by Idoru Wellman, literary cooking student
Amazon using sex to sell books?
Based on’s current listing of Edward Castronova’s latest literary effort as "Exodus to the Virtual World: Ho Online Fun Is Changing Reality", it appears the Second Life online escort service business really is having an impact on reality. Certainly a number of Second Life residents will concur, as virtual call girls and rent boys make literally thousands of L$ spacebux in exchange for their services - while presumably having fun at the same time.
Or is this an unfortunate virtual bait-and-switch caused by sloppy proofreading at Amazon? If that is the case, perhaps Mr. Castronova - a dedicated World of Warcraft player - might want to tear himself away from his game and mention to Amazon that they have his book mis-titled? Good luck with getting it out of the Google cache.
ha. good eye. thats a great typo.
Posted by: Thrax Trilam | September 14, 2008 at 09:31 PM
itt someone doesn't pick up on a subtle pun and flips the fuck out.
Posted by: lol | September 15, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Posted by: GreenLantern Excelsior | September 16, 2008 at 02:38 PM