Tardimal avatar maker hit with 3-day suspension for verbal abuse - on his own sim!
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
If Kyro Kilian is to be believed, certain Linden Lab employees may be running alt accounts or doing instantaneous favors for special friends by swinging the ban stick when the gameplay turns sassy.
One of the first messages I got on my brand new black iMojowire 3G phone last week was from Kyro tell me that murmuring the f-word on your own sim could be grounds for a 3 day suspension.
While the punishment seems disproportionate to the crime, it is possible that the Lab is hoping to run a goon pacification effort in hopes of further disneyfication of the metaverse. Another possibility is that something else about the W-HAT sim offended the alleged off duty Linden, and “verbal abuse” was simply a convenient excuse.
Because there is no public record or oversight of the Lindens’ bans and suspensions, here in the hall of mirrors that is the interwebs the world may never know the full truth.
[ after the jump: the text of Kyro’s message ]
Hey Pixeleen,
This is Kyro Kilian,a July 2005 account that has never been suspended/banned in over three years. I run my own business, I have my own shit I do, I've got a clean slate. Today however, two furries one of which is a Linden alt, (Murf Stoop and Camron Kuhr) rolled into the what sim, a private estate, and decided that they did not like the way us w-hatters operated. I was banned for the line:
Kyro Kilian: thats it if you fuckin apes dont start taking my offers im going to start firing people into the moon
for THREE days. I attempted to give him a tardimal so he wasnt wearing a Uchi bunny avatar in what (which is a massive target for getting ripped on), and said this, as a joking sassbag threat to send them to the corner of the sim for declining my offers. Literally 3 minutes after I said that, bam, You have been logged out by an administrator. Bam, email saying I've been axed until wednesday.
Dear Kyro Kilian,
Linden Lab individually investigates the circumstances of every Abuse
Report we receive. Following a careful review of our server records and
logs, we have determined that your recent actions violated the Second Life
Community Standards or Terms of Service. The violation in question occurred
on August 3, 2008 in the region of what.
Violation: Community Standards: Harassment, Verbal Abuse
As a result of this violation, your Second Life account is
being temporarily suspended for a period of 3 days. It will
return to active status on Wednesday, Aug 06, 2008.
I'm a fuckin' estate owner for the sim, he didnt have to fuckin be there! I could've ejected him without saying a word and this whole thing would've gotten ignored, instead one of these bitchy babies needed to use their linden alt to ban me. So what did I do? I tell Loksr, another estate owner, to ban them via IRC. What happens to Loksr?
1 Day Suspension, disturbing the peace. Disturbing the peace of a sim he is an officer for. He got banned for banning two non lindens, and their Linden alt banned him in retaliation.
I'm really fuckin glad these lindens got jobs and all.
Kyro Kilian, President and Proprietor of Tardimals Brand Avatars
Wow that's fucked up. Kyro's avs are awesome too :(
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | August 09, 2008 at 04:29 PM
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | August 09, 2008 at 04:32 PM
It's true because Nicholas Mafia does it too. Mia Linden and Meta Linden.
Posted by: General Cronon | August 09, 2008 at 05:18 PM
This proves that there is no real investigation in abuse reports. The only thing Loksr did was estate ban the two furries in question, something he has every right to do, and he gets a 1 day suspension for it.
Posted by: Zac | August 09, 2008 at 06:03 PM
Zeus, oh Zeus, I call to you across time,
Come save us now from these Monsterous Gods of Modern Times...
Posted by: persephone | August 09, 2008 at 06:09 PM
KYRO!!!!!!!! IS SPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: mootykips | August 09, 2008 at 07:25 PM
Hey Pix, how come you're back in SL? I mean, you said Lively is SO rockin. SO freakin cool. So why bother with SL? Come on! Tell us. Why come back to SL?
Posted by: JimBean | August 09, 2008 at 08:50 PM
Zac, protip:
Banning furries is against the unofficial, unwritten ToS of SL.
Furries are allowed to do anything they want and be anywhere they want as they're a "protected minority" that is, until there's some pressure on SL, like legal pressure or investor pressure to rid the game of furries, that is.
Key reason? They're the only long term paying customers of SL. most furries are paid accounts and have been playing for years. LL knows this. Anyone else is expendable because they'll eventually grow tired of the hype and the initial appeal and go away. To furfags, this is their life, as they cant physically have such a life outside of SL.
Which is why LL, SL, and furries are bullshit, also why SL is a prime target for griefing.
I got AR'd once for banning a furry from a sim I was a mod at, was banned for a week for "disclosure" at the location "." some time in 2005.
Disclosure and Age verification are two things LL likes to abuse. According to their ToS, or whatever they say, disclosure is anything and everything. SL gets no money from me as a result.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 09, 2008 at 10:36 PM
sensors detect a shitload of butthurt
oh the irony
Posted by: El Supremo | August 09, 2008 at 11:39 PM
Disclosure and Age verification are two things LL likes to abuse. According to their ToS, or whatever they say, disclosure is anything and everything. SL gets no money from me as a result.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 09, 2008 at 10:36 PM
You also forgot another method of theirs, the forced upgrade to a paid account, and the instant suspension for not giving them payment info to take from. This is the typical method for then a certain Linden (cough plexus/harry) wants either your dox for the JLU (in which case they go for the forced age verification option usually) or simply another credit card to leak as an attempt at e-revenge.
I honestly laugh for at least a half hour when I hear about all these little stories of the mafiatown that is SL, I'm thinking of dedicating a section of the PN wiki to it, this has gotten to the point where it's as funny as writing about babyfur pedophiles with piss fetishes.
You have Frontier, Mia and Meta Linden using their Linden powers to drive out people they have e-vendetta on in their non-linden alts (Frontier's alts include Effsey Nelson, which is e-married to Angel Fluffy, who he yiffs often.) And you have the more "corrupt cop"-like Plexus and Harry Linden, who also leak age verification, ban and credit card info to whoever they happen to be friends with, including JLU. Ontop of that Plexus Linden got caught by the boss while trying to frame another idiot (intlib) for something that wasn't technically possible in SL (copybotting a megaprim), as well as forcing landowners to unban JLU from their sims or be banned themselves, or simply using his Linden powers to forcefully unban these JLU so they could continue their e-vendetta with said landowner with some ironic griefing. Theres maybe 6 other Lindens I can go on about but I'll save that for the wiki when I feel like doing this.
TL;DR secondlife is furcadia 3d: mafia edition, no wonder all the LL employees are running away to work on EVE instead.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | August 09, 2008 at 11:56 PM
Just more prove that Linden Labs does not care about anyone, but themselves and "good" friends. Also, There are many anti-fur groups and people who speak about the fur issue, YET the second this poor guy say anything to this Furfag linden alt, he gets a 3 days. what is that about? So, LL is basicly saying that...as long as furries are around and people hate them, that is fine, BUT the second a furry linden alt is insulted or talked to badly in anyway, BANG! 3 day ban.
Also, I love the way LL acts about ARs. If it is not a Harassment or Age report, nothing gets done or fixed with it. BUT, the second someone is like age report, LL freaks out and goes "OMG UNDER AGE ON MAIN GRID, PERM BAN!"
Posted by: Eye Korobase | August 10, 2008 at 01:10 AM
Coming from a neutral side, this article seems pretty one sided. For one thing, the sim owner and EM's still have to follow a ToS. Another thing is, is if the kyro banned the furries or anyone else, I'm sure something would have happened for banning furries for being furries since its pratically racism. Something that the article doesn't mention is what the furries were doing, from what i know they were doing nothing. Also, it doesn't take LL that long to respond to an AR and read through the chat log, likelyness of the two furrieds being linden alts is slim to none. From my point of view after reading this article is that this article is invalid the author is misinformed and that it should not be taken seriously.
Posted by: kublikhan | August 10, 2008 at 02:28 AM
I've experienced this myself, and by 'this', I mean:
"Doing instantaneous favors for special friends by swinging the ban stick when the gameplay turns sassy."
It was this January, just after Tizzers Foxchase had been banned. I flew around the sandboxes (cordova, etc) and slapped up a bunch of memorial posters on the outer, void-facing edges of the sims, using up a grand total of six prims.
I then go afk for however long it took me grab something to eat and return in less than five minutes to see a lovely "You have been logged out by an administrator" on my screen, along with the still-open IM window from an individual (who I will not name here) demanding that I remove the SIX PRIMS, of which there are no more than two in a single sim. Obviously, I had not responded due to being AFK, and the final message was something along the lines of telling me to take them down right now or get AR'd.
So, in barely five minutes, this person AR's me and I get a 3 day ban instantly. An absolute record response time compared to the usual of 12-36 hours.
I log in on my alt and check my online scanner to see only Nicole Linden online. I look at the profile the person who IM'd me, and sure enough they had (and still have) a lovely little Nicole Linden quote sitting in their profile picks.
The reason for my ban? "Abuse of resources".
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | August 10, 2008 at 06:09 AM
sounds like slu!
Posted by: nina | August 10, 2008 at 06:10 AM
Its time for all the warring factions in SL to stop fighting each other and to come together against a common enemy: LINDENS.
Its quite obvious that the LINDENS are the FURFAGS, and LINDENS are THE JLU including that faggot infested Green Lantern Core. Those are LINDEN front groups. They have no inspiration or direction within SL except what they can get fucking with other residents. In other words, they are the original Griefers.
And when other, real residents who are trying to run a business or have some other form of _human_ entertainment have this TOON TOWN shit like talking animals with their multiple squirting animal dongs or caped crusaders wearing faggoty capes or wings get shoved right into their faces it turns the whole experience for them into some kind of big joke.
I was getting ready to make a big investment in SL again, stupidly, after being luled into Summer Forgetfulness. But this article has awakened my memory and reminded me of the fact that the LINDENS HAVE THEIR HEADS UP THEIR ASSES.
Until the Lindens start to REIGN IN THE FURFAGS and the faggots of the JLU and the GLC nothing is going to change and SL is going to continue to die. If the Lindens don't want to take care of this, then they should just look the other way while the rest of us take care of those assholes for them. They are the ones who are hurting business.
I'm going to be thinking up a way to combat this trend. There has to be a way.
Posted by: its time | August 10, 2008 at 11:05 AM
"if the kyro banned the furries or anyone else, I'm sure something would have happened for banning furries for being furries since its pratically racism."
What the fuck, no it's not. It's practically the same as going to a Gorean sim dressed up in Star Trek attire.
Some people are banned just because they "look" like stereotypical griefers. Hell, I've been accused of being a PN just because I wear an afro. Would you also consider that racist?
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | August 10, 2008 at 12:27 PM
The ship is going down kids. Enjoy your e-sex now. Because sooner or later, you're sick fantasy world will be over.
PS. I shot JR.
Posted by: Ratcloner101 Muggins | August 10, 2008 at 01:31 PM
"Another thing is, is if the kyro banned the furries or anyone else, I'm sure something would have happened for banning furries for being furries since its pratically racism." Hahahah, best comment ever. So if I go into a furry sim with a typical PN avatar on and I'm banned right off the bat even though I didn't do anything, can I cry "pratically racism"? Just a heads up, a sexual fetish isn't considered a race no matter how much you want it to be.
Posted by: Daniel | August 10, 2008 at 01:56 PM
"Another thing is, is if the kyro banned the furries or anyone else, I'm sure something would have happened for banning furries for being furries since its[sic] pratically[sic] racism."
Ahahaha racism? I'm at a loss for words, you think furries are a race now? Or perhaps you meant "it's bigotry"?
Even then, what should it matter? Do you honestly believe that a sim manager should not be allowed to ban anyone for any reason they deem acceptable?
Posted by: Loksr | August 10, 2008 at 02:54 PM
ummmm, we have always accepted furries on our sim, so i dont see the problem.
why do you think we have moved to a location next to furnation?
you obviously just harrassed one of our members and gotten the ban stick as a slap on your wrist.
don't harrass us next time and you wont get banned, simple. ;3
so stop crying and get a grip on yourself.
- Kitsune
Posted by: W-hat Furry | August 10, 2008 at 03:05 PM
protip: kublikhan was probably one of those two furries
Also furry isnt a race, idiot, it's a fetish alot of people don't want to deal with. By calling a relativly obscure internet fetish/fandome a race you have practically invalidated everything else you could possibly say with sheer stupidity.
Posted by: Rape-Ape | August 10, 2008 at 03:41 PM
Loksr banned them because I said they were just there ARing people for anything they could find which happened to be me, they were just shit-stirring and the only ones actually causing trouble and he got hit with a suspension for doing THAT.
I got it for saying 'fucking apes' directed towards no one in particular.
I really don't care if they're banning for this stuff and all, really, it's just that they're getting sent here on missions to get rid of us for no actual reason and that's whats the ridiculous part
Posted by: Kyro | August 10, 2008 at 04:18 PM
Again, why I dont put money in SL.
Furries are not a race. never have, never will.
They're a mere idea, a fantasy thing, and mostly a fetish.
Oh, and dont say it isnt a fetish when most furfag avatars come with highly detailed genitalia, with 100 times more detail on the genitals alone than the rest of the avatar.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 10, 2008 at 11:37 PM
ummmm, we have always accepted furries on our sim, so i dont see the problem.
why do you think we have moved to a location next to furnation?
you obviously just harrassed one of our members and gotten the ban stick as a slap on your wrist.
don't harrass us next time and you wont get banned, simple. ;3
so stop crying and get a grip on yourself.
- Kitsune
Posted by: W-hat Furry | August 10, 2008 at 03:05 PM
I'll keep this in mind when I decide where to grief.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | August 10, 2008 at 11:58 PM
If anyone knows the names of the two furries, be sure to drop by PN irc with them :3
Posted by: Rape-Ape | August 11, 2008 at 12:06 AM
protip: Camron Kuhr doesn't exist
Posted by: Rape-Ape | August 11, 2008 at 01:08 AM
Loads of BAWWWWW and butthurt.
Cry moar.
Posted by: ;D | August 11, 2008 at 02:08 AM
The Tos are quite clear as I recall
its a violation of the TOS to attack another avi for their sexual orientation
Furries are clearly designated as fetish
therefore to ban furries just because they are furries breaks the TOS
QED the person who banned them was justifiably banned
so =
Do you honestly believe that a sim manager should not be allowed to ban anyone for any reason they deem acceptable?
only applies if Linden lab considers the banning reason acceptable and within the TOS
in this case LL clearly did not think it acceptable
Posted by: Corona Anatine | August 11, 2008 at 08:24 AM
Actual user is Camron Kuhn, not Kuhr (that is a typo.)
This isn't surprising. My entire history of being on SL I've heard of numerous experiences of abuse and have experienced it directly. Recently there's been a rash of BS suspensions; one group of my friends got them, then the W-Hat fiasco, and then another friend got suspended for NOT TELLING PEOPLE HE WAS NOT A LINDEN.
Posted by: Aminom | August 11, 2008 at 03:43 PM
Camron Kuhn does.
Posted by: Loksr | August 11, 2008 at 04:17 PM
"protip: Camron Kuhr doesn't exist"
Yeah seens he made a typo. The last name is "Kuhn" as you can see by the group listed in Murf's profile.
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | August 11, 2008 at 05:28 PM
@Corona Anatine
By your logic (considering every possible fetish a sexual orientation) it's against the TOS to ban an ageplayer.
Corona Anatine: defender of ageplay
Posted by: wot | August 11, 2008 at 09:32 PM
>>QED the person who banned them was justifiably banned
Last I checked, a fetish isn't a sexual orientation, unless you consider bestiality a sexual orientation, but in that case Linden Lab is in violation of federal law for promoting bestiality, which is animal cruelty and a criminal offense, in its game.
Besides, this is just more furfag drama spewing wild. Guy tells furfags their avatars suck and offers them new ones, they bawwwww, he ejects them for bawwwwing, they get their Linden buddy to ban him.
Same basic story as in every other furfag dramafest.
SL will never be a real game until you ban faggery daggery doo. It'll remain a glorified sex hotline with an economy based off of dogcocks.
Posted by: Charles Xavier | August 12, 2008 at 01:33 AM
"Oh, and dont say it isnt a fetish when most furfag avatars come with highly detailed genitalia"
Which ones?
Sofar I seen only PG avatars being sold. Genitalia are sold seperately by my knowledge.
Bringing in this little pseudofact as an argument for the furry = fetish idea, doesnt do any good cause it isnt true. The avatars with genitalia then, furry is a fetish is pretty much true.
But who cares, really?
Posted by: 2cents | August 12, 2008 at 03:02 AM
my logic is sound
how sound is Wot's logic?
Posted by: Corona Anatine | August 12, 2008 at 05:15 AM
how does someone having sex with a furry count as bestiality?
it is no more bestiality than hunting animals in SL counts as hunting
or for that the wearing of pixel fur could possibly count as animal abuse
Posted by: Corona Anatine | August 12, 2008 at 08:40 AM
federal law for promoting bestiality, which is animal cruelty and a criminal offense,
if that is the case how is it then that some American man was legelly allowed to marry his horse in RL in one of the American states - one of the western states if i recall correctly
Posted by: Corona Anatine | August 12, 2008 at 10:44 AM
federal law applies to depictions of beastiality as well as actual acts. same as simulated child porn being illegal as much as the real thing.
All serial killers start off by fucking and torturing animals. Furnation = Ted Bundy University
Posted by: General Drama | August 12, 2008 at 02:26 PM
Check out the severed dog's head in the toilet on FrizzleFry's PN wiki user's page, then.
One step away.
Posted by: anon | August 12, 2008 at 05:36 PM
kublikhan is why w-hat hates furries.
Please, any furries who consider themselves a protected minority, stop by whatview mall and declare yourself so they can ban you. Then report it to the Lindens, and we'll have the SL apocalypse.
Posted by: Hockey Allstar | August 13, 2008 at 12:08 AM
serial killers start off by fucking and torturing animals.
hmm what are the statistics for this being 100%?
and it does make you wonder about the MFHA who routinely fuck and torture animals twice a week at least
Posted by: Corona Anatine | August 13, 2008 at 05:54 AM
re -defender of age play
yes i would as i would defend anything else that is done in a virtual form
i am hunt sab and anti fur in RL but have no problem with hunting and wearing fur in SL
because i am able to tell the difference betwen fantasy and outside world reality
there is after all a diffenrce between someone who has fantasies about having sex with children and someone who actually goes and does it
same as there is a diff between men who have rape fantasies and actual rapists
a fine line of distinction perhaps - but having fantasies is not yet a crime
provided they remain such
for the record i have no interest in furries or children
Posted by: Corona Anatine | August 13, 2008 at 08:34 AM
This has gone way off topic. The issue here is that Kyro and other What admins are losing the right to do as they wish, (with the tools available to them, legally) on their own PRIVATE and PAID FOR sim. This is absolute bullshit that LL can ban an admin because of actions taken on a private sim. This is crossing the boundary into unacceptable intrusion. Mia Linden has a reputation for banning excessively and inappropriately. I know quite a few Lindens and she's got the worst reputation. She is not respected in the slightest.
People can bitch about What v. Furries, but in this issue, it's fucking irrelevant. How are you going to feel when you say 'shit' or 'bitch' in open chat on YOUR LAND that you are PAYING TIER ON, and some power-tripping Linden bans you for it? The fact is, you own your sim.. and Lindens who show up are trespassing unless invited. Showing up to What in furry avatars... that's deliberate baiting.
Posted by: OhComeOn | August 14, 2008 at 10:28 AM
And another thought...
Calling What residents "Goons" in your article title really pisses me off. They may be juvenile and a bit disruptive at times, but you'd be hard pressed to find a more talented and creative group of scripters and builders in SL. Yay for unbiased journalism.
Posted by: OhComeOn | August 14, 2008 at 10:37 AM
Let's take a peek at the SL terms of service.
2.6 Linden Lab may suspend or terminate your account at any time, without refund or obligation to you.
Linden Lab has the right at any time for any reason or no reason to suspend or terminate your Account, terminate this Agreement, and/or refuse any and all current or future use of the Service without notice or liability to you. In the event that Linden Lab suspends or terminates your Account or this Agreement, you understand and agree that you shall receive no refund or exchange for any unused time on a subscription, any license or subscription fees, any content or data associated with your Account, or for anything else.
3.3 Linden Lab retains ownership of the account and related data, regardless of intellectual property rights you may have in content you create or otherwise own.
You agree that even though you may retain certain copyright or other intellectual property rights with respect to Content you create while using the Service, you do not own the account you use to access the Service, nor do you own any data Linden Lab stores on Linden Lab servers (including without limitation any data representing or embodying any or all of your Content). Your intellectual property rights do not confer any rights of access to the Service or any rights to data stored by or on behalf of Linden Lab.
5.3 All data on Linden Lab's servers are subject to deletion, alteration or transfer.
When using the Service, you may accumulate Content, Currency, objects, items, scripts, equipment, or other value or status indicators that reside as data on Linden Lab's servers. THESE DATA, AND ANY OTHER DATA, ACCOUNT HISTORY AND ACCOUNT NAMES RESIDING ON LINDEN LAB'S SERVERS, MAY BE DELETED, ALTERED, MOVED OR TRANSFERRED AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON IN LINDEN LAB'S SOLE DISCRETION.
It's right in the ToS, people. you can't do shit about it. If you don't like it, cancel your account and go buy a real house and get a real girlfriend.
Posted by: lawl | August 14, 2008 at 10:45 AM
"The fact is, you own your sim.. and Lindens who show up are trespassing unless invited."
Pardon me, but that's BULLS*T.
You don't own your sim. You LEASE your sim. Linden Lab owns your sim. Linden Lab owns the service. And you do not have the right to stop representatives of the company that created the sim in the first place from accessing it in any way they see fit.
Posted by: anon | August 14, 2008 at 10:52 AM
Basically, a paying customer is borrowing a big comfy tube of KY, and LL has written itself a license to ream you in the ass whenever they feel like it. Legal griefing. What bullshit.
Posted by: hahaha | August 14, 2008 at 01:49 PM
What an idiot.
It's not griefing if you've agreed to it from the git-go.
Griefing is imposing your point of view or your behavior on somebody WITHOUT their permission. Doing that on purpose is the earmark of sociopathy, but you've got nothing to complain about if you've agreed to the deal.
Posted by: Neo Citizen | August 14, 2008 at 05:09 PM
@ OhComeOn
"Calling What residents "Goons" in your article title really pisses me off."
Didnt they call themselves goons? Or was that some other group?
Posted by: Bennie | August 15, 2008 at 12:36 PM
W-hat is a group for members of the Something Awful forums aka goons. We call ourselves that.
Posted by: Zac | August 16, 2008 at 12:01 AM