Will Linden Lab allow Second Life Militaries to go extinct?
by Adrastos Fhang
During my time in Second Life, many Second Life residents have gone through harrowing journeys. Upgrade after upgrade, Second Life attempts to become the new ERA for PC Games. In all of these upgrades, many things seem to go right, and then starts to wane. This newer threat puts Second Life Military warfare at risk. Few people have discovered that the newest glitch could put Second Life halt warfare until further notice.
This newest mistake from Linden Labs allows any type of bullets to go through prims no matter if they are damage, phantom, training, etc. Many bases rely on their prims for cover such as the Merczateers in Salamis and many more. With this new impediment in the headlines, Many wonder what will be the turn out of these upcoming events. I searched around for some members of the military community to see their opinion on this situation.
Adrastos Fhang: What do you think of Second Life's latest glitch of any form of bullets going through solid prims easily?
Malcious Vuckovic facepalms
Malcious Vuckovic: i think of it being typical of LL
Adrastos Fhang: Typical of Linden Labs? How so?
Malcious Vuckovic: well they make more bugs than they can fix. they are their own worst enemy
Adrastos Fhang: Do you think it will put Second Life Military Combat at a hault?
Malcious Vuckovic: no. sl combat has been gradually getting worse over time, people always beat the crap out of each other regardless
Malcious Vuckovic: ordo have been working on a universal HUB to replace sl combat and quite frankly I'm all for it, there’s some really good systems out there, but people will never want to get rid of their one-kill shots
Adrastos Fhang: What does this 'Universal HUB' Do?
Malcious Vuckovic: Basically working similar to the CSC HUB, each player has their own health and ammo, and can only carry a certain amount of ammo packs
before they must find an ammo 'create' to get more, same applies with health.
Malcious Vuckovic: Bullets would work similar to the one Jamie B tried to make some time ago, only applying 100% damage to head shots, damage differs depending on what part of the body you hit
Adrastos Fhang: Do you agree with this concept?
Malcious Vuckovic: I think with work it could be one hell of a system, and it would definitely bring back some of the old fun sl combat has been lacking of late
Adrastos Fhang: Hello Steve319. I was wondering of what you think of this latest glitch going around with every bullet easily going through prims?
steve319 Cao: it only happens if the weapon is set to high enough velocity
Adrastos Fhang: What do you think of this glitch?
steve319 Cao: pain in the ass
Adrastos Fhang: So Nanao, what do you think of the glitch that allows any type of bullets to go through solid prims?
Nanao Amoufhaz: Well, I believe that this little glitch should be stopped because now it is very likely for people to take over they're enemies faster.. With this known, people will not get the full military experience they want therefore may lead them to leaving their military for better things.
Adrastos Fhang: Do you think it could put a hault in SL Combat?
Nanao Amoufhaz: It is very unlikely for the newcomers. But for the people who have been here a while, it possibly could seeing how what once was very attracting and fun, is now too boring and dull. Reason being is because 90% of the military factions in Second Life use prims as their shields persay, and without these, they are basically defenseless unless ground is abroad and are able to cover behind that. Prims are a serious issue in SL combat and this should be looked at immediately... Or there may be some upset people in the near future.
After asking many more people, the overall answer was negative. Many people think if it does not get fixed appropriately now, more problems could occur during the future which could in fact put Second Life Military Combat at rest.
I do also believe that this glitch should be fixed fast before it can not be. If this is not fixed immediately, Second Life Militaries could possibly go extinct and forever changing the way combat is played out in the game known as Second Life.
Go play a REAL FPS. SL's combat adaptations are like trying to throw bricks at each other through an ocean of shit.
Posted by: DERP | July 31, 2008 at 11:33 PM
HUD , not HUB !
Heads Up Display
Posted by: Just Me | July 31, 2008 at 11:43 PM
What will the 20 of you nerds do now??
Posted by: Oh no! | July 31, 2008 at 11:52 PM
Combat in SL is about on par with playing starseige Tribes on a 56k Modem, except all the vehicles suck completely. It's over a decade behind current online gaming.
Could someone please explain to me the fucking appeal of it?
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | August 01, 2008 at 12:05 AM
your only catching onto the whole bullet types thing now?! HAHAHA
Some herald reporters seem to be in the stone-age of SL about this crap. Anyway, yes; there are different types of bullets used in weapons of SL. Damage, phantom, push, shieldbreaker, etc etc. But as H4 has been placed on every sim, Phantom bullets do not work anymore.
Also to another point, Why didn't you ask actual members/leaders of Sl militaries, like Anthony or Jim or even chris about the bullet types and etc?
Also to point out, Now since H4 is around, the only reason bullets would go through prims are: A: their Velocity is set very high. B: The sim is lagging and C: too many many bullets being fired into the same spot, have at least a few of them passing through the prim itself OR people offsetting through walls to kill people (offsetting is when someone sticks their weapon through a wall and just starts shooting, this is annoying, because they have a wall that protects them from bullets hitting them).
To corrent Malcious' statements:
The 'Universal HUB' idea was actually started by the Merczateers, Not ordo. Also, the damage he is refering to is the LL damage, IE linden damage that is set on sims. The LL system in the op of most people in SL militaries is very hated, because of the fact that if you get hit one time with one bullet, you'll die; very unreal to real life. That is why some militaries want a hud based combat system, because it will fix the one hit, one kill with the LL damage and will to some people improved combat, but it is yet to be seen or even tested.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 01, 2008 at 01:06 AM
Congrats on your first published article mate just do me a favour next time you contact me with a question tell me its for the herald, and also dont do it at 3 am and youll find I have something more meaningful to say rather than.
steve319 Cao: pain in the ass
lol anyways congrats.
Posted by: steve319 cao | August 01, 2008 at 05:33 AM
1. Make the velocity settings on your guns lower.
2. Change your prims(bullet and walls) to Type > Metal.
3. Make your bullet's bounding box big and cut it to make it smaller.
4. For extra protection make a prim transparency 100%, then hollow it and put it where your walls are.(usually stops prims going through and they get stuck inside the centre of the hollowed prim).
My long awaited new version of my Free Real Combat System will be out soon, the HUD will have stats(deaths,kills and some other xp points.), and Effects, and will all be controlled via the sim owners land prim where the sim owner can change:
The gravity, the damage types for different weapons, toggle on/off oxygen when in water, toggle between send to spawn when die or get sent home , place health points, place armour points, and much more.
"Second Life Militaries to go extinct".... DOUBT IT! :P
Happy Fighting,
James Benedek
Posted by: James Benedek | August 01, 2008 at 06:24 AM
If this got Published.. why didn't Vegna's Five Articles? >_>
Posted by: Fox Mulgrave | August 01, 2008 at 07:36 AM
Eye! What have I told you bout posting your drivvel on public forums? NOBODY LIKES YOU! THEY'RE ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU! THEY'RE ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU! THEY'RE ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU!
Seriously Eye, you're one of the most hated people I know. I have yet to meet a SINGLE person in ANY military group that likes you. Do yourself a favor and quit drawing attention to yourself. Or die in a fire, either way would please me greatly. Nobody likes a 15 year old emofag.
Posted by: Eye's Mom | August 01, 2008 at 09:19 AM
I don't see this as so daunting, as we all know SL combat's good days have come and gone. Good things die, and I can't really say this is an exception. The few of us who have held out in this filth have only been met with more grief, more hate, more sorrow. No new life can come back to SL Combat, no initiative can raise ground again. SL combat has suffered the fate that the United States Federal Highway system will soon face- death. Two good things that many people love will be just that, dead and gone.
Posted by: Inuyasha Deere | August 01, 2008 at 02:17 PM
O lawl, Eye's Mom
Just shows that your so inmature to actually post as someone else. Also, I am only hated by Ordo and a few different people, mainly the ordo high command. Hell, even nanao himself, a person I never though would talk to me, actually though of me as a friend along with a good amount of the AN, 39th, VG, PSC, TFM, and etc.
Also, lawl someone does not even know how to read dates nor
actually look at my profile online.
I have the god damned freedom to comment on any story that I damn well feel like and just because YOU do not like me, doesn't make me sad or anything and telling me things that are not true will get you no way buddy, hhaha
believe what you want "Eye's Mom" AKA Ordo high command member, because none of what you have said is even true. I find it SO SAD that ordo has to make alts and break their own rules about combat to make other people's lives bad and make them feel like shit. But not today, you will not get your reaction nor my angry nor anything from me that you want. Go back to titan and go cry to aryte and say 'OMG EYE WAS SO MEAN TO ME, WAAAAA". HAHAHAHAH
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 01, 2008 at 03:04 PM
People still do combat all the same, it is about a 15-20% chance the bullet will fly through from what I see. Whoop de doo.
Posted by: Karlhockey Forte | August 01, 2008 at 03:28 PM
Guyz, sometimes bullets do go through walls in real life.
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | August 01, 2008 at 05:42 PM
A few solutions to this problem have already been found, as James hinted to. Other fixes that are being tested include a line in the bullet's collision event, as well as the concept of hybrid bullets (bullets that operate in both a physical and non-physical manner).
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | August 01, 2008 at 09:51 PM
Bullets don't always go through. Plus, as Zrazor points out, they sometimes go through IRL too.
Really, it's dependent on the way the bullet is made, how fast it's going, and the quality of the sim. Not every bullet will go through walls every time.
Posted by: Mikael Khalamov | August 02, 2008 at 01:11 AM
To Eye's Statement :
"The 'Universal HUB' idea was actually started by the Merczateers, Not ordo."
Actually i (2142) was one of the first to make a free combat system for all military groups and it failed to grab attention and lacked features, i sent it out to most military groups(none of them tested it i believe), this was when i was in 2142, I soon after tested the Merczateers HUD, as Lurdan requested, though the Mercz HUD lacked the abilty to stop people shooting when you die and.... only the Mercz could use explosives(which was an unfair advatage i think, seen as when we were testing it all they were doing was using grenades).
But this just shows that only the Merczateers and 2142 were and still are, the only groups intrested in a realistic fight instead of a one shot boring old kill method.
Posted by: James Benedek | August 02, 2008 at 02:23 AM
No offense intended to you military folks but why is the Herald so "obsessed" with the SL military groups. They're such a small part of SL. Hell, the SL fashion industry is bigger.
(says the fashionista member of a few Caledon military groups)
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | August 02, 2008 at 09:19 AM
No Inuyasha, only YOU have recieved ''Grief, hate, and sorrow'', mainly because you're a fascist prick who believes he can take over a Military by sending a notice.. please, if you think SL Combat is dead, then STOP PARTICIPATING IN IT.
Posted by: Fox Mulgrave | August 02, 2008 at 09:54 AM
Its pretty obvious that sl combat is already declining but I don't think it will ever end. Well perhaps when the Lindens make secondlife companies only or it fails. But honestly, who the hell cares. We've had phantom bullets for years. Get over that AN and Mercx's big walls and bridges can't be used as defenses.
Posted by: Belzin Jeska Tundra ETC | August 02, 2008 at 10:15 AM
Getting people to change wont be easy however I would definitely be interested in some form of HUD combat.
Unfortunately you need a few of the bigger players AN,Ordo for example to really throw there weight behind it seeing as they get attacked the most.
Steve319 cao
Commander U.N.I.T
Posted by: Steve319 cao | August 02, 2008 at 11:17 AM
lol@eye. that was a pretty good reaction for getting no reaction. idiot. you think people like you? make an alt, get a voice changer and hop on mercz vent sometime and ask who eye korobase is. see what the reaction is.
Posted by: roflcakes | August 02, 2008 at 11:32 AM
Reply to James
I would not mind a system in which we had actual limited ammo for our weapons and get to go to ammo boxes to get ammo for each weapon, that would also be cool for a hud based combat system.
I do agree that it is sad that no one is willing to get a combat system for all SL militaries and that we could all use.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 02, 2008 at 12:27 PM
There's a fix. LL added a new type of object property, material type or something.. Check under object options. Set it from wood to metal. Blocks ALL bullets. I've tested this.
Posted by: Jiranto Kas | August 02, 2008 at 01:29 PM
"Change your prims(bullet and walls) to Type > Metal."
Just get the fuck out. Right now.
Posted by: Avil Creeggan | August 02, 2008 at 04:03 PM
Maybe you faggots should reduce the damage bullets cause to comply with the SL damage system, then when they do go through walls it's like "oshit" instead of "teleport home"
Also, it sounds like you need to fortify your bases like someone above mentioned. making thicker walls, yanno, like they do in REALITY.
Difference with reality, you cant bitch about it not being fair when you're dead. or bitch and whine when the enemy gets an advantage. Build better defenses and stop crying.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 02, 2008 at 05:01 PM
lawl roflcakes
That are merczs man, ONE SL MILITARY, not all of them, idiot.
and besides, other then MC, Ordo and merczs dislike me that that is it o and bruno and ethan and yeah , that is about it.
Everyone else seems cool with me, so learn to do some ACTUAL research before you make false claims.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 02, 2008 at 05:52 PM
As much as I'd love a universal HUD-based combat system that does things like track ammo usage, kills, deaths, team scores, etc., my inner cynic is having a hard time believing that a community that can't even agree on the acceptability of av-attach aircraft would ever be able to pull off something like that.
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | August 02, 2008 at 08:37 PM
If SLH wants to be treated as a legitimate journalist web page...
Having titles like ZOMG won't help you faggots.
But then again...this is a site that covers a fake virtual world where people build sex chairs and cocks with faces on them.
Posted by: SPACETARD | August 02, 2008 at 10:27 PM
I'll divide my post into two parts to save everyone some unnecessary reading. If your name is not Eye Korobase, feel free to stop at the dotted line. =)
With the implementation of Mono less than a week away, and the failure of LL to address many of the issues brought about in Havok 4, it's a safe bet to presume that combat systems will be revisited before the end of summer. However, there are a few key points to be mentioned that need to be resolved before we can begin to seriously pursue such a system as a community.
1) The familiarity of the current damage system.
2) Universal agreement upon standards.
3) Migration of all existing technology.
Point I - This was the bane of the first generation of combat systems. No matter how good a system was, it would inevitably fail because everyone is used to the current LL damage system. This is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome.
Point II - I stand corrected. This is the biggest hurdle, by far. Have you ever been to one of the new STABLE meetings? It took us over an hour to discuss a certain topic, and the only thing that we were able to agree upon was that LUCA VASILOPITA CAN RELOAD HIS WEAPON IN THREE POINT TWO SECONDS!!! While those who were at that meeting are probably laughing, it brings up a serious point. In order for a combat system to gain widespread use, it will almost have to be developed collaboratively by the major groups. I do not look forward to that summit.
Point III - This is a biggie as well. Even if we do develop a new universal combat system, there's still the issue of making all our old stuff work with it. Now for groups like the Merczateers and Ordo, who have plenty of scripters, that's not too much of an issue. But for groups like UNIT, MC, Sparta, and others, this is a daunting task, and ease of adaption will have to be a key part of any proposed system.
"lawl roflcakes
That are merczs man, ONE SL MILITARY, not all of them, idiot.
and besides, other then MC, Ordo and merczs dislike me that that is it o and bruno and ethan and yeah , that is about it.
Everyone else seems cool with me, so learn to do some ACTUAL research before you make false claims."
So basically, besides EVERY military you've ever been in (and then some), all the militaries like you? I have to thank you, Eye. You've demonstrated that, while low, even the Mercz have intellectual standards for their rank and file, a standard which you failed to adhere to. Because of your inability to keep your hands on your keyboard while dealing with fellow Mercz, you've found a home with the rest of the failures of the community.
Think about it, Eye. You follow the command of DARK SLEEPER. That fact alone precludes you from ever being able to speak with any level of credibility to the rest of the SL military scene again. This is the part where I'd advise you to resign yourself to your fate, stop posting idiotic fail attempts at call outs on the Herald (that always seem to begin with "O LAWL"), and hang yourself in a women's restroom with a used tampon. However, since I know you're far too stupid to do so, I will wait for you to to post a senseless line of drivel (again, beginning with "O LAWL") in which you somehow manage to make an inbred chimpanzee look like Stephen Hawking, after which I will promptly kick your teeth down your throat.
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | August 03, 2008 at 02:46 PM
I miss caine's articles :(
I mean wtf was this, a load of nonsense by an uniformed reporter who had no real idea what he was writing about interviewing people who knew even less.
Posted by: Vegna Fouroux | August 03, 2008 at 06:25 PM
A combat HUD system will never work. Why? Well, think about it. You know how laggy SL combat is now right? Usually causes the sim to almost crash. It'll be like, twice as worse with everyone wearing complex HUD systems like that. =\
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | August 03, 2008 at 08:12 PM
You just noticed this? There's been a JIRA topic on it for a couple of months already... LOL.
Posted by: Desiderata Lisle | August 03, 2008 at 08:50 PM
Actually Nidol, common intuition is wrong in that regard. Most of the lag from combat comes from avatars constantly reloading the sim. HUDs eliminate that. This was one of the greatest parts of the old Merczateer system.
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | August 03, 2008 at 09:02 PM
O Ethan
This is why a good amount of Merczateers hate your guts. You take Second Life combat and militaires way too serious.
There is a different between playing SL and living SL.\
Ethan, your one of those people who live SL. Let me explain.
People who live SL, are those who take it upon themselves to act and do things that real life would do, like having to say Sir/Ma'm and saluting and all that. Also taking their jobs/rank within SL WAY too seruoisly as well, acting as though what bad may happen in SL makes it seem to the person to affect their RL, but it really doesn't.
On the other hand, People who play SL play SL as though it were just a game, as it is a game. They do not take all the drama and etc to heart and all enjoy what they do in SL. They act as though all others around them (those who choose not to act like they are gods *COUGHS Ordo COUGHS*)are all human beings that respect eachother without acting like they are suppose to be hated.
Ethan, as a human being, you fail on the level of understanding and respect that most humans have for eachother. You have twisted the game in your own mind to make it seem real to you, when it is not. All Second Life is Ethan, is a game. Nothing more and nothing less. Once you actually understand this in your mind and break free from your own mind control, you'll awake to see that all you have done in your time in SL is made others feel bad and have done nothing in the ways to talk and understand people, because all you have cared about was how to piss people off and how to dehumanize others.
I also love how you defend Merczs so much as well ethan, when behind their backs in the main chennal, you talk to anthony and lurdan like your still a general and still have some type of actual rank, when you do not. Stop living in the past and make your own path in SL, not try and get your old past back. Live in the now, not then.
I speak for the good amount of SL military community on SL herald here when I say that no one really cares for your god damned ignortant, hateful, and souless opinion on almost everyone and everything within the SL military community. All you have ever done for the community is spread rumors, make hateful insults and comments about people, force your will onto lurdan and anthony, and in general be a total dick to everyone. Also to point out ethan, is when you actually know me (I mean, know me by talking to me, not by listening to what others say), you can talk shit about me.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 04, 2008 at 12:28 AM
Hahaha.... Eye stop pretending like you're someone ok. Its getting old. All this talk about respect for others and living SL coming from you is so hysterical. The guy who sexually harrasses both men and women, forgets to turn his mic off so everyone on vent can hear him jerking off, continuously talks shit about anyone and everyone who has finally gotten sick of his whiny ass little voice and attitude to match, and generally called you out for being a fucking drama queen. Go die in a fire Eye.
Posted by: lawlz | August 04, 2008 at 08:56 AM
hahah lawlz
Good job at not showing who you are (Ordo high command). Basicly every one of your statements about me is not even true. Also pretending? lawl why would I pretend to be someone when I actually am someone. I am a human being, just like you and just like everyone that posts on here. But I guess you can not see pass the game and take the game to a level of seriousness that does not need to be reared. Just like Ethan, lawlz, your one of those people that lives SL then just plays it. All your insults and little dirty comments that you have no base on do nothing to me. All they are are words on a website that have no backing or prove.
When you actually have an Intelligence response, maybe you'll get me to "react" but most likely not.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 04, 2008 at 10:21 AM
I really appreciate your comments! I am starting a series on the Merczateers and Vanguard, part one of which should roll out today.
Please comment on it too - the discussion is part of what makes reading and writing articles fun.
Thank you,
Posted by: Caine Constantine | August 04, 2008 at 12:01 PM
Lets just clear this up, I don't have all the information, dates et cetera, but the Merczateers started their combat system back around August 2007, in response to the growing pressure on sim script execution.
I feel, in response to recent conversation among the Merczateer Kommissariat (High Command) it's about time we, the military community, began discussing these things between us, committed our assets together and in the end we'd have a great community effort, no? BUT. Alas, people fail to see past their own egos and the whole "OH. I H8 U BECUZ U R MI ENUMY" It's a game, a game that is quickly losing its appeal and fun. Lets grow up, honestly.
Posted by: Blade Syakumi | August 04, 2008 at 01:39 PM
*lines up the kick*
It's a shame the comments on this actually somewhat serious issue are getting turned into a war of words, but setting retards on fire is so incredibly fun. I'd do my typical line by line beatdown style post, but Eye's nonsensical drivel is so shamefully stupid that even copy pasting it makes more of by brain cells want to take a 20 story faceplant onto a sidewalk. However, since it seems that in comparison to my opponent here, I have a few dozen IQ points to spare, I'll indulge.
"O Ethan"
-Typical beginning for an E.Korobase post. It addresses the person he wants to try to level with, and yet somehow is unable to add the h there. I find this particularly amusing, because according to Boggen, you're quite good at the "Oh! Oh! Oh!" line. While not normally a big deal, this serves to set the atmosphere for the rest of his extended "DURRRRRRR!"
-I'll remind you that until you were EJECTED FOR TRYING TO USE E-RANK TO GET E-SEX FROM FEMALE RECRUITS, you too subscribed hook, line, and sinker to the exact same school as the rest of the Merczateers, right down to the Sir/Ma'am. Just because we didn't let you use "Yes, Mistress! Spank me good!" as a formal response to commands, does not make the Merczateers serious business. As for me? Sure I take Second Life a little more seriously than just a game. I turn a fair profit from scripting commissions. It's far from enough to make a life out of, but it's certainly not something you can do in every other game. That doesn't carry over to how I view the military scene quite as much, as I do that for entertainment. However, I do believe that if you're going to do something, you should endeavor to do it well. And sure, I'm an evil bastard who gets no small chuckle from the misfortunes of a select few in the Second Life community, but those select few are just that, a select few. For the most part, each and every one of them is on that list because of stuff they've done.
"I also love how you defend Merczs so much as well ethan, when behind their backs in the main chennal, you talk to anthony and lurdan like your still a general and still have some type of actual rank, when you do not. Stop living in the past and make your own path in SL, not try and get your old past back. Live in the now, not then."
-But wait! I thought the Merczateers hated me. Isn't that what you said? If the Mercz hate me so, then why do their commanders still listen to my council? I will tell you why. For you see, Eye, when we were off in whatever divine realm exists before this world, when God was giving out intellect, I made sure to get there bright and early so I could have my fair share. By the time you got done with the ethereal equivalent of masturbating into Ventrilo while "forgetting" your mic was on, all the great lord had left for you was a bad case of down syndrome and the inability to spell. Lurdan, Anthony, Aryte, Raideur while he was still around, Steve319, and even the AN to an extent, listen to what I have to say, regardless of rank or no rank, because unlike yourself, I actually do know what I'm talking about. I've been doing this for more than two years, and I've gotten quite good at it. While I may not be a Merczateer general anymore, the sense of discipline, dedication, and wit that got me to that position are still very much present in me, regardless of my resignation to pursue personal interests. After all, if for nothing else, it was my call that put Aryte at the head of AN II, and look how well he's succeeded. Perhaps on the off chance you ever prove yourself to be more than an idiot, you'll get to experience that too. In the meantime, enjoy taking orders from Dark Sleeper.
"I speak for the good amount of SL military community on SL herald here"
-No you don't. AN, Ordo, Mercz, MC, Sparta, 39th, 2142? Does Eye speak for any of you? I'd certainly hope not.
"Also to point out ethan, is when you actually know me (I mean, know me by talking to me, not by listening to what others say), you can talk shit about me."
-You aren't worth getting to know, Eye. I've heard you blabber enough over Vent and in here to know that you a fucking tool, except you don't have a purpose. The little "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" line doesn't work when I've watched you do nothing but fail for months on end. I can talk shit about you all I like because every last bit of it is grounded in objective truth, and far more people agree with me than they do with you.
Now, for your pathetic attempt at a response to lawlz.
"Good job at not showing who you are (Ordo high command)."
-Let me give you a little hint about Ordo, since you seem to have picked up absolutely nothing about it during your brief membership. Ordo High Command consists of one person, and that's Aryte. Like me, Aryte is quite skilled at bashing in the skulls of retards with the verbal equivalent of riot batons, and he has no need to post under an anonymous name. It's like every time someone makes fun of you, you accuse them of being Ordo. Far more groups (and individuals) than Ordo hate you, Eye. If half of the people you accused of being Ordo "high command" actually were, well, said "High Command" would be ten times the size of Pan-Slavyia. I know that's a lot of math for your simple mind, but I'm confident you can get help from somebody with it.
"Basicly every one of your statements about me is not even true."
-Well let's have a look at Mr. Lawlz's post.
1) The guy who sexually harrasses both men and women : TRUE
2) forgets to turn his mic off so everyone on vent can hear him jerking off : TRUE
3) continuously talks shit about anyone : TRUE
4) his whiny ass little voice and attitude to match : TRUE
5) being a fucking drama queen : TRUE
I believe that in addition to your inability to use proper grammar, you're also having difficulties determining what's real, and just how outclassed you really are. But hey, on the plus side, I hear that's a common trait in the Sodomy Regime, so you should be just fine.
"I actually am someone. I am a human being, just like you and just like everyone that posts on here."
-Once again, Eye, you are wrong. You are not someone. You are not like everyone who posts here. You are not a precious, unique little snowflake, despite what your mother, Special Ed teacher, and short bus driver may tell you. You are a piece of crap that has failed so hard that nobody cares about him EVEN OVER THE INTERNET. The sad part is, we don't hate you because you're stupid. There are lots of stupid people who are perfectly likable. The reason people hate you (yes, hate), is because in addition to your double digit IQ, you ATTEMPT to harass people, ride coattails, and manage to act in the most inappropriate manner possible, all while doing so with a voice that makes Steve Erkel sound like Barry White.
"All they are are words on a website that have no backing or prove."
-Actually, screenshots, logs, and even Ventrilo recordings are still quite available in Second Life. Just because you wish there weren't logs of you cybering Boggen's alt, and then him going "SURPRISE, I HAVE A DONG!" doesn't mean there aren't. Sucks to be you.
"When you actually have an Intelligence response, maybe you'll get me to "react" but most likely not."
-This is funny all on its own. EYE KOROBASE telling someone else to have an intelligent response (yes, he did somehow manage to fuck up the usage of the word while doing so). I think this line is also a way of both proclaiming that not only is he having great difficulty reading these posts, his feelings are hurt, so he's running away. Poor baby. It's the smartest thing he's done in a while if so.
In conclusion, Eye, you are a worthless sack of shit with no character or value to anyone, Second Life or first, and you have proven so time and time again. While I could come up with some magnificent and eloquent way of directing you to save some Oxygen for those of us whose brains use it and end yourself, I believe Lawlz said it best...
Go die in a fire, Eye.
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | August 04, 2008 at 02:47 PM
Ethan, God, how many times do all of us have to tell you about how wrong you are almost every little thing.
My Ordo history: was in for 4 months (not a short time) and I lefted, was not ejected. I wrote a very nice fairwell notecard to aryte and a few other members saying that I'd miss them and etc. Aryte never gave the notecard out, until some of my ordo friends asked to see it then they gave it out to some of the ordo members to see.
Ethan you "THINK" they listen to you, but they do not. They think your bat-shit crazy half the time and also making up that you have some type of disorder to excuse you from what you have said and done doesn't mean your off the hook.
the sexual har:
O yes, let's just bring that up again and you did not even look into the whole boggen prank that happened. The whole thing with me doing boggen's alt was a prank that was set up by tung and boggen and it was pretty good. I was not even angry with them for it, I could not be, it was just too funny. They got screenshots like any other person would in a funny sit like that, o and also at the time of that happening, I was actually in 39th at that time, not ordo or merczs.
Merczs false eject:
Like most of your info that you have got, it was wrong. The only 2 actual merczs groups I was ejected from was the Inf. and recuitment groups as a punishment. So, basicly instand of getting a demotion like most others would get, I was granted with just being ejected from the recuit and Inf groups, not the main group. I lefted the main group and the other ones 3 days after. if it is one thing that is alway true it is that, I have alway lefted groups, and have never been ejected from any. well, other then the GRs on my alt, because I basicly told the GR's leader that his weapons were worst then VGs and that he was an idiot.
Os, liek where is it? you say that there is tons, but I have yet to see ANY
General sum of your whole post:
Well Ethan, you have proven that it is impossible to talk to you on a human level, since SL is SOOOOO serious business to you even though NONE of it is even real. making these long posts, proving nothing in the ways or backing or prove of ANY of your statments and instand of finding out the info for yourself, you go to others and then you twist the whole thing to your liking. You have tired to destory nanano, even though that man has not done a damn thing to you and you'd disrespect a US viet is beyond me. you have offically goes to the funny farm and do not want to leave it. Even Jim and Harq do not take things as seriously as you do. Ethan, I suggest you start to get a life, instant of living in this second one.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 04, 2008 at 07:05 PM
Ok, haven't been on for a while, and for the post back a while, no Ethan I'm not afraid of you or anyone else, but I do not want to get in game IM's, hate mail, or anything else you or anyone else can think of. So I was off by what? 2 3 months? your still a reject.
but I agree with you Ethan that Eye is a worthless dirt bag, but I also agree with Eye that your a retard that has gotten himself hooked on pixels and needs to lay off.
>.> now I can picture Ethan as being a 12 year old boy snorting up pixel sticks (what ever the sugar in a tube is called) THANKS.
Posted by: ex-AN | August 04, 2008 at 08:32 PM
Wow, you responded rather quickly. It's a shame you didn't do the smart thing and take a bath in cement like we all wish you would. Oh well. Ding, round 2.
To Ordo:
They all hate you. To them, the only favorable part of your departure was that you were gone. I was in Vent with them making fun of you earlier, and EVERYONE was laughing. And I have a disorder? That's news to me. Last I checked, purposefully misleading enemy leadership to manipulate their policy is strategy, not a disorder. Of course, given your limited vocabulary, perhaps such a mistake isn't that farfetched. Or maybe you see complex thought, planning, and strategising AS a disorder. With the company you've chosen to keep, I see that as the more likely explanation. I guess that also explains why you think I'm batshit crazy, for introducing such ideas as the use of a combat blockade as a weapon and the formation of MOSCOW/Iron Symphony, creating and issuing the first general issue melee weapon in use by ANY military group, as well as the inclusion of the first integral weapon melee attack, the creation of attachment aircraft, variable accuracy weapons, the Merczateer combat system, the breakdown of Merczateers into divisions based on combat responsibilities (the FIRST time around), Emit Time, the original AN II handbook (parts of which are still in use today), the policy decision to turn the Herald and other SL media outlets against the AN, the manipulation of Christoph into starting up Vanguard, and countless other initiatives and exploits. Agree or disagree, you can't argue that every single one of them has had an impact on the SL combat community as a whole. Just a few days ago, I gave Ordo a general issue melee weapon. Stuff like that is an average Tuesday for me. What exactly do you have to your name again?
Merczateer false eject? I hardly think so. If you WERE afforded the luxury of leaving on your own, I strongly doubt it was an optional departure. If you got ejected from Infantry and Recruitment, it likely means the ejecting officer simply lacked the authority to boot you from the main group, and you left before Lurdan, Anthony, or Poon got the pleasure of doing what every single Merczateer has wanted to do since you first disgraced our sims and uniform. And had the particular recruit you tried to molest like some pimple faced pubescent teenage boy who prays to God every night to let the next day be the one he finally sees a pair of breasts besides his mother's (Oh, wait...) not requested to remain anonymous and not post logs, that's EXACTLY what I'd be doing right now, in addition to preparing to turn half of your host army's base into a 4chan playhouse (Again: Oh wait...).
Of course it's impossible for you to talk to me on a human level. I'm frankly quite surprised you've managed to figure out how to stand upright, let alone master the intricacies of a PC's power button, keyboard, and the cruel bastardization of the English language that you call speech. Nanao not doing stuff to me? You'd better check your history, chump. Service in the US military does not necessarily denote an honorable character, or did you forget about Abu Gharib? Does the murder of the PREGNANT Lance Corporal Maria Lauterbach by Corporal Cesar Laurean not ring a bell? Since you brought up everybody's favorite blue-haired e-child/daughter molestor, I'm going to guess you've probably never heard of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino either. Hell, even Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine, and he shot Kennedy. But hey, who cares about facts in the world of Eye Korobase and the Pan Slavyia Cumsuc... err, Coalition. Seriously, Eye... you're starting to sound like a sexually confused twelve year old with a speech impediment who saw The Dark Knight and decided to get in his mother's makeup drawer, cake his face with powder and lipstick, and walk around chanting (what's quickly become a 4chan meme) "Why so serious?" (Once again: Oh, wait...)
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | August 04, 2008 at 08:40 PM
Wow, just like before on other posts, you did not even answer what I had posted. All you did was make insult again insult that do not work on any level on me. Your words to me are useless, Ethan. Why would I care if ordo hates me? They alway made that choose for themselves a long time ago. I know that a few of my old ordo pals, see pass all this BS and do act like human beings, thankfully. O I find it very funny how you have run out of insults to hit me with and now have to attack my real life, like you would know the first thing about it. There is a big different between how people live and act in real life and how they act and live in SL, but I bet your one of those people who do both the same. Attack my vocabulary? have you goes that low? you could not could up with anything actually wisely to say, so you attack my vocabulary. What a waste of a mind, ethan. Also why do you just go on and go on a very long and very unfunny rant that doesn't even get to a punch line? Looks like you Ethan, are losing your touch.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 04, 2008 at 10:32 PM
Oh c'mon, there was no need to bring The Dark Knight into this D:
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | August 04, 2008 at 10:39 PM
I notice how Eye's responses are getting shorter and shorter. Yet he still seems to be clinging to this silly notion that there are people out there who like him. It's almost like some sort of Shakespearean tragedy... if Shakespeare ever had a crash helmet wearing inbred running around wearing his mother's makeup while screaming, "I'M SPECIAL!" Eye, everybody, ESPECIALLY Ordo, knows that you have no Ordo pals.
"Attack my vocabulary? have you goes that low? you could not could up with anything actually wisely to say, so you attack my vocabulary."
-I think this line speaks for itself. It requires zero elaboration or explanation to be downright hysterical. You make those people at Chinese restaurants that are constantly screwing up my "Chicken flied lice, no brocorri?" point and laugh with little jewels like this.
You ask why I attack you as a person, Eye? Well it's quite simple, really. In a world powered by imaginations and full of all kinds of magnificent digital things, the only REAL thing that we have in Second Life is our character, the kind of person that we are. No amount of cool looking skins, prim hair, AOs, and military stuff can hide what you are at your core. Me? I'm a controversial, arrogant, loud mouthed son of a bitch, but I've earned my place, and my reputation, for my zealous pursuit of what I believe is right. Time and time again, I've stood up for what I believe in, because even though this world may be a game, peoples' feelings are not. Those are very real. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes I'm VERY wrong. But this is not one of those times. You are a spineless, sniveling, pathetic sack of crap, with no character, integrity, or initiative. You aren't a person. You aren't something notable. You are a glassy eyed, mouth breathing little dingleberry that hops around from ass to ass of different SL military groups. You are not significant. You are not cared about. You are generic failure serial number #0037482-1, and the one thing in life you are good for is being a little bitch and a punching bag on a forum with no real valued opinion for someone with an actual intellect to warm up for his midterms by strangling the last strands of hope you have for an escape from the what must be, judging by the character you have shown us all, an absolutely pathetic life in the real world. You know, if I were you, I'd probably be begging for a total humiliation, too. It must be nice to be noticed for a change. Perhaps if your father hadn't decided to walk out on his sister/your mother and stuck around to get drunk and beat you like he should have, we might not be having this conversation, as you would have already done the sensical thing and eaten a mouthful of buckshot. It's not too late, you know. You can still do the right thing. Or, you can come back and try (and fail) to argue with me. From a certain perspective, they're pretty much the same thing.
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | August 05, 2008 at 01:11 AM
Ethan, I highly doubt that you stand up for yourself in real life, if you did I don't think you'd spend your time in a game getting hooked on pixels and hurting others feelings, your just a pathetic man trying to act much bigger and better than you really are.
your a bully and if anyone knows why a bully is a bully it normally has to do with issues with their family life, did your dad rape you as a child Ethan? or did your mother dress you in girls clothing? but really why the fuck are you so fucked up you lash out at people over SL? I mean really grow up a little for crying out loud. You have over and over again proven that your are a hateful nasty person Ethan.
Posted by: ex-AN | August 05, 2008 at 10:38 AM
Eye, shut up.
ex-AN, you shut up to.
You are both equally worthless.
Posted by: [email protected] | August 07, 2008 at 12:19 PM
At this time it nearly impossible to implement needed reforms in the combat community because of the distrust. This is how I would implement the need reforms.
I would take a group like the Merczateers that have more then enough members and then I would break it into two armies. Both armies would be the property of Lurdan Huszar. Once Lurdan's second army would be functional then he would use that new army to attack the Merczateers. Lurdan Second fictional army would render Ascendant initiative, noob armies and vanguard as no longer needed. Lurdan then could systematically ban any aggressors other then lurdan's second army from Salamis and badnarik. This would give merczateer's total control of how they want to fight. Lurdan's Second army would render having to deal with AN and AI no longer needed.
This type of situation would profit Merczateer for several reasons.
They are no longer dependant on other armies for combat.
They could finally make their combat Goal orientated and finally give a definition to victory and defeat.
They would no longer be limited by treaties that pose strict limitations on what type of weapons they could make or use.
They could abandon the flawed LL damage land and institute the combat hub that they so desperately want.
Lurdan could control how often for how long the Merczateers are attack, so situtations like operation crusifix would never happen again.
If Lurdan was to only allow his second army and his allies access to Salamis he would end griefing at his base's because he could easily hold the guilty party accountable because he owned the other military group. Under this type of set up he could prevent other know griefer armies from accessing their sims to begin with by setting their sim to group only. So the Merczateers and Lurdan's Second fictional would be the only ones with access to Lurdan's land.
Lurdan would also be in total control of the fair terms of combat by which his groups fight. He would no longer have to bicker for hours with other groups over policy issues like what constitutes a proper airframe.
Posted by: Random | August 08, 2008 at 02:51 PM
You bitch about drama.
You bitch about people finding your youtube channel and finding out you're a huge "otaku" and all that.
You bitch about people thinking you're weird for thinking furries are hot.
You bitch about people thinking you say the same old shit, because you do...
And you bitch about the Ordo because they booted you, because you just don't know when to shut up.
And when you finally DO find out when to shut up..
You, again, say the same old thing..
"I'm just sayin'!"
P.S - Eye, shut up.
Posted by: lolwut | August 08, 2008 at 09:15 PM
No-one cares what i've got to say, but i'll say it.
Please: can you guys stop with the long-winded comments, this is meant to be a 'comments' section on a NEWS website. This is -not- a place for aguments and drama, just comment on the damn story.
Also, on Alyx Stoklitsky's comment: In my view, the appeal of SL military is, is that people/avatars can be create their own groups. With their own weapons, vehicles, armour which are their own design. And they don't have to use those provided by games manufacturers.... In truth - what SL was originally dreamed up to help with. Creativity.
Posted by: Molen Oppewall | August 09, 2008 at 03:40 PM