Gor is disgusting: get free, break a rule, get enslaved - part five in a series
by The Wanderer
I plan to heed the advice of my readers and go back to Panther-country, since that would be the Gorean-Male thing to do.
But as I got ready for a teleport, I dragged my virtual feet. I no longer fear rape by the forest-girls. No, it's something bigger: I'm getting disgusted with Gor. In fact, seeing the tables turned on a Gorean “Master,” even me, might be the curative I need to finish this series.
In fact, every time I log off from by-the-books Gorean sims, despite all the sexy (and enslaved) eye-candy, I feel the need to vomit, not masturbate.
The other night, I watched a Free Woman bound, stripped, humiliated, and forced into slavery. I never really figured out what rule she'd broken. Bit by bit, her clothing was cut from her, and last of all her veil was ripped away. She lay trussed, naked, soon to be collared and branded.
In any other RPG, I'd be getting my pals together to take on the slaver and his guards, cut them up and leave them to rot. Even my evil characters tend to savor freedom and dislike castes and those who pull the strings. Makes me wish for leveling up, sometimes, and a real game so a band of us could form an outlaw guild and murder all the slavers.
But that's not in the Gorean cards. In fact, there's no narrative arc in Gor as I've experienced it in face-to-face games. It's the same damn thing over and over again: more rounds of getting free, breaking some other code, and being enslaved again.
Goreans, don't talk to me of the warrior's life; Counter-Earth's Nietzchean Blonde Beasts and “Free” women are as bound to the slave-system as their kajirae. It's Sweetwater's axiom again: no slaves, no Gor.
Perhaps a few Goreans can answer me plainly and without rancor: what is enjoyable about roleplaying the type of humiliation I saw? Being “true to the books?” What good is all the glory of personal combat and battle, if the world so heavily depends upon a caste of sex-slaves?
It seems that Gor is the type of male fantasy not for manly men, but for boys who were looking on, in rage and lust, at the captain of the football team with his cheerleader babe. In Nietzsche's terms, Gor could be seen as a fantasy of those filled with the poison of resentment, to not only rape the cheerleader but have her supine and humiliated at one's feet.
Right now, I keep wanting a Terran fleet to show up in orbit, having overthrown the Priest Kings and Kurii, the alien races whose interstellar politics determine the fate of our solar system.
After some orbital bombardment, we “weak men” from Earth would send down our warriors, team after team of special operations troops to topple the rot that is Gor.
Visiting the Panthers and some loosely interpreted Gorean sims may help me get a better view of this world-within-a-world. Maybe redemption lies in other parts of Gor than what I've seen.
For the moment, I'm just glad that Norman's books cannot find a printer.
[to be continued... next up: Back to Panther Country...]
I think the whole gor fantasy plays off male frustration of female rejection.
"In gor, the hot women won't reject me because I can FORCE them to love me and FORCE them to respect me! Also I'll be 6'6" have a super-muscular body and be an awesome warrior with like 6 super-hot slave girls!"
I mean, the whole plot of the books is basically: Nerdy English professor gets transported to other world where because of gravitational differences he suddenly becomes super strong and agile (although interestingly enough, I note that this does not ever seem to apply to the women brought from earth to Gor, even the gravity in gor is sexist I guess). Is introduced to gorean culture. Raids city and kicks ass, saves hot girl who instantly falls in love with him, and so on.
Posted by: We | May 20, 2009 at 12:51 AM
The part of Gor that gets to me is the "dominant" side, where people act out a desire to enslave, humiliate, hurt. The submissive may be in some control, but what exactly are the "owners" getting out of it that isn't disturbing in some way? Is it really a healthy fantasy to want to own and control another human being?
That said, some of the slaves are just as bad. The casual use of hate-speech against other women, the giggling as a fellow woman is pixel-hurt, the buying into crass psuedo-Darwinism. (Where is altruism in Gor?) They're part of the system and without their involvement and encouragement there's no support for the sadists.
Posted by: Chav | May 20, 2009 at 02:59 AM
If you were curious to know as to why she was being force collared, why didn't you ask her in IM?
Posted by: Jessica Holyoke | May 20, 2009 at 06:41 AM
"I mean, the whole plot of the books is basically: Nerdy English professor gets transported to other world... Is introduced to gorean culture. Raids city and kicks ass, saves hot girl who instantly falls in love with him, and so on."
Damn. I like that fantasy! And as far as Tarnsman, the first book, goes, you have it correct. Norman based this part of his work on the John Carter of Mars books (Carter was a Confederate officer, not a prof).
Big difference: the women of "Barsoom" in the John Carter books were strong and free-willed. Gor needs slavery to be Gor. That does not appeal to RL Nerdy English Profs. Who needs kajirae when we have grad students to belittle and do our dirty work?
If Norman/Lange had stuck to writing pot-boiler SF he might have made full professor and not been stuck at the associate level all these years. I'm sure Gor hurt his professional chances for making full prof, but an associate has tenure so, unless he were to act out his fantasies with his students, he cannot be fired.
Norman could have made a decent living writing bad SF, but instead his later books veered into pseudo-Nietzschean crap and pornography. I'm sure his books will find a publisher again; I think a few are in print or were recently reprinted. There's always a market for crap. Thank God--we academics would be up Crap Creek without a mortarboard, otherwise.
Posted by: Nerdy English Prof | May 20, 2009 at 07:27 AM
"It seems that Gor is the type of male fantasy not for manly men, but for boys who were looking on, in rage and lust, at the captain of the football team with his cheerleader babe."
You got it. Loser guys who have no power in RL and no chance of dating actual women by the social guidelines of their RL society.
Posted by: Mary | May 20, 2009 at 07:50 AM
I had a bad feeling this series was going to turn into a trainwreck..
Posted by: Tristan Belgar | May 20, 2009 at 09:23 AM
How to explain this..
I think the key point is that the participants don't take it too seriously. It's a harsh form of roleplay, but it's roleplay nonetheless. After years of being a part of it, what I think it provides for people is drama and community (and sex). For a lot of people it's their soap opera.
I've got a female friend who's really into romance novels. However the bodice-rippers she reads are all a bit kinky. The basic plot is that some fair damsel is captured by a manly pirate or viking or whatever and made his slave or servant. There's a lot of drama and conflict and eventually she wins him over and softens his heart and they live happily ever after. It's the capture-romance sub-genre. Why are the majority of people in Gor real life women? Why are 60% of Norman's readers female? This would be one of the reasons. The drama, the tension, the stories, and yeah.. the kinky stuff. And just the roleplay.
I don't know, but I doubt the woman involved was that upset. She may have been loving it.. loving the drama.. the kinkiness of it.
The offer stands, Watcher, I'd love to introduce you to some of the more articulate and interesting people in Gor. Most of them real life women. They could answer your questions better than I could.
Posted by: Tristan Belgar | May 20, 2009 at 09:43 AM
Tristan, thanks for the reply. And the train has not completely left the tracks...but it's looking more like Wreck of Old 97, and not Casey Jones, from the conductor's seat.
I fought with myself a while before sending Pix my rant. And I will stick to it and try to give readers a few more chapters from inside Gor, as a newcomer. I am now in a non-btb sim and hope to meet both Panthers and some Goreans of a different stripe.
The woman in question was enjoying herself, and I'm guessing she was a consenting adult. I admire how well she RPed it, even as the situation disgusted me. The reaction is all mine.
Keep in mind that I've no wish to ban what I've seen in Gor. That would violate all of my own sensibilities about how we should be using the Internet: you Goreans should be free to pursue what you do, but keep in mind that others will talk about it.
Your offer is very kind! But I have to decline. Meeting insiders and giving away my SL name would defeat my intentions here. In fact, I know a few insiders from The City of Laura (which I may or may not have visited) myself, through another avatar. I did not tell them about this idea. The series is from the perspective of an outsider with RP experience who goes in to explore without a guide, just like any other noob who knows what s/he's getting into.
I've tried to restrain my dislike for Norman's world, and in fact I've met players--free and kajira--who are kind and helpful and, compared to the world outside Gor, articulate and obviously very smart. OOC I'd prefer them to the blingtards and lolboyz I have met outside Gor. I wish we were all in a Robert E. Howard RPG, and not Gor. I'd be all over that.
If only I could get over my seething rage at slavery, even among consenting adults in a game. I was not cut out for this assignment...sometimes, I'm on the verge of going griefer in there.
You are a good writer and not merely a Gorean fanboy. Maybe Pix needs a reporter to give us an insider's perspective? The comment trolls have been kind to the series, and they may to you, as well.
Posted by: The Wanderer | May 20, 2009 at 01:00 PM
>> If only I could get over my seething rage at slavery <<
Don't worry yourself about it, Wanderer. There IS no slavery in Gor. Really. It is all consensual and it's just "playing" at slavery. It's no more "real" than flying in Second Life is "real," or being a half-man, half-baboon in Second Life is "real" (although Jumpman comes close). Unless you are thinking of a hut full of five-year-olds in North Korea sitting at computers being forced to work avatars that occupy camping chairs, CTRL+Q will get anyone out of "bondage" quicker than Pappy Enoch can skin a raccoon - and I think he's pretty fast.
If you feel you were "not cut out" for the assignment, that's probably because you may have become more "immersed" in the experience than was advisable. When you stand back and try to imagine people sitting at computers in houses across the world, tapping away until it's time to feed the cat, wash the dishes, get the kids ready for school etc., you'll realize how the mundane contrasts with the glamor of a virtual world, and why folks indulge in their fantasies.
Posted by: Sigmund Leominster | May 20, 2009 at 02:06 PM
Whether you realize it or not, you're a feminist. There aren't enough feminist men out there. Not only do you see the wrongness of something, but are disgusted by it. I don't know you, but I love you for this. <3
Posted by: Odette Lunardi | May 20, 2009 at 08:50 PM
LOL Odette. Maybe I am a feminist.
I just saw the Brit film "The History Boys," where a female teacher laments that her job involves teaching "five centuries of male ineptitude."
That's pretty much our world since 1509 (Shakespeare and Arthur Guiness excepted--the true geniuses among males). I can't see why men ARE fit to run the planet...500 years of raping the earth, killing races we don't understand, telling fart-jokes, etc...
Or is it just the "God-damned human race," to quote Mark Twain?
Posted by: The Wanderer | May 20, 2009 at 09:53 PM
What a clueless waste of time this has been. I'm sure you're oh so indignant stance will get you plenty of feminist tail.
Posted by: Trenton | May 21, 2009 at 01:51 AM
@Trenton: Coming from someone as trussed up in Gor as you are, I'm not surprised you're disgusted at the thought of a feminist. Gor seems to be a haven for all the men who are afraid to approach women on equal footing.
Posted by: Odette Lunardi | May 21, 2009 at 06:59 AM
"I'm sure you're oh so indignant stance will get you plenty of feminist tail."
Hot dang. If'n I'd knowed THAT, I'd a been in thar faster'n ol' Bobby Lee tore through New York when we won that war.
Git out'n the way, Wanderin' Boy! Ol' Mastur-Blastur Enoch am a goin' to Gor, git ornery an' bummed out, rite it up, so then me, Jane Fonda, me, Gloria Steinem, an me am a-gonna do sum nekkid jello-wrasslin'.
I'll evun call 'em Mistresses o' the Cherry-kolured Corn Syrup if'n they wants. I gots me a hoss-collar an' sum tractor-chains out in the shed if'n they wants tu git all kinky.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | May 21, 2009 at 07:19 AM
"I think the key point is that the participants don't take it too seriously. It's a harsh form of roleplay, but it's roleplay nonetheless. After years of being a part of it, what I think it provides for people is drama and community (and sex). For a lot of people it's their soap opera."
I don't think I've ever seen a group of people in SL, besides maybe the furries, who ever DID take their activities SO seriously as the Goreans, so I don't know what you're talking about.
It's why people LOVED trolling the Goreans before griefing became just a long series of lame cube-spam scripts, because you could go into their sims and be sure to get a hilarious reaction as they completely break down and freak out that you're interrupting their slave fantasy world. And for a LONG time in SL (and in parts still is) the majority of Gor sims were not considered roleplay, but a "Lifestyle".
There's all this talk of "Gor is just roleplay, so all the horrible harsh things don't really mean anything!" but you know, I have to wonder about someone who wants to spend all their time beating, enslaving, and raping women, even in a consensual fantasy world. I think if I knew a person who liked to fantasize about disecting a dog and fucking it's intestines, I'd go "Well it's all fake sure, but dude, what the fuck?".
Posted by: We | May 21, 2009 at 12:22 PM
the answer to Gor is not to avoid it
but to join it enmass
flood the groups running the worst examples of negative attitdue towards women with more liberal minded people
and then change the rules to suit from within the groups
the hardcore 'lifestyle' and 'by the book players' would be diluted into a tiny minority
personaly i have nothing against the rape and slavery aspect - in many non gor fantasy tlaes slavery and rape exist in the background
what i object to is the way women are barred from playing as warriors
cos then it would not be 'by the book'
so what ?
Norman is not 'holy writ'- it is after all a work of fiction
its not as if they are trying to recreate a histocical setting
many aspects of Gor can be bent without breaking the adult or harsh nature of Gor
Posted by: Corona anatine | May 21, 2009 at 01:24 PM
"There's all this talk of "Gor is just roleplay, so all the horrible harsh things don't really mean anything!" but you know, I have to wonder about someone who wants to spend all their time beating, enslaving, and raping women, even in a consensual fantasy world. I think if I knew a person who liked to fantasize about disecting a dog and fucking it's intestines, I'd go "Well it's all fake sure, but dude, what the fuck?"
Your friend might have a problem, but then again people that read crime fiction aren't all murderers and people that like zombie movies aren't usually interested in eating other people's brains.
Another rolelay sim I hang around is the Crack Den. It's full of people roleplaying gang members, drug dealers, and corrupt, brutal police officers, but that doesn't mean that those people aspire to be that in real life. Gorean roleplay is a little different because some people there get into the d/s thing, but it's not THAT different. People often play a character the opposite of themselves. Girls that admit that they're not submissive play slaves and the opposite for men, and so on.
I can't speak for lifestylers. I'll let them speak for themselves.
Posted by: Tristan Belgar | May 22, 2009 at 07:33 AM
Well the difference between crime fiction and zombie movies is that the person isn't making the choices and they're about OTHER people doing preordained actions. Now this, this is a person spending all their time pretending to be someone who's pro-slavery, beats and rapes women, and worst of all spouts nonsense slavery-is-beauty and men-are-so-manly philosophy quotes from the Gor books.
I'm not saying that if given the chance they would do this in real life, just saying if I knew someone in real life who admitted he was into this in a fantasy-environment it would be a "Dude, what the fuck?" moment.
Though the fact that there IS such a thing as "Lifestyle Goreans" proves that people can take this so seriously that they bring it into their real life.
Posted by: We | May 22, 2009 at 03:01 PM
Well, the can just keeps producing more worms. I wish I had one like that when I go fishing.
I cannot say that I'm any fonder of Norman's world at this point, though--finally!--in my quest to find the Panthers I not only made first contact with them but also found a Gorean sim that plays by the spirit, and not the letter, of the books. So far, it's enjoyable RP.
Stay tuned. Next week some time, I'll run a piece about what did not turn my stomach in Gor.
And to Tristan: You make a strong point. I'd have the same problem with Crack Den that I do in by-the-book Gorean sims. Yeah, it's make-believe and these people are probably not lifesytlers, but some stuff just is not fun for me. And gaming should be fun, or you go "find another campaign."
My series is about an outsider's reaction, and there you have it.
Posted by: The Wanderer | May 23, 2009 at 08:16 AM
Bottom line... Slavery sucks... ANY slavery!
Posted by: Yak | May 24, 2009 at 07:54 AM
Glad to hear that Wanderer. Look forward to it.
Posted by: Tristan Belgar | May 24, 2009 at 12:45 PM
Gorean style is nothing more then a bad excuse to rape women and to do bad things to them, even possibly leading to their deaths. And for what? because the men doing this are not as big in their pants like other men? because they are just too dumb to understand that slavery is forbidden worldwide? And yes, that includes cyberspace! If these men were true heroes they would go to a country in Africa for example and shout 'I COME TO TAKE YOUR WOMEN AND MAKE THEM MY SLAVE!'. Not that They will survive it, but ow well. At least the women here won't be disturbed by sicko's that think Gorean is a style that is allowed and good.
Posted by: Youri Ashton | May 25, 2009 at 05:03 PM
Gorean roleplay, is not about one thing or another, its largely about an enjoyment of a wide variety of styles based as loosely as one wants to on Norman's writing styles. I think honestly, there have been a few staggering misconceptions, not about Gor itself, but about the people who choose to roleplay there. Some of the major labels have been hit on; 'lifestyler', 'by the book', and 'Gor evolved' to name a few but the titles tend to limit the scope of the actual people playing the game, because, it is a game. Some of the more avid fans of the lifestyle are found scattered throughout the major categories, as are the roleplayers, and the combat oriented crowd as well. Goreans, the vast numbers that I know anyway, realize that the ideals presented in the badly written set of novels are just concepts that tickled one guy's fantasies.
To say that even a microscopic portion of Gorean-Rpers truly believe in a legalistically recognized slavery is as inept as saying that Norman knew how to write a good sex scene. Sure, a number of Gor RPers do enjoy certain aspects of forced-play or BDSM in their bedroom but its still, like SL, 100% consensual. To suggest that the vast majority of Gorean RPers feel differently is narrow minded and frankly a little foolish. I've played in Gor in the past, had some incredible times with it, but it will never be more than worrisome a RP as playing that Bloodline game, sure, it can be annoying, but is it anything more than pixels? Nah, not so much.
As far as why is it enjoyable? Well, why is any RP enjoyable? You are doing your best to play a part of a cultural experience that even after an entire series of books is barely defined. Creative people getting together to try to fill in the gaps. That "Gor is Harsh" mentality is present, but its not, nor has it ever been the end all and be all of the why. Do I 'get off' on a force collar scenario sexually? No, I don't, but if the incident happens to develop the feel for the environment, and move a story along I enjoy being a part of the story. Its culture creation, and no different than all the other RP sims struggling to create a sense, a snapshot of whatever their RP is based off of, that's really what becomes enjoyable about "by the book."
I'm also amused by the concept of flooding the groups, changing Gor to a more liberal progressive mindset because its already there. Gor has moved away from the Lifestylers and is mostly populated by Gorean RPers, people simply playing a role, people who would no more be willing to subjugate their loved ones than your next door neighbor. In fact, most people playing in Gor have little actual "true to the books" knowledge than most of your readership. Its a game, another type of RP, you can choose to assign all sorts of disgust to it but its no more harmful than killing Vampires in COLA.
Posted by: Sacha Kessel | May 26, 2009 at 12:16 AM
@Sacha Kessel
"To say that even a microscopic portion of Gorean-Rpers truly believe in a legalistically recognized slavery is as inept as saying that Norman knew how to write a good sex scene. Sure, a number of Gor RPers do enjoy certain aspects of forced-play or BDSM in their bedroom but its still, like SL, 100% consensual."
I would say that "Lifestyle" Gor is a manipulative environment, and for a long time in both Gor practice and Gor in SL, lifestyle was pretty much all there was. One could say that a Hostage who after being kidnapped for a long period of time, defends their kidnapper is a "consensual" choice, but in psychology they call it "Stockholm Syndrome". Now I'm not saying that all Gorean slaves have Stockholm Syndrome, what I am saying that psychology can have a strong effect on choice. I've seen Gorean (mostly lifestyle) sims, who when taking in a new slave, demanded the slave never leave the sim, cut off ties to old friends (by way of, "all IMs must go through master first"), and spend their time studying Gor slave material (read: propaganda). These are the symptoms of a cult, not gentle roleplay, it puts the slave in a situation where if they lose all their old friends and make all new friends in the group, so if they are "exiled" it's an actual punishment of losing all their current friends. Now, do all Gorean sims and areas act like this? No, but I'm saying that some have, and may still do, and Gor CAN be manipulative and a choice may not be so clear.
"I'm also amused by the concept of flooding the groups, changing Gor to a more liberal progressive mindset because its already there."
And I was so happy to see that happening, I bet the lifestylers were pisssssseeeeeeed off by what they saw as an infection in their lifestyle by RPers who turn it into "Disney Gor". Gor is probably mostly RP sims and pure RPers now, but there's still a few lifestyle sims lingering about (I know Glorious Ar is still around, probably the oldest and largest lifestyle Gor sim out there).
You call it culture creation, but why would you WANT to create that culture, like the author of this story, I can't hang around the people without wanting to either slap someone the moment they spout some "warrior I am man I am superior" philosophy, or go in and free some slaves. I wonder, has there ever been anyone or any sim that allowed such RP, speaking of culture creation, someone who could go in and fight the guards and save the slaves? I imagine not, because whether you know it or not, the "free-form RP culture-creation" you're talking about is second (and everything RP wise is) to slave relations. Gor RP and lifestyle, centers entirely around the slave relationships, really even in it's RP form, it's more like one huge BDSM community with a stupid set of philosophies based in a silly alien planet ruled by apathetic giant golden ants in space.
Posted by: We | May 26, 2009 at 03:35 PM
"I would say that "Lifestyle" Gor is a manipulative environment, and for a long time in both Gor practice and Gor in SL, lifestyle was pretty much all there was. One could say that a Hostage who after being kidnapped for a long period of time, defends their kidnapper is a "consensual" choice, but in psychology they call it "Stockholm Syndrome". Now I'm not saying that all Gorean slaves have Stockholm Syndrome, what I am saying that psychology can have a strong effect on choice. I've seen Gorean (mostly lifestyle) sims, who when taking in a new slave, demanded the slave never leave the sim, cut off ties to old friends (by way of, "all IMs must go through master first"), and spend their time studying Gor slave material (read: propaganda). These are the symptoms of a cult, not gentle roleplay, it puts the slave in a situation where if they lose all their old friends and make all new friends in the group, so if they are "exiled" it's an actual punishment of losing all their current friends. Now, do all Gorean sims and areas act like this? No, but I'm saying that some have, and may still do, and Gor CAN be manipulative and a choice may not be so clear.
"And I was so happy to see that happening, I bet the lifestylers were pisssssseeeeeeed off by what they saw as an infection in their lifestyle by RPers who turn it into "Disney Gor". Gor is probably mostly RP sims and pure RPers now, but there's still a few lifestyle sims lingering about (I know Glorious Ar is still around, probably the oldest and largest lifestyle Gor sim out there)."
I was too frankly, and I acknowledge the almost cultish atmosphere of the lifestyle sims. Hearing that ridiculous request of "Master may I go real life to feed my baby." being denied so some moron could have his twelve step serve with alcoholic beverage rubbed full of slave cream really sickened me.
"You call it culture creation, but why would you WANT to create that culture, like the author of this story, I can't hang around the people without wanting to either slap someone the moment they spout some "warrior I am man I am superior" philosophy, or go in and free some slaves. I wonder, has there ever been anyone or any sim that allowed such RP, speaking of culture creation, someone who could go in and fight the guards and save the slaves? I imagine not, because whether you know it or not, the "free-form RP culture-creation" you're talking about is second (and everything RP wise is) to slave relations. Gor RP and lifestyle, centers entirely around the slave relationships, really even in it's RP form, it's more like one huge BDSM community with a stupid set of philosophies based in a silly alien planet ruled by apathetic giant golden ants in space."
Oh no We, I totally agree with you totally, I grew tired of it. I grew tired of the silliness of what the entire RP revolved around which to me was some ridiculous BDSM dating service for basement bound lackwits. The attractiveness, to me was creating a culture of order, of intrigue, of great wars, great plots, and terrific stories. The background lent a certain charm for the order and limitations imposed by the environment. But, most people were more interested in getting their digital jollies or shooting prim arrows at people. Yes, wars happened, slaves got fucked (or furred, ridiculous term) but very few people could see beyond that, people couldn't see that there was endless RP opportunities available. I can say, proudly, that I did participate in some rather wonderful long term stories that were more based on intrigue. And the reasons I did it in Gor, as opposed to a place like Avillion? Is because I think elves, dwarves, and gnomes are tired and overdone.
Posted by: Sacha Kessel | May 29, 2009 at 03:22 AM
I played Gor on msn chatrooms.
I refuse to play it in SL. its not as disney as vampires and elves in gor (some tried to do that), but I see people with rifles, full plate, chainmail, making FW into slave for no good reason.
See in MSN, if people tried to do that you described- they'd have their asses kicked.
Posted by: Dark Harlequin | May 30, 2009 at 02:12 PM
Hey, which sim is this?!
lmao I want to go and explore it!
Posted by: Karo | May 30, 2009 at 04:11 PM