by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
The Herald continues our 2009 Avatar of the Year award ceremonies by naming the avatars that had the second greatest impact - for better or worse - on the metaverse: the Emerald Viewer development team.
giving Second Life players exactly what they want in a viewer -
Bewbies from Toxic Menges on Vimeo.
While Linden Lab appeared to spend 2009 ignoring the current client while preparing for this week's beta release of the Second Life 2.0 viewer, the Emerald developers' player-oriented feature set shook the foundations of the virtual world with vital virtual world advances such as avatar boob bounce breast physics, private encrypted "off-the-record" IM, and a host of other popular features that the Lab did not see fit to incorporate into the official Linden client.
Despite concerns voiced in some quarters about the reputation of certain Emerald developers, and the possibility that clients derived from the Emerald codebase could be used to create copybot clients, the Herald noted widespread adoption of the Emerald viewer - particularly among experienced players.
Will Emerald's popularity continue in 2010?
Linden Lab's not-yet-ready-for-prime-time SL 2.0 client is now in public beta, but early reviews are mixed. While the Lab clearly hopes to regain control of the user experience from the Emerald team, the ultimate outcome of the viewer popularity contest is unclear. However, in 2009 the Emerald team raised the bar on defining the player experience, leading the Herald to award the entire Emerald team second place in the avatar of the year awards.
Emerald Developers:
Chalice Yao
Chris Tuchs
Danny Nolan
Discrete Dreamscape
Draconis Neurocam
Fractured Crystal
GreenLife Emerald
Hyang Zhao
Jessica Lyon
Kitty Barnett
Lonely Bluebird (Phox)
LordGregGreg Back
Luminous Luminos
Moy Loon
Sam Darrow
Skills Hak
WoLf Loonie
Zwagoth Klaar
theGenius Indigo
Zwagoth Klaar
Discrete Dreamscape
Hyang Zhao
LordGregGreg Back
Fractured Crystal mostly known as 'jcool410 wildcat' and 'alias', original creator of vLife viewer, which had lots of hacks on it, such as copying content and crashing avatars, owner of Emerald Point.
Lonely Bluebird mostly known as PattehPh0x on the original avatar which is now banned... developer of Onyx viewer, features unknown.. resident in Canada, and a MMORPG game scammer, type on google "PattehPh0x"
Pro, inoright.
Posted by: SmartSomeone | February 26, 2010 at 09:42 AM
I've heard people complain about the new SL viewer released by Linden Labs. I just talked to a buddy in fact who told me it was pure crap.
[8:31] Memory Core: o hai
[8:31] Memory Core: i didn't see you through ALL THE FUCKING SLVIEWER2 CHROME
[8:32] Gaara Sandalwood: lolwut
[8:32] Memory Core: i'm on the new SL viewer
[8:32] Gaara Sandalwood: SL Viewer Chrome?
[8:32] Gaara Sandalwood: Oh
[8:32] Gaara Sandalwood: :p
[8:32] Memory Core: it is a mess of toolbars which obscure the view
Lately I've fancied the idea of expirementing with a couple of third party viewers, but for now I'm staying on Emerald. It's better than the old previous SL viewer and according to what I've been hearing much better than the new SL viewer.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 26, 2010 at 12:23 PM
"While Linden Lab appeared to spend 2009 ignoring the current client while preparing for this week's beta release of the Second Life 2.0 viewer"
... yeah, because 2 years of work to improve the Second Life browser is "ignoring".
Stop smoking crack.
Posted by: Seriously? | February 26, 2010 at 12:50 PM
With the preview of the new SL 2.0 viewer, I will be using second party viewrs now as long as they do not become like this new viewer.
Problems with the new 2.0, to much screen clutter, loss of easy to find controls.
Posted by: Bonnie | February 26, 2010 at 01:14 PM
SLV2 brought to you by a company from identity theft and hacker central. Pay no mind to the trojan alerts on install. Of course you can trust Linden Lab since they didn't even fucking write the shit.
People are stupid. The best programmers are all lazy "hackers" because they don't like having to do stupid shit over and over and prefer shit works the first time and have no desire much less time for taking long draws on rich white dicks.
Your computer is hacked. You just don't know it yet.
Posted by: All Seeing Eye | February 26, 2010 at 01:28 PM
most of the emerald team are stuck up ass holes, that being said their work is great. lonley bluebird, LGG, and moy are pretty cool though. All of them are generally friendly and helpful and have anwsered my questions about viewer code in that past and have proven to be very helpful people. Jcool is a ok guy as well, so he made v life it was a good client and not everyone used it for the griefing functions, but yeah the griefing functions were great. And Challice is probably the smartest one of the entire team. that being said the rest are stuck up smug duchebags who think they are leet because they can make magical hax viewers for shitconlyfe.
Posted by: Anonymous | February 26, 2010 at 02:08 PM
Thanks, Anonymous user, for your lovely depiction of people you don't even know anything about =)
Posted by: WoLf Loonie | February 26, 2010 at 02:39 PM
"Important Windows Note:
Symantec Norton Antivirus may register a false positive when scanning some of the executable files after installing Second Life on Windows machines. This is a known Norton Antivirus issue which has, in recent days, incorrectly reported the false-positive "Suspicious.Insight" more than 40,000 times against executables submitted to VirusTotal for virus scanning. These executables have originated from thousands of companies. The scanning error has been reported to Symantec, who will need to release an update to Norton utilities to resolve the incorrect reporting."
HAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHHAH (i'm a dumbass and installed that shit too and now am planning a hard drive wipe. It is time anyway)
Posted by: All Seeing Eye | February 26, 2010 at 03:47 PM
I'm glad to see that anonymous has smoken, er, spoken.
Posted by: Zwagoth Klaar | February 26, 2010 at 04:58 PM
"yeah, because 2 years of work to improve the Second Life browser is "ignoring". "
Them Lindens am ignorin' the best stuff!
Without them jigglin' cha-cha bingos, ain't no improverments!
To hell with SL2. Bring on that-there bouncy-bouncy!
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | February 26, 2010 at 05:05 PM
@pappy: Tits or it didn't happen.
Posted by: lol | February 26, 2010 at 09:17 PM
The spell check and the built-in translator are the greatest achievements of the emerald team. They're in the most recent release of it, which came out the other day. If LL doesn't implement these features in the full release viewer it's because of pure politics, not out of concern for their customers.
If there was an SL Nobel peace prize I'd nominate the Emerald team for the translator alone. It might not be perfect, but it uses Google to translate, which I'm finding is not as bad as it used to be. Now I can go to sims where I don't speak the native language and easily communicate with everybody. That opens up a lot of the grid for exploration that was previously closed off to me. I hope foreigners have more to say than English speakers. Guess I'll find out soon enough. I always wondered what all those Japanese people were saying at the live jazz concerts. :)
Posted by: Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia | February 27, 2010 at 05:46 AM
"yeah, because 2 years of work to improve the Second Life browser is "ignoring". "
Except, well, the fact that they did all *but* improve the second life viewer.
Stop smoking LL buttcrack.
Posted by: YaSeriously | February 27, 2010 at 07:30 AM
I think I'll just continue using my (over a year old) Cool Viewer .. it has a good interface, it's stable and it works well .
Motto: Never upgrade unless you have NO choice in the matter.
Posted by: JustMe | February 27, 2010 at 09:24 AM
> I hope foreigners have more to say than English speakers.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | February 27, 2010 at 09:38 AM
"The spell check and the built-in translator are the greatest achievements of the emerald team. They're in the most recent release of it, which came out the other day. If LL doesn't implement these features in the full release viewer it's because of pure politics, not out of concern for their customers."
Not sure about the spell checker, but the translator was in Snowglobe (LL viewer) first. The Emerald team took the code from Snowglobe and added it to their own viewer (a number of features in Emerald were taken from other viewers, such as the built-in radar and saved logins).
Posted by: Scree Raymaker | February 27, 2010 at 08:02 PM
what next??? Penis in a viewer maybe..well spread up guys you are gonna get fucked!!
Posted by: Errin | March 04, 2010 at 03:46 AM