by Tenshi Vielle, classy and fabulous fashionista
There are many processes any good Fashionista goes through when becoming properly attired for an event or blog post. Tonight, my friend Niki played National Geographic Photographer to my wild African Lioness as I got dressed for a blog post at Shopping Cart Disco.
In good NG fashion, Niki joined me for shopping at “&bean”, a newer store in SL and promptly discovered, unlike myself, that I was actually shopping in my panties. The fantastic glitches between the Linden Lab viewer and the now-debunked Kristen Viewer caused me to believe I had “pants” on – in fact, I did not.
Oh well. I was well aware that I was shopping bald though, and in a pair of totally inappropriate boots.
In hindsight, least I was WEARING
&bean had a preview of their “Angry” skins for a big whopping $1L, and in my fashionable boredom I picked one up. Angry is a fitting moniker- the heavy brows are enough to shame any McQueen model. I looked perfectly emo-angsty; the Herald commenters wouldn't find me in this getup! I'd blend right in!
The tutu was something I just couldn't pass up. Every girl dreams of being graceful and strong like a ballerina, I think. Unfortunately, some of us were dealt the “Computer Geek” lot of cards in life and all we can do is pretend, locked in our basements. Le sigh.
There was a problem with the tutu- it showed my panties like I was a $2L truck stop whore in Ahern. The panties had to go. So did the hair I had picked out of my inventory on first shot... I looked ridiculous.
I dug through my inventory some more and found the right hair from Zero Style. (Yup, that's right, I have Zero Style. I know. Irony.) I also found some nice accessories from Four Yip hanging around in my inventory. I tried her polar bear boots with my skirt, but, meh. Too much carry over from winter – it didn't go together well. What DID go together well was a few bits from her Spring ensemble from last year – the flower belt over the tutu, and the cute bugs. Yes, that is a bug over my right eye. Yes, I am going to rock that like it's 1999. It fits, and it's cute. The bug stays.
Hrm. A little more inventory digging brought up some adorable ankle boots from Tesla in a not-matching purple color. You can tell how excited I am by how wide open my mouth is. I just hope the bug on my eye doesn't decide to go for my mouth.
One more layer because Spring tends to be the season of strange weather. Denim jackets are indeed back this season, at least temporarily – I'm rocking one from En Svalde.
Niki's last picture of me was taken in true blogger fashion, high-rez with a plain white background. We like a little vanilla with our fashion.
And now, just to round off my post with something totally cliché:
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” --Coco Chanel
Fashionable Credits can be found @
Shopping Cart Disco. (http://www.shoppingcartdisco.
Quote: The fantastic glitches between the Linden Lab viewer and the now-debunked Kristen Viewer caused me to believe I had “pants” on – in fact, I did not. Unquote
That's exactly the reason that most people go into "Appearance' immediately after every TP .. to make sure they aren't ruthed, their clothes are actually on, etc. Is it stupid that we still have to do things like that ?
Posted by: Just Me | March 09, 2009 at 01:24 PM
@Just Me
Unfortunately it's not just you;
"Isn't it stupid that we still have to do things like that?" ...what? mean play second life and waste away your pathetic life? ROFL...ya it's f**king stupid alright, no argument here! Have you picked up a newspaper, turned on the news or actually read about the shit that going on in the world - on the internet at least - dipshit? You can't hide in second life and expect it to all to just go away you know...and so far as going into 'appearance' immediately after teleporting is concerned - ah - ARE YOU SERIOUS? ROFLMAO!
Posted by: Unfortunately Not Just You | March 09, 2009 at 02:12 PM
@Unfortunately Not Just You
Ok that was just odd. I hope you are being sarcastic.
Posted by: Lizzie Lexington | March 09, 2009 at 05:38 PM
Oh Tenshi, I'm just glad that we have fabulous people like you to give us little ordinary boring girls hope!!
Posted by: chemonro | March 09, 2009 at 07:31 PM
Why is Garth from Wayne's World in a dress?
Posted by: Paxl Rose | March 09, 2009 at 10:15 PM
@ Lizzie
* YOU ^^^ have to be f**king kidding right? oh wait, youre manifest(ed) destiny is revealed for all on your wurldpress.
* ah
* so sorry
* my mistake,you aren't kidding! you bawwwww!
Posted by: AlphaBits Hurl'd | March 09, 2009 at 11:48 PM
"&bean had a preview of their “Angry” skins for a big whopping $1L"
This is what pisses me off. What kind of a designer would make people BUY a DEMO? They can't wear it and it's got watermarks all over it and yet the person who made it is still greedy enough to make people pay for it. Sure it's only 1L, but come on. It's a demo, it should be free.
Posted by: Stephie Dawes | March 10, 2009 at 12:05 AM
Stupid manginas. 1 Linden = less than 1/2 of 1 penny. Stop baaaawing, get off of SL and find a job in RL before its too late. sheesh.
Posted by: cheapskate | March 10, 2009 at 09:18 AM
@Stephie Dawes
Putting it at 1L$ is just for sales tracking purposes usually, since 0L$ wouldn't cause a notice to pop up when someone buys it. Mostly it's probably just out of habit now. Either way, it's such a fractional amount of real life money that neither the seller or the buyer gets/spends much money on it.
Posted by: We | March 10, 2009 at 12:28 PM
@ We
Why do you care who buys your watermarked demo?
$1L isnt free anyway. Unless you kno,w you gave that $1L back right away, but of course, you don't do that, do you?
So it isnt for tracking purposes, it's because you're greedy and "oh it isnt that much money anyway"
20-30 people demo your stuff a day? $30L.
Sounds profitable, good for 3 texture uploads. back up your claim and return the $1L on the spot. It's doable.
Posted by: At0m0 Beerbaum | March 10, 2009 at 03:54 PM
@At0m0 Beerbaum
"Why do you care who buys your watermarked demo?"
Are you serious? You, as a designer, wouldn't care to compare how many people are buying demos as to how many are buying full skins? That's pretty vital information.
1L$ is worth 0.3 cents: less than 1/3 of a cent. Mind you, demos are NOT a privilege, they're a service, and a somewhat risky one at that, as someone can openGL the texture, photoshop out the watermarks, and have themselves a free full perm skin. If you can't be bothered to scrap up 0.3 cents for that service, who is really being greedy?
Posted by: We | March 10, 2009 at 06:04 PM
If someone wants to rip your skin, they'll find a way regardless if they buy that demo or not. Also:
You mean making one shitty skin and then slapping over different tones to make 20 others that all look the same? Dohoho. Stop kidding yourself, there is no such thing as a 'designer' in SL.
Posted by: Stephie Dawes | March 11, 2009 at 03:58 PM
"If someone wants to rip your skin, they'll find a way regardless if they buy that demo or not"
Yes, they can buy the skin itself, which costs them money, or they can find someone else who bought the skin, but then they won't have a choice in which skin they get, and it's quite tricky to rip a skin off of someone who isn't actively aware and helping in the process.
Having Demos up is not the sole way to rip a skin, but it certainly helps.
"You mean making one shitty skin and then slapping over different tones to make 20 others that all look the same? Dohoho. Stop kidding yourself, there is no such thing as a 'designer' in SL."
I think you are over glorifying the word "Designer", the term "Designer" doesn't deem originality or quality, it just means a person who devises and executes designs especially "esp. one who creates forms, structures, and patterns, as for works of art or machines.".
If you are making choices in where to put "forms, structures, and patterns", as anyone who builds or textures their own work in SL is, you are a Designer. It doesn't matter whether these choices are good, bad, or original.
Posted by: We | March 12, 2009 at 02:13 PM
denim jackets?
I laughed so hard I crapped meself.
Damn that woman!
Posted by: Archie Lukas | March 15, 2009 at 02:14 PM
-------------was taken in true blogger fashion, high-rez with a plain white background. We like a little vanilla with our fashion.-------------
Darn tootin!
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | March 16, 2009 at 02:10 AM