Hi. My name is Bob Boothroyd and I'm a Second Life avatar. In real life I'm a typing dog named Cletus. I think Second Life is awesome because I get to express myself however I want. Whether in real life I'm rich, poor, black, white, greenish-blue or, as in my case, a typing dog, I can live the effing American Dream, or the French dream, or the proverbial wet dream. I think that's pretty frickin cool.
Which is why it bums me out that people are so negative here. It's like the internet has become a place to be bitter and stir up drama. As I'm sure you understand, my internet access is pretty limited because I'm a typing dog, so it's always a mystery to me why humans- blessed as they are with cars and opposable thumbs, would waste their time with tearing down other people instead of building something good for themselves.
Yeah yeah I know, humans generally live longer so you have more time, but playing a human in Second Life is the shit. Must be fun in RL too. I think if more humans played humans in Second Life, it would be a much better place. I don't mean the furries, they're usually pretty decent humans.
IRL I'm a mixed breed, mostly terrier. I have a nice home and a nice life. I wish keyboard keys were a little bigger and yes, we do lick them that much just because we can.
In SL I mostly practice building and messing with textures. I read a lot of the blogs on my iPhone and follow the story lines with amazement. As a house pet, I understand how a digital life can offer needed escape from a less than optimal life, but I can't understand a life dedicated to mean. Of course "mean" tends to end far worse with dogs than with humans, so it might just be that I'm extra sensitive.
I'm afraid this is coming off as preachy- my great grandfather was a collie and they tend toward preachy- I just figured that since I had to write about something, I could take a position for being nicer. You're all busy looking at my humongous e-wiener anyhow. Thanks to Timothy for accepting me in the ranks of Post 6 and for the awesome pictures.
And look, when you throw scraps, make sure it's something that's good for us, k?
e-weiner?? hahaha Throw that dog a mean bone.
Posted by: Bootsy | October 20, 2009 at 10:04 AM
a positive spin for a change
now don your hardhat for the shite from above.........
Posted by: Prof. Archie Lukas | October 20, 2009 at 11:30 AM
I think that not many will like your pictures and even less like the bio but only because they love to dislike. Myself i think you look very nice and seem very nice too but then i am a big dog lover!
Posted by: Carmen | October 20, 2009 at 01:35 PM
nice doggie!
Posted by: marilyn murphy | October 20, 2009 at 06:15 PM
Nice avvie. Good proportions, nice skin, well done all around.
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | October 20, 2009 at 07:51 PM
I'd say you're my favorite Post 6 so far.
Posted by: Rawst Berry | October 20, 2009 at 09:14 PM
Woof woof!
Posted by: Obvious Schism | October 21, 2009 at 05:36 AM
Wow I want a piece of that meat you have going on there. :D
Posted by: Miss Jay | October 21, 2009 at 09:22 AM