Avatar killing, mafia webcam face painting documented on YouTube
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Christopher Cord's alt account puff Jigsaw a victim of gangland slaying?
Sunday, a wise guy from the Nicholas Mafia dropped by the Herald offices with a tip about a YouTube video account of a cold-blooded Second Life avatar account killing. The video appears to document a mafia take over of Christopher Cord's e-mail account, and the involuntary cancellation of Mr. Cord's SL alt account -- the short-lived puff Jigsaw.
At 39 seconds into the video, a chilling view of puff Jigsaw's Second Life account summary screen appears, with the notation "cancellation pending". At this writing, Mr. Jigsaw is no longer listed on the in-world person search, and is presumed dead.
When asked what led to this cold blooded slaying, a spokesman for the Nicholas mafia said, "He was a part of West Ryda$ who we took over a long time ago, he instigated a lot of it back then, but after we killed his last 3 accounts, things were done with, then recently he started up again, got a bit of an attitude, so we had to stomp on that again... we thought he had already been educated, but it seems he had a slight case of selective memory, like most of our enemys. They seem to disappear for a month or so and forget it ever happened, then come back again. But we always remind them exactly what happened."
When I asked about the possibility that Linden Lab might crack down on the Nicholas Mafia, the spokesman told me, "There is no evidence. I mean sure they have a video, but what does that prove, its youtube, anyone could have made it". But avatar killings are not the only tactic the mafia is employing - webcam face painting is also now part of the metaverse gang wars.
Apparently the mafias are moving into a new video-oriented phase, and the Nicholas spokesman pointed out a second video, "There is actually a new video on youtube from us too. From a little run in today at Ballers, this little faggot had to be taught a lesson. So I made sure that he added me to msn, got on webcam, and wrote Owned By Nicholas on his forhead".
"Owned by Nich" - but is that permanent ink?
Well now that just about clenches it. SL has been overrun by idiot lamer kids who have nothing better to do other then virtually humiliating each other after they've dropped out of school and now live job less in mommy and daddy's basement.
Posted by: ((groans)) | December 23, 2008 at 05:14 AM
Is it me or does that child look 15 years old? But then again I would bet that the entire mafia was about that age too.
Posted by: Professor C | December 23, 2008 at 05:14 AM
Pathetic. videogame mafia, sort of reminds me of the trench coat mafia, were they not born on a videogame forum? how soon untill one of these A.D.D. outcast kids goes to his\her RL school and starts blasting people. I can see it now, CNN reports Teen kill 18 during history class, Parents blame Second Lide videogame mafia.That will most likely be scrolling along the bottom of your screen as Anderson Cooper takes an avatar into SL to interview the remaining SL mafia members and a few Lindens.
Posted by: LOL | December 23, 2008 at 12:01 PM
"...and wrote Owned By Nicholas on his forhead".
Since when is a person's cheek their forehead? Look, we enjoy the LULZ but at least have enough prowess to fucking read, analyze and edit what you publish Pix.
Oh, BTW, there's a great exposé wiki on the Nicholas Fagmiglia. See if you can find it... Here's a hint: they are wiki's associated with their industries - the field of Law and a Medical industry service/gadget provider.
Seems a few of their ranking members are in the midst of a serious identity crisis with their current employers. We won't mention names here but rest assured, 2009 is going to be EPIC!
Posted by: 2ndMortgage | December 23, 2008 at 12:01 PM
Sounds like some brats need a slap
Posted by: Archie | December 23, 2008 at 12:01 PM
Well since those of you posting seem to be so educated. I have to ask you, is this ranting about Nicholas members just a mirror image of your own life since you spend time on SL as well? or... Is it that you are so powerless in the virtual world that you are jealous? Whatever the case, the more you bawww the more you feed my hunger for lulz.
On another note, I find it quite humorous that you think all members of Nicholas are "drop outs", "kids", and "idiots"... When in fact, the members that compile the family of Nicholas have more education and high profile paying jobs or businesses then you could ever imagine.
BUT, by all means please keep the ranting coming. I'm gonna make some popcorn and put this page on auto refresh.
Posted by: LULZ AWAY! WOOT WOOT | December 23, 2008 at 09:24 PM
HAHAHAHA. Does anyone have a sense of humor left? You read the article and cared enough to comment, but only to insult something. Sounds like some geezers need a SLAP. Heh.....
Lil Fool. He seemed to like his "humiliation". And you all seem SO INTERESTED. Why is that?
Posted by: Cinda Valentino | December 23, 2008 at 09:24 PM
And I thought SL militaries were drama-filled...
Posted by: Facepalmer | December 23, 2008 at 09:24 PM
Well, I find it kinda hard to take people serious that compare their SL with RL. Nicholas Mafia is griefers, and doesn't take SL serious. We don't claim to be RL thugs/mafia w.e .. we mess with those that do. Some people spend their SL going to clubs and finding msn girlfriends LOL, we spend ours making life miserable for those that asks for it. Whats worst..
Posted by: MP | December 23, 2008 at 09:25 PM
"Nicholas Mafia is griefers, and doesn't take SL serious. "
Are you f*cking serious?
if you think these a-holes aren't taking it serious then you aint been payin attention. Go ask around about individuals like Apollonia Corleone. See how much she "doesn't take it serious".
LMAO Especially now...
Oh, Happy belated Birthday there Apollo. We threw you a party on the 28th but you didn't show up...
Posted by: What the? | December 24, 2008 at 09:12 AM
this was stupid. also whoever "lulz away" is, they need to kill themselves.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 24, 2008 at 09:12 AM
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Its all lame and stupid to me what you guys are doing and its even more sad if you actually are adults. If that is the case and you idiots really do hold high paying and influential jobs then I just have to laugh. It would really explain why the real world is in the state that it is today if you spend your spare time luring little kiddies onto a webcam trying to convincing them to plaster your name on their faces.
Just take a minute and look at yourselves from an outside perspective. Put your "lulz" or whatever aside for a second and realize that in all reality your actions quite frankly resemble those of a troubled high school kid desperately seeking attention.
As far as I'm concerned the SL community has become nothing more then a wasteland, inhabited by mindless fucks who found out about it through their friend's myspace page. I guess in that regard we both agree that SL is lame. So, as of writing this my main and alts have that same chilling "cancellation pending" notice as shown in your video, big whoop "dog" there are other places for me to spend my spare time doing something constructive rather then dealing with you dorks and the idiots you so love to hate.
By the way I may be old but at least I don't get my rocks off by humiliating little kiddies like that. So take your pedophile tendencies and your dying little shit of a virtual world and shove it up your ass "big man".
Posted by: ((groans)) | December 24, 2008 at 09:13 AM
Absolutely Pathetic... Seriously
Posted by: Rove Stromer | December 24, 2008 at 09:15 AM
Study: Female MMO Gamers Five Times More Likely to be Bisexual
Posted 12/24/08 at 10:00:30 AM | by Paul Lilly
Nicholas Famiglia Skanky Flee Bags Defined:
If you're a male gamer who has been looking for love in all the wrong places, it might be because you're spending too much time playing MMOs. Or, depending on your fantasy woman, maybe that's exactly what you should be doing. You see, not only is nearly half of the Everquest II gaming population female, but they're apparently much more likely to be bisexual than non-EQ II players, online surveys suggest.
According to no less than 2,400 completed web-based surveys, females account for 40 percent of the EQ II gaming community. The surveys also found that female EQ II players display "an unusually high level of bisexuality," more than five times that of the "general population." Second Life is estimated to have similar demographics.
"These are not people who are following strict gender stereotypes," said lead researcher Scott Caplan. "I think what you would find in this population are going to be people who are in other ways less traditional than the majority population."
The respondents received an in-game item in exchange for completing a web-based questionnaire about their gaming habits and lifestyles, which has led some to question to the validy of the results.
Posted by: This Just In | December 24, 2008 at 08:29 PM
As for the person thats displaying the personal info up there, I actually hope your "group" gets removed.
Solely for the purpose that to take a game "issue" and to destroy someones "image" (Defamation of Character) is actually against the law.
You have no reason to attack these people IRL, let alone post about it on the internet.
I for one am happy, that you have your netspace, and I have mine, and for the idea, Yours will not ever meet mine. I do not sit on a MMO all day trying to play a game and level myself in a virtual world.
I hope that federal law will hound you. Nah, Actually even just a normal jail term would be good to watch. Lets see that big fella down there... How'd you like that Mr. Big-Edumacational-Man... Have fun where qualifications don't mean jack...
And, To the stats man up there... Wow... Nice, Now I know where to go to find good hot chics... HERE I COME GAME/RP/FANTASY MEETS!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, hold on to your lesbians girls... I'll make em just fine!!!
Posted by: Someone | December 25, 2008 at 09:40 AM
This is exactly why many have left SL. For years residents have told Linden that to many children were on the adult grid. And to date they have done nothing about it. I spend very little time in SL anymore due to the children being allowed on the adult grid.
Pathetic and childish ways of a child.
Posted by: JL Prudeman | December 25, 2008 at 11:20 PM
"I spend very little time in SL anymore due to the children being allowed on the adult grid."
Wow, someone hasn't read the Terms of Service...
I dislike ignorant people when they are unable to help their ignorance.
When the Ignorance is self-induced, I hate them.
My good sir, please, before you comment here, ensure you have your facts right. I'm not even going to tell you how this is - You can educate yourself, and read one of the most obvious ToS this metaverse has to offer.
But a hint - If you're going to post a stupid, ignorant comment, at least do it with gramatical coherance.
Posted by: Fox Mulgrave | December 26, 2008 at 07:35 PM
@Fox - I kinda agree with JL there... Have you tried to create an alt lately? Last I remember they only ask for your birthdate and to click a little box stating that you're 18+ and agree to the TOS. Do you actually think some underage kid looking to play a video game is actually gonna turn around and say they're not old enough to play? They're gonna see its an adult world then go in with a fake birth date anyway looking for the adult stuff!
If the Lindens really want to crack down on this they would make age verification mandatory for the adult grid. Obviously they're not serious and probably wont be until another German news crew goes in stages another fake story about 13 year olds playing as adults and exposing themselves to virtual porn.
Posted by: ((groans)) | December 27, 2008 at 08:21 AM
I am still waiting to be impressed.
And, I am trying to figure out how a cartoon mafia/griefer group think using one of their own members on cam with the comment "Own by Nich" is impressive? ROFL. Furthermore, when did displaying 1 out of 4 of your members 99 alt accounts "Being displayed as *cancelled*
ever become a big deal or major accomplishment? ROFL
So called Nicholas idiots have proved nothing except George Bush is more effective with propoganda then they are.
Shame on you Nicholas Losers,
Since when did mafia talk to media? Also, next time I suggest you consult bin laden on how to make a video and it NOT LOOK FAKE ROFL
Posted by: Bonnie | December 29, 2008 at 08:51 PM
"I am still waiting to be impressed."
By a bunch of retarded mafia kids? You may be waiting for a LOOOOOONG time.
Although, I'm continually impressed they're even able to smack together barely legible words into a semi-cohesive sentence, for them, that is a very large feat of mental endurance, they do have to take a long break from any hard thinking afterwords however, less their little brains explode from the strain.
Posted by: We | December 30, 2008 at 06:24 PM
There is at least one 14 year old on the main grid with a main grid sim. His mom helped him fraud the age verification system. He's repeatedly been reported but the g-team leaves him be because.... he is a furry.
Posted by: General Drama | December 31, 2008 at 06:38 PM
""how soon untill one of these A.D.D. outcast kids goes to his\her RL school and starts blasting people""
isn't it obvious that these guys are victims of school bullying and they're NOT bullies?
btw sl griefers program and create stuff, wether its useful or not, nicholas 'mafia' members just visit griefing points such as waterhead (they're WAY too serious then, and they don't have their ridiculously childish thug titles then) to steal griefing ideas and apply them on noobies at virtual hip hop clubs or threat on people at places like brazyville or other negrolands. pathetic. and gay.
Posted by: w.e | January 29, 2010 at 11:10 PM