[I met Talkin Back one day while club hopping, asked her if she'd like to be a Post 6 Grrrrl,
and we clicked so well she's been a great friend since. She is as
talented as she is beautiful and it's a privilege to present her again.
~Timothy Morpork]
Well, here I am again:) I'm happy to be part of the 12 days of Post 6 and lucky to have Timothy taking the pictures.
I really enjoy the holidays, and it's great to see the creative decorating going on all over the place. An added bonus is seeing a few more snow sims and different environments. I love the beach, but we do have a lot of them in sl haha.It's been a great year in my virtual world, had lots of fun, made new friends and spent time with old ones. I keep discovering new places and just when you think you've seen everything in here...you always find something surprising.
My New Year's Resolution is going to have to be reducing my inventory though :) I appear to have built a lot of stuff and well...supported quite a few other creators with my shopping habits lol.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year and that 2010 brings more new and interesting things to the grid.
Lovely face. What's up in the third photo? Assuming that's the same skin, something happened to make the shading on the skin look cheap. Look at the light color areas on her legs. Is that some photoshop processing reacting badly with a slightly greasy skin?
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | December 18, 2009 at 09:34 PM
Cute as a button!
Posted by: Skye Donardson | December 19, 2009 at 08:48 AM
Very hot!
Posted by: Inniatzo | December 19, 2009 at 04:29 PM
omg sexy baby wow thats fab we need to meet up hun! love all the pics
Posted by: Blossom Ixito | December 22, 2009 at 03:28 PM