[I met Sigsbee Fuller while walking around one of my favorite haunts for finding beautiful and interesting Post 6 avatars. The fact that Sigsbee immediately jumped out at me among all the gorgeous pixelflesh there speaks volumes about the quality of this week's avie. I was thrilled that Sigsbee agreed to model for us, if for no other reason I count her among my good friends in SL now, and for that alone I sincerely hope I've done her beauty the justice it deserves. -Timothy Morpork]
HI! My name is Sigsbee and I never imagined I would be a Post 6 model. But that's just how SL is, you never know what adventures you might end up having when you log in. I've been in SL for a while, over three years now. It's amazing how fast time goes by.
I've never had any interest in any other online worlds or "games." What i love about SL is the total lack of purpose to it, no hit points or quests or any such nonsense. Here in SL I get to do what I like to do in real life, hang out and waste time talking to friends. And of course there is shopping for clothes, although I seem to have more fun in SL taking off my clothes than putting them on.
I have had a few different looks over the years and a few different jobs dancing at clubs, but I never last very long at them. For some reason, logging in just to go to a virtual job sort of defeats the whole point of SL for me. The closest thing I have to a regular SL job is DJ, I spin music at a few different places as my other avie, Amara Shino.
As you can see, I'm an SL t-girl. One of the fun things about SL is the ability to mess with gender and sex identity and be whatever we want to be. Not everyone appreciates my unique anatomy, but those that do really seem to like it. I used to think I was pretty kinky until I came to SL as saw the entire range of fetishes, kinks and just plain sexual weirdness that exists here. It's always fascinating and a bit scary to see all the things that people come up with.
You can usually find me hanging out at either the Blacklist bar or Fill Her Up Bar. If you see me, say hi and let me know you saw my Post 6 picture spread!
I think you are beautiful! Girls with dicks isn't my type of thing, but I can admire how well you crafted your avatar. Your penis is a bit large for your body, and I giggled when I imagined you fitting it in your tiny, tiny shorts! But the rest is very nice. You are the second avatar pictured here that I actually study close. I am almost tempted to buy prim nipples, lol. Your breasts is overall very nice, especially in pic #2. Interesting face too, a bit tomboy, very cute.
Posted by: Marianne | September 08, 2009 at 09:37 AM
Yay! What can I say about Sigs besides that she is full of win! She's definately one of the nicest people I've met in my years in SL and just a whole lot of fun to hang out with. Be that from listening to her spin tunes to just chatting the hours away.
Love the pics Sigs and you, great job! Even if you do cheer for that 'other' team ;)
Posted by: Dina Sakigake | September 08, 2009 at 10:04 AM
Bet ya can hammer in nails with that huge donger, can't you just?
Posted by: Archie Lukas | September 08, 2009 at 11:16 AM
A little dissapointed with the transgender thing but i think you look quite unique anyway, love the hair and great pics.
Posted by: Carmen | September 08, 2009 at 01:57 PM
@Carmen "A little dissapointed with the transgender thing"
Transphobia much?
w(. )( .)t w(. )( .)t!
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 08, 2009 at 04:44 PM
Great hair and skin. Whoever painted that face is talented.
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | September 08, 2009 at 05:02 PM
hawt. omg, hawt.
thank you for this beautiful creature.
Posted by: wow | September 08, 2009 at 07:41 PM
Note to self - avoid the Blacklist bar and Fill Her Up Bar
Posted by: James Joyce | September 09, 2009 at 01:14 AM
No I don't have any phobia against such things nor homosexual or anything else. Just i believe that women should be women and men men unless of course you were born a hermaphrodite.
Doesn't change the fact that i said she looked nice and im sure she is a lovely person, but typical of someone picking at the negative.
Posted by: Carmen | September 09, 2009 at 02:03 PM
So we'll just ignore the fact that one in every two hundred children are born with a form of intersex condition, making the current estimated intersex population of the planet Earth approximately 34.5 million shall we? (The Transgender Debate, 2000, page 12)
What an inconvenient fact for you! Never mind, you go back to enjoying your mythical gender binary and have a nice day :)
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 09, 2009 at 05:35 PM
Oh and just to add to that point Carmen, that's just the anatomically intersexed and not even counting transgender/transsexual individuals. Have a nice day now :)
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 09, 2009 at 05:41 PM
Thanks to everyone for the positive comments ;) I didn't know my pictures were going to spur a debate on sex and gender identity! I'm sorry to hear that James Joyce doesn't want to stop by any of my hangouts, we just started reading Finnigans Wake at the Blacklist bookclub and we really could use some help understanding it.
Posted by: Sigsbee Fuller | September 10, 2009 at 07:17 AM
Senban, why do you hide your transgender/intersex status when you are dressed? Have you considered having a slightly different shaped pelvis or crotch area when dressed that hints at what's under your clothes?
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | September 10, 2009 at 07:38 AM
Um, shouldnt this story be titled "Post 6 DickGrrrl"???
Posted by: General Drama | September 10, 2009 at 11:27 AM
@Mary Elizabeth
Mary, I think your comment was addressed to Sigsbee, not myself :)
I agree though, interesting observation :)
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 10, 2009 at 02:11 PM
Please read my comments clearly before responding
Posted by: Carmen | September 10, 2009 at 02:20 PM
Mary, assuming your question was for me, I don't hide my T-girl status while dressed. I state that I am a t-girl in my profile and I do have several prim bulges in my inventory i wear sometimes. Unfortunately, the prim bulges can be very hard to match to certain clothes. There are some vendors that carry some good quality prim bulges, so the situation is getting better. Lately my simple solution to the problem is to just forgo wearing clothes at all.
Posted by: SIgsbee Fuller | September 10, 2009 at 04:58 PM
Thank you Carmen, I will :)
"Just i believe that women should be women and men men unless of course you were born a hermaphrodite."
Yes, yes, I see exactly what you're saying here. Thank you for asking me to clarify my understanding. Turns out it was right the first time but always best to be sure :)
You don't like transgender/transsexuals, you believe that men are men and women are women unless they are born hermaphroditic. So even allowing for the fact you're apparently misunderstanding that term, you're either not explaining yourself so well or you're ignorant of the facts or you're bigotted. I'd prefer to believe it was simply that there's something missing from your explanation and thus there is confusion.
If you'd like, I could point you in the direction of some good books to help you further your understanding of this often difficult and misunderstood subject :)
Incidentally, you say it's typical for someone to pick at the negative in a comment. Isn't it though? But then I have to ask why you felt it necessary to pass comment and indeed judgement on TG/TS in such a way in the first place. If you don't want people to pick up on your negative comments, don't make them :)
We now return you to your regular scheduled programming.....
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 10, 2009 at 05:09 PM
Sigs honey, you look fantasic. I've known this girl for about 2 years here in SL, as both of her AV's. Shes always been quite a hottie, at every stage of SL. As SL has improved, so did she. Congradulations on being selected as a Post6 Girl.
Now heres one thing for a couple of you out there to chew on, there is a thing called "Brain Sex". This is the gender of your brain and there are signifighant differences between the male brain and female brain, so what I'm trying to say here is that just because you are not intersexed physically, and/or a hermaphrodite doesn't mean you you are not without gender issues nor that you are not intersexed.
Posted by: Cindi Wyler | September 10, 2009 at 07:25 PM
heheheh i aint sayin shit! but i am rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off!
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | September 11, 2009 at 12:50 AM
Thank you for bringing that point up Cyndi, I believe you're referring to gender identity and the condition of gender identity dysmorphia. Our gender identity combined with our gender role and our anatomical sex are three elements which combine to create an overall "gender".
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 11, 2009 at 11:48 AM
@ Senban i did not mention transexual but as i know someone who is and felt they were a women in a mans body i know a little of this but unlike some i dont profess to no it all.
They have chosen gender reasignment and will not walk about with breasts and maintain male parts.
My point is that as i said men men women women. If born transgender fine but being part man part women through a deliberate choice of surgery i find distasteful as its not natures hand. Sorry if this bothers you!
I maintain that the person behind this avatar is probably a very nice person and i would not avoid them in sl or rl for that matter.
I didn't think that post 6 which is a fun thing needed a huge essay on my exact thoughts on if a girl wanted to have a cock and so made a short comment. The pics are great, she looks great and quite unique but i think i said something to that effect but you chose to ignore it.
Posted by: Carmen | September 11, 2009 at 05:59 PM
The best thing about this week's Post 6 is that Scylla doesn't bother anyone with her 'I wanna be a feminist when I am big and save this girl' comments.
And that is indeed a beautiful pixel face!
Posted by: Bunny Brickworks | September 11, 2009 at 10:06 PM
I think this postgirl looks alot like Kim Katrell, famous actress.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | September 12, 2009 at 03:30 AM
See for yourself:
That's Kim from her classic role in Big Trouble in Little China. Striking resemblance to this postgirl.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | September 12, 2009 at 03:33 AM
I think you've tried to give me something in SL but due to PC issues right now I can't log in to accept so you'll have to excuse me if I appear to be ignoring you. You can find an email address on the link to my blog if you're trying to get hold of me for some reason. If it's not you then please ignore this message :)
Posted by: Senban Babii | September 12, 2009 at 02:35 PM
I still think this postgirl looks like Kim Katrall, no matter what anyone else says.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | September 12, 2009 at 11:35 PM
Blue blows kiss from Hathian - great pics, Sigs!
Posted by: Blue | October 09, 2009 at 03:49 AM