[The first time I saw Yasha I immediately had the perfect location for our photo shoot in mind – Silk Waters Mountain in Orelle, one of the few Japanese sims not mutilated by flickering ads and thus the perfect setting for some anime-style pictures. During the whole photo shoot Yasha kept me entertained by joking and telling little stories and she immediately caught me with her bright and sweet personality. Her tiny avatar gracefully jumped from one location to the next, chatting away and trying to catch snowflakes with her tongue. Ladies and gentlemen, here's Yasha Shirakawa, SL's smallest stripper and samurai. – Bunny Brickworks]
Yasha smiles sweetly and sits down with you, and pours her favorite tea for you, her hidden recipe of cherry sakura-cha.
Bunny bows respectfully and takes a sip.
Bunny: It tastes delicious Yasha-san.
Yasha: It's fairly simple to make in RL.
Yasha: This is the first time I did a real professional photo shoot.
Bunny: It was great fun and you acted like a professional model so it was easy.
Yasha: I hope my jokes weren't too bad… like badly scripted infomercials with that irritating Billy Mays guy?
Bunny: No, they were highly entertaining.
Bunny: What made you apply for the Post 6?
Yasha: Well I have read the Post 6 before... and I thought everyone looked outstanding.
Bunny: Weren't you a little afraid about the occasionally rude comments?
Yasha: Mmm well... I did read rude comments before.
Bunny: I'm always happy to see that my Post 6ers have enough confidence to stand the flames.
Yasha: I am a fan of the anthro art scene, so I am used to being the blunt end of comments... besides me being one of the shortest strippers in SL.
Bunny laughs. Yes, you are short indeed. Where do you strip?
Yasha: I dance exclusively at the Gallery Club... and I manage another club, called Erotic Angels. I was at EA for over 2 years.
Bunny: What does managing a club in SL imply?
Yasha: Well it's helping the owners and CEOs of the club with new dancer. I do the interviews. I have... umm... how to say... a nose for it?
Bunny: Yes. What does a good stripper in SL need?
Yasha: Maybe the first thing is having fun at it. Work with fun dancers and friends; make not only customer happy, but fellow dancers, too. A lot of people treat it like a shark feeding fight between dancers for Lindens but I have fun. I do not need a lot of Lindens to have fun, so I usually tip everyone else.
Bunny: So it's not a profession that would make you virtually rich?
Yasha peens her purse and shows receipts and such, but little cash.
Yasha: if I still have Lindens at the end of the night, I didn't tip enough. I don't go shopping a lot, nor am I a good builder; my sister is the best builder I know. I ... hmmm... how to say... I cannot figure out
Bunny: Do you emote a lot or is it a simple 'thank you darling' when you receive tips?
Yasha: Oh, I emote a lot... to the point I throw hearts at tippers. And I even have a 'pounce' move I would do. I knocked one poor tipper out of a chair when I pounced them for a huge tip. It's all the anime samurai training that has me able to jump like that, like in old karate movies
Bunny: This samurai training, what is it?
Yasha: Well samurai training... I have been trained since I was little. I was trained to serve first, and then I took a liking to protect myself, so that's when I trained in karate, TAe Quon DO and Kempo
Yasha: Sorry for typos, my laptop is all MacGuyvered together, with bubble gum, brillo pads, a used squeegee and anything within reach.
Bunny: No problem, I can handle typos. Did you also receive training in the handling of weapons?
Yasha: Hai hai, in sword training, and with a bow staff... All through training, what I enjoyed most, was serving others, and not in a sexual way.
Bunny: Last time you briefly told me you live with a couple you protect.
Yasha: Hai hai. I was friends with them, and they had a servant that they wished to be guarded and protected. We became better friends, so I was then hired to guard the family, from stalkers, spammers, and griefers. They knew I was a dancer and stripper, and was fine with that, as long as they could see me dance.
Bunny: Is it an employer-employee relationship or rather a family-type one?
Yasha: It often ends up as a friendship family type. I can make friends with mostly everyone
Bunny smiles. Because you're very charming!
Yasha: Well, I try to. I'd offer a kind hello and wave, but then if they reply 'OOOO yurrr hott... letzz havv sexxx' , I usually retreat very fast
Bunny nods. That's annoying.
Yasha: I have question for you. Do you ever get models that are so difficult to work with, that you thought 'why do I do this'?
Bunny: So far I have been more than lucky. All my models were easy and friendly. I am still waiting for the drama queen to show up and tell me what to do. The one who makes me play with the 'kill' button.
Yasha: Oh did you buy a kill button kit from my sister Mitsuyasi? I had a kill button kit once, wired it wrong and took out half a Sim.
Bunny smiles. You have been in world since January 2006. That's a very long time. Have you ever taken a break from SL?
Yasha: I've seen so many things, met so many people and AVs. I've had to take breaks kicking and screaming.
Bunny: Due to RL?
Yasha: I lost everything in RL soon after I joined. I was hurt at work, and lost everything I owned. I fractured my right knee in 2 places in a bad fall - it will never be right. But then a while later I did come back on, and have cemented my friendships again.
Bunny: SL can be a nice refugium when RL hits you hard.
Yasha: You know Bunny; you get attached to friends here as you do in RL. You would ask for a shoulder to cry on when RL gets too much pain or you cheer when a friend has found a great job. SL has a way of connecting people together and not in the sex ball pose bed way either. I love my friends here in SL as much as my friends in RL. I was nearly frantic one day when I had heard my Erotic Angel owner Karlynn was in the hospital, so I got the phone number from one of the dancers or staff, and landline called her. Yes, you worry about your friends when you don't see them in a while.
Yasha: A funny story about Kar... When she hired me to dance for her at EA, I would be there all the time, even though it was deserted or no one came in. I always danced for her. She felt bad that I was giving my time for her, so she paid me from her own pocket. But then I found out she was working at 4 other places as well, to keep EA open, and no one was coming in. So what I did was I donated my tips back to the club to keep it open. EA is her dream… So I did that since then. I'd always tip the other dancers, and give bonuses, and id even strip for free just to liven things up. And it drove Karlynn Batty crazy. She always said 'Yasha, it's your tips' and I said 'ok it is my tips - you need it more than I do'
Bunny: These are two things that always amaze me. The generosity of some people and the visions they have.
Yasha: Visions – yes. One thing that I am amazed at is how good some are at building things. I am so jealous.
Bunny: Have you ever tried it?
Yasha points to her thumbs. I tried building a box prim... and smashed my finger with a hammer.... hehe so I usually just watch others. A friend has just built a beautiful home in the nook of a horseshoe falls, with mountains, first time I seen it, I was open jawed at it.
Bunny: Have you got any visions? Anything you want to do in SL?
Yasha thinks for a long minute. Well, it may sound silly and you may laugh. But I'd love to do my stories about Yasha here in SL using
Bunny: Machinima...
Yasha nods. I have stories I write about Yasha and some of her as an anthro of how she came to be. Inspired by anime and anthro. I belong to a specific Muc that gets together every Tuesday night, for story night. I have an anime novel I've been working on for the past 6 years I think.
Bunny: Do you also draw anime?
Yasha: I draw some anime styled anthros and have had some drawn of me. I can show you the pics.
Bunny: Have you ever thought about an exhibition of your work in SL?
Yasha: I actually have. A dear friend of mine I was a guardian for, her name is Shoshana Epsilon, had my art up for a few weeks now, as a favor for me when I was depressed about things. She felt I needed a lift in spirit. And Tasha Polecat taught me a good deal about drawing.
Bunny: If you could change anything in SL, what would it be?
Yasha: Mmm. good question. I think some may get angry with Yasha for this but I would not have the voice chat. It is good sometimes, but when the voice chat came out, SL crashed so bad so often, it would crash me right out of the grid, it was so bug laden. I remember SL had no problems before Voice chat.
Bunny doesn't do Voice so she fully seconds that. Any famous last words?
Yasha’s head tips as she cutely thinks. I wish everyone were kinder here in SL. A lot of people are, don't get me wrong, I met some INCREDIBLE people here, but there are some that exist simply to harass others, griefers, and such. I don't know how any can treat someone else so badly.
Bunny: Yasha-san thank you very much for this interview and the wonderful photo shoot.
Yasha: M'lady Bunny... I am deeply honored you would have me.
Bunny bows deeply and saves her notecard with a smile.
Thank you so much Bunnie for the excellent pic session we had. I wish we could have used the kneeling and other nude pics.... smiles bows.
Posted by: Shirakawa, Yasha | October 08, 2008 at 12:35 AM
Beautiful wish i looked as good lol
Posted by: Carmen Kirax | October 08, 2008 at 10:34 AM
Oh wow, another pretend Japanese girl. How refreshing. Almost as amusing as the Little Yoshiwara geishas. Really, the wapanese thing in SL amazes me. Maybe it is because I am Japanese, but I just don't get it. Not to mention that the actions of most the wapanese, are very offensive.
If you want to classify this as rude, be my guest. Kind of tit for tat, as you people say.
Posted by: Eriko Watanabe | October 08, 2008 at 11:02 AM
Nihongo ga wakarimasu! Konnichiwaaaaa! Anata wa totemo KAWAIIIII desuuuu!
Watashi wa Eigojin! Amerikajin desu kaaaa? Weeaboo desu kaaaa?
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | October 08, 2008 at 12:13 PM
"anthro art scene" is a pretty good euphemism for "furry porn"
Posted by: mootykips | October 08, 2008 at 01:17 PM
lol at the Malibu cs freebie skin. This whore is ridiculous.
Posted by: Aya Pelous | October 08, 2008 at 01:53 PM
It's Eijin...or Igirisujin...
hai! Bakabakashii desu!
Posted by: Tarissa | October 08, 2008 at 02:30 PM
It is funny.
Posted by: Comtomoto | October 08, 2008 at 04:00 PM
Bunny, your photos are great, my absolute favorite is the second one you caught her gaze in a wonderful way. You interviewing skills are improving by the minute, I felt I was there with you two.
Posted by: Seikatsu Koba | October 08, 2008 at 05:18 PM
Uh yeah, I got a huge weaboo vibe from you, Yasha. I know it's 'in vogue" to pretend to be some sort of Asian, but what's with all the hardcore cuteness? If you're really cute, shy and whatnot, it comes naturally. You don't have to emote it, sweetheart.
Posted by: Jomin | October 08, 2008 at 05:27 PM
Did someone say weeaboo? I think I heard someone say weeaboo.
Posted by: Stephie | October 08, 2008 at 06:38 PM
Actually Eriko, I will not say it is rude, but it is an opinion with merit.
The Little Yoshiwara group I do know of, and they are all very kind to talk with. They all put on a great sim. And I am happy to call them friends to me.
And yes I am another pretend anime character, developed from stories for over 10 years with friends help.
Don't worry, it will never be published.
Thank you for the feedback tho, have a good day.
Posted by: Shirakawa, Yasha | October 08, 2008 at 08:00 PM
Yash these photos are beautiful and reflect your personality. Anyone that knows Yash will understand. And to all those haters get a life!
Posted by: Romy Wingtips | October 08, 2008 at 08:07 PM
hah, as long as she doesn't scotch tape the edges of her eyes or wear harajuku styles in rl (or overkill on the Pocky), she's good. :)
Posted by: jomin | October 08, 2008 at 11:26 PM
yasha, my regards on a great interview!! nice pics also!!, you are beautiful hun!!may more people have your fun attitued hun, regards, midella :)
Posted by: Midella McMillan | October 09, 2008 at 01:19 AM
And on a more serious note, I know what a weeaboo or Waponese is, and calling me that is just absurd.
Yes I am an anime fan, have been for well over 20 years, and I do love the Japanese asian lifestyle, but i'm not prancing around in it in RL, overloading on ramen soup or Pocky as you may think.
Why do I have to be japanese to enjoy anime, because your arguments at calling a fan a weeaboo is just wrong.
I can EASILY point a finger at a lot of males there in Japan that love wearing the super baggy jeans, that enjoy black R and B, so should I call them Jiggers? For Japanese Nigs? But I do not say that.
And yes I know the skin was a freebie, but what happened was a friend GAVE me that skin, after she had great results with it herself. I DIDN'T have to spend 4,000 L on a skin to look good, Bunny and a LOT of friends think my AV Looks great with a free skin, but you calling me a WHORE for using a free skin... what's the matter, JEALOUS?
Get over it you clowns that wanna call me a weeaboo, if you do want to call me that, come to where I dance at, and tell me all about it when ewe have an event going at 7PM SL Time.
*Raises her middle finger at the naysayers*
Posted by: Shirakawa, Yasha | October 09, 2008 at 06:50 AM
I have no problems with the the fact people use freebie skins...However; I DO however have a problem with someone using a KNOWN COPYBOTTED STOLEN freebie skin. Ask Starley yourself. That was a stolen copybotted skin, and she got so upset that she deleted the rest of the package to prevent it from being stolen. So no, never jealous...and shame on you for not doing your homework.
Posted by: Aya Pelous | October 09, 2008 at 08:14 AM
Trying defend the arguments levied against you only makes you look very sad. By volunteering to appear as a 6 girl you KNOW you will have heavy criticism and nasty comments leveled against you. Just ride out the wave, and enjoy being a fake japanese girl.
Posted by: MilosZMilosZ | October 09, 2008 at 08:17 AM
"And yes I am another pretend anime character, developed from stories for over 10 years with friends help."
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | October 09, 2008 at 11:27 AM
Hey Yasha & Bunny,
I like the top picture for its red/blue colorscheme very much. I think the red of the whatcha call it where you hold the katana is very symbolic.
/me grinns at your comments and thinks 'give 'm hell!'
And oh, there's nothing wrong with being small (no you didn't imply that, I'm just saying that) :-)
Posted by: Gina | October 09, 2008 at 11:50 AM
My comment was not meant to attack this Yasha person. It was meant as a comment on the stereotypes used, by the non-Japanese who like to play as a Japanese. I hear so many claim to love Japanese culture, but do you study the culture or only anime? Some claim they only love anime character, but is there not enough of that here already? Surely it is nothing new or exciting to be reported on. No, I do not attack this avatar. I am sure it is a wonderful person, but what is new, exciting or beautiful here that we would want to see it?
Posted by: Eriko Watanabe | October 09, 2008 at 01:21 PM
why do you use a comma in your name do you think this is a sports roster or something
Posted by: mootykips | October 09, 2008 at 01:29 PM
"anthro art scene" is a pretty good euphemism for "furry porn"
Just as much as Neko Hentai, eh? :)
And, lol at the anime fan weeaboo shouters. Of which one comments in Wapanese himself XD
Posted by: lawl | October 09, 2008 at 01:54 PM
I do have to take issue a bit with "I DIDN'T have to spend 4,000 L on a skin to look good", that's true, but even discounting the free skins out there for new folk, there's plenty of quality skin out there for less than 1000L$
Also, Pocky is fine, in moderation. Don't worry, the only grammatically bad Japanese I know is "Wakarimasen nihongo, amerikaijin des". Came in handy in FFXI.
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | October 09, 2008 at 05:22 PM
"Just as much as Neko Hentai, eh? :)"
10% rule, durr hurr.
"lol at the anime fan weeaboo shouters. Of which one comments in Wapanese himself XD"
I see Irony, satire and sarcasm are concepts in humour that are quite lost on you.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | October 09, 2008 at 06:52 PM
And MilosZMilosZ, Yasha IS my own original character, copywrited and such, so You do not copy or steal...
Posted by: Shirakawa, Yasha | October 09, 2008 at 07:04 PM
Another whore who thinks too highly of herself
Posted by: Draxamus | October 09, 2008 at 10:40 PM
I love how they wriggle when you stick the pin in these puffed-up weaklings. Pelous, if your issue was with the skin being copybotted then why not say so in your original post? Haha, Stoklitsky, "I was being ironic". Utter chickenshit.
Posted by: anonymous | October 10, 2008 at 04:00 AM
1%, 10%, or 100%, all the same. you're fapping to something part animal. Durr.
Posted by: Lawl | October 10, 2008 at 12:38 PM
Wow, a new low. Taking pics of someone wearing the stolen Celestial Studio skin from like 3 yrs ago. I don't see how anyone can be jealous of that so get off your high anime horse.
Posted by: ummm | October 10, 2008 at 01:13 PM
"1%, 10%, or 100%, all the same. you're fapping to something part animal. Durr."
I think if you're fapping to something that isn't part (really whole) animal, you're a fair bit strange yourself. Considering the human race is a part of the animal kingdom. But hey, maybe you think that bucket under the sink is really sexy! Or maybe that fern in your office is just a total slut.
Posted by: We | October 10, 2008 at 09:56 PM
Whore? Thief? I forget the other pointed daggers I’ve seen so carelessly tossed about by other commenter’s… how easy and wonderful your lives must be as you sit in judgment on others you don’t even know. I however do know Yasha Shirakawa, and although it is a recent acquaintanceship feel blessed to count her as a friend, confident and one of the most genuine people I’ve meet on the grid on in RL… glass houses and stones ring a bell nay sayer ?.. or is it just jealousy?
Posted by: BrisenRayna | October 11, 2008 at 08:12 AM
*sigh* anonymity once again brings the worst of the human nature out and about. But well submitting to that is acknowledging they are right?
Great job Yasha liked it very much :)See you soon around *hugs*
Posted by: Tenchi Morigi | October 14, 2008 at 03:04 AM
Nice girl
Bloody terrible photos as usual
But you knew that didn't you?
Posted by: Archie Lukas | October 15, 2008 at 03:51 AM
If I'm not mistaken, isn't that a shitty freebie skin?
Posted by: You Suck | October 16, 2008 at 12:42 AM
screw u aya pelous. I KNOW u aint talkin about freebie skins with ur busted avi :P what's up around the campfire. they still yappin about meh. u still suckin hairy nut sax. what is UP!
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | October 18, 2008 at 03:33 PM
A few comments.
I am a Yoshiwara Geisha and a French Canadian. I have never pretended to be Japanese. Yoshiwara is a Secondlife sim based on Edo Era Japan. We are a roleplay sim where anyone can come to learn about and recreate historical culture. The Ladies here come from all over the world. Some Japanese, some not. All have an interest in geisha life and in Japanese culture. Love of something and a desire to roleplay and learn doesn't make anyone a pretender. Rather I think it celebrates a culture and way of life we find fascinating and gives people with those interests a place to come in Secondlife to enjoy that aesthetic. We never claimed to be Japanese in real life or absolutely perfect in our roleplay or re-creation but I think we do a pretty good job. That's what Secondlife is for, imagination, art, and the re-creation of your dreams. The geisha of Little Yoshiwara all share a love and fascination for the dream they hope to create. As always if it isn't something you don't agree with or enjoy, you do not have to visit.
As for Yasha-San I, personally, think she's a beautiful person and her avatar is cute too. She has always been utterly kind to me and I've found her to be generous and lovely. Generally when people have such negative things to say it's more of a personal problem than anything to do with the person it's being said about. If people are talking about you it's usually because you're doing something right. Don't stop honey.
Posted by: Katsumiyo Kahane | October 18, 2008 at 09:18 PM
>Love of something and a desire to roleplay and learn doesn't make anyone a pretender
>roleplay and learn doesn't make anyone a pretender
Open mouth insert foot?
Posted by: Stephie | October 19, 2008 at 02:00 AM
I just have one query? Are most of you hating on this girl because she is 'pretending' to be something she is not (japanese) whilst she resides in Second Life where a vast majority of people like to 'pretend' to be something they are not.
I don't think Nekos, are really half cat half human people behind the computers, nor do I assume Furries are real animals that have learnt how to use the computer.
The people that choose to play in roleplay sims such as the 'Star Wars' themed sims are not really Jedi's, and I don't think that everyone that hangs out at places like Hard Alley are all pimps, rapists, or whores!!
Plenty of people like to spend time at 'High School' themed Roleplaying Sims, and I am sure they arent all students, and what about the 'Pirate' Roleplaying theme, I don't think there are that many Captian Jack's in the world.
I really don't see that this girl is hurting anybody by pretending to be Japanese, she is just playing a 'role' that she enjoys and surrounding herself with a culture that she obviously admires. Why would you take offense to that? If I was Japanese I would be flattered that someone enjoyed my culture so much they had to chosen to live their sl that way?!
I have no problems with anyone 'pretending' to be something else in secondlife, after all isnt that half the fun sometimes?! lol
As for the stolen skin/freebie skin......yes I agree it is not a great idea to photograph someone wearing a stolen skin, but I can also see that it was probably an innocent mistake from both the model and the photographer.
I think the interview was interesting and the photos were good, Yasha looked lovely, and I enjoyed reading about another part of SL that I didnt know existed.
Posted by: Bindy Boozehound | October 19, 2008 at 09:47 PM
Im disagree with Carmen Kirax. I dont get it what is wrong with getting into a character? Please there is so many nekos, rock stars, pretended Mistresses and slaves, so what?! Some changes into other character after 1 hour, some stay... and Yasha, who is btw my one of the dearest friends in SL, never did change her character. When for the first time i saw Yasha i noticed she was so tiny, and then we started to chat :) she is one of the kind of person you never forget: tiny, beautiful, sexy, naughty at times, but always nice! and i love her dresses and outfits... so back off people! Love you my little Yasha and stay as you are tiny little warior :)
Posted by: Spankinatrix Demina | April 18, 2009 at 08:31 AM