseanime samurai vampire dark tattooed baloney?"
Sorry mate - some of us still remember Neuromancer.
Posted by: Lykurgus | June 27, 2008 at 10:32 AM