Second Life griefing gang leader on governance, weapons, and mafia wars
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
In the second half of the Herald's interview with notorious griefer FrizzleFry, he takes responsibility for crashing the farewell party for Robin Linden, discusses how the PN griefing gang is governed, the arms race with Linden Lab, the PN vs. Nicholas Mafia war, and how his game might evolve in the future.
Pixeleen Mistral: how big is the PN today?
FrizzleFry101: the PN today is roughly the same size as usual, keeping at around 25-30 members
i count 21 people online right now
in our irc
Pixeleen Mistral: does media coverage make you guys grief/troll more? or would you do it anyway?
FrizzleFry101: We tend to focus on our own enjoyment rather than producing comedy for people outside PN, and we really enjoyed John Steward commenting on the 3d shit we smeared on John Edward's HQ, or watching CNN news anchors burst out laughing while being attacked with spengbab cubes
It's great to get in the news just to see ourselves on tv, but the publicity of our group itself isn't important and we don't want to be attention whores.
Pixeleen Mistral: if SL disappeared - what would you do?
FrizzleFry101: we would probably jump over to whatever replaces SL, if that doesn't happen, we would hit games like furcadia
furcadia however wouldn't last long as we can already give everyone playing it, even admins, the blue screen of death
just for getting in our way, its a pretty exploitable game despite being closed source
Crashing Robin's Party
Pixeleen Mistral: did you guys crash the sim where Robin Linden's farewell party way held - or was that someone else?
FrizzleFry101: that was me
Pixeleen Mistral: why did you do it?
FrizzleFry101: because I could, I suppose, I don't discriminate between specific lindens typically, the ones I do know somewhat well would deserve it, such as plexus or frontier linden, so that probably reflects on how I see the other lindens
Pixeleen Mistral: the timing was interesting - Robin said her piece and just when Philip Linden was goign to talk - boom!
was that intentional - or an accident?
FrizzleFry101: that had more to do with me waiting for a moment of silence to start my voice spamming, I like to crash or freeze a sim while spamming voice due to the way SL's infastructure works
a sim can be as dead as possible but you can still hear voice clearly, and hear everyone try to yell over your micspam loop
Pixeleen Mistral: you know - I almost never turn voice on in SL - that is not what I signed up for - and when I do turn it on it just makes me depressed
FrizzleFry101: essentially its like forcing everyone to sit down and hear your ridiculous annoying shit
Pixeleen Mistral: I like to choose my soundtrack - so I know what you are saying
FrizzleFry101: well, I'm no fan of what SL'ers say on voice anyways, in furnation for example I typically just hear them firing off channer memes
Pixeleen Mistral: furs = /b/tards?
FrizzleFry101: they try to be, but they always use memes in an awkward manner that makes it clear that they aren't really sure what they're saying
Pixeleen Mistral: ok - /b/tard wanna b's
FrizzleFry101: alot of furries like the whole /b/ thing, yet they're banned on 4chan regularly for being furries, which is why fchan exists
moot, the 4chan owner, made a /fur/ board just to lure furries, gather ip's, then massban them all, resulting in furry outrage and the formation of fchan
Griefing weapons
Pixeleen Mistral: how long did it take you to figure out how to crash SL sims on demand?
I'm interested in your professional opinion of the security and stability of SL
FrizzleFry101: The first time I did it, I had no idea how it worked, the first doomsday gun for PN was like cavemen discovering fire
which sparked a arms race between us and LL
Pixeleen Mistral: how long ago was the first doomsday gun?
FrizzleFry101: W-hat probably discovered it long before us, but for PN the doomsday gun came shortly after we started around the end of 2006
It was given to us by a pre-existing SL'er who's now one of our oldest members
Pixeleen Mistral: and the arms race is still going on?
FrizzleFry101: not so much, atm LL seems to have reached their limits on what they can block
Pixeleen Mistral: then you guys are winning
or LL is willing to accept some crashing
FrizzleFry101: havok 4 essentially ended most physics crashing, killing the torus gun, asset server limits killed the 995 crasher which killed sims with it's massive inventory alone
Pixeleen Mistral: so what still works?
FrizzleFry101: essentially flooding raw asset requests, ironically it helps to have the sim be build-restricted or even noscript
Pixeleen Mistral: weird
FrizzleFry101: should a crasher gun be allowed to res its payload, a LL protection will kick in and automatically blacklist the object
Pixeleen Mistral: I imagine LL provisions a weaker sim server for those build-restricted sims
FrizzleFry101: so the paranoia of SL'ers now works to our advantage
well it works all the same either way, the first time
FrizzleFry101: the protection only affects a second firing
PN vs. Nicholas Mafia
Pixeleen Mistral: were you guys trying to get the Nicholas mafia banned?
Pixeleen Mistral: there was this rumor
of someone making trouble - then giving the objects that made the trouble to the Nicholas mafia
FrizzleFry101: when that story came around of them supposedly ddosing us, we began griefing them, then realised they all seemed to spit out abuse reports faster than the furries
I cant really say for sure if we did that or not, we've done it before however
specifically after enraging plexus linden himself
when he typically isn't thinking so hard
Pixeleen Mistral: so this tells me the PN does not have a clear leader - it sounds like you guys do whatever you feel like doing
FrizzleFry101: I control things on the big scale, but no one in PN needs my permission to go trolling in sl, they come up with their own ideas and carry them out
For example, one of them got the idea to break into virtual houses and claim them as their own, and call the real owners intruders, and carry out the argument for as long as possible
makes for some great chatlogs
Pixeleen Mistral: the Nicholas mafia guys where whinging about Harry Linden
and then a 2 day old alt was telling me that the PN was handing the Nicholas Mafia "hot" weapons
FrizzleFry101: Considering what those Nicholas people claim to do, any smart linden would be allover them, even if it were all lies, they make the lindens seem like idiots.
Legal Issues
Pixeleen Mistral: do you worry about getting in RL legal trouble?
FrizzleFry101: That would happen in a game like Furcadia, since it involves real hacking, or at least code injection, SL, however is open source
we're using the tools provided to us by LL
Pixeleen Mistral: so LL can only blame itself?
FrizzleFry101: our assumption is that we cant be held responsible for what LL allows us to do
well yes, even if it's not fair that way
they could technically block everything we do at the cost of ruining the game for everyone else
they could theoretically end free accounts
and force us to steal them
Pixeleen Mistral: maybe they designed the game wrong
FrizzleFry101: the very foundation of the game made it impossible to stop us at the level we're at now, ironically if they didn't crack down on us at all, we might still be harmlessly goofing around with shoop masks and particle spamming child-prostitute mansions
rather than grinding the grid to a halt in order to crash a sim
Pixeleen Mistral: so what is next for you?
FrizzleFry101: hypothetically if SL dissapeared tomorow, maybe Blue Mars, depending on how that turns out, or Furcadia, or whatever horrible mess the furries spawn
furries would likely exodus to another platform similar to sl, I'd probably follow
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
Posted by: Captain Kirk | April 02, 2009 at 08:30 AM
Pure energy, Jim...
Posted by: Spock | April 02, 2009 at 09:47 AM
Frizz wasn't even there at the beginning of the PN, so he's talking out of his ass - we had three times the number of people we have now, and we had about 60 in the IRC that rotated out. Now we have about 22 that rotate out, and most of them just lurk. Or log. Frizzle's done nothing about it. Except get himself doxed.
Posted by: Spacetard | April 02, 2009 at 10:11 AM
I don't like the furry groups any more than the rest of you but I am getting quite bored with the excuses of 'we crash them cause it is fun' crap. I again did a bit of investigation after the first half of this interview and found out a few interesting things. Here's what I found out:
4Chan hates the PN's more than they hate the furries. There is even now something called Furry Friday on the boards and there is even a furry moderator for 4Chan.
The PN's numbers are inflated. There is only now maybe 4 actual trollers left. This is due to several members that used to be key players in the PN's having left for real life.
4Chan will not assist the PN's in their raids because they called on /b/ too many times and refused to help /b/ when they were called upon.
There are no new weapons for the PN's. These are the weapons they have used for a long time. This is why the items they use become blacklisted as fast as they do. They get that way because the scripts that make them work are blacklisted. So on compiling them, they are only a minute away from a blacklisting. (That is also why they started building and compiling the scripts on the sims they intend to troll and why as soon as they are compiled they pick up a copy and start teleporting around as fast as they can. (I followed one around the other day. It was a bit hard to keep up with them.
The people the PN's tend to troll, have gotten so used to the attacks that they are not bothered by it anymore. To most sim managers they just clean up the mess and go back to whatever they are doing.
In the end the PN's are a lost cause. So to everyone else, sit back and relax and think about this. It takes a PN member 10 to 15 minutes to create an account, another 5 to 10 minutes to compile the scripts, and another 5 to 10 minutes to get out of Help Island and over to see you in the first place plus more time in making sure their hardware banned computers are hidden and masked just to get onto Second Life in the first place. All of that to troll you for 60 seconds before you or a manager return all their stuff and move on with your lives.
The PN's are most effective at pissing off people if they take it to a one on one or a single person to a larger group to try and anger them without all the particle spam. As long as they go and do it and make sure one of them is not a manager that can boot them they can get away with hours of fun and not even get banned for it.
On a more personal note, I came to the Herald to read about the stupidity of Second Life. Lately there has been very little talk about Second Life at all and it leaves me wondering why I am still trolling through the Herald any more in the first place. I will be watching still and commenting but it will be alot less frequent from here on out. Well unless Jump-A-Man Lane drops by for more total fail then of course I will be all over it.
Posted by: Professor C | April 02, 2009 at 10:55 AM
>Posted by: Spacetard
Sup fake spacetard.
>Except get himself doxed.
Yes, the warboss decided it would be beneficial for him to move to Florida and change his name, seeing as how him and the rest of us are absolutely terrified of being caught by Linden Lab's team of invincible superlawyers.
Oh wait.
Posted by: Union | April 02, 2009 at 11:30 AM
"but the publicity of our group itself isn't important and we don't want to be attention whores."
so why do interviews with attention whores? explain the lulz in that
Posted by: echoes of spacetard | April 02, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Do we really care how some immature douchebag with a "LOOK AT ME! Please god, LOOK AT ME!" complex "griefs" sims? It's pretty fucking funny though that they do this to "make fun of SLers for being so lame" when in fact the only thing I can think of more lame than what SLers do is people who dedicate their time to SL despite claiming to hate it, to make crappy box rezzer "Weapons" and drop them in places.
And if SL disappeared they'd be in Furcadia! Hah! I guess they can think of a way to get more lame than now.
Posted by: We | April 02, 2009 at 11:59 AM
If that really is spacetard, he's only online during north america's 3am-9am-ish hours so it's understandable that only a handful of europeans would be active, no one really even sees you around.
And if you're talking about when I used the name Randell Stevens from shawshank redemption to troll Yiffy Yaffle, you're behind on the times, I was never an American.
Posted by: Spacetard | April 02, 2009 at 03:00 PM
@Spacetard: Wasn't that back when a good number of your members were furries and/or spies? ;o
Posted by: Kiddoh | April 02, 2009 at 03:33 PM
>Posted by: Spacetard
I know spacetard. Spacetard is a friend of mine. You sir are no spacetard.
>we had three times the number of people we have now
Clearly you have no idea what the IRC metrics even look like. Back in the day when 7chan wasn't controlled by the furfags and /i/ wasn't dead, maybe that was the metric, but post-/i/, we never had more than 30 regulars in IRC.
>Except get himself doxed.
dohohohoho, I'd like to see what anybody could actually do with those dox, assuming they're even real and not just some random address some furfag found on craigslist of a guy calling himself frizzlefry.
Posted by: George Zimmer, Founder and CEO of Men's Warehouse | April 02, 2009 at 04:13 PM
I knew Spacetard, you sir are no Spacetard.
Posted by: Hojohto | April 02, 2009 at 04:40 PM
"For example, one of them got the idea to break into virtual houses and claim them as their own, and call the real owners intruders, and carry out the argument for as long as possible, makes for some great chatlogs"
hahaha this is actually pretty cool
Posted by: mootykips | April 02, 2009 at 05:27 PM
yeah. what? Who's trying to pose as me and doing an awful job at it?
Everyone knows I always posted in all caps.
Posted by: SPACETARD | April 02, 2009 at 07:29 PM
>Wasn't that back when a good number of your members were furries and/or spies?
It's ironic that whoever it is uses a name of someone who joined in 2008 and attempts to sound oldfag. The truth is there were very few furfags and spais in PN. The ones who were just made a shitload of noise, enough that they ended up exposing themselves, like Carigorp, Yara, Orly and JWAN. The rest was just pure paranoia, that and certain individuals would give admin powers to anyone who would stroke their e-peen.
Posted by: George Zimmer, Founder and CEO of Men's Warehouse | April 02, 2009 at 07:30 PM
@Professor C:
You are obviously a dumbass. I refuse to write tl;dr refuting each of your points one-by-one, but I will suggest that before you write a huge post about us as though based upon your research, you actually do a little research. Just lurking IRC for an hour will make you aware that the majority of your post is false.
Posted by: RoFLKOPTr | April 02, 2009 at 07:46 PM
Yea, fake spacetard actually got me there for awhile, though apparently not everyone else, I posted the last "spacetard" comment, the one where I mention Yiffy Yaffle, and only now realized I managed to type his name instead of mine.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | April 02, 2009 at 07:49 PM
Yeah mooty, it was hilarious when I was a member. I can remember seeing some awesome logs from the breaking into sl homes thing. I think it was Frizzlefry and Relic or WildlyMild and Relic that did the one I remember best. Now see, THAT is what the PN should be doing. That type of shit is the foundation of good trollins.
Posted by: Satan | April 02, 2009 at 08:05 PM
>Posted by: Professor C
I don't like the furry groups any more than the rest of you but I am getting quite bored with the excuses of 'we crash them cause it is fun' crap. I again did a bit of investigation after the first half of this interview and found out a few interesting things. Here's what I found out:
4Chan hates the PN's more than they hate the furries. There is even now something called Furry Friday on the boards and there is even a furry moderator for 4Chan.
The PN's numbers are inflated. There is only now maybe 4 actual trollers left. This is due to several members that used to be key players in the PN's having left for real life.
4Chan will not assist the PN's in their raids because they called on /b/ too many times and refused to help /b/ when they were called upon.
There are no new weapons for the PN's. These are the weapons they have used for a long time. This is why the items they use become blacklisted as fast as they do. They get that way because the scripts that make them work are blacklisted. So on compiling them, they are only a minute away from a blacklisting. (That is also why they started building and compiling the scripts on the sims they intend to troll and why as soon as they are compiled they pick up a copy and start teleporting around as fast as they can. (I followed one around the other day. It was a bit hard to keep up with them.
The people the PN's tend to troll, have gotten so used to the attacks that they are not bothered by it anymore. To most sim managers they just clean up the mess and go back to whatever they are doing.
In the end the PN's are a lost cause. So to everyone else, sit back and relax and think about this. It takes a PN member 10 to 15 minutes to create an account, another 5 to 10 minutes to compile the scripts, and another 5 to 10 minutes to get out of Help Island and over to see you in the first place plus more time in making sure their hardware banned computers are hidden and masked just to get onto Second Life in the first place. All of that to troll you for 60 seconds before you or a manager return all their stuff and move on with your lives.
The PN's are most effective at pissing off people if they take it to a one on one or a single person to a larger group to try and anger them without all the particle spam. As long as they go and do it and make sure one of them is not a manager that can boot them they can get away with hours of fun and not even get banned for it.
On a more personal note, I came to the Herald to read about the stupidity of Second Life. Lately there has been very little talk about Second Life at all and it leaves me wondering why I am still trolling through the Herald any more in the first place. I will be watching still and commenting but it will be alot less frequent from here on out. Well unless Jump-A-Man Lane drops by for more total fail then of course I will be all over it.
This quite the wall of text. Not that there is any substance to it at all. On to my question, are you one of the mythological "high functioning autistic's" or just a regular retard?
Posted by: Hojohto | April 02, 2009 at 09:28 PM
There's quite a few members who joined SL first, like I did. In that situation, people usually expect SL exactly as it is, except for the raving lunatic part. Do something slightly interesting, and get bitched out by some crazy man-bitch for making the time dilation drop below 95%.
See, it's not SL itself, it's the poor implementation and the idiots who play it. SL is home to a greater concentration of vanity that I've ever seen on the internet. It ranges from self-righteousness to a feeling of unwarranted importance. Maybe there's a lot of people who will say nothing and leave you alone, but when I was new, I often got kicked out of places just for walking into them. That's really stupid.
Also, I about shat a brick when I saw that one of the avatar choices at registration was "furry." I nearly threw my laptop across the room. THAR BE A STORM AHEAD, LADS.
So we don't really hate anything, and we don't really care about your personal definitions of pathetic. I just think SL is like an amusement park that had a big hype around it for years, but instead it never opened and is now a junkyard. We treat it as such, as garbage can sometimes be quite interesting.
tl;dr what are you all still doing here get out
Posted by: MachineCode | April 03, 2009 at 06:19 PM
The Unfunny Truth About Furries:
Furries openly refer to themselves as a race. They often cry and moan about how they're persecuted against, even coming up with a magical word: "Fursecution!" They compare their fursecution to the torments and tragedies that the Jews suffered in WW2. The very idea of this is an outrage. How dare they even compare themselves with such a tragic event!
Being a furry does not make you of a "race," it is not a "religion," it is simply put a BIZARRE FETISH. It doesn't give you privileges or rights. It's a sick fetish. Let's not forget the freakish subfetishes of the furry community: Babyfurs, Diaperfurs, Furtaurs, Vore, along with those freaks who sew sexholes into stuffed animals of beloved cartoon characters. (Furries: Feel free to "clarify" on this or that not being a fetish. It's all a fetish.) Moan all you want. Furries are just people who have a VERY open and VERY creepy and perverted fetish who feel the need to express it to everyone. EVERYONE.
For instance...
I used to work in a call center with a guy who would, on a daily basis, bring an enormous red, 2 inch, 3-ring binder of graphically sexual furry art with him and park it on his desk to gawk at all day. My future husband at the time saw the folder over our short-walled mini-cubicles, alerted me to it, and we couldn't believe the filth contained within. I felt nauseous over one picture in particular that I sure as sure won't get into here. We told our team leader while we were on a break one day (he was a really cool guy) about the binder. He couldn't believe it, but couldn't stop laughing. He'd often ask the furry about what was in his huge binder, and the big fat furry (600lbs would be a low guess) flustered and couldn't come up with a proper reason as to why he couldn't open the binder. Every so often he'd ask the furry again about the binder, and his responses never stopped being funny. After this incident, his wife (!!!) found out that when he went to DragonCon with three guys, he was really sleeping with them in fursuits. They promptly divorced.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL PSYCHOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR FOR A HUMAN BEING. (And no, you're not a giraffe, ocelot, aye-aye, squid, dragon, fox, wolf, skunk, aardvark, or whatever retardo animal you think you are inside.) It is an obsession, to the point of being OCD, that requires massive amounts of psychological therapy and medication.
Whenever I hear about furries getting trolled in SecondLife or IRL, I laugh. Honestly, all you furries bring it on yourselves with your made up language, sexual terms, and erratic behavior.
Get over yourselves, get over your sick and unnatural fetishes, and become a productive member of society instead of a freak in a urine-drenched diaper.
Posted by: K | April 06, 2009 at 04:51 AM
@ Professor C
to be quite honest with you, I was blown away by your post and thanks so much for uncovering the truth. The Shame is there aren't more like you.
You strike me as a highly intelligent person, well versed in all things troll, and your research is amazingly complete and thorough. I can see that you are a data miner, and an intelligence specialist,( I can only assume you must have been trained with NSA, CIA, or some top secret government information gathering task force that doesn't even exist {officially})... this would explain why you are leaving for a while, I'm guessing the government finally decided to cough up the money to get you on the bin laden case.
Keep these solid posts coming, keep up the great work! you truly are a credit to the world of intelligence gathering, and accurate information dispersion.
-uncle dick
Posted by: dick burns | April 07, 2009 at 05:02 PM
"alot of furries like the whole /b/ thing, yet they're banned on 4chan regularly for being furries, which is why fchan exists
moot, the 4chan owner, made a /fur/ board just to lure furries, gather ip's, then massban them all, resulting in furry outrage and the formation of fchan"
ya know the funny part is... I have 4chan's Furry Friday to thank for just about 99% of my furry porn on my harddrive. Some really awesome pieces as well as some work that you'd normally have to pay for.
Thanks guys ^.^
I've yet to be banned BTW, and even posted some stuff myself. When's the next banning party gonna be? :3
Posted by: DF | April 09, 2009 at 10:47 AM
I should probably be replying to some of these.
Your obsessive use of faces (seems like you're really straining yourself) suggests you're just trying to troll, which is ironic since you're probably doing it out of anger from being trolled.
@Professor C
You clearly don't know how this works, hardware bans are undone automatically, it doesn't take time, and SL bans generally come within 1-3 hours even for attacking help island, otherwise a whole day for any other place.
And of course, if your theory was right PN wouldn't exist, which makes it pointless to make an argument like that to begin with.
Unfortunately furries do things like that all the time, their cult-like nature drags each other in to the point of unhealthy obsession, furries complain about being denied jobs over being a furry all the time, makes you wonder what they did in the interview to make it clear that they were a furry.
Also run-on sentence.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | April 09, 2009 at 12:22 PM
"Your obsessive use of faces (seems like you're really straining yourself) suggests you're just trying to troll, which is ironic since you're probably doing it out of anger from being trolled."
Well, yeah, I am kinda trolling here. Trolling is fun. But I am seriously thankful for the amounts of furry porn that I recieved from your fellow /b/tards.
I been trolled once or twice yeah, but I dont get angry about it. I have a sense of humor, and just laugh about it usually. Or troll back.
Obsessive use of smileys? Just those two? lawl.
On a little sidenote. I saw in one of the above comments, that post /i/ there's never been more then 30 members in the PN. In the time before /i/ got shut down however, there were many, many more... dont pretend as if that doesnt matter, as those days were the days in which the PN was most successful. These days, not so much anymore.
And on there being only a few furry spies... Those few are the only ones that got found out. There's stil furry /b/tards around, and plenty of them. (Some even active members of the PN, and I see why. Trolling is fun.)
I still remember the hilarity of the new PN 'leader' that was elected after Mootykips left, turning out to be one of the furry spies... promply was replaced by someone else... who then ALSO turned out to be a furry.
now that was comedy gold.
In any case, keep up the good work Fry and friends, at least some of us arent bawwwwwing but actually enjoying the lulz.
Posted by: DF | April 10, 2009 at 05:33 AM
Yeah, "Spacetard" got that one wrong - everybody knows Frizzle lives with his sister and family in the Toronto area.
Real dox are in the works. Just doing a little cross checking.
Posted by: Witness X | April 10, 2009 at 10:11 AM
I would call 2 smileys for 3-4 lines of text too much, yes.
You also don't seem to know what /i/ is, it exists across many chans and irc networks and was never "permanently shut down"
The first "furry spy" actually spent 6 months trying to infiltrate pn so he could be paid 200 dollars by someone, the second wasn't one to begin with, but "became" one after banning at some attempt to get back at us (he was banned for being dramatic), he then spent the next few months calling everyone closet furries before fading away.
@Witness X
It's pretty well known that I wasn't ever living in Toronto, you should of known better than that, and me mentioning a sister once could of easily of been a lie.
Nice try though, but "doxing" isn't that simple when someone doesn't give their personal information out or allow it to be associated to their email. That's why I can pick out movie names and furries eat it up thinking its me, because of the desperate obsession with things they simply aren't capable of.
But thanks for being a loyal fan, it's always flattering to know that someone in their plushy/zetatoy-filled basement is trying to plot against me.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | April 10, 2009 at 02:08 PM
The first "furry spy" was in the PN before you were, Frizzle, two months after the PN started, stayed in for about two years, and was never caught. Sorry to disappoint.
And, nice try on the sister thing and the misdirection. That only works if you've been careful enough to leave no trace. And you haven't.
Posted by: Witness X | April 10, 2009 at 04:31 PM