Tizzers BnT brought back from the dead
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
A tense stare down developed between residents of Second Life and the Linden game gods earlier this week - part of a struggle over avatar naming rights and a series of preemptive account bans in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the players. Suggestions of corruption and manipulation of the ban hammer wielding governance team surfaced, and at least a dozen innocent accounts with the first name Tizzers were removed from the people list in Second Life.
But after an unscheduled secret meeting of the Linden Lab governance team thursday, Tizzers BnT was brought back to life, and has now re-joined the world - perhaps acknowledging that Linden governance had overstepped its bounds -- and the power of the virtual press to expose government wrongdoing.
Thursday night the reincarnated TIzzers BnT told me, “g-team had a huge meeting today that was not schedule, after the article came out, before tizzers bnt reappeared”.
When I asked how one might detect a Linden givernance team meeting, Tizzers said, “they were all showing as online at the same time, even harry was on ‘til much later than normal”.
While most Linden staff hide their online presence, a number of residents have devised Linden monitors that scan for avatar keys and display the online status of even stealth Lindens. These tools are in widespread use in the griefing, land baron, and anti-griefing community as each of the groups uses knowledge of who is on duty to shop for a favorable hearing for their grievances - or a ban for their enemies.
Tizzers' profile: poppin and lockin and <3 for fans
Although an innocent avatar named Tizzers has been brought back from the dead, a larger problem remains - how to balance the Lab’s drive to minimize governance costs against the residents’ desire for justice in a world where everyone tries to game the system.
If this incident was any guide, perhaps a move to significantly more transparency can act as a check on the almost unlimited power of the game gods. Certainly Tizzers BnT is one girl who would not be poppin and lockin at Fort Longcat had not the G-team actions been brought to light.
Innocent until proven guilty and a right to confront accusers might be more work for the Lab and conflict with Prokofy Neva’s notions of rough justice for those Mr. Neva dislikes, but the current state of affairs is certain to drive even loyal customers into the arms of metaverse service providers other than Linden Lab.
I await the official Linden Lab Blog entry where they make the statement that "People called Tizzy have always been welcomed in SL, and have never been banned."
Posted by: Loki | August 22, 2008 at 10:16 AM
Um, it's not "rough justice for people Prok doesn't like" but proper, normal justice for people who constantly trespass, harass, stalk and grief.
I've already abuse reported this fake obvious Tizzers alt for attempting to friend me, which is of course harassment.
The Herald has really run out of anything to say. Not with a bang, but a whimper, as they say...
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | August 22, 2008 at 10:37 AM
I hope that LL adds the surname "IsAWhineyScriptKiddie" so I can register that with Tizzers.
Posted by: Tizzers Bunghole | August 22, 2008 at 10:43 AM
@Prok, I'd actually suggest reporting them because anyone attempting to friend you needs mental help and fast.
Posted by: Prokofy's Bunghold | August 22, 2008 at 11:00 AM
Uh.. Prok.
I know it's been awhile since anyone genuinely wanted to be your friend, but offering friendship isn't against the Official ToS, nor is it harrassment. If you believe someone is harassing you, mute them. But yeah, though you may be shocked that someone wants to know more about your paranoid and stuck-up antics, I'm sure that you may be pleasantly surprised at what 'Tizzers' has to offer you.
But hey.
Linden Lab is bending over to people like you and licking your ass-crack. so no doubt the avi will be banned for offering friendship.
"The Herald has really run out of anything to say. Not with a bang, but a whimper, as they say..."
*Then why do you still read it?
*Why do you still post useless comments on it?
*Why do you insist on taking the time to slander it?
''Velvet Fascism''.
Posted by: Fox | August 22, 2008 at 11:08 AM
i think the Herald really needed another article on IntLib's whining.
what is this? 5? just because he decided to make an issue out of the fact that indeed banning a first name of a (at least to LL) troublemaker is probably not the worst idea LL's ever had?
*makes an account called LOLDONGS5555555555555555555555 Acronym, cries foul when it's mysteriously banned*
Posted by: mootykips | August 22, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Posted by: something.is.here | August 22, 2008 at 04:59 PM
Dear lindens, ________ tried to add me to their friends list, please ban them.
Posted by: wat | August 22, 2008 at 05:27 PM
I hope that LL adds the surname "IsAWhineyScriptKiddie" so I can register that with Tizzers.
Posted by: Tizzers Bunghole | August 22, 2008 at 10:43 AM
What, Tizzers is a hacker now?
Posted by: Rape-Ape | August 22, 2008 at 06:14 PM
i truley cant believe that anyone gives a f**k about this,are your lives that sad and lonely?this supposed place to gather news and information has turned into a high school tabloid...so sad
Posted by: Rock Ramona | August 22, 2008 at 08:41 PM
Welcome back I guess...but please share with us where to purchase that scanner that shows when the Lindens are nearby or online...........ty.
Posted by: Razrcut Brooks | August 22, 2008 at 08:42 PM
I think Lindens are probably discussing whether to ban intlibber from SL at this stage.
I didn't intlibber would be stupid enough to help someone who is banned and that LL wants out off SL. Intlibber is supporting an individual in breach of TOS, and is therefore himself violating LL terms. He should be told to liquidate his asset within 30 days upon account shut down and permanent ban. That's all he deserves. And SL will be a much better place...
Posted by: Prokofaux Nympho | August 22, 2008 at 08:49 PM
I too would like to know how the term 'script kiddie' applies to Tizzers.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | August 22, 2008 at 10:19 PM
Filed under shit no one cares about.
Posted by: Xyekips T. | August 22, 2008 at 11:11 PM
Posted by: Tizzerz is a useless cunt in sl | August 22, 2008 at 11:32 PM
I think Lindens are probably discussing whether to ban intlibber from SL at this stage.
He should be told to liquidate his asset within 30 days upon account shut down and permanent ban. That's all he deserves. And SL will be a much better place...
Posted by: Prokofaux Nympho | August 22, 2008 at 08:49 PM
Your a little too late, plexus linden already got caught by his boss while trying to frame intlibber for copybotting a megaprim, which is technically impossible. It's been tried and it failed.
Posted by: Wat | August 23, 2008 at 01:11 AM
Oh, that's wishful thinking. Typical IntLibber style. He didn't get "caught". He just didn't investigate fully - that's where his error was. That certainly doesn't preclude other actions the Lindens might take.
I've been watching all this with great interest - I work with large organizations and corporate security as a day job, so this is just my real life in microcosm. And here's what I've figured out from talking to people and just keeping my ears open:
I believe Woodbury University in Second Life is fake. This entire time, they have never held a single class in SL. IntLibber, who claims to be a financial wizard and a powerful man, I believe is also a fraud. He talks a good game and goes through all the motions, but from what everyone I've spoken to has been telling me, the truth is that he's on his second suspension in five weeks for not being able to pay his bills. It's just a matter of time before he burns the rest of his cash, and he'll be just gone one day. And without him to prop it up, Woodbury will be too, and without Woodbury, Tizzers will be too. And while the PN may appear somewhat more independent, they're also down to their last four raiders, so really, they hardly amount to anything to worry about as a group any more.
None of these things are really all that much of a secret. IntLibber keeps company with PN and former PN, and frankly not a one of them can keep a secret for more than a few minutes. Neither can IntLibber's own employees.
The BnT Estates death watch begins as of today.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 23, 2008 at 04:09 PM
Oh, and one last thing: Alyx is quite correct. Tizzers is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a script kiddie.
He lacks even that basic skill set. The only thing he seems able to do is to deceive other people skillfully enough to get them to do things they wouldn't ordinarily do. Unfortunately, living your life that way only works until everybody figures you out. Then it stops working, and you have to pay the piper, as he's starting to find out.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 23, 2008 at 04:12 PM
LL knows Int has lawyers in multiple states and he's not afraid to use them (been done already). If some rogue Lindens wanna try pulling a Cyn on him, I doubt LL's shareholders will appreciate the results.
Posted by: Perry Mason | August 23, 2008 at 08:23 PM
"LL knows Int has lawyers in multiple states and he's not afraid to use them," Says who? Intlibber? In that case, we all have lawyers in several states. ::cackles::
Posted by: Bemused | August 23, 2008 at 10:37 PM
Yeah, so bugger off Plexus.
Posted by: yeah | August 23, 2008 at 10:39 PM
"It's just a matter of time before he burns the rest of his cash, and he'll be just gone one day. And without him to prop it up, Woodbury will be too, and without Woodbury, Tizzers will be too."
Longcat is owned by Scout Detritus who has tier paid through 2009 and has donated his sim to Woodbury. Stop acting like you know stuff.
Posted by: OH U | August 24, 2008 at 12:11 AM
You know, "Neo Citizen", people have been predicting the imminent demise of BNT and IntLibber for over a year now. Back then it was scammer Jasper Tizzy and megalomaniac Maldavius Figtree trying to spread that rumor, as they were trying to take over the company by destroying its share price and driving out its residents. People like Bart Heart, Angel Fluffy, Kalel Venkman, have all tried to continue this smear every month since then, but BNT has not only survived, but grown 20% since then.
Get real, go find something else to cause drama over someplace else. Nobody buys your BS.
Posted by: LOL @ Neo | August 24, 2008 at 03:15 AM
It still boggles my mind that so many people hate tizzers for little or no reason. Well we know the reason, the JLU and Prokofy's bullshit rants because how dare someone be in a public, mainland sim that you have land in? ZOMG EVUL.
What's bullshit is that, tbh, little actual harm has come from woodbury or tizzers and people are making tizzers out as an evil hacker now. oh lawdy lawdy.
By this point, it's either JLU alts or people who just want a bad guy to "rid the world of"
then after doing that they'll find the next villian.
Hell, it was plastic duck at one point, now it's Tizzers. and unlike plastic, tizzers hasn't contributed jack shit when it comes to griefing and generally bad things. Standing around and friending someone isnt griefing either, prok, what the fuck is wrong with you? the fact you react the way you do is why people target you. If SL bothers you that fucking much, get off your computer and go back to pushing your shopping cart full of beer bottles and cats around.
Seriously, this is just pathetic now. It's become "ban everyone we dont like from our world, even if they dont bother us"
I say this because I have never been bothered by anyone from woodbury, I've never been bothered by Tizzers. The only shit I hear about the two are from prok's gaping maw and SLH.
We call this making mountains out of mole hills.
My question is, who do you aim to go after next once tizzers and woodbury just "go away"?
I mean, you'll need a new scapegoat afterwards.
@Perry (intlibber sock puppet)
What do you mean shareholders? Don't use big words you don't understand.
LL is a private company. They don't offer stock. I think the term you're looking for is investors. If LL was a public company, it would probably be a better company, and we'd know the real stats. LL would get raped on the stock market, especially if anyone on the outside saw their actual income. I'm betting it isn't all that great, either.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 24, 2008 at 06:07 PM
I just call them like I see them, Intlibber You had to sell eight or nine sims two months ago because you couldn't pay for them, so I'm not sure where you're getting you're getting your growth figures from. The fact does remain that your IntLibber Brautigan account's been suspended, and that you have to go ask your dad to help make tier every couple of months or so.
This doesn't sound like financial wizardry at work to me. Considering all the time and effort you spend pouring disinformation into the Herald and wasting everybody's time on BanLink, I think it should be obvious to everyone that your primary focus in Second Life isn't running a business, it's hanging out with young boys less than half your age. If your primary focus were, in fact, running a business, it would be actually making you money instead of costing you money.
The other observation I'll make here is that usually the people that bluster the most and yell the loudest have the least actual power. I can't count the number of times in real life I've been told "You have no idea who you're dealing with", or been asked "Don't you have any idea WHO I AM?" The answer to that last question is almost invariably, "Nobody worth bothering with, and nobody who will be standing there the next time I have to come this way."
I think the other posters are right, I think you should be considering an exit strategy so that your entire investment in SL doesn't evaporate. Your first responsibility is to your investors, and to your own bottom line, and it's obvious to the casual observer that you haven't been paying attention to either one. How could you? You spend nearly all your time online trying to be "one of the boys", as though you were trying to recapture lost youth.
Don't misunderstand me on that, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're being honest with yourself and everyone else that this is what you're doing.
In your own self-interests, you need to come away from SL at least breaking even - unless you're really very wealthy and all of this is just a game, in which case you ought to come clean with the public and admit that, and not pretend you're the business mogul you're not.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 24, 2008 at 06:53 PM
LOL at Neo Citizen. Dont know where you are hearing that sort of bullshit about us selling 8 or 9 sims a couple months ago. We've not sold a single sim since Jan-Feb, we've purchased a number since then, and are now at 49 sims. We were at 37 in January-Feb. We bought up sims off other people in the spring and summer at 500 a pop. We had planned on expanding into Central Grid but pulled out when those folks proved untrustworthy.
Geeze its really hilarious hearing the latest made up BS about us. Would not be surprised if you heard this stuff from Frank Corsi, Bart Heart, or that scammer crew.
Rather than spending your time in SL lecturing me on what I should be doing with my life, I suggest you should follow your own advice, whoever you are (its always amusing when people who refuse to admit who they are start doubting the credibility of people who are totally open about their identity...).
Posted by: IntLibber Brautigan | August 24, 2008 at 09:23 PM
Comments about open identity aside - which is pretty good coming from somebody who sockpuppets on the Herald at least three times a day - I know you're not what you claim to be, and you're pretty mum about all the lawsuits pending against you. Which I guess makes sense, you have a right to keep that to yourself.
You must really be afraid of the consequences of your business and personal dealings to be fighting so hard in a rag like this one. For the reader, the ones that complain the loudest and start pointing fingers and naming others as being the cause of all their problems are usually the ones with the most reason to.
Let's watch and see what happens. I'm reasonably confident of the predicted outcome.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 25, 2008 at 10:35 AM
"Longcat is owned by Scout Detritus who has tier paid through 2009 and has donated his sim to Woodbury. Stop acting like you know stuff."
Obviously posted by one of IntLibber's friend boys - but I'd like to point out the distinction here. Scout Detritus donated his sim for use by the Woodbury University Group in Second Life. There's no actual evidence that they are supported by the real Woodbury University, and in fact that University has so far not held any classes in Second Life despite supposedly having a presence in SL for more than a year.
Calling it Woodbury University doesn't make it so, and in fact borrows on the good name of the real institution, to the detriment of all concerned. I strongly doubt that Woodbury University, with its reputation built up over more then a century, would condone even the illusion of racism in its name. This as much as anything points to Tizzers' claims of legitimacy as being grounded in nothing in particular, just more fabrication.
That's the loose thread in the hem. If anyone cares to pull on it, by talking directly to the directors of the University and informing them of the long trail of pointless bickering and sociopathy now ensconced forever in the Internet search engines for all to see, the charade would most likely come to an end very quickly. Old institutions trade solely on their reputations, and the participants here have done little to aid that, and much to hurt it.
A little digging in the Woodbury University's own web site shows no classes at all in their curriculum relating to virtual worlds of any sort, never mind Second Life - nor has Madelena Rossini's real life name ever appeared in the list of adjuncts for the Burbank campus, though she claims to have worked there. So what, exactly, is the thing that makes Tizzers and IntLibber are fighting so hard to establish Woodbury in Second Life? There may have been a tenuous connection at one point, but now there's nothing.
So the answer appears to be: nothing.
Nothing except the manipulation of an entire gullible audience into believing that Woodbury ever actually had plans to have any more than one social studies class that touched on virtual environments, and that class is now gone from the lineup for the coming semester, if in fact there ever was one planned. Woodbury University as an established presence in Second Life appears to be a very thorough, very complex fabrication, intended primarily to benefit Tizzers Foxchase, and in some way I haven't figured out yet, IntLibber Brautigan. Being publicly identified as the primary reason the PN still linger in Second Life due to his constant pandering to the PN leadership can't be good for business, so this author wonders:
* What's in it for IntLibber?
* With knowledge, scripting technique and possibly even manpower of the PN at his beck and call, what's he using it for, and why?
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 25, 2008 at 02:49 PM
"what's he using it for, and why?"
To troll you into writing 500 word essays. Seriously Kalel, don't you have anything better to do? Shouldn't you be working on shaders for Night At the Museum 2 or something?
Irony would have it that Charlie grows up to be a griefer.
Posted by: OH U | August 25, 2008 at 04:20 PM
Also, if anybody has ANY doubt whatsoever that Woodbury's Second Life presence is not fully sponsored by the RL university, feel free to call the Vice President of the school.
Ask for Dr. David Rosen
Posted by: OH U | August 25, 2008 at 04:24 PM
"To troll you into writing 500 word essays. Seriously Kalel, don't you have anything better to do? Shouldn't you be working on shaders for Night At the Museum 2 or something?"
Nice guess, but quite incorrect.
I do know Kalel in SL, though. And most of the rest of you as well. You just don't know me, and considering the vituperate nature of IntLibber and his young camarades, I think that's probably the safest way to leave things.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 25, 2008 at 05:35 PM
Neo Citizen (Yukiko),
OH U is exactly correct. I received a check a few weeks ago for over $4000 US from Woodbury University's Accounts Payable dept (it was a month late in coming) to cover the sims, tier, and other expenses. You, Yukiko, already know we have had a contract with WU since last year, because you worked for me when we reached the agreement.
While its a convenient smear to try to blame the PN on me, the fact is that I and BNT have done more to eliminate griefing in SL than anybody, because rather than treating it as a Manichean "E-War-on-Terror" like neo-con groups JLU and others follow, we've approached it as a juvenile crime issue and developed diversion programs, economic opportunities, etc. to drain their manpower. Unlike the JLU, who used their spies to help the PN raid better, we sought to dismember and defang the PN, and have succeeded wildy, which is why the JLU and furries bawww about me all the time: I've disrupted their immersion in their gridwar.
Furries like Yukiko, like Angel Fluffy, like Corsi Mousehold, being furry emo-queens as they are, WANT the PN to be more violent. They NEED a gridwar just like George Bush needs Al Qaeda to keep people scared and conned into voting for his failed presidency. "Fursecution" creates public sympathy for furrys. That is the only reason anti-furry grief happens. Scratch the PN and you will find a yiff-den full of furry's and closet furrys in spy alts egging the rest of the PN on into raiding and doing further deeds. Furry's love being fursecuted, they get off on feeling like victims and enjoying sympathy. They play capture roleplay games like those of Angel Fluffy.
I have never had anything to do with the PN, and since last summer, neither has Woodbury. Woodbury serves as a place for /b/tards, not PN, to be creative, to relax, and have fun, without being messed with by self-important self-appointed grid-assholes.
Michael Linden understood this, and agreed with me. Harry and Cyn do not, which is why they pushed him out, so furry Harry can have his grid-war to play.
I know Michael is a lot more happy in the LDPW, where he doesn't have to deal with unproductive vigilante idiots on power trips.
Posted by: IntLibber Brautigan | August 25, 2008 at 09:52 PM
i do believe Blowitagain has Prokzheimer's disease
i heard it comes from age and overtaxed body organs
poor hygeine has been linked as well
you can always identify those with Prokzheimer's because they have these delusions of greatness, and well, they just imagine shit that didn't really happen
Posted by: Zamboni Driveby | August 25, 2008 at 11:31 PM
Um, Intlibber, if this tripe were true, and you had "drained away" all the Woodbury energy for griefing, I would no longer be harassed by Tizzers and all his alts and all his little e-buddies now, would I? They'd be busy working at your empire, then, wouldn't they?
They wouldn't need to be deliberately and provocative, as Shaun and chad did, who are newcomer Woodburies who both in fact descended into griefing from formerly useful occupations as scripters, and rent my land deliberately to harass me, put up ugly signs, etc. They wouldn't have to fly around bothering my tenants.
Of course it's a libelous smear and an attempt to destroy my business reputation by printing posts on the forums thinly veiled referring to me that I "eject people I don't like or whose groups I don't like" when...there are two people like that, both Woodbury goons now, in a group where all the alts and little friends have a long history of harassing me.
Shaun went and put up unlawful extortionist ad farm parcels inciting people to come and buy his $1999 16 m2 ad farms to "do whatever" to Prokofy. This was abuse reported assiduously, and evidently the Lindens acted, as now Shaun has recast this into one of his goofy mini-malls selling stuff like tools to show which Concierge Lindens are on line and other hackery.
If the Woodburies REALLY turned over a new leaf, they'd have no need to endlessly keep making alts, endlessly trying to force-friend me, fly around my sim, harass me, etc. And yet juvenile freaks that they are, they continue to do this, particularly Tizzers, who is a real loser.
As for this very, very strained analogy to Bush and Al Qaeda, I hardly think the Lindens, by having a very thorough program to ban new destructive b/tard and Woodbury alts quickly, and nip in the bud all their attempts to crash sims, pretend they really aren't aiding and abetting the PNs, etc. is anything like "the war on terror". Not because "it's only pixels" -- it isn't -- but because they are doing basic ordinary police work that anyone should do to curb juvenile delinquency and vandalism. Very routine stuff. They haven't even disbanded or banned any recruitment groups, which is really something they should do as you would do if you had to deal with gang warfare. Banning a Tizzers name is like a highschool banning gang insignia. Just good policing and common sense.
It takes a particular kind of dick-headedness and arrogant assholery to imagine that consorting with all these JDs and miscreants somehow elevates you to the role of a civil leader "helping youth". It's a fraud, it's all part of the Big Lie told incessantly by your fake operation.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | August 26, 2008 at 01:22 AM
Oh, this is most delicious - IntLibber, you're really flailing, aren't you? You still don't have a clue who I am, do you?
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 26, 2008 at 01:23 AM
>That's the loose thread in the hem. If anyone cares to pull on it, by talking directly to the directors of the University and informing them of the long trail of pointless bickering and sociopathy now ensconced forever in the Internet search engines for all to see, the charade would most likely come to an end very quickly
I pulled on those threads a number of times, wrote to the directors, and ascertained that the name of Woodbury was being used improperly, you can read all of this on my blog.
Contact the directors again, as I intend to, if they keep up this Big Lie. There does not seem to be any program, it's a fraud.
This notion that Intlibber has received $4,000 from Woodbury University for sims does bear investigating from independent sources as he's obviously an interested party. And their payment of him for past services doesn't constitute any recognition that they are maintaining a program currently.
The entire Woodbury thing is actually a hoax. They've gotten Peter Ludlow to go along with it too, but it's way past the sell-by date at this point.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | August 26, 2008 at 01:25 AM
It looks that way - it also doesn't quite make sense that IntLibber has been given $4000 to cover expenses, but expenses of what, precisely? Other universities in SL have active campuses with classes held on the grid, last names purchased for exclusive use by their students, and a near continuous presence by curatorship that actually works directly for the universities in question. Woodbury has none of these things, so what has IntLibber done with the money? Pocketed it? If he's actually received that money "to cover expenses" there's very little to show for whatever expenses he's incurred so far, and Woodbury has been ostensibly operating in Second Life for nearly a year.
Some five months ago, Tizzers was telling everyone that Woodbury had received a grant from the MacArthur Foundation, for example. This turned out to be a lie as well. Later he tried to tell the GTeam that he personally had the support of BanLink, Angel Fluffy and Kalel Venkman - within 24 hours, all three of those people had sent angry letters of denial to the head of the GTeam at the time denying this false claim. There seems to be quite the pattern here.
IntLibber's claims to have nothing to do with the PN are lies as well - the only reason he no longer technically has one in his employ is that Alyx Stoklitsky, who still works for him, was ejected from the PN only a few months back - his employment with IntLibber went back much further than that, however. IntLibber is also in daily communication with FrizzleFry with Tizzers and several other high profile troublemakers in Skype chat, I know this for a fact as well, so his denials that he has anything to do with the PN are provably false. He claims to have done more to stop griefing on Second Life than everyone else, thinking himself responsible for dismembering the PN. What he actually did was break from very very large and effective groups that were actually doing this and start paying the PN off so they'd stop attacking him, and that worked (for him, sort of)- so I guess from his perspective, he "defeated the PN". In the meantime, his people have been permabanned for CopyBot violations, suspended for financial irregularities and I've lost track of what else.
I asked a Linden whether there was, in fact, a "grid war" as he's mentioned in other posts on the Herald, and the Linden simply guffawed. The assertion didn't even pass the laugh test.
The other thing that doesn't add up is, why would they give IntLibber money for sim operations when their student, Tizzers Foxchase, managed to get their entire sim wiped from the face of creation? Where has the Dean of Communications of Woodbury been in all this? Is Woodbury even aware of what's going on? I have a hard time believing they've been told everything if they're writing checks to somebody like IntLibber. In this economy especially, private schools don't have money to throw at projects that have failed so horribly as this, and they certainly don't write checks of that size without some sort of oversight.
We're asked to accept this pile of doo-dah without examination, completely suspending our disbelief. and I can see why: it doesn't hold up to even the slightest application of common sense.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 26, 2008 at 08:57 AM
No point in getting in a Tizz !
Posted by: Archie | August 26, 2008 at 10:59 AM
>> Neo Citizen
> What he actually did was break from very very large and effective groups that were actually doing this and start paying the PN off so they'd stop attacking him, and that worked (for him, sort of)- so I guess from his perspective, he "defeated the PN".
Wait, so if Intlib is paying us, why does my paypal account only have $58 in it? And we do attack him, he just doesn't whine and scream and pound the floor like Corsi and Co. do.
Posted by: hahahaha oh wow | August 26, 2008 at 01:27 PM
>>his people have been permabanned for CopyBot violations
Posted by: Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI | August 26, 2008 at 02:51 PM
Zimmer, you're an idiot.
And Haha, if you'd lick enough bunghole, IntLibber would pay you too.
Posted by: O HAI | August 26, 2008 at 04:50 PM
>>And Haha, if you'd lick enough bunghole, IntLibber would pay you too.
Speaking from experience eh?
Posted by: Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI | August 26, 2008 at 08:24 PM
"Furries like Yukiko, like Angel Fluffy, like Corsi Mousehold, being furry emo-queens as they are, WANT the PN to be more violent. They NEED a gridwar just like George Bush needs Al Qaeda to keep people scared and conned into voting for his failed presidency."
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
Posted by: GreenLantern Excelsior | August 27, 2008 at 09:31 PM
Posted by: mootykips | August 27, 2008 at 10:56 PM
The whole notion of a "grid war", I think is vastly overstated. This is mostly IntLibber just taking what little information he actually has, filling in huge gaping holes with theory and supposition and then reaching a conclusion.
There is no serious threat from the PN, and never has been, apart from crashing a few sims using the tools that Linden Lab itself has provided. They don't represent enough of a resource for anyone to exploit to their own ends, therefore, the idea of using them as a tool to personal ends just doesn't hold up under close inspection.
The PN aren't anyone's personal army in any case, and would never allow themselves to be manipulated in that manner.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | August 28, 2008 at 11:06 AM
"Oh, this is most delicious - IntLibber, you're really flailing, aren't you? You still don't have a clue who I am, do you?"
"Neo Citizen" means your involved in NCI, so you could be Yukiko, Tateru, or Carl, or some other arrogant NCIfag who thinks they know whats best for SL.
NCI's hostility to the financial industry is understandable, NCI gets its growth by conning people into donating money to it to pay for buying new sims, which in reality are owned by one guy who runs it all as one big "non-profit" scam.
NCI just HATES the idea of having to compete for capital against people who are actually willing to not only pay the money back, but pay back INTEREST on the loan.
Gee, what would NCI do if its donors demanded it pay their money back? Don't have it? Why not?
At the end of things, the top NCIfag is gonna just sell off the sims and retire to a lazy job framing people and banning the innocent on the LL G-team.
Posted by: General Drama | August 30, 2008 at 03:05 AM
"and the power of the virtual press to expose government wrongdoing"
lol yarite
Like the lindens give a shit what you write on this rag of a website. You yourself commented on the lack of transparency we have into this process, so you just assume it has something to do with you so that you can feel more important. Keep dreaming.
Posted by: lol wut | August 30, 2008 at 12:16 PM
I do not believe this
Posted by: fornetti | September 01, 2008 at 10:07 AM
Posted by: Harry Linden | October 24, 2008 at 08:35 PM
yup you got it..its me...pixeleen....do you ever publish anything worth reading? does ANYONE think she does? look at that even harry doesnt..he posted his own report LMFAO @ dumbass pixeleen
Posted by: pixeleens favorite person(mustang) | October 25, 2008 at 03:55 AM