[Post 6 is an attempt to present some of the incredible variety of avatars that people create to represent themselves in the virtual world. With such a huge range of genders, races and species, Second Life is an especially rich environment for finding avatars that represent whole segments of populations. Emily Fields contacted me about modeling and as I was chatting with her I realized that she represents a giant segment- "Human Teen," a segment that most of us automatically steer well clear of to avoid anything that smacks of ageplay. As Emily swears that she and her typist are both over the age of 18 at all times, without further adieu we present this week's Post 6 Model, Emily Fields. -Timothy Morpork]
Hiya. I'm Emily and I'm a bit of a rarity in Second Life. I don't have a tail or huge breasts or wings or superpowers (unless super-cuteness is a power). I'm just a normal eighteen year-old girl with normal proportions. So what do I like to do? Normal girl stuff: I shop and party and go clubbing and, you know, just hang out. What more could anyone want?
Yeah, I have glasses and, yes, it does mean I'm super-smart. But I also need them to see.
Men in second life seem to be accustomed to dealing with girls that are nymphomaniacs, slaves, or airheads (or all of the above). Consequently, when I am not immediately receptive to crude pick-up methods, I sometimes come off as a bitch. The thing is, I'm not a bitch, I'm just a regular person with regular wants and desires. When someone approaches me with unreasonable requests, I react accordingly. It's the second law of motion. It's physically impossible for me to do otherwise!
Now, just because I'm not a bitch doesn't mean I'm easy-going. Sometimes I am, but I tend to get fussy when I don't get my way. Luckily there's a few people willing to put up with that (some are more willing than others).
Okay, this doesn't seem quite long enough, so more about shopping. I love getting new clothes, so much. I have hundreds of pieces I still havn't even managed to fit into an outfit yet, but whenever I'm not out with people I'm always playing around with them trying to figure out a new outfit. Unfortunately, since Post 6 expects some nudity, I wasn't able to show off many of them. I picked my favourite of the moment for the first shot.
This is my first time posing for anything that's getting published, so do try to be kind. I'm personally quite pleased with how the pictures turned out and hopefully everyone enjoys them. I had a lot of fun modeling and hope to do more in the future!
<3 Em.
Well, Timothy, I have to confess that I am completely gobsmacked.
In the face of complaints that Post 6 gives us only airheads with well-contoured pixels, you respond by giving us a naked "teen" whose only accomplishment seems to be that she is . . . a naked teen.
Interesting shift, though, from the merely objectionable to something teetering right on the edge of being utterly repellent. What's next? Adorable little Dolly in the bathtub?
And how delightful to see that "shopping" once again features so highly in the profile.
Emily -- what in god's name were you thinking?
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | July 28, 2009 at 12:49 AM
"I'm Emily and I'm a bit of a rarity in Second Life. "
No you're not.
"So what do I like to do? Normal girl stuff: I shop and party and go clubbing and, you know, just hang out. What more could anyone want?"
Point proven. Vapid, insipid and SL down to a tee.
"When someone approaches me with unreasonable requests, I react accordingly. It's the second law of motion."
So the change of momentum of your body is proportional to the impulse impressed on it, and happens along the straight line on which that impulse is impressed? That makes no sense in the context of what you were talking about. Your glasses do not imply brains at all I am afraid.
Posted by: oh dear | July 28, 2009 at 07:01 AM
hi. post sixx has always been about a cross section of who is in sl. most of the people who want to pose for it are female. quite a few males have done it, many furries, captains of sl industry, and goreans and just nice teen girls.
your complaint seems to be that there should be more meaning to it? that you desire substance? why dont you see if the herald will run a series of more meaningful subjects under some other banner... such as, todays important person or something similar.
i dont think the post sixx column was intended to display only the high achievers. its a nice fluff thing that appeals to some and does not to others. it was never ever meant to be some serious statement about anything at all. its supposed to be just fun. why work to change post sixx? why not just start a new column with more gravitas as its goal?
sigh. i know things change over time, and have observed many in sl, as have most of you. i just dont see the point of continuing to want to change a column in a news blog that does no harm to anyone. timothy is doing a bang up job with it. it is what it was intended to be just as it is.
so contact urizenus and start your meaninful and important column.
btw. im glad you are having fun emily. do continue.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | July 28, 2009 at 07:51 AM
Emily is lovely and it's refreshing that a Post 6 grrrl is not just another ginormous-breasted barbie, which, by the way, IMO is so not attractive. Emily shows something authentic, and that's where real beauty is found. Before beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, it's born from the brilliance of its creator.
Though, I do agree, lots of women are doing far more than shopping and hanging out. We run businesses, organize events, and build great things. How about modeling one of them?
Posted by: Persephone Bolero | July 28, 2009 at 08:55 AM
I wants tu second what Miss Pomergranate Bolero dun said.
Ya'll lighten up, now! 18???
12 am the age of cornsent in Enoch Holler, y'all (Older if'n a gal kin run fast).
Miss Emily wood be a (rite cute) old maid whar I comes from.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch, Herald Pullet-Surprise Winnin' Reporter | July 28, 2009 at 09:19 AM
>I'm Emily and I'm a bit of a rarity in Second Life. "
>No you're not.
>"So what do I like to do? Normal girl stuff: I shop and party and go clubbing and, you know, just hang out. What more could anyone want?"
>Point proven. Vapid, insipid and SL down to a tee.
>"When someone approaches me with unreasonable requests, I react accordingly. It's the second law of motion."
>So the change of momentum of your body is proportional to the impulse impressed on it, and happens along the straight line on which that impulse is >impressed? That makes no sense in the context of what you were talking about. Your glasses do not imply brains at all I am afraid.
Lucid, conherent and compelling.
Oh Dear you on it fresh today. /me gives you the High Five.
Right On!
Posted by: (we)call(bull)sh!t | July 28, 2009 at 10:33 AM
While I understand and largely agree with your comments upon the original intentions behind Post 6, I think you rather miss my point. I am not lobbying for a feature that would supplement Post 6 by providing "more gravitas" (as nice as such a feature would be). I am suggesting that Post 6 "just as it is" DOES do "harm," and that it should be reformed, replaced, or simply done away with.
I don't wish to overstate my case: Post 6 is indeed largely fluff, and is, as pornography goes, fairly benign. But I must insist upon my contention, made in comments to the last Post 6, that a feature that combines a kind of titillating striptease with an utterly vacuous profile description reinforces the notion that women are empty-headed sex toys for men.
Had these women ANYTHING of interest to say, or any real accomplishments to point to, the nudity would be inconsequential, or perhaps even apposite and interesting. Alternately, were they vacuous airheads without the nudity, they would be dull and uninteresting, but not particularly objectionable. It is the COMBINATION of nudity with this portrait of empty-headed consumerism that is the problem.
I too am glad to hear that Emily is having fun; I just wish she could find a means of doing so that didn't reflect so directly and negatively on her entire gender.
I of course agree entirely that a Post 6 on someone with a bit more to offer would be good. I am puzzled, however, by your suggestion that Emily is "authentic." In what possible sense can a pixelated avatar engineered to represent a teenager be considered "authentic"? Authentic to what?
You may, perhaps, be referring to the size of her breasts (which, while they might not achieve the usual SL standards for bustiness, are hardly insubstantial)?
Surely Emily's (relatively) small breasts are not a concession to the reality of the body shapes of "real life" women, but rather an attempt to reinforce her identity as a pubescent. In which case, frankly, what she is really doing is catering to those males who prefer (to employ the parlance of internet porn) "young meat." I invite you to Google such terms as "young meat" or "teen porn": what you will find in abundance in the text descriptions is a focus upon small or undeveloped breasts.
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | July 28, 2009 at 11:27 AM
>>Well, Timothy, I have to confess that I am completely gobsmacked.
>>In the face of complaints that Post 6 gives us only airheads with well-contoured
>>pixels, you respond by giving us a naked "teen" whose only accomplishment seems to be
>>that she is . . . a naked teen.
haha. ok, now i like this guy. well played, sir.
Posted by: Killer Rarebit | July 28, 2009 at 01:30 PM
I have to say this is not one of the best i have seen, with the intro and then first pic i thought ok might be a change here.
Second pick is typical thigh boots etc. The way the picture is composed it appears the neck is broken and extended.
The last pic with the carefully placed bottle is just wrong and the shoes look huge!
Timothy you can take much better pictures than this and realy if the pictures had been better the av might have got away with the poor write up.
Posted by: Carmen | July 28, 2009 at 01:53 PM
"Surely Emily's (relatively) small breasts are not a concession to the reality of the body shapes of 'real life' women, but rather an attempt to reinforce her identity as a pubescent..."
You make a good point, Scylla.
Posted by: Persephone Bolero | July 28, 2009 at 02:36 PM
Writer talks about diversity, shows us a picture of a skinny blonde with blue eyes.
"I'm a bit of a rarity in Second Life."
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | July 28, 2009 at 03:14 PM
I had to log in to check her profile out. This is a PRIME example of what I am talking about when I say that MOST SLers are utterly obsessed with SL, and have lost their sense of reality. Taken from her picks:
"Guys - What you need to date me:
- Proficiency in English
- Respect
- Good skin/clothes (I'm a real snob about this)
- Money
- A house/apartment"
To 'date' 'her' you need to have pretend money and have a pretend house or apartment.....LMAO.
Rude people, naked people in public, furries, people who don't put time into how they look, people who dress in medieval clothing most of the time, people who are (or look) new."
LOOOOL. She dislikes people who are new. WTF does that say about her limited brainpower?
'She' is also a member of these groups (amongst others) 'Lesbian Singles', 'Older Men Rock', (no contradiction in terms there then), 'Red-V Brothel', 'Young Vixens', 'Lolita' and to top it all off 'Pro-Ana', the charter of this group says..."This group is made for girls and boys that want perfection. We want ourselves to be pure, leave the flesh and keep the bones. Only join this group if you are already anorexic or pro-ana. We support eachother and share our feelings and thoughts."
Emily, you are a man, or a fucked up single woman. Either way you are a typical SL addict, and I think you are properly obese.
Posted by: oh dear | July 28, 2009 at 04:09 PM
properly = probably
Posted by: oh dear | July 28, 2009 at 04:10 PM
Maybe if more women were like you, Scylla, and spent hours every day composing feminist diatribes on the comment section of a blog about a game featuring cartoon avatars, the world would be as evolved as you clearly are and men would realize they're attracted to big brains, not bare tits.
As it is, however, many women instead opted for the less glamorous path of finishing college, getting a job, and worrying about real things that matter. On behalf of them, I want to thank you for carrying the feminist torch so stridently here on the comment section of the Post Sixx column of the second life herald week after week. While many people would say "God, that's pathetic," I say "Thank you."
I know that some real life women have found Second Life to be a great and reasonably safe arena for exploring parts of one's psyche without the dangers of so doing in RL. For example, there might be a RL female lawyer, or teacher, or doctor- who blows off steam after a day of stress by pretending to be a burlesque dancer and wild flirt- things she could not safely do in RL without risk of professional consequences or a thickening of the glass ceiling they already battle in the workplace. Good for you, Scylla Rhiadra, champion of women's rights, for coming here and helping to make sure that sort of safe silly flirty fun has no place. I mean, what could these women be thinking? They enjoy something as trifling as Shopping!? How can they like shopping? It boggles the mind that they could enjoy spending a few dollars on shoes and hair and playing dress-up instead of working in the real world to pay thousands for real shoes!
And let's not even bring up the fact that many of the "women" who appear here are actually males in RL! Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton only have to worry about how "real" women's actions reflect on the gender, in your role as the self-appointed feminist torch bearer on the Post Sixx comments section of the Second Life Herald, you have to do double duty and worry about men screwing up the way that men perceive women! Sounds like a lot of work for one kind soul to do alone Scylla, maybe you should take a vacation, or get an assistant. We here in the virtual trenches with you are worried about you.
We worry also, aside from the strain that such an important position as the aforementioned "self-appointed feminist torch bearer on the Post Sixx comments section of the Second Life Herald," that people might be not getting your point. For example, a lot of people might read this;
"Had these women ANYTHING of interest to say, or any real accomplishments to point to"
and think that you must be the most miserable little lonely bitch on earth. I mean, a lot of people would read such a hatefully judgmental statement like that and think that you're probably the same person who signs his messages "Oh Dear" as you both seem desperate to appear to be somehow better than everyone else here. Oh Dear claims that he's better than everyone here because he doesn't play SL anymore, but then he trolls this trashy SL blog, so he's clearly got mental issues. While we haven't yet seen your curriculum vitae, your lengthy, eloquent and impassioned missives to the poor retards who are so unenlightened they still enjoy nudie pictures clearly illustrate your superiority- I mean anyone who spends that much time attacking the horrible sin of fluff journalism is clearly an important, educated, and completely fulfilled real life person. I know a lot of people would say that you and Oh Dear are the same person, because in your comments you both use similar phrases like "I invite you to Google such terms..." but I don't believe those lies. You are Scylla Rhiadra the just, on a plateau with the great feminists, fighting the important battles- Mary Wollstonecraft, Carrie Chapman Catt, Margaret Fuller, Susan B. Anthony, and our Post Sixx champion, Scylla Rhiadra.
I hope you continue to fight, Scylla Rhiadra, until Post Sixx features nothing but rocket scientist avatars and other significant and important avatars. When you have beaten this column into obedience, I hope you move on to other dimly lit corners of the internet and enlighten them as well. Let others worry about the bigger issues, damn it, you are keeping us safe from ourselves, and we thank you for the hours you spend here making life better for women around the world.
/me ends sarcasm
Posted by: Bob Boothroyd | July 28, 2009 at 04:44 PM
/me LOVES the third picture- great colors and the funky perspective rox. good pix timo. ur brave emily.
oh dear- whats with all the hate? maybe u need some time away from the puter. is that a voilation of the terms of service to stalk someone and put their profile on a blog or is it just so super super creeeeeepy it feels like a tos violation?
Posted by: LaVida Seconda | July 28, 2009 at 05:52 PM
i dont know bob, i never talked to bob, i never heard of bob, and i am not bob.
actually, he writes better than i do and i am a tad jealous of bob.
i think, barring the snide nature of his thesis, perhaps he kind of has a point. really, my point was that post sixx was never intended to be some serious statment about anything, and that it does no harm.
your position that it encourages the belief that sexual women are airheads, may have a bit of merit. well, thats to bad i guess. as bob pointed out, you would be surprised who some of the people who wanted to pose for post sixx are in rl. its a little sexual fling by its very nature, a dipping into the forbidden for some, perhaps. i know for a fact that several capable career minded very intelligent women have posed for post sixx in the past, and more than likely will in the future. if they come across as shopping air heads its because thats what they wish to be in this world.
beleive me, as someone who ran a business in sl for a long time, you get exhausted working in real life then coming here and working. ugh. i only visit sl these days for a nice hang about. so i too am a born again shopping air head i guess.
finally i think my position is that all varieties of media display women as sex objects. go attack playboy or something like that. this just doesnt merit the thought you are putting into it.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | July 28, 2009 at 06:22 PM
LaVida Seconda is Pix!
Posted by: We | July 28, 2009 at 07:43 PM
@oh dear
This crosses the line. Why don't you contact me in-world or via email, and we'll discuss whatever your problem is. My avatarname(at)yahoo is the address.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Timothy Morpork
Posted by: Timothy Morpork | July 28, 2009 at 08:35 PM
Eat some pies. No really.
Also cake.
Piss poor. 2/10, see me after class.
Posted by: Simon The Pieman | July 28, 2009 at 09:12 PM
Dear Bob ...
I'd like to thank you for helping me reassess my priorities. There is nothing a feminist likes more than a man showing her "how it's done," and I'm certainly no exception. Rest assured that my future feminist activities will all be certified "Bob Approved."
I also very much appreciate the manner in which you have highlighted my tendency to be judgmental. Your prose style shall hereafter be my model, and you my Muse. I am particularly grateful for such fine and sensitive turns of phrase as "most miserable little lonely bitch on earth"; I can't think how I missed that one. I shall be sure to apply to every future post (citing you, of course).
Yours, submissively, and fully chastened,
PS. Wollstonecraft and Fuller both asked me to say hi, but Friedan and Greer are pissed that you didn't mention them. Oh, and they are also awaiting THEIR instructions.
Have a lovely day! :-)
I would never accuse you of being Bob, nor mistake you for him. If Bob has a point, beyond demonstrating that he doesn't much like me, he doesn't make it very well, so prolific is the stream of vituperation. You, on the other hand, DO make yours, succinctly and quite articulately.
Your criticism of my posts here is reasonable, but one that I would nonetheless contest for a number of reasons. First, because writing comments about articles in the Herald is far from the only way in which I engage with these issues. Secondly, because what happens here, and in SL, I see as part of a continuum with real life, and with the admittedly much more serious issues there.
Post 6 is fluff, and, in the grand scheme of things, pretty insignificant. I have said as much elsewhere here. But when I am attacking the representation of women here, I am not MERELY critiquing Post 6; I am engaging with the entire mindset that it represents. And I have tried to place it within some larger context for precisely that reason.
I am actually a fairly busy woman, in RL and SL; the amount of time that I have devoted, and will continue to devote to Post 6 will be commensurate with what I think it is worth. The fact is, however, that we HAVE generated discussion here ... not just me, but you, and Corona, and Carmen, and others. And that's not a bad thing on a page that rarely sees more than the text version of wolf whistles and semi-literate trolling.
So, I am not going to apologize for posting here. I will continue to criticize, here or elsewhere, not shopping (which I also enjoy) nor even being an airhead (which I probably am: just ask Bob), but rather the portrayal of women as a gender that, if Post 6 is to be believed, has very little ELSE to offer.
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | July 28, 2009 at 10:52 PM
emily's profile made me laugh. The older men rock, and lesbian singles thing is funny. While I was reading this post I was thinking "oh god, just shut up and get on your knees", all her crap would make for great role play, I think. But, then, I read the pro-ana thing, that's fucking disgusting and made me lose my appetite. Her av is certainly nicer than some other post 6 grrls I've seen, and her profile, and this post are like calling for roleplay, but the pro-ana thing.. ugh.. wtf.
Anyways, anyone think of the paris hilton video when they saw the last picture? yeah, you know what i'm talking about.
And I must say the second pic is poorly taken..
Posted by: alexander | July 29, 2009 at 12:21 AM
on a side note: LOL @ oh dear
Posted by: alexander | July 29, 2009 at 12:34 AM
I was going to say her first pic made her look skeletal, but then someone mentioned she was in a "Pro-ana" group, if you want to address anything as a symptom of the media subjugation of women, Scylla, there you go.
Pro-ana is treating anorexia as a "lifestyle" by self-malnourished teens who feel they're overweight at 95 pounds, and that perfection is 0% body fat. I wonder if they think that post-holocaust survivors were some of the physically most beautiful specimens of mankind.
Posted by: We | July 29, 2009 at 02:24 AM
"Hiya. I'm Emily and I'm a bit of a rarity in Second Life."
Yeah, blonde, white, hipster girls who describe themselves as flirty and into fashion, shopping, and clubs are certainly a rarity in SL! You're as rare as McDonalds.
"I don't have ...huge breasts... I'm just a normal eighteen year-old girl with normal proportions."
Considering you describe yourself as "5'3" and 93 pounds" and are apparently pro-anorexia I'd say that your breasts are pretty large, being anorexic means having very little fat, and guess what a large part of breasts are made out of!
I also wouldn't say 93 pounds, 5'3", with inexplicably C-cup breasts is particularly "normal proportions" either.
I kinda doubt she is 18, I'd think that only 14 year old girls fall for that "pro-ana" nonsense, and grow out of it when they get mature.
Posted by: We | July 29, 2009 at 02:38 AM
Dislikes furries? Racist bitch.
Posted by: rawst berry | July 29, 2009 at 03:06 AM
Dearest Timothy,
I am sorry you think that cutting and pasting from dear Emily's publicly accessibly profile to this publicly accessible blog is one terrible step too far. I am more than happy to meet you in SL, I am impressed by the aggression seeping through your words sir! The avatar I will make available to you, or anyone who is interested is:
Poo Riddler
I look forward to meeting you so we can discuss whatever it is you want to discuss!
Poo Riddler
Posted by: oh dear | July 29, 2009 at 04:03 AM
I don't understand the hate here at all. Her avatar is modestly proportioned and for nude photography, modestly posed. Timothy has done a nice job with the pictures.
When Post6 people say they are creators they are accused of promoting their own business. When they don't create and just like to experience SL, they are accused of being "vapid", of "empty headed consumerism" or even "bordering on the edge of being repellant". How?
Of course Post 6 is a "fluff" piece - it has exactly as much depth as any of 12 different paparazzi-filled magazines I look at while waiting in line at the Supermarket checkout and it serves the same purpose.
Lighten up people!
Posted by: Faerie | July 29, 2009 at 04:21 AM
I just hope Emily isn't letting these comments get to her. Regardless of what she is or is seen to represent here in SL, she's a person in RL.
Posted by: Persephone Bolero | July 29, 2009 at 09:24 AM
@ Bob: Can you hear me applauding? Thanks for that post.
@ Scylla: I admire the lengths of your posts. Are you an alt of Prok?
@ Timothy: Thicker skin, dear :) They'll always complain whether boobs are big or small, whether people are SL entrepreneurs (How dare they promote their businesses?) or SL slobs (How dare they go shopping?), it's either the feminists bashing you for too much nudity or the under-aged bashing you for a lack of nudity cause they need their weekly dose of naked pixels. It's a perk that comes with the job!
@ Emily: I seriously hope the Pro-Ana thing is part of your role as SL teenager. If not, go and seek counselling, damnit!!!
Posted by: Bunny Brickworks | July 29, 2009 at 10:28 AM
I am going to second Persephone's concerns here, and suggest a moratorium on further comments here.
I have no idea what Emily is like in RL, or in SL for that matter; I have deep misgivings about what decision to appear here, and how she has decided to present herself in her profile, but, essentially, my criticisms are aimed at her self-presentation here, in Post 6, rather than at her person.
It is unfortunately true that agreeing to be featured here (and, according to the headnote, Emily requested this) is, in essence, agreeing to a certain degree of exposure and criticism. I think anyone who chooses to appear here, unless she has never read a Post 6, or is very dull indeed, had better be prepared for comment about the profile, and take responsibility for the way in which she presents herself.
But the appearance of material here from in-world profile has driven this into a sort of feeding frenzy about her RL personality, and speculation about her character which is unwarranted on the basis of the evidence, and certainly not relevant to *my* concerns about Post 6, in any case. For that reason, I won't be commenting on THAT material, having said what I think needed to be said about the profile itself.
Which leads to my next question: WHO moderates these comments? Does ANYONE moderate them? If someone does, why did the Herald choose to publish this profile information about Emily? Putting these details up here, and THEN complaining that someone has "crossed the line" seems a bit much. I agree absolutely that this information is inappropriate for this forum, but surely the Herald shares some of the responsibility for their appearance here?
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | July 29, 2009 at 10:52 AM
I don't think that the Herald cares much about hurting peoples feelings. Nor does it even care about facts for that matter. Mostly it is about causing enough of a stir to stimulate 'debate' and hence get its readership levels up. Much the same as any other sensationalist media, really. Of course the one fact that we can be sure of is that because we are all reading and responding to this blog, then it would appear to show that their method is working.
Posted by: Obvious Schism | July 29, 2009 at 11:36 AM
@WHO moderates these comments?
Nobody moderates the comments in the strictest sense ever. They love the drama, drama is what the Herald has survived on for all these years. The only reason there's that "moderation lag" is because the PN hit the boards a while back, spamming hundreds of comments, and so now they turn them on moderator approval just to make sure none of them are spam. But in terms of actul contents, i've never seen them moderate, and in fact from what I understand, one of the reasons Prokofy left as a Herald reporter, is that Pix wouldn't let him delete the comments of people who opposed his views. The only time I ever saw anyone get comment moderation was Penance Sauterau, who did it by nuking ALL comments, good or bad, and I imagine that was allowed because they probably thought she'd be suicidal otherwise, she was always on the verge of breakdown.
Posted by: We | July 29, 2009 at 11:40 AM
oh dear is a disturbed punk ignore him tim. he'll get caught wanking in some celebrity living room soon, or torturing the neighbours cats and we won't have to listen to him.
lol that scylla *the one that started the hate parade* wants a timeout. the genie doesn't like to go back in the bottle.
Posted by: Dingos ate my baby | July 29, 2009 at 12:30 PM
For the record, I think it's perfectly fine to publish public information. It's not like publishing a private IM or anything. That information is publicly available. If you're not prepared to have people look at your public profile, don't have one (she appears in public search so that information is public) and don't call attention to yourself by asking to be a Post 6 model in the first place.....but then she professes herself to be an attention whore in her own profile.
Now, these dislikes...
"Rude people"
Well okay, we all prefer people to be polite and friendly.
"naked people in public"
You're posing as a Post 6 model and yet you hate public nudity. Oh how the engines of irony are working overtime on that one.
At the risk of repeating what has already been pointed out, she's ignorant and racist.
"people who don't put time into how they look"
She's shallow and superficial too.
"people who dress in medieval clothing most of the time"
Again with shallow and superficial and well....very strange thing to say anyway.
"people who are (or look) new."
Sheer ignorance and elitist arogance.
Looking at her profile, she comes across as a pretty empty and unfulfilling Second Life resident. Why the hell did you agree to let her be a model? Learn to say "hey, I have a large waiting list of potential models. Let me take your details, I'll keep you on file and call you when something comes up" and then consign her to the "not going to happen" file.
You do have my sympathy Timothy. It must be difficult if not impossible to find decent models who are both nice looking and who have interesting aspects to their Second Life that means the readers might find them interesting to find out about. But after a reasonable start, you're now just throwing any old crap at us.
Please try harder before we have the "Timothy has my full support" speech soon followed by the "Timothy is retiring to spend more time with his family" speech as your replacement is ushered in.
Posted by: Public profile is public | July 29, 2009 at 03:01 PM
Copying IMs and publishing them is a violation of TOS. Copying chat and publishing it is a violation of TOS. Copying information from an in world profile and publishing it is NO violation of TOS.
If there's anything in your profile you can't or don't want to defend in public, you better not put it there. If there are any groups you might not want to be associated with, you better hide them. Give me a shout in world if you have no idea how to do it - it's only one click, I swear it's easy.
Is copying profile information illegal? No, it isn't. There are even search engines on the web that let you browse through people's profiles and check for certain key words or names. Is it immoral? Dunno, as a former Post 6 Mistress I have nothing like morals or values ;)
Posted by: Bunny Brickworks | July 29, 2009 at 03:11 PM
WOW this has to be an all time low for you Timothy Morpork...we surely have hit the bottom of the barrel here. :/
Posted by: Evona Mann | July 29, 2009 at 04:18 PM
The bottom line is, I don't care if it is a ToS violation (which is patently isn't).
Posted by: oh dear | July 29, 2009 at 05:04 PM
I tried to find the search engine on the web that lets you browse through people's SL profiles. I found:
You have to add yourself to the site to be searchable. Interestingly it had a RL pic of its newest member on the front page. I clicked on his profile to get a better look:
This face is EXACTLY what I imagine an SL addict would look like. My generalisations are FAR from inaccurate.
Grow up all of you FFS.
Also; I work from home, when I get bored I browse this site to look for the latest Page 6 fuckup so that I can have a laugh at the sheer idiocy of most of the people here. It takes about 10 minutes of my day each time. So for those of you who worry that I am taking up too much of my time here, please don't, but thanks for your concern!
Posted by: oh dear | July 29, 2009 at 05:41 PM
@Oh Dear
Here you go, enjoy :D
For example, the url for Emily Fields' profile is.....
Posted by: Senban Babii | July 29, 2009 at 08:56 PM
This may be a terrible article, but the comments are gold.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | July 29, 2009 at 09:13 PM
@oh dear
Wow! You found one person who looked kinda like a weirdo who possibly plays SL! Surely that scientifically confirms your hypothesis that therefore all people in SL are horrible lifeless addicts. Get this man a Nobel prize!
Or, no wait, one picture in a grand population of hundreds of thousands isn't particularly statistically significant is it? Perhaps your generalizations (and I'm amused that you're infering a lot about the person on a snap-judgment based on his appearance), are just generalizations after all.
Course, that's what happens when people try to find evidence for their resolution, and not resolutions for their evidence.
But sure, it's completely normal for a person to leave an online world like SL, and then instead of just going elsewhere and forgetting about it, hanging around sites dedicated to it and tossing insults at members on a daily basis. Not weird or obsessed at all, no sir. But clearly, you know something about addiction and obsession.
Sorry for busting your sarcasm meter.
Posted by: We | July 30, 2009 at 12:06 AM
thank you, thank you, thank you Bob for your comments...imo the puritanical aspect of feminism is a scourge which attempts to drive society into a more controlled, conservative mode...the inherently judgmental nature of this type of thinking has a limiting effect on artistic endeavor....as in this case where the creation of an avatar does not meet the narrowly circumscribed standards that the feminist writer has laid out to be deemed acceptable, and this offense therefore sets in motion yet another extended diatribe.
@Scylla Rhiadra "I don't wish to overstate my case"...and yet week after week you do just that!
Posted by: Av | July 30, 2009 at 04:26 AM
Calm down We, it sounds like you are about to orgasm.
Posted by: oh dear | July 30, 2009 at 06:39 AM
I don't mind your comments here. I have no interest in trying to refute any of your points. However, I do have a problem with people pestering me with negative comments in world. I'm sorry commenting here isn't enough for some of you and you feel the need to contact me directly, but it's not okay.
Posted by: Emily Fields | July 30, 2009 at 09:43 AM
emily!! congratulations!! your post sixx appearance has generated more response than most ever have in the history of post sixx. i can think of only 2 or 3 that match it in comment totals. way to go girl!!
you rock!
Posted by: marilyn murphy | July 30, 2009 at 10:14 AM
emily fields said:
some of you and you feel the need to contact me directly
->Those are probably more alts of super work-from-home loser oh dear. Turn your IM logging on and use the reporting tool to report them all to the lindens, emily. That's harassment, and hopefully when the lindens see that all the alts contacting you come from the same smelly basement, he'll leave the game for real and can focus on his envelope stuffing career and work his way up to the corner office of his own basement.
Heckling in the comments is a tradition at the herald but it should NEVER extend into the game with in-world IMs and stalking. If you're so mean, or judgemental, or bored that you feel the need to harass pixelated people because you read about them on a blog back away from the computer and go walk the dog or mow the lawn or take the family out for ice cream and get some perspective.
Posted by: Bonghit Marks | July 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM
Bonghit, I have not contacted Emily in world, yet.
Carry on!!!
Posted by: oh dear | July 30, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Harassing the Post 6 models in world goes a tad too far, don't you little creeps think? If you want to spill your hate and have nothing nice to say, that's what the comments section of the Herald is for. Anything else is cyber stalking and bullying and I seriously hope Emily is logging IMs and filing ARs.
WTF is wrong with you people? Bored with life? Feeling lonely? Take some Xanax or hug a Hobbit.
Posted by: Bunny Brickworks | July 30, 2009 at 12:20 PM
@oh dear
I'll take that poor attempt at deflecting my points as proof that you can't refute any of them.
@marilyn murphy
I don't know, I think one of the goreans and pretty much all of Penance Sauterau's got more, though the latter's was more about Penance than the person being photographed (though her highest one, which if I remember right was of herself for the second time, done by herself, and that got into the hundreds). Course getting a lot of comments in this is generally a pretty bad thing, unless you like abuse.
Posted by: We | July 30, 2009 at 01:12 PM
Scylla Rhiadra does shout loudly here about something passionate to her and you can all moan and have a go but she has not once as far as i can see attacked the avatar's look as such or more importantly the rl person behind it (certainly not like some here). I don't think she has attacked the people who comment either in a personal way other than in self defence.
Her dislike is as far as i can see no better or worse than Mariyln's like of post 6. They are both to be admired for not hiding behind false names unlike others who spew comments out with such hate and venom whilst maintaining anonimity or use alts.
I enjoy both their posts and thoughts.
Oh and harrassing people in world because of post 6! oh please grow up people and remember there are more important things in life.
Posted by: Carmen | July 30, 2009 at 03:36 PM