Intermittent access during Sunday prime time
by Argent Halide, photo journalist
29,797 online
30, 414 online
In before anyone else points out the editor can't read numbers.
Posted by: Professor C | January 19, 2009 at 12:33 AM
AHAHAHA oh wow.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 19, 2009 at 01:18 AM
Posted by: Cheeky Loon | January 19, 2009 at 02:19 AM
I love how the lab tries to blame it's problems on it users computers. If it be the clock, or Modem, or a DNS lookup, or your videocard, or the vasoline that coats your keyboard, or...... Anything but thier fault. Face it Linden Game Tyrants, one of your lackie interns spilled thier coffee on the asset server... again! Own up to your mistakes and problems. I seriously do not know how they can even charge users for a service that only works at best 40% of the time. What if your telephone only worked 40% of the time? Would you contine to pay? What about your cable, you could only watch 40% of 24 or desprate housewives, would you still pay your cable bill, or switch providers?
My ISP when service is not working 100% will give me a rebate. I call up, say my internet is not working and it gets fixed usually within 1 hour, as well my account is credited for 1 day loss of service. (around a $1.50) Looking at the Grid status for the year 2009 so far, just about every day we see Logins Disabled, and we get one of the game Tyrants sending a grid wide notice saying "SL is having problems, do not spend $ on this game or transfer your expencive no copy sex beds and genitals" LIKE WTF! This is KILLING the Business owners! The Tyrants are basicly saying, do not spend $ on this game because when you loose it, we will not give a shit.
That being said, where does that lost $L go? Obviously some resident paid USD$ and converted it into $L, so what happens to failed transactions? Does that money just vanish perhaps it goes into a Linden Coffer? Is it the Linden Lab Education Fund? (send a Linden to 1st grade), or maybe it's CEO M Linden's slush Fund or holliday bonus? Perhaps it goes into paying a monkey to create even more bugs in the viewer. In any case I for one am very intrested to see exactly what happens to the Lost Linden Dollars. Perhaps thats how the Lab can afford to keep the lights on, these so called "Outages" are actually a way for the Game Tyrants to take even more $ from the residents and give us nothing in return!
Posted by: LOL | January 19, 2009 at 04:03 AM
The Lab made shure in the TOS that thay wil never ever refond any cuz of tech failur on servers.We agree on that when we signed up.The only way to get a stabil SL are that the tech staff do there job allways, to me it seams thay ad a lot of stuff in to SL but dont fix the main stuff first. A lot of users been telling the lab this for a loong loong time.You buye a SIM ore five, set up 10-15 shops and a mall, you create for weeks and put up stuff for sale, you rent space and spend a ton of L$ om marketing to make your bussiness known ( to generate L$ for your self and the lab) Then the whole shit go down every day for weeks ( pardong my lang)and you need to start marketing all over spending L$ on marketing again! The lab are well aware on all this issues, thay been told over and over, i wish thay will tell us why this are happening and not only " In world issues bla bla bla"--- Let us know why this happens!
Posted by: janeforyou Barbara | January 19, 2009 at 05:56 AM
This has happened every weekend for the last month. Yesterday when it happened I was testing some scripts with my alt when we both crashed and had to re-log. My alt, who pays nothing to Linden Labs, got in after a few minutes. It took almost 2 hours before I could get my paying account back online. While I was on line with my alt, I did a little exploring since there was little else that I could do. What I found makes me a little angry. I found lots of bots and freebie accounts on line. How does this make sense? If Linden Labs can not handle the amount of logins that they get on the weekend, wouldn't it make sense to restrict logins to paying customers only? I love the virtual world that Linden Labs has created. It allows me to be creative in ways not possible anywhere else and helps to relieve some of the stress that I am experiencing because of today’s economy. But, when Second Life starts adding to my stress and stifles my creativity outlet there is little reason for me to continue paying money that really should go somewhere else. I understand that Linden Labs is a business and they need to be profitable. I want them to be successful. I have been in business for many years and one of the lessons I learned early on was my success depends on aligning myself with my customers needs and understand what niche they needed me to fill. It doesn’t matter how great or innovative the product is. If the company loses touch with the needs of its customers, the company will fail and the product will die.
Posted by: Hylee | January 19, 2009 at 10:08 AM
sorry... one more rant...
"Meet New People"?!
That's pretty tough lately when half of the little green dots belong to bots!
... end of rant.
Posted by: Hylee | January 19, 2009 at 10:16 AM
Lol. If you guys are any indication, the user base is just about to fall apart. What typically happens, though, is users threaten to quit, then they keep playing indefinitely. If you want them to actually believe you're serious, you need to ACTUALLY quit.
Posted by: MachineCode | January 19, 2009 at 11:05 AM
For once, I agree with the little /b/tard fags. If you really want Linden Labs to start worrying and giving two shits about their shitty product you put your SSI checks into each month (damn that's a lot of shits), you need to quit the game. Drop off the grid completely. Stop giving Linden Labs your money ok!
And it has to be a lot of people, not just one overweight loser.
Other than that, stop bitching about it. Seriously. Second Life is the only game (shut up it's a game ok), that has tons and tons of issues every day. And it's player base willingly puts up with it. I guess it's become part of the gameplay now.
You wouldn't see this coming from the WoW, Eve Online, TF2 crowd. They'd stop playing the game. And I use to think those people were dumber. I guess I was wrong.
Posted by: lol core | January 19, 2009 at 02:24 PM
Don't need to quit, just stop paying The Linden Game Tyrants. Downgrade your accounts to FREE basic accounts. Why pay for a Broken game\service?
Posted by: LOL | January 19, 2009 at 02:27 PM
yeah lol core, I'm so pissed off at the Spy being imbalanced, I've cut off my monthly subscription to Team Fortress 2. serves those bastards right, they were overcharging monthly anyway.
Posted by: mootykips | January 19, 2009 at 08:29 PM
I keep asking myself, why do all you people who use the Linden grid keep putting up with this crap? Is it really worth all the stress and frustration just to create and design for a community that predominately consists of bots? Its blatantly obvious, LL's infrastructure has reached critical mass and its struggling to keep from crumbling under the weight of all those bots and noobies out searching for the money trees.
Posted by: Orion Pseudo (Shamroy on SL) | January 19, 2009 at 10:11 PM
Orion, ya know, where the hell are we gonna go? Tried OpenSims? Little-bitty islands. Tried OpenLife? Makes LL's papercup-and-string grid look like God's own server farm.
LL has us by the balls until a new metaverse with user-generated content and a better client emerges.
And they know it.
Only way we'll get them to hear us is to give up our land. They don't give a rip about Premium members--not enough revenue stream for them. But they make money on tier from our SL playgrounds.
Posted by: Drinky Crow | January 20, 2009 at 08:02 AM
as usual.....
Posted by: Marc Woebone | January 20, 2009 at 09:06 AM
Did anyone spot the most perceptive comment in this thread from lol core? "Second Life is the only game (shut up it's a game ok), that has tons and tons of issues every day. And it's (sic) player base willingly puts up with it. I guess it's become part of the gameplay now."
I did a quick (i.e. methodologically suspect) trawl (not troll) through a random selection of posting here at the Herald and estimated that if we removed ALL references to negative comments about the Second Life experience, the Second Life Herald would become the Second Life Monthly - abridged.
It IS part of the gameplay, and a stunningly critical one. In all my in-world interactions this weekend I can guarantee that the topics of logging in (flaky), TPs (sporadic), and transactions (scary!) were high on the social agenda.
Which reminds me of the movie "Bedazzled" (1967) with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore (superior to the 2000 re-make with Brendan Fraser, except for the deliciously erotic Liz Hurley as the type of Satan to whom I would willingly sell my soul) where Cook, as the devil, sits atop a London postbox and says to Moore, "Pretend I'm God and now dance around me and sing my praises." After a few seconds, Moore says "I'm getting tired can we switch places?" to which Cook replies "That's exactly what I said!"
If heaven is indeed perfection, then I don't want to go. And the same is true of Second Life. I suggest that the imperfections and pains of the virtual existence is - and here's where I'm being controversial - part of what people need. Remember the old joke; "Doctor, My head hurts every time I bang it against the wall" - "Well stop doing that."
Here we all are, banging our heads against a virtual wall and saying, "Please sir, can I have another one." The answer is so simple - leave, for God's sake, leave, before it's too late! - that it is patently and obviously absurd for anyone to stay.
Yet stay we do. Second Life is an existentialist nightmare; a virtual Theater of the Absurd where there is no point, no purpose, no guiding spirit, just a stooping, slumbering mass of egocentric misfits trapped in a world of their own choosing. I know. I am one of them.
The rants and raves of disgruntled pundits are nothing more than the omphaloskeptic ramblings of the disenchanted moths who still can't turn away from the flame, and who subconsciously seek to be burned because the pain is the only thing left to remind them of their angst-ridden humanity. And as the stench of scorched insects fills the metaverse, people continue to hurtle into Second Life immolation regardless of the anger, anguish, and anxiety it causes them.
And still they come.
Posted by: Sigmund Leominster | January 20, 2009 at 11:24 AM
Yeah, yeah, whatever ... LL has problems .. but overall, it's still the best ........ by FAR ... of any of the virtual worlds that has usercreated content and an economy. I've tried the other ones ... 29 users online , 2 users online, instructions in Chinese only, can't tp at all, no eoonomy of any kind, stolen content from SL , and the list goes on and on.
I'm not happy with SL . but it's the best of the lot, no question about it.
Posted by: JustMe | January 20, 2009 at 05:59 PM