by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista
Skin: Blowpop Skins, Bikini: Shai, Hair: ETD
Ladies, digital boobs are no longer good enough for us. There are places the skin layer simply cannot go. That skin you love so much might just need a little enhancement for that special night out on the town. Nobody wants to look like a Spaced Out Sally in a tube dress. You, my dear, should look at least twice as valuable as the Olive Garden-esque meal he is now treating you to.
A new era of digital female enhancements brings the shirt and jacket layer "cleavage enhancements". See for yourself: [photo after the jump]
What does the creator of this particular version of the Digital Boob Job have to say about it?
Tenshi Vielle: Might I ask what your reasoning for making a product would be, instead of just doing skins?
Ayumi Shinn: A lot of people have skins that they're very happy with. Finding the right makeup/lips/shading that removes nose triangles can be very difficult, especially since most skins only work for a small handful of shapes. Currently in SL, there are thousands of female av's, walking around with square looking breasts, with their cleavage sliders set to "lumpy mashed potatos", and no skin makers providing realistic cleavage or.. well, even nicely shaded skins for larger breast sizes
Tenshi Vielle: LOL
Tenshi Vielle: I get that.
Ayumi Shinn: I originally made it for myself, I'm a uhm.. larger chested woman in RL, and I was decidedly unhappy with the results I could get
Tenshi Vielle: Understandable
Ayumi Shinn: and then a few of my friends asked for it, and a few more.. which prompted me to make versions for different skin tones Ayumi Shinn: and then a year later, I'm on version 2.6, and its now selling quite well
Ayumi's cleavage currently fluctuates between the #2 and #6 best selling item on, brought to you by the adult content hating Lindens. It will run you about $200L and can be purchased here.
ah....okay. in the first photo it looks like you have got some rash. second one looks like you are wearing some bodies bum on your chest. you are very pretty but you really should not tart your self up so much. second life is slutty enough already.
Posted by: moses | April 28, 2009 at 11:51 AM
Posted by: We | April 28, 2009 at 12:31 PM
Nice Tits, Will the Retards at Linden Lab classify them as ADULT too? so that horny pre-teen can not view your bust w\out payment info?
Posted by: LOL | April 28, 2009 at 01:40 PM
strange how they are considered unsuitable for adults, when they are one of the few things seen as suitable for children under 36 months to play with!
Posted by: corona anatine | April 28, 2009 at 04:52 PM
How old is that girl. She makes me feel all wrong.
Second, how much for one of you to put that shape on and act interested in me?
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | April 28, 2009 at 06:08 PM
"All I want for Christmas is a Boob Job..."
Yah, I got a couple of those. Nice.
Posted by: Eva Ryan | April 28, 2009 at 07:51 PM
I cain't see it.
Yu gits beat tu death a-playin' motorboat wif a pair o' watermeluns that jargantickal.
Them-there hooters skeers me sum'fin awful.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | April 28, 2009 at 08:18 PM
Given that this thing has been on the front page of SLX for the past 2 fucking months or more, did we really need another plug for it here?
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | April 30, 2009 at 05:04 PM
From the West-end play, Oliver:
"Boobs, boobs, wonderful boobs........."
Posted by: Archie Lukas | May 06, 2009 at 11:18 AM