A must-read for potential recruits
by Vinzenz Fiertze
Part I - The Brass Accord (Iron Symphony Section)
Army 1: Merczateers
Leader(s): Lurdan Huszar, Anthony Lehane
Background: Set in Post-Apoc Ukraine, hence the sim: Badnarik.
Current Members in Main Group (as of 9/3/08): 274
Rating: 9
Pros: I found the Merczateers to be one of the BEST armies the grid has EVER had. For a start, their leaders have both a sense of humor, while still maintaining a moderately strict attitude to keep his soldiers disciplined and aware. It could actually be said, that, perhaps the Merczateers are a mixture between Ordo, and an army of the Soveriegn Regime. Not ONLY are they of quality leaders and officers, but their recruiters are very good. They are not like Ordo, in the sense that they decline roughly 82% of their applicants, but they do not invite those minorities who know little to zero english. Aside from the soldiers, the armor is remarkable, and most unique. The huds and weapons are also very well created, and are professionally scripted (as most army weapons should be). The Merczateers are nothing short of professional, when it comes to battles, armor, or weapons.
Cons: I find few flaws within this army, and those that I noticed, were small at best. One of them was the minor drama that I noticed would occur from time to time. Although some of it, later on, I admit I started, there was from time to time many others who could not stand a drama-free army. Other than that, the rumors that are constantly passed about are false.
Army 2: The Elite Armed Forces (EAF)
Leader(s): Br1an Razor,Teal Razor
Background: None
Current Members: 0 (lol)
Briefing: First off, yes, I know, they are, at the moment, non-existent. Second, I did confront Br1an once about the army's background, and he said there was none, so I guess we know the answer. Also, yes, I put this in the Iron Symphony section as a joke. Deal with it.
Rating: 2
Pros: Decent headgear, good potential, even better R&D.
Cons: Br1an is not one to be a leader. From what I gather, before founding EAF, he was just another SL resident. Things change, I guess, but not for long. I wanted to help them get on their feet, because I noticed they could be a good army. Half jokingly, and half serious, I asked Br1an if I could be an officer. Yes, stupid question, but do not be quick in answering for him, as he gave me the highest officer rank, O-9, right off the bat, AND, gave me command of my own division. Although that is somewhat fun, I was confused. Recognizing his acceptance of my intrest in helping, I began helping out, and ironing out the wrinkles. It was all going well, but after a week or so, Ordo attacked. Now, not to say THAT is the problem, no, not at all. It was what the soldiers of EAF did, that got me frusturated. Now, I will probably get millions of IM's about how all of what I am about to state false is true, but I do not care. Most of the soldiers did a horrible job retaliating. As a matter of fact, they just sat there, and yelled and cursed at the various attackers, whining about the obvious lag. After the battle, and after I scolded those who said the hateful comments to Ordo, I did my best to hold my promise of making EAF into a reputable army, and went to Ordo to deliver a formal apology. Now everybody knows when you mass-teleport to Dorien, you will also notice server lag, and the same thing happened at the EAF base. Other than ALL this drama, a few days after, a cocky officer of EAF, Ratien Raymaker, played out a conversation with me as if everything was okay, and then, right when I wasnt paying attention, he ran to Br1an, BEGGED for the rank of the leader of EAF, and Br1an gave it to him. Then, since Br1an was the most easy person to convince, Ratien proceeded to ban me, and eject me, AND, after a while, Br1an did the same, per Ratien Raymaker's request. A few days later, EAF died because of drama issues.
Army 3: Militant Collective
Leader(s): Radieur Ng
Background: YAFA (Yet Another Futuristic Army)
Current Members: 121
Rating: 4
Pros: Nice sim, decent weapons, cool divisions.
Cons: I don't have much to say except this: (very) Silly armor, a lot of their high-ranked individuals are cocky and some use sad abbreviations ALL THE TIME, and speak poorly. That CAN get annoying. Also, they are just gross at battle. Yes, I use the word "gross," do define their combat skills. I don't want to go through weeks of training to be in an army that has the skills of a mladshiy or chargen graduating class, thank you.
(Notice how I leave out Rathium :O )
Army 4: Ordo Imperialis
Leader(s): Aryte Vesperia
Background: Set in a "Warhammer 40K" background, and derived from somewhat Roman roots.
Rating: 8
Pros: Ordo has amazing armor, and is THE MOST disciplined army yet, not to mention their amazing sim-structure, and their detailed weapons. They have various leaders, and Aryte is one who leaves the high-ranks to their job and doesn't bother. For example, if you ask Aryte directly to join, he will most likely respond with: "I'm sorry but you'll have to take that up with either the Curia, or the Schola. IM Kristian Kit or Yoko Puff with an application. Thank you." It puts a bigger sense of responsibility in front of the soldiers themselves, instead of the leaders doing everything. Teamwork, I'd call it.
Cons: A bit too strict. Their recruitment staff declines more than half of the applications they recieve, and that's a fact. Not that it is a big problem, however, you know, it is quite the tedious hole many fall into. Other than that, all the hatrid put towards them is wrong, although I do believe that many times they can be too short about a situation, and come to conclusions way too fast, rather than thoroughly investigating first. The parody I made on their video about Maza Rau, as well as the parody I made on Mercz' promotional video, were not made in insult, but just for humor.
Part II: The Nazi/Communist Governance (The Soveriegn Regime)
Army 1: Vanguard
Leader(s): Christoph Naumova
Background: Vanguard is an army that takes place in a perhaps later version of Germany.
Rating: 5
Pros: Good armor, some good people, and fantastic weapons, scripted well by Lance Lefay. Also, the sim is amazing in looks, and in maneuverability.
Cons: Oh, gosh, where should I start? Here, let me explain something: If you take a bunch of "single-digitally" aged children, and throw them on an appealing building, throw guns in their hands, and armor on their backs, which are both cool and easy to use, you've got an army, so Vanguard did nothing that anyone else couldn't do. The reason they have so many people, in fact, is that you get an enlisted rank upon joining. In various attempts to be a good leader, Christoph Naumova, on preparation of attack, will order all men to gather around him, and explain, in blanket statements (eg.: AD take the left, and Infantry take the right), how he wants the show to run. And the behavior is not that much better. Structure is always non-existent, and you will never see VG soldiers "Strategizing." They don't need to, right? They are perfect, aren't they? No, I really don't think so.
Army 2: The Pan-Slayva Coalition
Leader: Dark Svenska
Background: Set in post-apoc Russia
Rating: 8
Pros: Dark is a good leader and is understanding when necessary. The guns are extraordinary, and the armor is unique. The sim, is also quite well-structured. Some of the soldiers are dedicated, and well-disciplined. PSC is one of the few "new" armies I have seen get such fame so fast.
Cons: You will almost always be able to catch a PSC soldier dicking off. Any time I am on base, I will see them running around with Pikachu hats on, or screaming various gestures, or even teamkilling. When I give them an order (as an E-6 NCO), they will yell at me, and tell me to leave the others alone. They will also whine about me to the leader, saying that I am "ABUSING MY RIGHTS." They are full of shit, they are just addicted to being selfish, mindless fiends, and they don't want to stop it.
Army 3: Task Force Marines (TFM) Leader: Bennyboy Ball Background: Not evident Rating: 6
Pros: They are doing their best, let's put it that way. They are a good group of people. They also are getting better and better with armor and weapons, and have a full blown sim, as well.
Cons: I have been on base with them a lot, until recently, but they seem to have few flaws. Maybe that's because they are not doing much at the moment. I have to be honest, as good a group of people they are, they are not that good at combat. Other than that, they are doing well. Keep it up, TFM.
Part III: The Progenotorial Action (the Ascendant Initiative)
Army 1: Sparta
Leader: Bruno Ziskey
Background: Set in futuristic Sparta
Rating: 6
Pros: Good background, and weapons. Nice sim. Pretty good fighters, too.
Cons: Oh, Bruno. I guarantee you that anyone you meet (besides other Spartans) will say that he is Ban-Happy. Why? I don't know, go there and ask him after he bans you. That is if he doesnt mute you right after, at which point you should consider yourself lucky. I think it's because he's afraid. Ask around for the quote of him saying he has every right to ban anyone, for no reason, as the land owner. I do not like to consider them as an army of SL, but rather a lego-army of Lego Life, if it exists. Yes, I am talking about their armor. Most, if not all of the rumors and stories about Sparta are true.
Army 2: The Alliance Navy
Leader: Jim Herbst
Background: Was founded originally as a group to defend others from greifers in sandboxes, but then later became an army based on a "Mars-like" atmosphere.
Rating: 6
Pros: THE MOST strict leaders you will ever know exist in this army. If you even FIRE YOUR GUN without REASON, you WILL get laps. VERY good discipline. Well-scripted weapons.
Cons: Unattractive armor, easy foe (sorry). I do not find much else wrong with the Alliance Navy, only other hearsay. I do not believe much of it to be true as I discovered myself that they aren't half bad. I don't really like their style, and I do not like some of their procedures. They are just a bit to pushy as far as saluting protocol goes, although, when you think about it, it CAN be necessary at times.
Army 3: The 39th Black Watch M.H.T.F
Leader: SqueezeOne Pow
Background: Scottish Mobile Heavy Task Force
Rating: 5
Pros: Good group of people, and good strong soldiers.
Cons: There is not much to say about these men. They are VERY boring, their armor is even more boring, and they never stick out. Their base is TOO small, and they do not allow most lone-wolves to attack with good chance of winning, as they banned black-ops weapons and other reputable company weapons. At least they don't ban as much as Sparta.
You forgot the most important army: Flabber.
He is an army of one. There's rape, and then there's Flabber rape.
Posted by: Lord Kamina | September 04, 2008 at 11:02 PM
yo as a writer for a e-newspaper i intentionally and unhumorously add shitty groups to arbitrarily named "high" ranking sections despite the subject matter being so utterly boring that proper writing would be the only reason somebody could make it through. deal wid it.
so basically you joined up with a bunch of military wannabes and got kicked out then whined about it and joined the mercz gotcha
Posted by: mootykips | September 04, 2008 at 11:40 PM
Sorry Vinz, but this is an extremely opinionated and badly written article. I really don't know what else to say. However, the comment spam will be a fun read to pass the time.
Posted by: Anthony Lehane | September 04, 2008 at 11:48 PM
time to fix the list!
Merczs, got that about 60% right. Merczs is good for a while, but once you get into the BS drama that goes on, you start to dislike it and Lurdan and anthony are usually too busy to deal with most people's problems and the only officers you can even go to to get any help is blade or kast. The general and polks are all lazy as hell and do not to a damn thing, other then poon, because poon is awesome and he makes scripts, haha
EAF? are you F-ing serious?! Their army was builded on lacked and copy-botted merczs gear. Br1an is worst then bruno and has no real exp with SL combat.
Militant Collective.....news flash, MC is has been basicly dead for a while now, since Radieur has not logged on in months. But a good choice to put in the top 5.
Ordo Imperialis, Ordo is almost the same case as merczs, but ordo is its own case of the suck. It is almost basicly a requirement that you should be or at least have a furry avatar in ordo to be able to join. Ordo is most likely the most boring to serve in, because they rarely ever help out their allies and go on attacks on other militaries and don't tell anyone about that. Also Ordo love to hub camp, even thoguh some may agure that they do not, their are tons of eye-wit accounts of them breaking their own rules along with IS rules as well. For a exp, I came to help out the TFM with a few VG there at the TFM base and I was not armed at the time and I got hud camped over 6 times for no reason by ordo members until I finally wiped out my flame thrower and killed them off. They also did it to the VG members as well.
Vanguard. Vanguard actually has gotten more serious business within the past few months and has kicked out all of retards that used to give VG a bad name. Vanguard actually has a very large amount fo weapons and different divisons. But still the list is somewhat beileveable with VG, but it is still being a bit hard on them
The Pan-Slayva Coalition. Talk about F-ing bordem. Stand around on base long enough and you'd go nuts. They do not get attacked much and assaults on other armies have slowed down alot. PSC is good if you do not want a serious business army, but it is bad when it comes to a lack of a good-understood chain fo command and grunts that think they own the place and can order anyone around and TK worst then merczs.
TFM. They are a newcomer to a long boring war and they do take alot of flak for being allied with VG. TFM is working on their armor and weapons and getting their base up, although they ask VG for help WAY TOO much and never ask PSC.
Sparta. Well..... the good fighters part is right. Sim = suck and "good background?" are you serious?! bruno totally ripped the idea off of 300 and then said "what if sparta lasted into the furture?" and there you go for your background. A good amount of the Spartan soldiers are good sports about fighting and are generally fair and follow the rules of the sims they go to. A good amount of the spartans enjoy a fair fight and do not give up, haha even when they get stuck in their spawns, they do not give up. Even though that is going against what 300 said about dieing and all. The only real bad thing about sparta is of course bruno. He knows as much about combat as he does about not freaking out about nothing, which he does ALOT and that is why a good amount of all the Sl armies are banned from sparta land :/ I do sgree with the rating though of a 6
Alliance Navy. What can you say? They are like your friend that you get pissed off with after he drinks all your beers at your awesome party, but then makes up for it by buying even more for the party within an hour. They may not have the best armor desigh or the best weapons or the best rules, but a good amount of them have good hearts. If you actually get to sit down with one of them and have talk like normal human beings, you'll see that they are not as bad as you hear them to be. rating: I agree with the story here of a 6 or even to a 7
39th Blackwatch. Well...you got the good group of people part right, but not all of them are strong fighters. 39th are cool in my book, they do not do crap that pisses me off and their leaders are not bad people; they care for their soldiers.
rating could be a bit higher for them. to at least a 6
Posted by: Eye Korobase | September 05, 2008 at 12:21 AM
This article needs more bewbs.
Posted by: Sol Cult | September 05, 2008 at 12:48 AM
I don't know, the Merczateers can a bit bad in some respects, usually Intel with other members. I TOLD YOU ISHIDA DYE WAS A SPY LURDAN!!!111 Ahem...
Ordo was nice though, but they're always consistently changing the sim. Couldn't stand that. I must say though, they have some of the best fighters and pilots on the Grid. I was trained to fly for them, I should know. Sukasa Rydel is still a dick though, who's apparently transformed into a furry, 'Nuff said.
Militant Collective was horrible, very bad scripts, horrible armor, and not a very good command structure.
Alliance Navy needs to get rid of the colorful armor, they turn themselves into moving target boards that way. The way they build is very ugly in my opinion, and they have been accused of cheating by almost everyone.
Bruno is indeed ban happy. When I was a Ordo Pilot fighting along side the Merczateers I was banned. Guess I was just too good with dat dere fancy Ordo training.
Posted by: Deimos | September 05, 2008 at 02:52 AM
[16:31] Vinzenz Fiertze: sup
[16:32] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Decoratin' mah office
[16:32] Vinzenz Fiertze: Fuck this SL shit. I'm out.
[16:34] Vinzenz Fiertze: Fucking vg and their goodamn offices.
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | September 05, 2008 at 04:02 AM
May you be visited by large amorus water buffalo in you're sleep so that you may feel the angry tide of flaming you just provided the kindling for, way to go maybe next time you could actualy get some facts.
Posted by: Reason | September 05, 2008 at 04:05 AM
Yeah, you hate Vanguard, especially when you begged me and Zera repeatedly on a daily basis to talk to Chris so you could be in Vanguard. Well played.
Posted by: Rygads Hax | September 05, 2008 at 04:16 AM
"bruno totally ripped the idea off of 300 and then said "what if sparta lasted into the furture?""
Bruno's Sparta existed before the movie came out, so your "argument" is a joke, Eye.
As for banning...also a joke. I've been with Sparta for five months, and have not seen anyone banned that shouldn'tve been. I can't, of course, speak for before that time, but its a rather moot point. Our ban list is less than 15 at the moment, and a good portion of that is your average citizen griefer.
Posted by: Ivy Contepomi | September 05, 2008 at 08:52 AM
clearly a biased review written by johny aged 5
Posted by: welsh | September 05, 2008 at 09:05 AM
"Ask around for the quote of him saying he has every right to ban anyone, for no reason, as the land owner."
Looks like I have to clear this up. I never said such a thing, it was written by Plaz Etzel since I banned him for spawn camping and will not lift his ban as he has repeated this offense every time I lifted the ban. I'll send anyone who asks a copy of the letter he tried to forge as being something I wrote. Really sad how people take this sort of thing so seriously. Just follow the damn sim rules and you won't be banned. I have demoted Spartans for not following sim rules of enemies while on their land (i.e. using Jump Packs when not allowed to, using aircraft when not allowed to, trying to bend any rules as much as they can). I'd expect the same of any guests who decided to come and fight us.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | September 05, 2008 at 09:35 AM
Eye, for the last time before I grief you to death inworld... Shut the fuck up, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU.
Posted by: LAWL | September 05, 2008 at 09:52 AM
Well, you must update this article, since TFM fell apart. There are other armies now,and i might add, they are not simulair. Meaning, it is not two TFM armies. Other then that, no further comment on this article other then written fairly nice.
Posted by: Arvid Sittingbull | September 05, 2008 at 10:39 AM
"You will almost always be able to catch a PSC soldier dicking off. Any time I am on base, I will see them running around with Pikachu hats on, or screaming various gestures, or even teamkilling. When I give them an order (as an E-6 NCO), they will yell at me, and tell me to leave the others alone. They will also whine about me to the leader, saying that I am "ABUSING MY RIGHTS." They are full of shit, they are just addicted to being selfish, mindless fiends, and they don't want to stop it."
haha oh wow. sounds like someones mad they dident get a promotion because they asked for one.
however i cant disagree too mutch with what is said in the cons. the pikachu hats were for DC's birthday. the TKing ive discussed with many people and told them it needs to stop (and you know damn well you need to report things like that). as far as abusing your rights, your a E6. you dont realy have any rights. untill your in the commisar group your still a grunt. and will be treated as sutch. as for the last part about selfish mindless fiends. care to explain? i dont quite understand that part.
Posted by: thrax trilam | September 05, 2008 at 11:31 AM
Posted by: Anon | September 05, 2008 at 12:44 PM
Vinzenz, your article is patently unfair.
I know for a fact that Vanguard was once your favorite army of all time - you wrote a poem about it for the Herald and even built an actual shrine to Christoph Naumova. Why would you berate them now - is it because they had enough of you?
Did you talk to anyone about any of this article? Why didn't you post the troop numbers everyone had, instead of just a few? Is the Sovereign Regime really Nazi/Communist?
Why report on EAF and TFM when they're both gone? TFM is now known as the Imperium Battalion and most of its officers left to form the Chtonic Syndicate. As for EAF - you only "reported" on them because they had you because you couldn't get back in to Vanguard.
Why don't you consider fair reporting, or call this "Vinzenz's biased and incomplete thoughts on armies that have rejected him." like it is, rather than pretending this is the "Consumers' Guide to SL Military."
Posted by: John Q. Public | September 05, 2008 at 01:11 PM
oh jesus
your article is a disgrace.
Posted by: Vegna Fouroux | September 05, 2008 at 01:25 PM
You also conveniently forgot to mention Echelon, a member of the IS which is also the only enemy Sparta sees as honorable and fair, the ONLY enemy it can respect. During every fight we've had with them we've had nothing but fun and no drama from either side. You should do more of a detailed report on them.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | September 05, 2008 at 01:46 PM
let's talk about why this article was "an utter disgrace."
a) you decided to include some of the crappest armies in SL. TFM? Jesus Christ, read Caine's TFM stories. You failed to include some actual decent upcoming militaries like I don't know Adeptus Minor, Echelon Union, Guerrilla Rebels...you know the ones that have leaders and personnel capable of stringing a sentence (or two!)together.
b) after that absolute bullshit session of praising armies whose leaders deserve a good rock to the skull you go on and have the absolute gall to start laying it down to the 39th, newsflash: why the hell do you need ground troop armor of an amazing standards when you have kickass mechs? their base is the same size as most others, but we'll cover the research and your lack of it in the later section of this comment. oh...blackops...yeah thats actually pretty apparent why they banned it, lurk moar.
c) PSC, this group is all about the lulz something you haven't grasped yet, you follow the command of the self-proclaimed "lulz-bringer" COME ON, newsflash:Dark is not a good leader he's a great guy. your armor is okay and the guns adequate yeah I was a kapitan in PSC after Sparta, what a joke. your high command were key figures in the whole "Chaos Imperialis" fiasco then you turn around and start singing praises here to ordo oh LAWD.
d)MC; To be honest MC is the only army you cant judge unless you've actually been in, looks strange from the outside but wow this is definitely the first military I'd sign up for if I was a potential recruit. Yet here you play it down Raideur was the most hard working leader I've ever worked under and the army training is extremely useful(better than that ordo nonsense)
e) giving ordo an 8 rating: Oh God. this "highly professional outfit" will KOS its allies and ban them for no real reason (personal experience and an ongoing problem for this avatar). " doing Ordo training" is my personal metaphor for the action of smearing someone with a turd. they fling 25 notecards at you throughout the 3 initial phases then in the last one you fire some guns...oh good job you're E-1 now, Hail Imperator.
f)then you give the AN a 6 rating. oh lawdy, do you know what it takes to be an Alliance Marine? I'll toss you a notecard sometime of the training unlike everyone else its about 6 subphases in one phase of 3 not just 3 phases each dealing on one subject (i.e it's intense) like lets say the Mercz. AN have the best training system hands down. Easy foe? I think not.
g) your VG part, this is hilarious, even to the onlooker (myself) its obvious at some point you have been kicked out of VG (or left? wink). Not that I'm going to defend those jokers but do the words "research" "interviews" "pictures" mean anything to you? they're this really cool things that give an article another nice word: "substance". Not just your opinions
h) in this entire mess the only really thing you got right was Sparta. UH good job.
i) there is drama in the mercz but we are pretty INTENSE about it.
Posted by: Vegna Fouroux | September 05, 2008 at 02:01 PM
"The Pan-Slayva Coalition. Talk about F-ing bordem. Stand around on base long enough and you'd go nuts. They do not get attacked much and assaults on other armies have slowed down alot. PSC is good if you do not want a serious business army, but it is bad when it comes to a lack of a good-understood chain fo command and grunts that think they own the place and can order anyone around and TK worst then merczs." -Korobase
Coming from a man who never comes online and is always playing Day of Defeat Source, if you hate it so much, why not go back to ordo or mercz
Posted by: Dez | September 05, 2008 at 02:06 PM
I found this article to be nothing more than opinion peice,every group has its good points and its bad and some of the best experiances in the sl combat world come from serveing in smaller groups where you can contribute and make a difference rather than just being a number but hey thats just my opinion.
And the reason PSC never get attacked or attacks anyone anymore is they are banned from most sims for greifing
and unlike most folks im not a ban happy guy but even ive banned psc from fighting in my sim because dark completely fails to dicipline his men who step out of line in my opinion a vanguard rip off group.
steve319 cao
U.N.I.T Armed Forces
Posted by: steve319 cao | September 05, 2008 at 02:21 PM
Army 2: The Pan-Slayva Coalition
"Pros: Dark is a good leader and is understanding when necessary. The guns are extraordinary, and the armor is unique. The sim, is also quite well-structured. Some of the soldiers are dedicated, and well-disciplined. PSC is one of the few "new" armies I have seen get such fame so fast.
Cons: You will almost always be able to catch a PSC soldier dicking off. Any time I am on base, I will see them running around with Pikachu hats on, or screaming various gestures, or even teamkilling. When I give them an order (as an E-6 NCO), they will yell at me, and tell me to leave the others alone. They will also whine about me to the leader, saying that I am "ABUSING MY RIGHTS." They are full of shit, they are just addicted to being selfish, mindless fiends, and they don't want to stop it."
now correct me if im wrong here but does one not contradict the other if dark is as you say a decent leader then surely he should be able to keep the order of his men, rather than having them jacking off all the time around the sim and getting themselfs banned left right and centre sorry not convinced my freind.
Posted by: steve319 cao | September 05, 2008 at 02:28 PM
"Army 3: Task Force Marines (TFM) Leader: Bennyboy Ball Background: Not evident Rating: 6
Pros: They are doing their best, let's put it that way. They are a good group of people. They also are getting better and better with armor and weapons, and have a full blown sim, as well"
Im sorry but bahahahahahahahahahahah fighting TFM is like trying out for the special olympics you attack for 5 minuites plant flags then have benny im you saying were closing our sim or aircrafts are now banned .
Im sorry i dont meen to seem condersending here but were now giving out marks for effort dam benny you get a gold star.
now go clap some erasors.
Posted by: steve319 cao | September 05, 2008 at 02:32 PM
I love how you all seem to take this as a personal insult to your armies. If you don't want to hear my opinion on the bad parts, DON'T READ THE CONS. I am not going to make a big "pro" section about an army, as the criticism is ALWAYS more detailed.
Posted by: Vinzenz Fiertze | September 05, 2008 at 02:39 PM
"I love how you all seem to take this as a personal insult to your armies. If you don't want to hear my opinion on the bad parts, DON'T READ THE CONS. I am not going to make a big "pro" section about an army, as the criticism is ALWAYS more detailed."
This is marketed as a "consumer's guide", a "potential recruit must-read". Things like that are expected to be unbiased reviews, not arrogant opinion pieces, in which you spend more time deliberating on one person's leadership and their armor than on how the army actually fights. You shouldn't be surprised that some will take it personally, Vinz.
Posted by: Ivy Contepomi | September 05, 2008 at 04:08 PM
Oh and Ivy i've been estate banned and there is no reason for it. Bruno is the total king of the banhammer everyoe and I mean every single military be it Vanguard, Merczateers, even the Alliance Navy will back me up on this. It's pathetic beyond belief
Posted by: Vegna Fouroux | September 05, 2008 at 06:22 PM
Just a few words. In my experience, I have found that the Spartans are good sports. Just treat them with respect both on and off the battlefield and you'll have alot of fun. I've been enlisted in their ranks before, and most of the comments raised about them are either biased or false.
Also, sure Eye makes some wierd points sometimes. But your comments on Him and his opinions are starting to lapse into personal abuse. Grow up, we're mostly adults here. Lets act like them instead of degrading ourselves to bullying like this.
And Virzenz, to me this article just sounds like a way to stir up drama. There are -NO- best combat groups, we're all bound by the same limitations of Second Life. Practice makes the combatant good, it's not all about the group.
Posted by: Molen Oppewall | September 05, 2008 at 06:38 PM
O lawl Dez
I am not online because I have something called a Real Life. I got college classes to do and friend to hang out with. Also, even if I wanted to go to Ordo, they would never let me back in.
To Anon and LAWL
Come up with something a bit more hurtful or do not post anything at all. Try and make me cry if you can, just want to see how bad you think the internet is "suppose" to hurt me...
A point to all: If you guys can come up with something better, then post it on the herald and stop complainting about it and just make your own story on what YOU think of the other militaries.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | September 05, 2008 at 07:06 PM
"g) your VG part, this is hilarious, even to the onlooker (myself) its obvious at some point you have been kicked out of VG (or left? wink)."
Funny how Vinz goes from this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuewCcJRpLQ
To what's printed in this article.
What's funny is that I think he's still trying to get back into VG.
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | September 05, 2008 at 07:20 PM
"O lawl Dez
I am not online because I have something called a Real Life. I got college classes to do and friend to hang out with. Also, even if I wanted to go to Ordo, they would never let me back in."
sorry to hear about the ordo thing, but if you call like almost everyday going on to day of defeat source for endless hours a real life then hell, i got a real life too
Posted by: Dez | September 05, 2008 at 09:00 PM
Shut up, Eye.
I'd go into a massive tirade about how incorrect and fail this article is, as is my normal style, but since I'm in the middle of making a bad ass throwing knife, I'll sum this up quickly.
Mercz: Great people, and the most active R&D of all the groups. They maintain a certain threshold for their retards, which gets people like Eye Korobase kicked. Beware the grunt flood.
Ordo: Hail Aryte. The most professional, serious group on the grid. These people know what they're doing. Don't hate because you fail too hard to keep pace with them.
MC: Originality in its purest form. Less active than they used to be, but still a solid candidate to be looked at.
EAF: Dead.
-Sodomy Regiment-
Vanguard: Total fail. R&D is fail. Prized Einstein missiles consist of warppos killprims that someone told Christoph are new technology. Avoid like the plague.
Pan Slavya Coalition: Can't decide whether they want to be like Vanguard or be like Mercz. If Christoph is the Pope, Dark is a choir boy. If you can't get in anywhere else, apply here. Or better yet, kill yourself. EYE KOROBASE IS A MEMBER OF THIS GROUP.
TFM: I have to give Bennyboy credit here. It takes a special kind of dumbass to put someone scripting guns for your group out of CHARITY through a gauntlet of bullshit. Think oldschool SLSN, but much, much, MUCH more fail.
AN: Trinity has managed to reform this group into a good military. These are good guys. With the Templars gone, joining this group is a safe bet. They still have an awesome fleet, though their AD leaves something to be desired. Still, they're on their way up.
2142: My intel on this group is outdated. If James Benedek is still in charge, then give these guys consideration. If not, go join AN.
39th: Good people, if a bit isolationist. Best mechs on the grid. One could call them the AI's equivalent of the MC. Give them a go if you're curious.
Sparta: Great army, lead by a baby in a Burger King crown. The handful that are still active are nice people, but Bruno is a joke. With a new IS combat blockade up, this group won't last long. Don't join this group, but feel free to try to recruit their people out.
All the other groups are pretty much forgettable. If you have a problem with my descriptions, tough shit. Chances are, if you're bitching because I said something bad about your group, your opinion has far less relevance and acceptance than mine does. Bruno, go ahead and bitch. You've already got me banned and muted, and I could wipe your group out with a compiler window. Christoph, get pissy and threaten to sue. Some of us actually do have real lawyers and not just wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men in suits. If you're someone with a genuine question about a military, feel free to IM me and ask. I'll do my best to get you into the group right for you.
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | September 05, 2008 at 09:51 PM
@Lord Kamina
that reminds me of my favorite childhood tale... the little flabber that could.
Posted by: dick burns | September 05, 2008 at 10:45 PM
O lawl, Ethan is a Biased Ordo member, that is why he likes it so much.
Let's fix your statements Ethan, time for a little lesson in common sences.
Mercz: Good people, Yes. R&D is good, yes. Me getting kicked from merczs? no... I have told you this on many posts ethan, I lefted on my own free will, not kicked. get your facts Straight.
Ordo. "Hail Aryte"? Like hilter in there somewhere ethan? "The most professional, serious group on the grid", wow that is laughable. They are about as serious as a Birthday clown. "These people know what they're doing", 50/50 on that one. "Don't hate because you fail too hard to keep pace with them." O rly ethan? How was it that I had top Sgt in the most active divison in infantry in which all of lev liked my training them and saw me as a good comrade, how is that "too hard to keep pace with them"?. Again Ethan, get your facts right, before you talk shit
MC: Agree with you 100%
EAF: Agree with you there, too
Vanguard: Ethan, you have no room to talk since you have never actually been close enough nor in any real battles against VG, so don't shoot your mouth off when you got nothing to actually say. The VG your talking about is not the same one as the reformed VG of today. Go to their base and attack and see how they have improved.
Pan Slavya Coalition: O yeah, used me as an example, like it even actually matters. GG on your fail statement of fail. Also, Dark has more balls then you BTW, Mr. Hide behind merczs and when the fighting is over, talk shit like you actually did something
TFM: has lasted longer then most small armies. Got to give them credit there and also calling him dumb is just a plain down-right bully type statement there. This is the internet Ethan, not high school. Jock prick.
AN: you have never been in AN longer then 5 mintures, so what would you know about what was going on there? Again, shooting your mouth off with no ammo. Jim, harl, and nanao are not as bad as Ethan may say they are. Sit down and talk with them for more then 10 seconds and not on a battlefield either. Learn to be a human being Ethan, not some Fail ramdo that only wants to kill, kill, kill
2142: Agree with you there, 2142 have actually been rebuilding their sim still and also updating their gear, that is why they have been MIA.
39th: agree with you there
Sparta: Great army? well....more like great people that fight for it. and yup, bruno has made King Leonidas roll over in his grave.
Anyway, so a disclaimer to those who think Ethan is right about anything he says about me. Ethan has only ever talked to me on ventilo about 10 or 15 times and in SL, no talking nor any thing that you'd say would be having cha-chat. So, you can not take what he says about me as fact, because he knows so little about me, so he makes shit up like how I was kicked out of merczs, when I actually lefted on my own will and other things. His Statements are not to be taken seriously, since none of them are true.
Posted by: Eye Korobase | September 05, 2008 at 11:24 PM
Oh, and anyone not aware, TFM has disbanded and is now known as Imperium Battalion or something along those lines.
Posted by: Dez | September 06, 2008 at 03:53 AM
PSC doesnt get attacked much because most of their members are known griefers. They started to get banned big time when they copybotted Ordo gear and started "The chaos imperialis".
VG, well..Impulse ammo, Einsteins and 18+rezzer guns..nuff said.
EAF, well last time i was in attack to them, they spammed homing missles, killprimmed their base doors and rezzed mines on their spawn.
MC, They are very much alive and most unique army there that doesnt try to copy others.
Posted by: Tuomy Boa | September 06, 2008 at 04:55 AM
Oi! Guys, guys. I know I may have created some rather "uber-drama" here, but come on. I understand that I may have been a bit too pushy on the parts in which I criticize the armies, okay? I do understand, however, let us not have such indecent quarrels. If you want to yell at me, or insult me, IM me when I am online, and set up a battle. I don't care if NO ONE backs me up because obviously NO ONE will, right? Am I not the arm-pit of this grid? Get an army together, and wipe me out. I would, if anyone ACTUALLY understood me or respected me, but that is not the case, nor does it matter. Just IM me, and get as many guys as you want. Fight it out. Say it to my face in voice.
Posted by: Vinzenz Fiertze | September 06, 2008 at 09:26 AM
@Eye - Shut up. Nobody cares about you. I'd say some hurtful things but Mr. Schuman already wrote a detailed account of your asshattery in a previous article, and I dont think making the Herald readers and my fellow comment trolls relive another detailed account of what a faggot you are is very kind.
@Vegna - Of course the ordo sucks. They wouldnt let you back in. -eyeroll- You're rapidly approaching Eye's level of insignificance, go away.
Posted by: lawl | September 06, 2008 at 12:34 PM
Vinzenz, why would anyone want to say anything to your face? So you can quote them in another poorly written and completely biased article calling them a Nazi or a Communist?
Posted by: John Q. Public | September 06, 2008 at 02:03 PM
Ok so if Eye is so insignificant why keep talking shit about him or acting like he even exists? I mean if you really feel that no one cares about him why bother responding to his opinions?
Posted by: LULZ | September 06, 2008 at 03:03 PM
Hey Vinz, where the fuck is my 900L?
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | September 06, 2008 at 05:36 PM
Well, this was NOT an *AWFUL* Article by any means, but it had flaws;
If writing an Article about Militaries in Second Life, you should not limit yourself only to groups under who's banners you have served; though having your own definate first-hand knowldge is good, it's always good to get some other sources from some of the less known militaries, or militaries that you yourself have not been in. If you wish, I can pass you the latest notecard of all the current Militaries and their bases, so you can see for yourself. What would be rather good for potential military newcomers is a sort of guide written by people of all perspectives on pretty much each Military on the Grid, a sort of encyclopedia that could be updated perhaps via a group or a website, but that's going a bit off topic.
All in all, you did an alright job, but instead of being wound up by the criticism, take it into heart and use it to make your next articles better until there is nothing left to criticise.
All the best,
Rathium [O] Marshal,
Void Lorefield
Posted by: Void Lorefield | September 06, 2008 at 05:51 PM
Eye, Eye, Eye,
I'm afraid if you didn't leave, you would have been Forced out *IE Ejected*
You always say "Theres too much Drama" In the Merczateers.
So Confronting the accused of Sexual harrassment, is Drama?
Posted by: Kastrenzo Benelli | September 06, 2008 at 06:17 PM
Uh, the militaries you have listed are the most well-known ones in SL, but not necessarily the "best" ones.
Posted by: HUA DA KIGN OF COP | September 06, 2008 at 06:29 PM
Well look at that. You'd think after witnessing what beatdowns I give Bruno that Eye would be smart enough to stay away. Instead, he openly invites me to violate him like a drunk virgin four year old on Nanao's prom night. Pay attention and enjoy this, Eye. It's the closest thing to sex you'll ever get.
First, let's note Eye's signature "O lawl" opening that he resorts to every time he gets his ass kicked. You would think after I called him out on it, he'd come up with a new line, but I guess you can only teach an inbred retard so many words.
Yes, I'm an Ordo member. I'm a member of Ordo because they're a damn fine army I had the honor of helping establish back before I had a skin, primhair, and an AO. Aryte is a respectable individual who works hard, looks out for his men, and maintains a strong sense of order and professionalism amongst his ranks. He is a real leader. That fact alone shoots down your little claims about "LOL TOP SARGUNT!" and your silly little idea that you have friends in the Ordo. You're in Pan Slavya (unless one of your commanders got some sense after reading this and demoted you, as current rumors seem to be insinuating may happen, if it hasn't already). You have no standards with which to judge seriousness.
MC and EAF: Shut up, Eye. I have no time for your envious fanboi ravings, regardless of how right I am.
Vanguard: I've dealt with VG in combat as they sit and scream and try to get around combat blockades. They're a bunch of idiots. The w-hat army will wipe the floor with these little rainbow assnazis. I mean, seriously, their basic training consists of Hello, Kitty! pajamas and stripper poles, where each recruit battles for the praise of a homosexual chicken fucking repressed furfag who lives in the basement of the parents whose identity he takes on when making any one of 82903702638176387109273019709327097 lies about his tragic past and how he's not bad, just misunderstood. I'd rather be a babyfur chained up Nanao's bedroom than a member of Vanguard.
PSC are only slightly better. Dark is a dingleberry on the unwashed asshair of Christoph. More balls than me? Damn right, Dark has more balls than me... in his mouth. It's a wonder he doesn't choke on all the testicles he gargles what from being a channer tard wannabe to striving to replace Kekken underneath Christoph's table. This army might actually become something if they ever get their own identity and quit trying to rip off successful groups.
AN: I was in their for a while, actually. Where do you think Avil came from? Jim is an ok guy. Harl, Nanao, and Luca are not. Your support of them only goes to prove what a fuckhead you really are.
TFM: It's your turn to check facts, now. I scripted up some damn nice P90s for TFM, and had to deal with the bullshit of 5 "admirals" who, when combined, have the IQ of a hamster with down syndrome. I'll talk all the shit I want about these jokers. Until they get some brains, they're just another n00b army. "Jock prick?" "Bully?" What's the matter, Eye? Do I remind you of the kids that steal your lunch money and laugh at you when you try to talk to girls by chasing them around with insects until they get a restraining order against you? Poor baby. See you after class, chump, when I run you up the flagpole by your briefs with your name stitched in them.
In conclusion, while I may have only talked to you a grand total of times on Vent, it only took me once to not like you. The "YOU DUN NO ME!" line does you no good, when you have yet to make a single positive, constructive contribution to society, real or virtual. Your little videos on Youtube where you sit in your cosplay costumes and ramble on about shit no one cares about in some pointless exercise in a narcissistic ploy to convince yourself that you somehow matter to this world, do not count. You were indeed kicked out of Mercz, contrary to how you like to lie to the contrary, and I'm quite sure we could get the certain individual who you harassed to come forward. Pretty pathetic that VIRTUAL girls are turning you down and calling you a creep, huh Eye? People take my statements more seriously than yours because A) They usually are right. and B) I own you. I've said it before, I'll say it again...
Shut up, Eye. Nobody cares.
Posted by: Ethan Schuman | September 06, 2008 at 06:51 PM
Ordo sucks because it's rapped up in its own useless bureaucracy and the sim is always closed. Mercz suck because Command doesn't have enough control. They do have a great R&D though. Always have.
All the militaries have horrible Intel. Should each assign a special Intel collection team. Always consistently accusing everybody of something.
Posted by: Deimos | September 06, 2008 at 07:03 PM
Ordo is full of furries, thus it automatically fails no matter how skilled its fighters are.
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | September 06, 2008 at 07:10 PM
Ethan Schuman, you're like a Maddox article personified, except much much nerdier.
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | September 06, 2008 at 09:02 PM
I just caught word that Vinz has been booted from PSC rofl
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | September 06, 2008 at 11:35 PM
See, that's what's funny to me. Vinz is hardly in any position to be writing a consumer report on the military scene when absolutely not a single military will take him.
Posted by: Zrazor Rozenstrauch | September 07, 2008 at 03:10 AM