Lab too embarrassed to publish land data?
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
In February, Linden Lab halted publication of resident land "ownership" statistics after what is believed to be thousands of regions were returned by players reeling from October's surprise OpenSpace price increase. In the aftermath of the negative economic news and removal of the raw statistical data feed, the Lab promised the land stats hiatus was a temporary measure while "we correct our reporting mechanisms to account for the recent addition of Openspaces and Homesteads" and went on to apologize for the "inconvenience".
Five months later, the Lab still refrains from sharing land ownership statistics, leading to speculation that the land market has yet to recover from the Lab's price hikes and a down real life economy. Shocks to the land market are far from over, with concerns that the forced migration to the new Adult-only continent and devaluation of existing Mainland holdings are unlikely to improve the situation as players are reminded that the Lindens changes the rules of the game to suit Lab interests - generally at player's expense.
Given how willing the Lindens are to publish other economic statistics here, we have to ask how bad things look on the land front. If the current statistics are able provide information on land in the process of being auctioned, why remain silent on the actual size of the world?
We'll let you know when there is good news
Ooh I know the answer to this one! Land data reveals LL revenue information and ya gotta have a confidentiality thingy to get this info (now), else it'll be blabbed (as it has been in the past) to the likes of the Alphaville Herald
Oh wait... yoose guyz aRE the Alphaville Herald... hm.. hm.. hm.. Ok how bout tHIs!!! The Alphaville Herald signs a thingidentiality Congreement so's you can find out this stuff!
Oh wait... but you couldn't teLL anyone... hm.. hm.. hm..
Ok, Ok so yoose guyz add a Sooper Sekrett Edition of the A'ville Herald that readers gotta sign a Sekrett Thingreement with ya' to read... tHEn you could know aND tell!
*beams proudly*
Posted by: Business Nerd | July 03, 2009 at 09:50 PM
Tateru Nino seems to be able to find this data and it's not especially bad.
Posted by: Amadna | July 05, 2009 at 01:33 PM
The data is available in xml file format, not in the formerly HTMLized graphical presentation that is much more readable by the average blingtard. LL knows that the way to contain bad news data without classifying it top secret is to make it hard for anybody who is not a techie to read it. 99.9% of the population is too lazy to download the excel file and create their own chart from the data (and most don't even know how to do that).
This is in keeping with the typical secrecy via obscurantism we see in LL behavior that is so at odds to their publicly avowed dedication to openness and transparency evinced in the Tao of Linden.
Posted by: IntLibber Brautigan | July 06, 2009 at 07:49 AM
Best seller: linden labs, "How to cook books" cookbook.
The Banks would like to buy 50,000 copies
Posted by: Prof. Archie Lukas | July 07, 2009 at 08:57 AM
i unno but has the amount of concurrent tards on sl at onetime dropped too?
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | July 13, 2009 at 08:54 PM