[First up is Jenna Papp, a Post 6 Model for Justine Babii in February 2008. ( http://foo.secondlifeherald.com/slh/2008/02/jenna-papp-post.html ). Jenna is a delight to work with and even more of a delight to chat with. I was completely charmed by Ms. Jenna and am pleased to present her as the first model in our 12 Days of Post Six-mus. -Timothy Morpork]
Hi Everyone,
It's nice to be back here in the Second Life Herald. I can't believe that almost two years have gone by since the last time I was here. I want to thank Timothy for inviting me, Christmas is a favorite time of year and in looking for outfits and places to pose, I got to see a lot of great places I wouldn't have otherwise. It's always fun to get bundled up and go to winter sims, something about the look of falling snow touches me.
That there are seasons in Second Life is one of my favorite parts. I bundle my non feeling avatar against cold at "cold" sims and strip to a bikini at the beach. That I can go to a beach, then a mountaintop, then the Starship Enterprise, all with a few clicks, is great all by itself, but to go to sims decked out for Christmas at Christmastime and Halloween at Halloween is truly the best, because I would love to be able to trick out my real life home as easily as I can my SL home. Obviously that won't happen anytime soon, but wouldn't it be great if we could click things and they're put away! For now I'll just settle for the tacky holiday celebrations here in the virtual world.
I am still mostly just a social player of SL, I don't build or anything, I just like to meet people and socialize. I spend a fair amoun of time organizing functions for a group I started a few years ago called Milf Hookup, though not as much time as I'd like. I've met some wonderful people through this group and am thankful for it. We have dances and parties every once in a while, it's a great way to meet people without leaving the house!
I have been an off again on again reader of here since I posed. I hope you'll treat me kindly as I'm not as thick skinned as I would like. It was an honor to pose here for you, thanks again to Justine, and now thanks to Timothy for the beautiful pictures. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you all!
The dead stare in the third pic scares me shitless. And so does the shadow on her breasts which makes her look like she needs a wax really bad.
Sorry Jenna, that's no criticism in your direction. But if that's a facelight causing the shadows, you deserve to be banned for a day or two.
Posted by: Takuya Kawashima | December 14, 2009 at 09:43 PM
I wonder if anyone remembers that the 12 Days of Christmas START with Christmas Day and end on January 6th? It seems every reference I see to the '12 days' refers to them as the 12 days prior to Dec 25th.
Posted by: JustMe | December 14, 2009 at 10:09 PM
My comments this time are more about the photography and article than the avvie.
That first photo is more of a photo of the tree than the avvie.
The last photo, her eyes look odd. Looking at the camera is great, but she's got a kind of strange stare in that photo.
Final comment, run spell check on the text, PLEASE.
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | December 14, 2009 at 10:16 PM
the carpet doesn't match the drapes.
Posted by: Noirran | December 15, 2009 at 01:21 AM
You have no idea how the ill fitting hat and mismatched bracelets distracted me from my normal rage against salacious content here.
Even amid such obscenity, one must uphold sartorial standards. Hire a designer, Herald! Your taste is dubious!
Posted by: Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro, Second Life League of Decency | December 15, 2009 at 08:18 AM
LOL @ Takuya's comment. I agree face light's suck for pictures and are completely unnecessary since there is neat thing called lighting,can be found under your sky preferences, yes choosing different ones will give you different lighting affects or hell you can just move the sun or moon around yourself and you can get an even amount of light across the body, or you could just do that in photoshop.
Lol @ Noirran, yes someone forgot the 2nd bleaching job.
Finally, I am really wondering what is the pleasure for these girls to pose nude. What is there to gain, continuing to get beat up with insults and criticism every week. Shame, this one has a cute face too, I just imagine this Timothy as a dirty old man sitting in a basement somewhere, seeing how many avatars he can con out of their clothes each week cause he can't accomplish that in real life. Kind of creepy to me, just saying.
Posted by: janellem capalini | December 15, 2009 at 08:22 AM
I *really* like the lingerie in the second photo...
Posted by: Skye D. | December 15, 2009 at 03:12 PM
lol keep workim om it timmy lmao. u'll get it right one day
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | December 15, 2009 at 11:46 PM
Facelights are a big nono I agree, because of the shadows they cast over the rest of the body while the face and upper torso are well lit. and it just screams attention whore if you use them when not taking pictures. The only time you can get away with using them is portrait photography.
Facelights should be a bannable offence.
To only use the environment lighting sometimes is not enough, any hobbyist photographer can tell you that the (proper) use of artificial lighting makes a world of difference.
Posted by: Natasha S | December 16, 2009 at 08:21 AM
It's nice that Timothy is doing this series so that you all can get your delusions of grandeur and superiority out before they kick you out of the dorms and send you home for the holidays and you go back to being the ungrateful spoiled shits and disappointments to your families that you so clearly are. Good god janellem capalini, what a horrible person you must be in real life. srsly, wtf is wrong with you?
Jenna, ignore these people. Most of them come here week in and week out to make themselves feel better about themselves by putting the models down. Their comments can not be taken seriously because they are douchebags who pick on every model, not actual "artists" who are impartial.
You seem like a nice person and I hope your holidays are the best, and again, those of us who are grown ups are sorry for the mouth breathing self-important loser pricks who are trying to bring you down.
Posted by: Season of Luving | December 16, 2009 at 03:21 PM