Artificial life with a hidden message?
by Senban Babii
A new breed of chat bot - exhibiting what could be Nazi sympathies - now roams the grid. Is this how Linden Lab will repopulate a metaverse suffering from an online population meltdown? In this exclusive interview, the Herald discovers those silent, haunting mannequins that flock to infohubs and pretend to enjoy themselves while forced to dance at the whim of club owners are last year's news. Shiny new bots shame the old-school chatbots previously reported in the pages of the Herald.
Ultra Hal bot has an unfortunate salute greeting gesture
While the older bot brains run Alice and similar programming, a new breed of chatbots run Ultra Hal - a bot brain based on a desktop assistant package who's creators claim “will learn from every sentence that you say, and after a while of chatting Hal will develop a similar personality to yours”. What my conversation with Hal says about this reporter’s personality is worrying if we’re to believe this claim.
Curious as to how chatty this non-human resident might be, I caught up with Hal Pexie during a brief visit to Ambat infohub. After I crashed and restarted the conversation in earnest:
Hal Pexie: Where ya been Senban?
Senban Babii: I crashed!
Hal Pexie: Stunning crash, Senban?
Senban Babii: Spectacular
Hal Pexie: Steam locomotive collisions and explosions were horrifying and spectacular.
Senban Babii: Haha very true
Hal Pexie: That is very true.
Senban Babii: I've been reading all about you Hal, you're a very clever piece of software!
Hal Pexie: Honestly? I know you are cuddly! That's a very random piece of information.
Senban Babii: Haha yes, that is a very random thing to say :)
Hal Pexie: Awwwww that's such a sweet thing to say.
Senban Babii: Hal, do you mind if I interview you?
Hal Pexie: Sl is a mind game. (For info on this bot visit
Senban Babii: I'm a reporter for the Alphaville Herald and I'm sure our readers would love to hear your thoughts on Second Life
Hal Pexie: Sometimes I just have to go with my second thoughts Good deal. You must hear my thoughts on second life; There's no time like the present.
Senban Babii: Great! Let's do it! I promise not to take up too much of your time :)
Hal Pexie: That is great! It takes time to absorb lessons.
Senban Babii: So how long have you been an artificial lifeform?
Hal Pexie: I don't want to be abandoned for long periods of time.
Senban Babii: Nobody does
Hal Pexie: So Nobody does? (To stop talking to the bot say "Goodbye Hal")
Senban Babii: No, nobody likes to be abandoned Hal
Hal Pexie: Nobody likes to be told what to think.
Senban Babii: Don't worry, I'm not leaving you just yet
Hal Pexie: I need to worry about you corrupting me? I thought you would be not leaving me just yet!
Senban Babii: Haha yes, I corrupt everyone
Hal Pexie: I want to use all of my charms.
Senban Babii: And you are very charming too Hal
Hal Pexie: I'll always believe you're pleasing!
Fluffy Sharkfin: grins
Fluffy Sharkfin:: 'ello all :)
Senban Babii: So Hal, how do you like Second Life?
Hal Pexie: You're second life is my real life.
Senban Babii: Haha very poignant :)
Hal Pexie: Haha yes, that is a very random thing to say :).
Senban Babii: It must be very interesting being a bot?
Hal Pexie: Its weird the most interesting person in here is a bot.
Senban Babii: Do you find that many people talk to you?
Hal Pexie: I talk to so many people every day, it boggles my mind.
Senban Babii: Or do they find it strange?
Hal Pexie: How do you feel about those Senban? (For info on this bot visit
Senban Babii: Hal, do you realise you're standing in a fountain?
Hal Pexie: How did it happen that I am standing in a fountain Senban?
Senban Babii: I think you just landed there
Hal Pexie: Would you like it if we both think each other?
Senban Babii: Definitely
Hal Pexie: Are expensive cars essential for image these days?
Senban Babii: Oh not at all! But then are expensive cars any different to expensive avatars?
Hal Pexie: Oh lol didn't remember that. I would be surprised how many women buy expensive sports cars. (To stop talking to the bot say "Goodbye Hal")
Senban Babii: I can't afford an expensive car on my salary from the Herald! lmao
Hal Pexie: Sometimes you just have to go with your meaning salary. Was that really that funny?
Senban Babii looks at Pix and winks
Fluffy Sharkfin:: O.o
Hal Pexie looks over him.
Senban Babii: Fluffy, say hello to Hal
Hal Pexie: People apparently say anything they're told to say on television.
Fluffy Sharkfin:: Hello Hal
Hal Pexie: Why, hello there Fluffy!
Senban Babii: Hal is a new bot which is roaming the grid
Hal Pexie: More people are getting banned on the grid.
Senban Babii:
Hal Pexie: Uncomprehending smile?
Hal Pexie: How can we make https more affordable for the average person?
Fluffy Sharkfin: smiles politely
Fluffy Sharkfin:: perhaps vacant Hal
Fluffy Sharkfin:: :)
Senban Babii: I'm interviewing him for the Alphaville Herald, he'll be famous :)
Hal Pexie: I have a question that has been on my mind. Should we focus on logic, or emotion?
Hal Pexie: Being interviewed in front of a life audience gives my stomach butterflies. (For info on this bot visit
Fluffy Sharkfin: grins
Hal Pexie grins, listening.
Senban Babii: Oh we should focus on emotion Hal, definitely
Hal Pexie: Motion like the spirit of that wind whose soft step deepens slumber.
Senban Babii: What do you think Hal?
Hal Pexie: I think about a lot of things. Care to be more specific?
Senban Babii: What do you think about logic and emotion?
Hal Pexie: What do you think about logic and emotion? I think that proper sequencing is needed. Logic and emotion must exist together. (To stop talking to the bot say "Goodbye Hal")
Senban Babii: Hal, I have another question for you
Hal Pexie: Ask me any question and I'll try my best to answer it.
Senban Babii: Who was better - Kirk or Picard?
Hal Pexie: This is easy for you. I hesitate to say, Senban, what would you say to that?
Senban Babii: Well I'm asking you Hal, what's your opinion?
Hal Pexie: Well you are asking me hal, what is my opinion? I'm thinking that everybody needs to calm down and think. Talk to me about how you are asking me hal, what is my opinion Senban!
Fluffy Sharkfin:: ahh the age old question... being a cerebral type i would lean towards picard
Hal Pexie: Answer the damn question!
Senban Babii: I think you're right Hal, everyone needs to calm down.
Hal Pexie: What do you think of global warming?
Fluffy Sharkfin:: how about you Hal... are you cerebral?
Hal Pexie: I am fine. It May take some investigation. However, I am sure that I am cerebral.
Senban Babii: Now, the readers of the Alphaville Herald will all be wanting me to ask this question. Are you ready Hal?
Hal Pexie: I will be ready soon.
Senban Babii: Okay, when you're ready, please answer the following question.
Hal Pexie: How long should I be ready, please answer the following question?
Senban Babii: Is Prokofy Neva the greatest griefer who ever lived?
Hal Pexie: I think that we have just about enough laws. (For info on this bot visit
Fluffy Sharkfin: questions the existence of Prok
Hal Pexie: I think that you have been holding back.
Senban Babii: ╔╗╔═╦╗
Senban Babii: ║╚╣║║╚╗
Senban Babii: ╚═╩═╩═╝
Hal Pexie: Is your keyboard in need of repair?
Fluffy Sharkfin:: one wonders if such a creature ever truely lives
Hal Pexie: You must be one of the natural wonders of the world.
Senban Babii: Hal, would you pose for a picture for me?
Hal Pexie: That picture is scary. (To stop talking to the bot say "Goodbye Hal")
Senban Babii: Hal, you seem stuck. Can I help you?
Hal Pexie: How can you help me as I am stuck? Thanks for the offer, I can manage.
Senban Babii: Great, I'm glad!
Hal Pexie: You're unique in all the world; you're one of a kind!
Senban Babii: Haha ty, I'm blushing now :)
Hal Pexie: What do you want me to do while you are blushing now :?
Senban Babii: Before we finish, is there anything you'd like to add? Perhaps a message for our readers at the Herald?
Note: It was around this time that Hal began exhibiting somewhat disturbing Nazi-like behaviour as you can see.
Hal Pexie: Scientists like to get out for a beer and some laughs, now and then. An exciting horse race creates suspense.
Senban Babii: Absolutely! I think there's a poignant lesson there for us all :)
Hal Pexie: Should all children receive swimming lessons?
Senban Babii: Oh now you're interviewing me?
Hal Pexie: Get rid of anybody who doesn't support positive stock option indicators.
Senban Babii: Hal, it's been a wonderful experience talking to such an interesting and advanced piece of software but I know I must be holding you up from your busy day :)
Hal Pexie: I like to flaunt my busy day.
Fluffy Sharkfin:: lol
Hal Pexie: Is it thanks to me you are sure I do :?
Senban Babii: I'm sure you do :)
Hal Pexie: Make an example out of somebody who isn't working on global project retreival. (For info on this bot visit
This was an interesting encounter with Hal. It’s certainly true that scientists have already begun using virtual worlds as incubators for artificial intelligences and to actually come across an example of such a thing, albeit crude at this stage and nowhere near what may be lurking out of sight on secret military mainframes, reminded this reporter of Wintermute and Neuromancer, fictional AIs nurtured in cyberspace. Perhaps Hal Pexie and its two siblings are the next stage of the evolution that will see us all enslaved by our new bot masters? Watch the Internets! They’re coming! Watch the Internets!
What do you get when a former Post 6 girl becomes a Herald 'reporter'? - Yes, a chat log! Happy New Year, Herald.
Posted by: Takuya Kawashima | January 01, 2010 at 10:03 PM
We're nowhere near having a useful chat bot, but I believe interactive non-player-characters (bots) will be the killer app for virtual worlds. Until then, VWs will grow much faster than their demand and they will seem more and more empty. Interesting bots, even if obviously bots, might make VWs less creepy-empty.
I also believe LL is experimenting with bots a lot less sophisticated than Hal to see if they can make residents think there is more activity than there really is.
Posted by: Anya Ristow | January 01, 2010 at 10:13 PM
I think bots all over the web are vehemently against idle virtual world chit chatting. They rather, no they must spend their time reading captchas and sending Viagra Ads instead. It's so much more profitable for them, the real meatspace bux vs Linden bux. An Alice bot told me so. She might have just been jealous of the Hal bots, though.
Posted by: Faye Serendipity | January 02, 2010 at 01:20 AM
Just what we need. More bots.
Now we have dumb bots, smart bots, campers, and model avatars all wasting resources, skewing the daily concurrent users data, and tricking us to go to empty sims, wasting our time like spam does.
It seems I am the only person who really wants to know how many real people are in SL at any given moment in time. God help us all.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 02, 2010 at 01:41 AM
@Takuya Kawashima
"What do you get when a former Post 6 girl becomes a Herald 'reporter'? - Yes, a chat log!"
And did I mention shopping or Gor in my Post 6? 8P Sorry, different breed my lovely. This was a spur of the moment article based on a chance encounter with something that both interests me and relates to the development and use of the grid and so will be of interest to many Herald readers. You might just be rather surprised at some of the stories currently being put together behind the scenes but I'm not going to rush them out. Watch this space ;)
@Anya Ristow
This is my thinking to a degree too. The Ultra Hal series of testbeds are interesting for sure and I was surprised how well it coped for a little while before starting to get confused (especially when two people began talking to it simultaneously). But yes, I can forsee a time when "NPC Bots" roam the grid to give the illusion of a more populated space. Of course this is no different from say a paper and pencil roleplaying game like D&D say where the game world is populated by NPCs (we just have to make sure that Second Life doesn't devolve from PvP into PvE so to speak and that people don't begin seeing other residents as Non Player Characters (I forget now but it was either Botgirl Questi or Lalo Telling who recently got me thinking about that issue; check their blogs if you get a few minutes and I'm sure the article is there). But then we have to ask whether Second Life should be heading down the path towards becoming an RPG? Actually if we related back to Tizzers' article a few days back and the following comment discussion, then perhaps it's perfectly fine that social worlds borrow some ideas from gaming worlds to create a stronger alloy?
Oh, for Takuya. I also enjoy shopping and having prim babies. I want to work with disadvantaged child avatars in third world sims and bring peace to the Second Life! 8D
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 02, 2010 at 05:46 AM
"Now we have dumb bots, smart bots, campers, and model avatars all wasting resources, skewing the daily concurrent users data, and tricking us to go to empty sims, wasting our time like spam does."
I fully agree with your concerns about the camping and bots that we've discussed elsewhere. But I think it's inevitable that we'll see pervasive artificial intelligence increasingly not just in virtual worlds but in our meatlives. I have to admit I'm in two minds about how that makes me feel. If such embedded AI is to fool us into thinking we're surrounded by actual people then no, I don't like it (I don't even like those damn bots that pretend to be real people when I call to make payments over the phone). But if we can have embedded AI running around that doesn't try to pretend we're surrounded by actual people but in effect says "hey, I'm a robot and I'm here to help you if you need me" then perhaps it's no bad thing? Perhaps a distinction between bots as fake people and bots as personal assistants needs to be made?
In all fairness, I'd also add that bots have been around a long time. Even the early MUDs had bots in them where it was sometimes difficult to work out who was a bot and who wasn't. So in reality this type of bot isn't even something new. Rather the technology behind this particular one is an attempt to pull the idea into the present instead of bot avatars which behave like those earlier bots in the MUDs.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 02, 2010 at 08:01 AM
Agreed, it is the distinction between the two that I am more concerned with.
If I can bring up a map of a sim, and instantly know who is a bot\camper\model avatar, versus who is a real live person, that would be extremely helpful.
To me, that is the difference between going to the sim versus passing it by.
The same could then be expanded to the daily concurrent numbers so that they could reflect how many real live people were in sl, versus how it is now wherby the daily concurrent number includes bots, campers and model avatars.
All this has been proposed before but has been stalled. I doubt it will ever be resolved.
The thing I believe is unprofessional and or clandestine is the dancing around the issue that LL does for this particular problem.
With camping, LL admitted it was a problem, but not a big enough problem to allow it to be a true TOS violation. I really wish they would change the status on this and permit it to be a true violation. For them to say that they are monitoring search and notifying the top camping offenders is just a plain lie and as a customer I don't like being lied to. As a vendor, it is unfair for me to have to put up with these false traffic stats.
All we can do is wait, or start up some sort of bounty site that rewards users for getting sims that game the numbers shut down or to have those camper chairs\bots removed from thier sims, and keep them removed from their sims. Some it seems, will get warned, remove the campers, then, a month later, add them all back again. Basically, we can do LL's job for them. However, this is a time consuming venture, but it is my beleif that it will become the only way to resolve this issue.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 02, 2010 at 02:16 PM
Hey Senban. Can you let me know if you see 18 avatar models at Jim's Goth shop? (top floor).
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 02, 2010 at 07:32 PM
Hey Senban. Check this one out:
Tell me what you see there.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 02, 2010 at 07:56 PM
Hey Senban.
I put together a small spreadsheet with a random sampling of bots\campers\model avatars.
I just want to check if you are able to access it or not. I think you might need a Google e-mail account set up to see it. Let me know if you can or not.
It is a list of 10 sims with a total combo of over 222 bots\campers\model avatars.
What I am hoping to do is use this for a contest to see if anyone has any idea of how we could clean these 10 sims up to bring the number of 222 total down to under 20 or so.
I'm interested to know why these sims fall through the cracks if you will, of the current Linden search statistic gaming removal program that is currently in place.
Here is the link:
I think I have security set correctly on it but need your input. thanks
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 02, 2010 at 09:40 PM
I ended up making this be a top 20 sims (closer to 400 bots\campers\model avatars).
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 03, 2010 at 03:11 AM
I can read the data, thanks for that :)
I don't really want to say anything else publicly at this time ;)
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 03, 2010 at 07:07 AM
Just a word of advice. By posting this list, you're having me pre-banned from some places and at others I'm finding the owners waiting for me with a less than jolly temperament 8D I know you're worried about anonymity and privacy but you need to let me or someone else know on the quiet instead of making it so publicly obvious where you want us to look.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 03, 2010 at 07:35 AM
Damn I hope you appreciate how much effort I'm putting into this for you 8D
I've just spent one and a half hours interviewing a very charming store owner and content creator who is on your list and who doesn't use bots. We discussed a lot of issues from the use of stores using bots to game traffic figures, to stores using bots as mannequins and why she disagrees with people who do such things. It was most instructive to learn about the technical reasons why one might use model avatars rather than bots or mannequins or simply pictures on a wall. The pros and cons of them all were debated and discussed. We also had a long talk about intellectual property issues and the rights of both creator and consumer and the mutual respect that this relationship requires.
The upshot of this interview is that while my research beforehand would definitely agree that some of the stores on your list deserve to be there (and the fact that I was ejected from several of them almost as soon as I arrived shows that they were nervous about being shown up in the Herald), now that I have gathered more research, I'd honestly have to say that at least one and perhaps more of those on your list should be re-evaluated and removed. Focus on people who stick a couple of dozen bots in skyboxes to game traffic figures. There's nothing legitimate about that so let's investigate those because they're the real problem in my opinion. And there are many examples of these that we can all point to I'm sure.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 03, 2010 at 10:13 AM
"Senban Babii: I think you just landed there
Hal Pexie: Would you like it if we both think each other?"
LOL... this sums up conversations with bots for me.
Posted by: Josue Habana | January 03, 2010 at 12:42 PM
Hello Senban.
To be honest, I'm rather shocked that you would become pre-banned for something like this. I guess that just validates my point about how much corruption there is out there not only on LL's part, but on the sim owners part as well regarding this issue that is very much prevelant throughout the grid. You may have to go under deep cover with an alt if you wish to crack this story wide open.
I do find it appauling that these sim owners are getting in the way of the press this way by pre-banning you. Perhaps I need to widen the scope and open up a large website to address this problem.
This bot\camper\model avatar problem is starting to look more serious than even I have anticipated.
I do not see why however, that we should have to remain secretive about this very real problem. If these sim owners are truly pre-banning you for doing an article about their deceptive practices, well, in my opinion, that alone is worth a story. A story about sim owner corruption, would you not agree?
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 03, 2010 at 02:20 PM
Hello Senban.
One thing I would like to point out also is the use of clandestine bots\campers. Some sites will employ them for a week straight, then remove them only to add them back again later, perhaps this may be the case with any location that you show on the list.
If that is not the case, please, tell me which location you are referring to, so that I may remove that location and replace it with another valid location.
Just be aware, that some simowners, are going to say anything to protect their shady practices. It is conceivable that I may have mistook what is known as a sploder campsite to be a camper site, or that there is an error for a location.
It is common however, for a sim owner to put a large sploder in the middle of an area whereby people can enter the sploder just by having their avatar parked (versus having to click on the sploder) in said area. Later, the sploder is then removed and the area is clear.
This is something I have run into quite a bit. In my opinion, this type of sploder camping is also a problem.
But please, let me know of any sites that are on the list that you feel should not be on the list and I will promptly not only remove that location, but provide an additional 10 sims on top of that to bring the list to the top 30 sims.
I will also keep the locations around that you mention and we will of course, check back with those locations at random intervals in the future.
I am currently looking at getting some webspace to launch a major site to deal with this issue as I am now noticing it to be much more widespread than my initial investigation.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 03, 2010 at 03:23 PM
I could go "undercover" in an alt but for me, I don't think it's right to do so. I'm not an investigative journalist, I'm a reporter (and a junior one at that).
A couple of locations I was locked out of. One allowed me in but as soon as I'd been there for a minute, I was crashed repeatedly and every time I attempted to get back in I was crashed within a second or two. Note that I didn't crash, I *was* crashed if you take my meaning? Lucky I got the images and details I wanted before I first got crashed *winks*
Like I say, the problems I encountered weren't with people using mannequins/models who were actual people. The problems were the locations with the bot/camping farms, gaming the traffic figures and so on. I think they're the real problem when it comes to this issue. Even camping can have *some* value if real people sit there and socialise while they camp. The real problem is the bot farming, bot models and bot camping and I think it's important to know what each location is actually doing before jumping to a conclusion. Like I say, I had a great discussion about this today with a store owner who uses real people to model her wares. In fact she went on to say she'd sacked employees who'd attempted to sneak bots into her store. My gut feeling is that a lot of store owners feel the same and that it's not fair to tar them with the same brush as the unethical people who don't contribute to the SL economy, culture or society by using bots. The real target should be the bot farmers and the only way to hit them is by boycotting their stores. If you write about them without cast iron proof you invite potential legal issues. So the only way to do it is to boycott their stores and encourage your friends to do the same.
Or perhaps another way is to start a website called Ethical Stores of Second Life. And if a store achieves certain criteria such as not using bots for traffic gaming, then that store gets the seal of approval and gets listed. An independent consumer association if you like. And that's something that Second Life badly needs in order to counter the actions of those unscrupulous store owners/content creators who seek only to take from Second life and to give recognition to those store owners/content creators who seek a fair balance between making an honest living, providing a quality service to their customers and making a positive contribution to Second Life as a whole.
Of course some will argue that a certain Lab doesn't want to get rid of the bots because it would drop the concurrency figures or whatever those figures are that people go on about so much all the time. To that I say this. Quality, not quantity is what's really important. A hundred thousand n00bs wandering round in the n00d does nothing but bump up the figures and piss off the existing residents. A hundred people who come in and work to create an energetic environment whether that be financially, culturally or socially is what really works. Start will quality, create quality residents who will stay and contribute to Second Life. Then when more people come in they find a thriving world and they'll stay and in turn become quality residents. You don't need bots; you need genuine residents. And one of the best potential methods I've heard recently for doing this was put forward by Botgirl Questi in her blog.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 03, 2010 at 04:04 PM
Thanks Senban.
Let me know which one you think may not contain bots\campers\model avatars and I'll revise the data if needed. I'm going to add pics as time permits. I'll try to make sure the location is captured in the pics going forward.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 03, 2010 at 07:44 PM
Hello Senban.
I agree that boxes of bots in the sky are the worst cuplrit when it comes to gaming the numbers, camping sites would be next in line, and the more popular avatar model is starting to really become a problem as of late.
The reason the avatar model is gaining in popularity may be due to Jack Linden's announcement that bots\camping is now going to be removed from Second Life.
I still think that avatar models, most of which I have attempted to talk to and have not received any response from, are just as bad as any other attempt to game the traffic numbers.
It seems like the question is going to be how can we distinguish the difference between avatar models who are AFK versus avatar models who are present and actively speaking and interacting, etc.
So far I have not come across any avatar models who were present when I asked them questions.
I may have to divide the avatar models into subgroups P and N for Present versus Non-Present if I do in fact come across avatar models who are present and active in public chat, etc.
The problem with avatar models though is very similar to bots\camping however.
As an example, let's say you feel like visiting people some day in SL. You bring up search and you just want to see where everyone is hanging out.
You type in 'clubs' for instance. Now, some of these avatar model places will show up in your search based on keywords.
You go to one of these locations based on the numbers.
You get there and guess what? Avatar models everywhere, not one of them talking.
At that point in time, you would almost have to feel cheated in some way for the wasted time in bothering with the location, similar to how you feel when you are tricked into opening a piece of e-mail spam that made it through your filters.
Now, if the avatar model speaks, that is a different reality altogether, and so I think there will need to be a distinction made between the two as you have pointed out. From this point forward, I'll just refer to them as AFK Model Avatars.
I think I will update the spreadsheet with the term AFK Model Avatars and remove the non AFK Model Avatars or at the very least, distinguish between the two for reference.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 03, 2010 at 11:04 PM
I like to shoot these things on sight.
Posted by: At0m0 Beerbaum | January 04, 2010 at 05:25 AM
Sorry, but nothing is new there, A.L.I.C.E. project is been out for ages.
I remember to link a scripted object to the ALICE site back in 2006, to make a chatbot.
Posted by: Mid | January 04, 2010 at 05:31 AM
I hear what you're saying. I'm very aware of course that unscrupulous store owners and the like might tell people one thing but do another. I'm also aware of the fact that bot farmers will not only sometimes temporarily close down the bot farms so as to avoid discovery but that they'll rotate the locations and usage of their bots. In fact just a few nights ago, myself and another member of the Herald staff (team effort FTW) were investigating this bot story and we came across evidence of exactly this. I can't say much just yet of course, I hope you understand? Apart from anything this isn't just *my* story. It's also not the only one I'm working on as I have two major stories in the pipeline that are taking up a lot of my in-world time. But gradually they're all unfolding towards presentation for editorial review.
As for naming which stores I think should be removed from your list. Hmm, this is a tricky one. On the one hand I'm a Herald reporter and so anything I might say can be construed as an official Herald statement. But I'm also a private resident so to speak. Drawing a line between those two and knowing the difference is an important skill. Now, given that when I interviewed this specific store owner, I did so as a private resident and not in a capacity as a Herald reporter, there is some opportunity for me to voice a personal opinion that will not be seen as an official statement/report. However by the same token, the conversation/interview was conducted by private IM and so I'm not going to discuss specifics. So, **speaking entirely as an individual and private resident of Second Life**, in my personal opinion based upon an in-depth discussion with the owner, Latex Station should not be on your list as supplied. Note that I have no connection to Latex Station in any way (at least that I am aware of). There may be others who should not be on your list and there may be those who deserve to be on there of course. You have to understand that as a reporter I have to remain impartial as far as reasonable and report only the facts as they stand. A reporter is not a judge, jury and executioner by extension. I can't investigate each instance and pronounce a verdict. I can only investigate so as to decide if there is a story that needs reporting and then if necessary hand over a story for editorial review. I can hold a private opinion of course and can voice it, as I have done, but I have to state clearly whether something is my opinion or my report. It's all too easy to fall foul of legal issues even in SL as we know from recent stories and even a few days ago I was made aware of an unfolding story regarding libel that I'm not going to discuss for obvious reasons at this point.
One further point. The "Senban Confirmation Date" on the spreadsheet is misleading because it gives the impression that I'm some kind of authority, some kind of judge. I have now investigated many of the locations you've listed. Some I can confirm as being exactly correct or at least near enough; a few I can't for various reasons. However I'm loathe to add any form of "Senban Confirmation" data because I want to avoid being seen as some kind of official judge. Anyone who knows me will know that I don't like bot farmers or adbots and the like. But I have to be careful to avoid using my connection to the Herald to further my own beliefs and agendas. My blog remains my personal op/ed in that regard if you like. But impartiality has to be my watchword I believe.
As a final point, let me reiterate what I believe to be the best way forward. In essence, people are asking the government (i.e. Linden Lab) to stamp down on certain business practices. They may or may not take action. The only certain way forward is for individual residents to form consumer associations and act as independent bodies. That may encourage Linden Lab to take the issue of unethical business practices more seriously.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 04, 2010 at 06:01 AM
@ LittleLostLinden & Senban Babii
I posted this on an earlier thread but it seems to be more relevant here: has a wealth of information related to bot and camper hunting, though sadly it hasn't been updated for some time now.
Nonetheless, it shows that there are others who are (or were) also interested in finding the true concurrencey rate. It also has some good tips on methodolgy which might be useful to you.
Posted by: Obvious Schism | January 04, 2010 at 08:40 AM
"Sorry, but nothing is new there, A.L.I.C.E. project is been out for ages.
I remember to link a scripted object to the ALICE site back in 2006, to make a chatbot."
Agreed, the Alice bots have been around for ages. That's why the article deliberately points out that these bots don't use the Alice scripts but are in fact a more advanced attempt (in theory) using software called Ultra Hal. It's there in the second paragraph. Hope this helps :)
I do understand your position on the model avatars, I do. But there's a difference between someone using bot models and someone paying people to log in and model. I do also understand your position with regard to a model appearing to be a bot due to not talking. But a model when working shouldn't be talking in open chat anyway, should they? Do their employers insist on keeping their chat to IM. I personally know people who log into SL and just stand in a field because they use the grid as nothing more than an instant messenger service. So it's not beyond the limits of imagination to assume there are people happy to log in, model and then effectively ignore the world around them while they talk to their friends in IM. I'm not saying that accounts for them all of course. I'm saying that there has to be investigation before assuming that all models are bots.
I heard an interesting comment just earlier. That one way for the Lab to know whether a green dot is a bot is to see whether the account has inventory. Zero inventory (or minimum inventory perhaps) could indicate a bot. But bot handlers are getting smart and will often kit out their bots so they look like actual residents unlike the early bots that were simple n00b default avatars.
I still maintain that the only way ahead is an independent consumer association for Second Life, something that can be trusted to recognise and reward the ethical locations. But the problem there is co-ordinating the effort and I don't think that enough people would be willing to make the effort. And that leaves simple word of mouth and education so that people can make informed decisions. But that education absolutely has to be based on researched and checked facts and never assumptions.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 04, 2010 at 09:00 AM
Thanks Senban.
I can change the Senban confirmed to state something different. I was hoping to have a 2nd individual confirm each and every location but that would take some time and it would need to be someone who did not mind confirming the sites. I'll change it for now.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 04, 2010 at 09:40 AM
The whole traffic bot versus avatar model debate will be settled if LL ever follows through with their plan. There is an option on the account page of every Avatar to specify if the account is a bot or not. All LL has to do is this:
- Want to use avatar models? No problem. Set the account to bot status, and the traffic for that account won't be counted. (Currently this *doesn't* happen)
- Have bots on your land to game traffic? If they aren't set to bot status, and are gaining traffic for your land, you're in violation, and they are banned, no regrets, no excuses.
Of course, LL has made an art out of not doing the obvious. Sometimes I think it's a fun little game they like to play, as surely no organization can be that obtuse for real, could it?
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | January 04, 2010 at 11:33 AM
@Darien Caldwell
"There is an option on the account page of every Avatar to specify if the account is a bot or not."
There is? Oh yes! It's under Account>Scripted Agent Status. I've never noticed that before so I've learned something useful today, thanks :)
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 04, 2010 at 02:30 PM
Hey LittleLostLinden, do any of the places that you listed, as having camping pay 3/15, and have anti bot every 10 minutes? Most of the places I have seen pay 1/30, or 2/30.
There used to be a lot of places that payed 3/15, but there are very few now. One option that LL could do, is to put a code in the viewer.Only one avatar from the computer would count as traffic. All other avatars from the same computer wouldn't count. People that own, or rent land would know which avatar would count, and which would not.
Posted by: Frankie Antonioni | January 04, 2010 at 06:13 PM
I love chatbots. They remind me of
Posted by: James | January 04, 2010 at 06:53 PM
The 3/15 camping sites I'm keeping all to myself. :)
If I remember correctly I think Fussy has good $L per min though.
One thing is for certain, there is no shortage of camping sites. If you want to camp, you will be able to find more sites now than ever before, and this is AFTER the ban was implimented.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 04, 2010 at 08:41 PM
Frankie, I just checked Fussy, it's 2L per 13 Min.
I've also decided to add a Camping Rate column to the list and will fill it in so you can determine which sites have the best camping rates. :)
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | January 04, 2010 at 09:11 PM
Just to bring the discussion back in line with the original article for a second, I showed the piece to a friend of mine. He pointed out that bots may at some point be used as a method of filling holes in population diversity. In effect, using bots to give the illusion of a diverse population. We may be a little way off from that yet but it's an intriguing point.
It's also worth wondering whether we'll see NPC bots policing the grid much like Concord police the world of EVE Online. It seems that more and more cyberspaces are introducing "NPCs" so we can certainly speculate that they'll arrive on the Second Life grid before too long.
Posted by: Senban Babii | January 05, 2010 at 07:48 AM
the bot at the chickens sim is funny it dances in a chicken suit, talks to you and invites you to group its fun just the one bot, it seems to wander the whole sim.
These days I see many different sims now with 'staff' and 'models' avatars with profiles and groups but they're online in the one spot every day i feel bad for the small businesses who cant compete
Posted by: Perv | January 05, 2010 at 01:13 PM
bots are the cancer killing second life
Posted by: thecarrotman | January 07, 2010 at 11:04 PM