by Tenshi Vielle - Fabuous Fashionista
If you're a Herald reporter - or just wish you were - it is very important to carry a sense of the Herald's special style about you, in your attitude, your writing, and in the clothes you wear. As any of the Herald reporters can tell you, choosing clothing from most fantastic Second Life designers is of an utmost importance. Just look at Pappy Enoch.
For my Fashionista article, I chose to start off at everyone's favorite fashion destination, Callie Cline. There, I found a pair of wonderful striped khakis that would not only repel dirt and pool water from being on the news scene, they also make my tush look fabulous.
My glasses, titled "The OJ's", can be found at the Starlust Mall.
My shirt is from a japanese designer, whose shop name is Magi Take. We always strive to span the language barriers in Second Life and generally succeed - except with certain species of furries and Comsys 1st tier support technicians.
And what's a good Herald fashionista without her translator handpuppet? We need such phrases as "malicious immersionists" to get us through the day. It's better than coffee!
Miz Tenshi,
I think you am ontu sum'fin, ma'am. Cain't you help a po' boy transmogrify his style from what he am--a Enoch Holler Hillbilly--intu sum'fin a mite more perfessional?
I wants tu look less like a boy leanin' on a fence-post an' more like them Woody an' Bumstead boys frum the Washingtun Post, who opened up a can o' whoopass on ol' Tricky Dick Nixon.
Then (good gravy! look out fake world!) I kin git (even more) gals chasin' me an' win me a Pullet Surprise (again). I cooked and et the first one that Miz Pixeleen dun give me. Sho was good eatin'
Here am the startin' point you gots to study to help mee:
I is the tall an' hansum devil in the hat. Short feller am my son, Boo-boo. Gal am Cuzzin' Cynthia, who am already purty and don't need no advice 'cept "run faster."
If'n I wins Miz Iris Ofeelya's "Most Handsome Male in SL" this year over at NWN (I got intu the finals last year) I will split the take wif you. Mistophur Au said he likes Dark-Hoss candidates.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch, Star Reporter an' Rite Scrappy Gorean Mastur | May 28, 2009 at 08:15 AM
While nowhere near the level of the Herald, I've always felt I should never let my appearance overshadow the story I am covering.
I think to myself; "would Katie Couric interview Angelia Jolie in that?" and if the answer is no - I go change.
I know people are looking at the subject of my story, not my outfit -
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | May 28, 2009 at 08:54 AM
I like the article, love the glasses, and like that you're waving a Prok puppet, but your half erased elbows in the first picture are distracting. Ur photoshopper needs a tongue lashing.
Posted by: LolFat | May 28, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Nearly 200 words and you said absolutely nothing.
Have you considered a career in politics?
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | May 28, 2009 at 11:24 AM
And so the virtual clothing you wear while doing an IM interview is very important?!?! Next week: the Herald compares top SL colognes! Must see news!
Posted by: Ajax | May 28, 2009 at 03:33 PM
@Adric Antfarm said
"I know people are looking at the subject of my story, not my outfit"
And then
@Everyone who read that sentence said
"No, they're not looking at that either cause no one actually reads your crap"
And then
@Everyone laughed, except Adric, who was sad.
teh end.
Posted by: GotBiz | May 28, 2009 at 08:16 PM
You know, every day at around 5 PM the Herald staff should lay down mats and pray in the general direction of where ever I happen to be because I pop up in almost every story without fail. I am the news! Ok, sometimes I'm only invoked in the comments. We'll count that as half credit.
Without me, this pointless post wouldn't even have had much of a punchline. Everyone should thank me! Although that puppet needs to be updated. I've bought a new pair of glasses.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | May 29, 2009 at 01:00 AM
@ what?
@ said?
@ sad?
Is this some sort of system?
If you can find that piece I did on dildos, we can be sad together about how few people saw it, but since it doesn't exist lame boy - best of luck. I took that shot at the Keyhole yesterday for my favorite sort of laugh. The kind that sails over the head of stupid motherfuckers bringing me more joy than I ever felt was possible.
Where was it that your dumbass got lost? Katie Couric? That was the part where the rest took the right path.
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | May 29, 2009 at 06:41 AM
Gratuitous trackback:
I'm Rubber, You're Glue!
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | May 29, 2009 at 08:38 AM
I'd make sweet love to Tenshi in SL and RL
Would not do Prok in either
End of story?
Posted by: The Real Jimbo | May 29, 2009 at 09:45 AM
@adric said
"If you can find that piece I did on dildos, we can be sad together about how few people saw it, but since it doesn't exist lame boy"
and then
@Everyone who reads this blog said
"Hahahahaha FAIL! We didn't click your link you miserable pud whacker, what we said was NO ONE READS YOUR DUMB BLOG!"
But you should keep writing it anyhow because I'm sure it gives you something to talk to your cats about.
Posted by: GotBiz | May 29, 2009 at 12:10 PM
Fashionista? LMAO, a Fashionista doesn't look like she got her clothes off a homeless person and then got dressed in the dark. And what exactly is your fascination with Prok? That got old about 2 yrs ago.
Posted by: whatever | May 29, 2009 at 02:41 PM
The girl with the dog is doable in a few drinkie sort of way, but the blond in glasses is making me grow down below. Shit. Why did I wear sweat pants.
It's just a little creepy we got the same frames.
(apologies to Bo Burnham)
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | May 29, 2009 at 05:26 PM
Regarding that trackback... Prok... no you din...
Has Prok seriously submitted herself to the court of Hot or Not?
Let's get a post with Prok and Tenshi's RL appearances up side-by-side. Stat.
Posted by: Matt | May 29, 2009 at 07:23 PM
That Proky Puppet has a nasty receding hair line. Anyone else notice that? I would still buy one though. Are they forsale? Does it come with pins?
Posted by: patriotic nevas | May 29, 2009 at 08:21 PM
RL prok has a nasty receding hairline too. She's the Baba Yaga of SL. She'll catch you and roll you up in a pirogi with plastic ducks.
Posted by: General Drama | May 30, 2009 at 12:45 AM