Combat diminishing between armies, New Jessie on the brink
Militaries must work together to save combat in the metaverse
by Vegna Fouroux
It was the best of times and the worst of times. The two major alliances of SL (The Ascendant Iniative and The Iron Symphony) had put aside their turbulent pasts and had begun a new age. An age where combat was king, an age where scandals and gossip were frowned upon, where the ban hammer was the final solution and not the first, an age where a sense of honour prevailed. Alas, the trust is not so simple, so let us look past the lofty ideals and examine what is really going on.
The military which I believe to be the finest (partly due to me being a member): The Merczateers has 400 + members. That's more than the Ascendant Iniative groups COMBINED. Hence any combat on a large scale can't be undertaken often as these groups only have a fraction of men in relation to the numbers of our invading force at any given time, thus combat is taken on very rarely and large scale, pitched battles on the scale of those fondly remembered epics; Operation Crucifix and Operation: Wrath of Toll have not been seen in quite some time. Ordo Imperialis and even The Militant Collective (both I.S members) have similar issues.
"AHA!" I hear you readers cry "I also have some knowledge of military matters! My dear Vegna. What of the Sovereign Regime, what of The Fuhrer and his Vanguard, of the Chtonic Syndicate, newly arisen and ready for the fight, THERE! there Mr. Fouroux is your advesary!." The Iron Symphony with of course, all due consideration has seen fit to put a combat blockade on The Sovereign Regime thus leaving VG and CS' only enemies The A.I who, as I have just pointed out are often too small in number to counter invasions leaving the S.R in the same predictiment as The I.S. Which really makes you wonder about the validity of these "Alliances" but more on that later.
Cheating and Blockades
The reason for the Iron Symphony's blockade? Cheating! those dirty Sovereign Regime evildoers have been cheating..Well...That's an outrage! All self-respecting militaries must have nothing to do with cheaters. Again this theory looks dubious upon closer scrutiny.
What have the Sovereign Regime done that qualifies as cheating? They follow STABLE and The Alliance Navy (who first drafted STABLED, albeit by a member who is now in the I.S) seems quite content with this. Ask any I.S Leader about this blockade and the reasons will be vague.."Cheating, unfairness....Meaness, we've tried our best..uh." The fact is, the old grudges are simply still there. The Sovereign Regime have scripters and builders who are among the oldest in the community, they know the game, the rules, they just don't have the greatest of character..To them this is the internet and the internet hast lulz, Accumulate thy lulz while thy is able. This infuriates some leaders, to whom this is a game not to be taken lightly, as such, the ban button looms temptingly.
But cheating exists in the Second Life Military community..oh yes my readers it does. There's one military, proud of it's history, steeped in tradition and stalwart in the face of common sense; The Ordo Imperialis.
goto teleports considered harmful
Before I continue, make no mistake, this is no Ordo smear story, this is just highlighting a hypocrisy of the highest order. The Ordo must have the most boring time of all, you cant even fight the Alliance Navy, Sparta and other militaries when the opportunity DOES arise. Why? The major A.I groups have put a blockade on the Ordo for not following STABLE. And I have to say they are probably right to do so. Ordo use goto teleporters (i.e I want to teleport my avatar to the enemy position I simply type "goto: Enemy name") which this reporter has seen with his own eyes right in the middle of combat (OH but they'll claim it's strictly non combat only).
Admittedly they have their merits; good discipline and other pros you can see in another article on this hallowed site. They use fairlight and titan industry weapons in day to day combat (both known for their deep unfairness and Titan Industries even incorporates TOS breaking features such as spy bullets). Yet, readers I digress, these are small matters, but surely if these blockades were put aside combat would take place full throttle, myself and others wouldn't have to suffer the dreaded occasional one-man noob army assault as our daily combat. Again, it's up to a prestigious few grudge bearers not willing to let bygones be bygones.
The new void sim prices are the other cause of the looming annihilation of the militia community.
New Jessie sim is now an established combat region where all groups and freelancers can come and fight - but New Jessie is on the verge of collapse due to financial problems and they certainly won't be able to pay for it with the new 66% void sim price increase.
Nor will other militaries who work off Void Sims for that matter like Vengement or The Echelon Union or 2142 or The Militant Collective. Unless you've got a lot of cash in your back pocket that is. Running a military just became a hell of a lot more expensive
No, only a few militaries like the Merczateers, Vanguard Armed Forces and the Ordo Imperialis could afford to pay for those kinds of costs...and they aren't even fighting each other! (or on void sims for that matter). have you grasped the point? The only militaries that will be left alive, will be the ones that aren't fighting each other.
The Solution? Cut your ridiculous blockades, get out into the main sphere, raise awareness about these astronomical new prices. This is your community. It's time YOU gave back.
I agree that the blockades and shit is pretty childish and has always been, There's never been proof to show VG as breaking STABLE and ever since day one Vanguard has always welcomed other militaries to attack and would never put some pussy out "blockade" up unless it was for good reason and with evidence.
Things are always going to be immature but you won't see Vanguard, Ordo or Merczateers be the first to give up.
Now ordo.. They are being banned from every sim with good reason.
And for the lol, when they try to say they have gotten rid of all the rulebreaking shit, Mostly everyone just doesn't care enough to trust them.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 08, 2008 at 07:09 PM
Plain and simple, the decline of Combat sims in Secondlife is due in large part if not totally to the fact that SL is not a FPS game.(First Person Shooter) infact any so called "Large scale war" is a total fucking lag disaster.I do not see why would anyone subject them self to Comabt in SL when they can just as easily play MMO-FPS games that are actually large scale online combat and not Fur-Fag drama. Face it, even this bathroom reading tabloid's last article on the military made the whole community look more like the "Don't ask Don't Tell" army.
Posted by: LOL | November 08, 2008 at 08:36 PM
EVERYONE is being priced out of SL. Why are you surprised?
Posted by: duh | November 08, 2008 at 10:43 PM
I'll be interested when there's another Alliance Navy base late on its tier.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | November 08, 2008 at 11:35 PM
Posted by: mootykips | November 09, 2008 at 01:04 AM
I had thought this would be an article describing the difficulties the SL armies were going to be facing with the pricechanges on land...
But instead, as usual, it's nothing but mudslinging from one to another group.
I know you're only following the prime example of the new RL leaders ("Barack's a muslim! ZOMG!") but really, this is starting to get more then a *little* annoying.
I have thought many times to join one of the SL combat groups, but everytime I see an 'article' about it here in the Herald, it puts me off.
You're all a bunch of little children obviously, talking shit about eachother instead of simply having fun at combat games. Pathetic.
Fur-fag drama? I dont know. SLcombat fag drama? definately.
I'm going back to Counterstrike now. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Posted by: 2cents | November 09, 2008 at 04:26 AM
"Unless you've got a lot of cash in your back pocket that is. Running a military just became a hell of a lot more expensive."
If I may say so, doing anything worth while on SL just got a hell of a lot more expensive. Role play, combat, sailing, diving, sex, clubs, shops, hangouts, info sims, not for profits, social support. Come on, last I read on the blog a support group for autistic people called Naughty Auties lost their base of operations due to this. Just downright evicted cause their landlord decided to shut down. I was even evicted for the same reason! Its bull shit and its killing the SL community!
Posted by: Anonymous | November 09, 2008 at 07:37 AM
Before going any further, I'd ask you to post your actual name, for without it, your opinion is forefit.
Reguardless of your show of extreme cowardace in the name department, your opinion is forefit reguardless, because the reason behind the decline of SL Combat (Yes, it is hinted in this article if you actually read the whole thing, and not just the title..) is because Linden Labs have seen fit for some unexplainable reason to raise the prices of Void SIMs by herrendous percentages, thus killing a large bulk of Military groups that have their headquarters in Void (OpenSpace) SIMs. This kills off the competition against Larger groups who operate from Full SIMs, and leaves them able only to fight the other large groups, and this is impossible, because they've all banned eachother for various Reasons.
THIS, Good sir, is the reason for the decline in SL Combat.
As for your other statement, in a normal FPS game, can you build the gun you use to kill your opponent? Can you make the said gun work, and make it work better than that of your opponent?
Can you beat them with technology that YOU developed?
Can you amaze them with a stunning base of operations that you created from scratch?
Find me an FPS where this is possible, and I will follow you there gladly.
Until then, Join Eye Korobase on the big ''Shut Up'' Pile.
-Fox Mulgrave,
Head of the SLSN Recruitment Core.
Posted by: Fox Mulgrave | November 09, 2008 at 07:47 AM
"The Merczateers has 400 + members. That's more than the Ascendant Iniative groups COMBINED"
The only reason Mercz are so big is that they do not eject inactive members. Sparta and other groups do, which is why we're seen as smaller. Also, groups like Cthonic Syndicate are bigger..does this mean they are better? Hell no, they're nothing more than untrained kids with spammy guns to make up for the fact that they suck in combat.
"here's never been proof to show VG as breaking STABLE"
Are you trying to make me die of laughter? Because you're quite close. Evidence: VG use bullets labelled "nostop" Gee..wonder what "nostop" means? I know..must be that they DONT STOP at any time, i.e. phantoms in general combat. This, along with their Einsteins, spammy weapons which their allies have copied, scriptwise, and general refusal to follow rules of combat, show VG to be a major failure as a group. I'll admit that groups like Mercz are better in combat and discipline than VG.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 09, 2008 at 10:47 AM
At last ! A non-biased article on the SL militaries.
Good work, Vegna.
Posted by: Mokymok Beck | November 09, 2008 at 12:17 PM
Why don't these groups get together, combine their resources, and get one or more full sims to use as independent staging grounds for their battles. This would neatly solve the problems of banning and tier fees altogether.
Of course, this would actually require working together, and abandoning much of the immature drama and pointless bickering that sometimes seem endemic to the SL military scene, but hey, maybe this is what it takes to get it to happen.
Posted by: Jahar Aabye | November 09, 2008 at 01:47 PM
Reason for SR blockade is ancient history. First recorded time our stressed snowkitty got emo-streak was when he got in to fight with another general of Merczateers and desided to make Mercz lose their sim and have all their gear leaked out...then he formed Vanguard and did all kinds of fun things (nuking, crashing sims, etc) that pretty much formed eternal grudge for him in IS.
Vanguard formed SR so they would have "allies" who to defend, otherwise they wouldnt have any action at all.
Ordo hud only can goto: to people WITH the hud, another news is "Goto:cam" which requires you to alt cam where you wish to be teleporter...not saying thats ok, just correcting you.
I didn't know VG propaganda was considered news in SLherald?
Posted by: Tuomy Boa | November 09, 2008 at 04:26 PM
Cheating and Blockades:
When it is all said and done, most of the Blockades that you are talking about only last a few months at tops. Many examples of these are usually from the Merczateers onto another military. Like the banning of Vanguard forces from the Merczsateers land that happened easiler this year, in which, only lasted 3 months, give or take a day.
The whole blockades tactice ultimately fails in the end to every large SL military forces on the basic reasoning that, if their allies do not ban them and then get attacked by said banned forces then the military that did ban them will have to come out in help their allies. So there is never a true blockade in place that would permanently stop any banned forces from atacking in either a physical or mental form.
goto teleports considered harmful:
A topic that has been going on since the new ordo had the hud that allowed them to do this. Alot of the AI groups agure that Ordo uses the Goto feature on the Ordo's huds to go to a foe and just kill the foe in an unfair way. This is just not true at all. The feature itself only works on anyone that is actually wearing the hud, so only members of Ordo can actual go to their team mates, not whoever they are fighting.
Reply to Salone Runo in reguards to not banning anyone:
The statement is just not true. Like in the case of where Ordo attacked Vanguard before VG had destroyed city base. The Ordo were banned from Vanguard when trying to rez a fleet ship a few different times and overall causing lag. Of course, Both actual groups caused non-stoppable lag that day, from VG spamming grenades from their old huds and Ordo's M4s. Ordo were in the wrong when they tryed to rez a fleet ship, because it was stated on the large rule sheet in the VG spawn; the rules about air forces not being allowed there, But also VG were in the wrong went they allowed their troops to spam the infamous vanguard nades that everyone knows or at least remember from ever fighting VG.
Reply to Fox Mulgrave on FPSs and not being about to build in them.
This is just not true. You even hear of Modding? People can make their own skins in photoshop (just like in second life), they can make their own maps (just like sims in Second life), Their own guns/weapons (again, just like second life), o and also you never have to waste any time in having to type out draw or making a marco for it; the gun is already out for you.
O also, have you ever hear of Gmod? It is a big sandbox in which you can make and mod anything in.
Reply to mootykips:
I agree 100% and if there is not one to be had, I'll just enjoy some COD4 or TF2.
Posted by: Voice of Reason | November 09, 2008 at 04:55 PM
I love how people say that if you dont post your name your words mean nothing.
Mt. everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
oh guess that isnt true now, is it? I said it with a moniker!
some people post anonymously in fear of linden backlash, or fear of other residents abusing the AR feature for comments said here. Especially scathing comments. Me, I do it because I dont play SL anymore (deleted the account and all), but I do enjoy watching it burn to the ground.
Anyway, I say let LL keep this crap up, it's hilarious, they're going to destroy their customer base and will be constantly fucking over anyone remaining to make up for the lack of customers.
face it, it's because they grew bigger than the actual demand, and are now trying to fix it by offering bait and switch pricing schemes for less than what you normally could get, get some quick money and see how many stupid people keep paying less for more. Make owning private islands prohibitively expensive to the point where they can eventually get rid of most private islands due to cost of running all those vs. their precious mainland that they made too much of.
No one really wants mainland because there's no privacy, there's shared resources, the parcel pricing is insane, crazy ass neighbors who will AR you for anything you build because they want "open spaces" around their land but don't want to pay for it, people who do want your land and will AR you to get it put back on the market with you banned, Ads, particle spam, and the fact I have yet to see a stable mainland sim that doesn't lag like crap or stay up for more than a day or two. Oh then you have things like those horrible freebie zones that pop up everywhere that sell stuff for $10L or $1L for "free". Oh let's not forget the random shitty sex club with porn pics as the textures. oh and ban lines that arround your property if in the middle of a sim and your neighbors have a limited access, oh snap, you're trapped in, only way in and out is teleporting.
The lindens want everyone to go back to that kind of stuff because they want to hold all the keys and gouge the most money out of people because of the insane mainland pricing compared to private. (some mainland sims, you can get a 2048 for the price of a whole private sim!)
I say let them do it, show everyone how shitty SL really is, and maybe people will realize it isn't all that great.
Posted by: Anonymous | November 09, 2008 at 05:02 PM
To Bruno..
Are you retarded?
The last time we were in the same place in a fight was at the old Prize Delta sim and you were sitting in the hub right clicking planes. You admitted to it in IM to one of the officers.. To bad I don't like to gossip or I would've shared it around with the community.. :O
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 09, 2008 at 10:21 PM
"Prize Delta sim and you were sitting in the hub right clicking planes. You admitted to it in IM to one of the officers.. To bad I don't like to gossip or I would've shared it around with the community.. :O"
Prove it. I'd love to see a screenshot of the IM conversation. Not a copy paste log to here, as those are easy as hell to fake.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 09, 2008 at 11:35 PM
The true veterans will see this for what it is, another changing of the digital seasons possibly for the worse, but those of us that have been around the block know that hard times produce hard people. I find it unnerving the amount of alarmist BS that is cranked out when ever LL makes a economic shuffle or tweak to the interface. The smaller groups may wither but the time tested pillars of the community will stand against the coming storm, If you have the strength to stand with us more power to you if not then like everything else you're memory will be washed away in the tides of change. Do not resist we must adapt to survive like mankind has done through the eons, so adapt fellow avatars vest not any thoughts in this doomsayer, adapt and survive, or conform to the hate preachers and criers perched high atop this digital soapbox. Over all the will of the people will carry us through untill we can no longer raise arms. So I say to you all with you're skewed views and accusations, throw yourselves behind you're walls of arogence and ignorance, those of us who have weathered the storm before will stand with our brothers and sisters off battle untill the winds have calmed. The only question is, where will you be when the winds of change come to purify the putrid wastes we call home?
Posted by: Reason | November 09, 2008 at 11:36 PM
Fox Mulgrave wrote:
Before going any further, I'd ask you to post your actual name, for without it, your opinion is forefit."
Is Fox Mulgrave your real life name? I doubt it. As far as I know, that is one of the mandatory benefits of SL is the ability to engage anonymously. You cannot sign up with your real name in SL.
Everyone is priced out of SL except for those that have excess of funds, don't worry about profit, or have a real business behind them paying the dues. For individuals (99 percent of SL), if they were well established early on, then maybe the hits don't hurt quite as bad if profit is a must. But I personally know a couple sim leasers that threw out a couple sims a piece recently. They are having a difficult time getting anyone to sublease any space at the current rip off rates.
Go Linden.... I figure about two years at this rate unless they change their whole strategy. Real life economy gets any worse, and it will, many people will be looking to save a few dollars and cut back on their prim habits. I don't think SL ranks at the top of the list of survival necessities.
Posted by: Sinden Lucks | November 10, 2008 at 06:48 AM
''Me, I do it because I dont play SL anymore (deleted the account and all), but I do enjoy watching it burn to the ground.''
Sup Eye.
Posted by: That one guy with guns. | November 10, 2008 at 06:49 AM
"Can you amaze them with a stunning base of operations that you created from scratch?
Find me an FPS where this is possible, and I will follow you there gladly."
Counterstrike, dude. And HalfLife Source, Half Life and all others that were based upon this engine.
Ever heard of Gmod? :)
Posted by: 2cents | November 10, 2008 at 02:01 PM
To you Bruno.. I don't give much of a shit to slander anyones name.. They can do so themselves which you have done plenty of times that is why people don't take Sparta seriously.
You know every time you break STABLE, I don't need to inform everyone else.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 10, 2008 at 02:51 PM
To you Bruno.. I don't give much of a shit to slander anyones name.. They can do so themselves which you have done plenty of times that is why people don't take Sparta seriously.
You know every time you break STABLE, I don't need to inform everyone else."
In other words, you have no proof, since it never happened. Do try to not start lies here. Thats not what this article is for. I find the article to be quite biased, but it has its sound points.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 10, 2008 at 03:56 PM
Yeah.. It does have points.
And if I really am lying why would you care so much.
See ya around Bruno you still have some time to convince other militaries you don't cheat, Ordo is out of time though which we know lol.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 10, 2008 at 06:45 PM
"And if I really am lying why would you care so much."
Its called slander, and unnecessary. If you really did care about fair and FUN combat (fun for both sides, not just yours) then you wouldnt start lies. End of conversation.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 10, 2008 at 11:53 PM
Funny that the herald allowed vegna to publish this. Someone that has been ejected from the ordo for espionage and being a member of the chaos imperialis. A group that is an ordo rip off and openly distributes Copybotted Ordo gear. Vegna is not unbiased in the least. Hell allowing him to publish this is a piece of dirt on the herald's banner. Do you have quality control at all or ??
About the merczateers. 400 members ROFL. Yes if you count their land group maybe. Their land management group is the unofficial IS group. Many additional people have been invited in those ranks simple for the ability of setting their home locations. This includes the majority of the ordo's ,several MC's etc.
As for the reason why the SR has been blockaded. Well a very good example is that vanguard still uses a copybotted ordo beret as their official beret.
Let me put it this way. You can define 2 type of things vanguard does wrong.
The first is their encouragement of non-combat warfare.Ordo is quilty at this as well btw. What does this mean? Trying to harm a group by any other way than shooting them on the battlefield. This includes but is not limited to making anti-[insert enemy] movies, leaking enemy gear, delinking enemy bases ( Before the AN starts, ordo does this to. No ordo even warned you as soon as they got word about this hell and even wearing copybotted gear is something that spoiled the community.
Now the other thing that may/has caused the blockade is vanguards official tactics. The way how they approach combat. A way that doesn't match quite well with the IS way of approach. In that case you shouldn't see the blockade as a banishment with the intention of hurting vanguard but merely as a "We don't wanna play with you guys anymore".
let me quote one of vanguards official documents according to certain tactics.
Supox, End all tactics.
Bringing tactics to the battle field can makes numbers not see as heavy. Allowed maybe 2 or 3 soldats with skill to take down 8+ with mabye only loosing one person. Here we will be covering some basic tactics that should be used.
Ambushing/suprising -
Probably zee of the most basic elements in using tactics in combat. Just jumping onto and un suspecting opponent would be considered this. Any plan that requires you to catch your opponent off guard. Such as hiding behind a wall. Then wasting them as they come around.
Basicly getting behind the enemy and setting off an ambush. Were all their trooops are looking one way, you come in and take them all out before they know what hit them. Now that we have breaching charges, this tactic becomes alot easier. If they are in a building just breach behind them and your set up with them wondering whats going on. Although taking the time to get behind the enemy may take longer, it ~usually~ pays off.
When you are out on the battle field, you may notice you have plenty of allies about you. And lets just say a hostie throws a nade at your feet. With lets just say 5 other people around you. How does that end... Not well. Speading out the numbers of our soldats is very important. If you are to charge a base. You stand a much better chance completely spread out.
Charging should only be conducted if an area is nearly clear. Or you have support fire heavy streams of fire upon the enemy to keep them hiding. Charging blinding into an open field with no cover, will only get you killed.
Friendly Fire-
SERIOUSLY. Before entering into combat try to figure out what everyone else is doing by taking a moment to see where they are moving and etc. So you can route their movements and not shoot them.
Now into discussion as far as the sim goes. Ways to prevent people from cheating and recognizing cheating itself.
#1. You can run along sim borders. If you see avatars moving along the N S E W positions on the map you kill them immediately. They'll be easy to pick out, out of sight and out of weapons fire range. Camera pan if all else fails and see where they're at.
#2. Dealing with mass invasions is easy, a single bomb from a Viper, Reaper, or Kriss will ruin anyones day, even in lag. So heres what you do. Suicide - Fly in, drop a bomb, if it kills you who cares, youll get your target and anyone near them.
I also encourage use with grenade launchers. Shoot walls, shoot buildings, anything you can to take out the people inside. They fail somewhat in lag, so make up with quantity.
If all else fails, use the AD to whore bombs on where people are teleporting, itll fuck them over greatly.
#3. When you clear a room, remember this - Idiots like the merczateers and Blackwatch just love to delay TP, this means they send multiple TP's to friends so they can constantly come back even when nobody else is there, at a later date. SO here's what you do to stop this - (1. Drop landmines in that room. Dont forget to delete them later. 2. Stay there for 2-3 minutes and kill any idiot who comes back.)
#4. Set your spawnpoints randomly around the sim, but not near the hub or ANYWHERE on the W side. Ill demote for it. Randomly set your homepoints in strategic areas along the base, different levels of the main HQ, etc. Make it so they cant spawncamp you in one place, it's really easy to prevent.
#5. Pay attention to the fact we have a space station with ICBM's pointing down at the sim. This means if theres ever a mass/major occupation I will be launching our tactical weapons down, to immediately purge the sim of all life, for the retaking from the station.
Yeah, thats right, for the enemies who I know will read this... Christoph has nuclear weapons capabilities now, and yes, congratulations, you get to be victims to my slaughter with them while in Supox.
#6. Walls half the time mean shit in H4. You can fire through them with low vel, or enough bullets, whatever works. This means if you see someone go behind a wall, shoot at it again and again until that green dot goes away. There are no walls thick enough in supox to stop bullets. Even 10m fails sometimes.
#7. Air division - If you see people getting planes and fleet ships ready, make sure to fly your ass over the HUB And wait for them to get up to altitude, then hit them with an Einstein. The einstein isn't dodgeable unless you're constantly avoiding, so constantly fire them every 8 seconds when you're near an enemy craft. Air superiority is easy as shit to hold.
Posted by: Anonymous | November 11, 2008 at 08:52 AM
Posted by: New Jessie - Bunny | November 11, 2008 at 10:16 AM
Bruno, Salone ... Both of you - shut the fuck up already.
See - there's this little thing called the "Real World" that is far more important than who clicked on whose aircraft to stall them in a computer program - and no argument to the contrary is acceptable.
Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a pair of high schoolers - everyone else except the two of you seems to know two simple facts:
Salone - You may or may not have the proof Bruno has asked for .... But you know better than to provide it for the reason listed below.
Bruno - Based simply on your attitude, you are the sort to demand proof and then slap it aside as being forged no matter what type it is ... and no, I will not believe you if you respond to the contrary. Why? This is the internet buddy boy: I don't know you from Adam and thus can only go on what I see here. You lost your chance to prove that you're anything more than an asshole around the time you started commenting.
Both of you lost the chance to prove you're anything more than a pair of teenagers as well - for Christ's sake get out of the fucking house once in a while and ignore one another. SL? Not important, not real.
Posted by: Reality | November 11, 2008 at 10:38 AM
1) Any article to analyze the militaries that starts off touting the horn of its own army is obviously biased. Not that the Herald is ever going to recognize this.
2) Its sad that even fellow IS members can realize why Ordo is banned by all of its enemies, and yet, they can't. I've heard more and more people say lately they left out of boredom.
3)I love how you, Vegna, act as though only members of IS can afford a full sim, when members of AI are running on tier 5, full sized sims.
4)And at the same time while touting how IS apparently has money to burn, you never propose for them to help out with financing New Jessie, though I see Mercz and Ordo there quite often (though to be fair, I'm sure Ordo is only there because its nearly the only place they can get any combat).
5)"There's never been proof to show VG as breaking STABLE and ever since day one Vanguard has always welcomed other militaries to attack and would never put some pussy out "blockade" up unless it was for good reason and with evidence."
Salone, I've actually, several times, tried to send Christoph notecards of logs with VG soldiers that are gleefully spawn killing for the "lulz" and using weapons that are built by an outside weapons maker, and he won't accept them. Surprised? No. But there is plenty of evidence of VG not following STABLE, and of VG taking no actions against the soldiers who do so...largely because command doesn't seem to give a damn. But just because you don't accept inventory requests or respond to IMs doesn't mean there isn't evidence.
6)"The Solution? Cut your ridiculous blockades, get out into the main sphere, raise awareness about these astronomical new prices. This is your community. It's time YOU gave back."
Vegna. Vegna. Vegna. Mercz held a three month blockade on Sparta even after we not only demoted the person who broke the agreement, but even after they left Sparta, the blockade continued for another two months.
I'm not aware of any others in AI with blockades either, except those against Ordo (which everyone, even IS members, are in agreement that Ordo deserves).
The ones harboring ridiculous blockades are the ones who believe they have the power to force others to work they way they do. IE, the largest - Ordo & Mercz. So before you preach to the other armies, you should really preach your own choir first, no?
Posted by: Ivy Contepomi | November 11, 2008 at 01:37 PM
Do you post on all military topics without your SL name?
I have the balls to put mine.
Bruno being a bitch isn't in question here because I personally don't think he is.
But you on the other hand annoy me, SL militaries have always been about actual politics. Same with all militaries around the world. But i'm happy with that because it brings more realism to the SL world and makes people actually fight for an SL military.
To Anonymous. One reason for the blockade is that Lurdan is still ass hurt that Tangent gave away their gear.
Why? Because he didn't pay the fair amount. Christoph, He does pay.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 11, 2008 at 02:37 PM
How is it biased to point out that Vanguard cheat and are blocked by the I.S. Ordo cheat too and are an I.S member?
that's just pointing out a hypocrisy.
And I've been reporting for the herald for quite a while. Some of my articles have been rejected. So yes they do filter what gets in and what doesn't. so don't pretend to have a clue about the herald's workings.
Posted by: Vegna Fouroux | November 11, 2008 at 03:14 PM
Its not a biased report.. But I've never seen proof of VG ever cheating. The grenade huds as someone mentioned, They were given a while ago with modify rights so Offizieres would be able to change their grenade sound.
That is it.. If they managed to modify the script so the grenades would be able to be thrown without a timer.. They were not sanctioned by VG.
Other then that there isn't shit I have seen in my time with Vanguard that could even seem as going against STABLE.. Srsly give me some proof or even forged notecards.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 11, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Ok now I have no intention of getting into the middle of this little pissing contest,However Im afraid im forced to agree with the IS in that Vanguard unlike the AN Sparta and several other so called hostile groups that can be reasond with or at least have some kind of forum for diplomacy vanguard have none and are a cancer on the face of sl combat and with any luck wont be around that much longer I think that is believe it or not an issue that could actualy unite AI and IS.
Now onto the libnden labs absolutely moronic increase in land prices, this is something that effects every small millitary in Sl and trust me you would all miss the likes of MC Echelon and others if they were gone
we need to work together pull our resources and try to find a way to save sl combat before something we all love dearly is gone forever, this is a comunity I am very proud to be a part of lets at least fight to keep it around for another few years.
Now sit back and watch the stressed snow kittys followers attack this post.
Steve319 Cao
Commanding Officer SNS Ares
Posted by: steve319 cao | November 12, 2008 at 09:17 AM
Come on down to the New Jessie combat zone - free and fair combat for all, and a drama room in the safe zone for fun military mudslinging to take place in!
Act fast - after all, we are apparently on the verge of collapse.
Posted by: Caine Constantine | November 12, 2008 at 09:21 AM
"Come on down to the New Jessie combat zone - free and fair combat for all, and a drama room in the safe zone for fun military mudslinging to take place in!
Act fast - after all, we are apparently on the verge of collapse."
If Intlibber was really so rich, he might want to help...I mean it could be a good investment. *shrugs* I'd help out if I had the funds.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 12, 2008 at 07:34 PM
Man it may not be cool for a reporter to comment on his own articles but you've called me out Ivy so it's time to ram that shoddy argument of yours into a diamond polisher:
I never touted the horn of my own military, I gave facts, we are the largest and we have the most land, you have a problem with that? Are you insecure about your own group or something?
I love how Sparta come in here slamming VG when I've heard Bruno say himself (before your time Ivy dear) that he didn't know "what all the fuss about christoph was, whiny emos.." VG members break rules, sure so do the AN (STRANGLOVE ANYONE?) and ordo, and man I'd say the Mercz have done it and where do I even begin when I get to Spartan cheating..however the I.S blockade has nothing to do with combat tactics, it's whats going on outside the battlefield, i.e VG hacking Mercz/Operations vendors, Merczateers releasing sex tapes. That's why these blockades are in place. And the blockade was pioneered by the Merczateers.
The ones harboring ridiculous blockades are the ones who believe they have the power to force others to work they way they do. IE, the largest - Ordo & Mercz. So before you preach to the other armies, you should really preach your own choir first, no?
I've always done my best to be unbiased..doesn't make me the most exciting reporter or the most articulate but refer to the article I did on Ordo when I was in Sparta (alas again before your time)or another I did on the Remnant Imperium while in Ordo.
The Diamond..IT IS COMPLETE!
Posted by: Vegna Fouroux | November 13, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Peace in our Time..................
Posted by: Archie Lukas | November 13, 2008 at 03:17 PM
Vegna, you seen to have lost much of shall I put it..ability to type while seeming concise, versus now, where you sound more like a raving lunatic. Try NOT using the capslock ok?
"that he didn't know "what all the fuss about christoph was, whiny emos.."
I never said that. I really wish people would stop putting words in my mouth.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 13, 2008 at 06:00 PM
"The military which I believe to be the finest (partly due to me being a member): The Merczateers has 400 + members"
THAT. Is touting your own armies horn. How am I expected to look forward to a supposedly unbiased article when you immediately start off talking about your bias?
And I wasn't "slamming" VG. I was pointing out to Salone that there is, in fact, proof of VG cheating.
And given I've been a part of Sparta for 9 months now, all these events you're referencing that were "before your time" are rather, hmm, outdated then, aren't they? What army VG was 9 months ago is certaintly not the army they are today.
And while I enjoy your snide comments inferring insecurity in my own group, I'd really hope you've some better arguments than that.
Posted by: Ivy Contepomi | November 13, 2008 at 06:47 PM
"The military which I believe to be the finest (partly due to me being a member): The Merczateers has 400 + members"
Not trying to be a wise ass here but Mercz actually have 300 members if you check there group on search in fairness thats still one helluva achievement.
Now onto my main point I really think that you targeting Sparta Vegna is clear bias, they may indeed be an enemy group of the IS however the second you do that this article looses all meaning and just deteriorates into another emo slamming fest.
Ive had instances with certain spartan members bending the rules but certainly no worse than any other military and in most cases the instances have been resolved and a good time was had by all.
Now lets stop the pissing contest work together and find a way
to stop linden labs pricing our smaller brothers and sisters from the community.
Because if your not sitting in a well funded group like mercz or AN its bloody hard to keep your group alive.
The people who serve under you become like family and most of us so called smaller military leaders have to work god knows how many hours a day just to balance our hobbies and Rl
So please everyone lets show linden labs that were all one community lets find a way to help our smaller groups through this land crisis.
Steve319 cao
Posted by: Steve319 cao | November 14, 2008 at 06:09 AM
Steve.. Everyone targets Sparta.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 14, 2008 at 08:20 AM
"Steve.. Everyone targets Sparta."
Everyone targets VG too. Sparta's not the one blockaded and banned from IS group land. Go figure.
Posted by: Bruno Ziskey | November 14, 2008 at 12:45 PM
I was talking about humor wise when I referred to Sparta.
There isn't much laughing at Vanguard.
Next I bet you'll be joining up with IS, Only reason I've seen for people ever banning VG, Is for our charisma filled leader. Is that a reason to ban a military stating we are griefers?
I've always told people to give some proof of this stupid shit, But like I've seen on this report comment page.. People don't have shit.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 14, 2008 at 03:48 PM
Salone, I love how I've said twice now I have notecards I've tried repeatedly to give to Christoph of VG soldiers admitting to me that they are spawn-killing at the hub in supox for the lulz during our counter attack last week, and you blatantly keep reiterating there is nothing that anyone has.
Posted by: Ivy Contepomi | November 14, 2008 at 06:23 PM
Uh send it to me.
I don't understand how they could be spawn killing unless they were actually inside of the hub.. Since our hub isn't just flat ground there are cover areas which they can be behind.
Its not like you can teleport into Supox then be shot immediately.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 14, 2008 at 10:48 PM
Oh for Christ's sake people ...
You are all bitching about a god damn GAME in which Politics have NO place, in which the images of 'people' you see on the screen are NOT real. Get over yourselves already.
Not a one of you will EVER accept any 'evidence' presented by the other party - you will just keep making up excuses as to why it is fake.
Save yourselves the trouble and stop with this bullshit: Save everyone else the trouble and just delete your fucking accounts already.
Oh, and Salone? Before you, or anyone else even THINKS about using that tired old BULLSHIT concerning the use of a pseudonym ... My Second Life user name is posted on my web page, along with part of the ONLY name that actually matters: My Real Life name.
So, if any of you want to try THAT bullshit on me: Post your real names and not some name belonging to a fucking fantasy character in a game.
THEN and ONLY then will you have the right to bitch.
Posted by: Reality | November 15, 2008 at 01:13 PM
Coming from the butt hurt SL player who probably has bad history in militaries which ended in you being bent over someones desk.
Don't blame me for your little shit or the pissy fit, Find some friends if you want moan.
I was in a fight a minute ago that lasted over an hour, And it was fun.
Now SL military is about combat but as well mainly politics. Obviously politics do have a place since it is a free world ingame and people have the right to do so if they wish. Myself and the hundreds of people in SL combat get by with the politics don't worry.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 15, 2008 at 05:17 PM
Dearie pie? Do yourself a favor and leave your prepubescent come backs and faulty logic back home, where they belong.
I notice you failed to use your real name to post your comment as well Dearie Pie: I guess proving that you can actually back yourself up when you try and call others out - others whose information is clearly visible to anyone that bothers to look - doesn't mean so much to you, now does it?
Next time you wish to attempt a response to me Dearie: Leave your attitude and lack of solid facts at the door.
"Bad history?" Please. See, unlike you I am not under the delusion that some little play pretend group in Second Life is a real Military - nor am I under the delusion that there is anything truly political in Second Life.
The "politics" you reference are nothing more than some pathetic excuse for Role Play. There are no real Political Groups within Second Life - none. It would not matter if the Democrats and the Republicans suddenly showed up within Second Life: Anything at all in world does not exist the moment the program is closed, it returns to being nothing more than dormant computer data.
That includes you Salone. You see - you are posting using the name of someone who does not exist outside of Second Life: Do you know what this means?
It means that, by your own criteria, your words mean nothing as you are posting using a pseudonym.
Until you'd like to cease being a hypocrite ... your right to respond does not exist and all further responses will net a generic copy and paste response until you can actually stay true to your own words.
Posted by: Reality | November 15, 2008 at 08:08 PM
Fuck if Reality isn't a complete fucking troll.
"Before you, or anyone else even THINKS about using that tired old BULLSHIT concerning the use of a pseudonym..."
And instead consider the fact that your argument is fucking worthless.
Does it matter what your real life name is when you're arguing about a goddamned virtual reality? Not really. It matters how people can know you, can contact you; that, for their purposes, your persona here can be matched to your persona elsewhere.
Your real life name is "Max." My real life name is "Donald." Does this justify my argument more than yours, or anyone elses? Not really. The argument is what's at issue, not the person making it -- the misdirection you're using is known by the latin phrase "ad hominem", and you'd do well to look it up, for the next time you'd like to use it.
There's more to be said about both the fluid and anonymous nature of virtual communication and the relevance of an argument's author to its legitimacy, both of which can be discussed at length some other time... But what's really more at issue is a quote of yours:
"along with part of the ONLY name that actually matters: My Real Life name."
Emphasis: PART.
It is NOT disclosure to say your real life name is "Max". Max probably isn't even your real life first name, and regardless, it certainly doesn't satiate the requirements of the argument you're presenting -- accountability.
Get some before you bitch and moan about the politics you supposedly don't care about.
Posted by: Avil Creeggan | November 16, 2008 at 01:02 AM
See, Donald Dearie: You've just responded to an argument and issue in the middle and thus lost what it was about.
You responded to a single part without looking at the whole and also used a pitiful excuse to attempt to make yourself sound as if you know what you are talking about.
Salone - in an earlier response - attempted to brush aside my own comment by bringing up the very tired bullshit concerning the use of a pseudonym in posting.
Guess what you have done? That's right - you've made an idiot out of yourself.
Now then Donald - your avatar has NO accountability. None at all. Avil does not exist outside of Second Life and is not a real person or presence.
Using any part of your real life name suffices - it shows that you actually do have enough of a head on your shoulders to realize that your avatar is not the one typing out these responses. The use of a pseudonym - as long as it is tied somewhere to your real self - is fine as well.
In the future Donald - have a clear point and thought in mind before you respond to me: I grow tired of people who think they have a single clue about me, what I care about or any other such nonsense.
Posted by: Reality | November 16, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Uh.. I personally see you as an ass hurt person who for some reason has had a bad experience with second life and the military world and now instead of having the balls/skills in either leadership or combat you instead come on a reporting site which a not huge amount of people in SL know about and post about how much you dislike the game and think it is such a waste of time.
I have fun playing this reality based simulation game, If it is a place where the users
are able to create and be what they choose..
Then politics are allowed to be created which they have been. This is a website based around a simulation online game which reports inside this simulation online game. SL is another world where people have their own identities and if myself and a shit load of other people are interested in being in a military "role play", Then that's a choice.
So fuck off with your little wannabe psychiatrist shit, Because your the only person who's listening to it.
Posted by: Salone Runo | November 17, 2008 at 12:31 AM