by Senban Babii, political correspondent
In a surprise move, Hard Rust, the owner of the Hard Alley sim has announced elections for the position of Mayor Of Hard Alley. No stranger to controversy, the Hard Alley sim has not been known as the epicenter of political change in the past. Is this a change for the better? The Herald caught up with Hard Rust early this month to ask about these elections.
"Well, we just announced them last night. We have 5-6 potential candidates, but nothing concrete so far. I'm looking forward to see what their promises are myself."
While the position of Mayor Of Hard Alley will have a roleplay element to it as one might imagine, Mr Rust was keen to point out that this position would not be merely symbolic. The mayor's position will be "to help generate some fun RP in the sim, and to let people know that Hard Alley is a community and their ideas and opinions are important."
The cynical will no doubt imagine that Mr Rust will still run Hard Alley the way he sees fit but he assured the Herald that while he will retain overall executive power, the Mayor will have an input in the running of the sim and that the role would be taken seriously.will the new mayor introduce policies to improve refuse collection in Hard Alley?
Is this a mere publicity stunt to drive up traffic figures or is this in fact a move in the direction of self-governance? Hard Alley residents seemed to be of the opinion that maybe it's time to show Linden Lab that some measure of this is possible. So are we witnessing the birth of a political revolution in the unlikeliest of places? Only time will tell.
The ballot itself will run on 20th February 2010 at the Hard Alley sim using A2Z Labs voting machines. Candidacy is open to all members of Second Life as is voting and membership of Hard Alley-related groups is not a prerequisite. Approximately five or six candidates have already expressed an interest in putting themselves forward although those interested can still put their names forward if they wish. It has been suggested that excellent candidates could include Pappy Enoch and Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro of the Second Life League Of Decency, although the former might be busy with his new multi-headed child and the latter might be overcome by the appalling lack of doilies and sugar tongs to be found in Hard Alley. However her own manifesto must surely give her impetus to consider this a chance to change such a den of depravity for the better?
Candidates should announce their intention to stand to Hard Rust as soon as possible by completing the application form available at the dispensers in Hard Alley and supply a one-or-two hundred word manifesto of election promises along with an official candidacy photograph.
can the successful candidate look forward to a prestigious office space?
Look to the Herald to provide up-to-the-minute coverage of this important election as it unfolds, including as much scandal as we can photoshop invent report.
That'll look great coming up on a pre employment screen. "So you were elected Mayor of Hard Alley, a public hardcore sex location in pervo life. How exactly did you make good on your promise to deliver blow jobs for all?"
Posted by: All Seeing Eye | February 11, 2010 at 08:11 AM
That'll look great coming up on a pre employment screen. "So you were elected Mayor of Hard Alley, a public hardcore sex location in pervo life. How exactly did you make good on your promise to deliver blow jobs for all?"
actually, it was just a select few and a smoke filled room deal. like obama and the health care takeover deals.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | February 11, 2010 at 09:20 AM
"It has been suggested that excellent candidates could include Pappy Enoch and Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro"
Now I are honored. But kin a man wif prison-time like me be a may...say now.
Ain't that REQUIRED? It am in Richmond, Ol' Virginny. They put ol' Leonidas Young (Barney-Google him, folks) in the big house with two of his councilmen (both of 'em wanted to be mayor). Ol' Councilman Chuck Richardson couldn't even read, they do say. As y'all kin tell, I are a regular Shakespear when it comes to making words say stuff.
Now (puttin' on my philosophur hat) Miss Petunia would be my #1 pick, in my opinion. Cleanin' up Hard Alley might kill her dead tryin' and make the fake world a better place.
But she kin speak for herself.
Y'all done forgot the most-likely pick: I heared that Ol' Jumpman am a-gonna try, but he cain't spell good enuff to complete the paperwork for the electshun.
Jumpy, I knows you gets somebody to read the Herald to you, so if'n you hears this message, send 100,000L (or $4000 in real money--I works cheap) to me and I'll write up them there Hard Alley forms so you can start takin' bribes, gittin' your knob polished, lookin' at porn on your office cornputer, and so forth.
That am what mayors does, anyhow.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | February 11, 2010 at 09:46 AM
/me fingers her red beret, while considering whether it is worth throwing it into the ring . . .
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | February 11, 2010 at 10:15 AM
I imagine this will be one of the few elections which won't be rocked by a sex scandal. :)
I look forward to seeing the results.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | February 11, 2010 at 11:42 AM
We began the official campaign period last night with 10-12 official candidates from such political parties as the "Tea Baggers" and the "Reform (School) Party". The dirty underhanded tricks, lies, and cheating are in full swing!
Posted by: Hard Rust | February 11, 2010 at 12:46 PM
tard alley sux and tard rust swallows! my campaign slogan! hehehe where do these saps come from?
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | February 11, 2010 at 01:07 PM
what does the job entail
and can the mayor claim MP level expenses
Posted by: corona anatine | February 11, 2010 at 02:06 PM
Well, the race for the mayor's orifice is on it seems!
Already I'm hearing stories of smear campaigns, backstabbing and threats against grandma! O.o
If any of the candidates would like to say a few words and get their side of the story in before the other candidates, feel free to turn this comment section into your campaign trail 8D
The current list of candidates and their parties are:-
Twin Peaks Party - LeopardQueen Enoch
Gang Bang Party - Zahara Velde
Biker Party - SweetlySouthern Melody
Reform School Party - Trixianna Saenz
Teabaggers Party - Takashi Alekseev
Aussie Party - BJ Ryba
Osmosis Party - Aiden Swain
Vaginocracy Party - Dina Swansong
Independant - Ashleigh Willis
Heck Party - Lexa Pro
Pink Party - Shanna McCullough
Crator Tot Party - Sortilege Thyben
Remember candidates. Get your character assassinations in before your opponents do ;)
Posted by: Senban Babii | February 11, 2010 at 03:42 PM
I'm standing in-world right now with Pappy Enoch and his delightful hydra of a child in Hard Alley, where Pappy has just announced his candidacy for Mayor of Hard Alley!
Despite some earlier difficulties posting his campaign poster ("dang corn-pooter machines"), Mr Enoch went on to discuss his desires to begin a new Enoch Dynasty for his multi-headed offspring Ulysses Diomedes Enoch to inherit.
Mr Enoch seemed especially keen to discuss his child-raising policies to ensure a happier Second Life for all the prim babies which is unsurprising given his recent expose article right here in the Herald.
When asked to say a few words to the Herald readers, mr Enoch had this to say (note, permission was gained to quote this section of the discussion - apparently hillbilly DMCA take-down notices involve shotguns and handfuls of lubricant)
[12:57] Senban Babii: Care to say a few words to the readers?
[12:57] Pappy Enoch: I can feel them bribes in my pocket already
[12:57] Pappy Enoch: yes ma'am I does wish to
[12:57] Senban Babii: lmao
[12:57] Senban Babii: Cool :)
[12:57] Pappy Enoch: We poor fake people done had about all we can stand from them Lindens
[12:57] Pappy Enoch: We gots a RIGHT to our fake sex
[12:58] Pappy Enoch: We gots a DUTY to be nasty and nekkid and corrupt!
[12:58] Pappy Enoch: And I tell you ONE THING
[12:58] Pappy Enoch: the barrel am gonna need a new bottom
[12:58] Pappy Enoch: when I are mayor of Hard Alley!
[12:58] Pappy Enoch: how's that for speechifying?
[12:59] Senban Babii: That's great speechifying 8D
[12:59] Pappy Enoch grins
When it was pointed out that a relative of his was also in the running, his face grew dark. LeopardQueen Enoch of the Twin Peaks Party is considered the black sheep of the family according to Pappy and tales of bestiality at the dining table along with grandma-robbery abounded. Given that another candidate is making threats against her grandma ("VOTE FOR LEXA PRO ON FEBRUARY 20TH OR I'LL KILL GRANDMA"), it seems that one of the major issues around which this campaign will revolve is disrespectful behaviour towards grandparents.
Will this cycle of grandma abuse never end?
Posted by: Senban Babii | February 11, 2010 at 04:26 PM
i'm banned over there anyways, fuck hard Rust.
16:52] DJQuad Radio: [16:49] Hard Rust: Jump was harassing my guests. I dont care what avie they had, harassing people is against my rules, and using my name to threaten others with banning while insulting my club manager was just overboard stupid.
[16:50] DJQuad Radio: he was harassing nobody. those dumb bitches started everything. i was there and saw it
[16:50] Hard Rust is typing...
[16:53] Jumpman Lane: he's a chump fuck him
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | February 11, 2010 at 04:38 PM
re the 'Vaginocracy Party' does this mean they have a voice at last?
Posted by: corona anatine | February 11, 2010 at 09:37 PM
The Outlandish Party has joined the running! Prof Outlandish with the help of CMNF Naughty News will be covering the campaign from the inside. Send your juicy campaign tidbits to Magdalena Outlander for inclusion in our hard, penetrating investigative coverage of the election.
Posted by: | February 12, 2010 at 09:04 AM
I are now part of a political mersheen: The Party Party.
Enoch 2010: Who's Yo Pappy??
Ms Babii done asked, "Will this cycle of grandma abuse never end?"
Nope. But at least granny were dead when I come along, so had to abuse my mama.
I hopes you will run a full account of my run for office, since I plans to make the Herald the official fake paper of that fake sex land, Hard Alley, when I runs the place rite.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | February 12, 2010 at 12:44 PM
Free SexGen(R) toy for everyone who votes for Pappy Enoch and the Party Party!
Posted by: Stroker Serpentine | February 12, 2010 at 08:31 PM
Regardless of who wins the esteemed honor of "Mayor of Hard Alley", the incumming Mayor will receive a custom made "Hard Alley Mayor" office set. Strokerz Toyz will also make a donation of 20,000 linden to the "Public Works Department" of the prevailing candidate who agrees to burn an effigy of Jumpman Lane during the inaugural ceremonies.Let the bribes begin!
Posted by: Stroker Serpentine | February 12, 2010 at 09:02 PM
say Stroker...who is Chyna Jinx? :)
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | February 13, 2010 at 12:16 AM
I'll be converting part of the old Hard Luck Hotel as the new City Hall building to accomodate the Mayor's office and the new furniture Mr. Serpentine is so graciously donating. Security cameras will be installed to capture the abuse of any interns.
Posted by: Hard Rust | February 13, 2010 at 06:30 AM
If elected, I promise to provide full coverage of the innaugural gala security cam footage in the Naughty News. Which reminds me, I need to add some campaign posters suitable for enjoying in the privacy of your own home to the campaign kit available in my sign. Expect that tomorrow evening. Remember, a vote for the Outlandish Party is a vote for trasnparency in government and in government uniforms.
Posted by: | February 13, 2010 at 07:51 AM
@Stroker, hell, I'd burn ol' Jumpy in elegy, or in the flesh, on gineral principles.
Can I still git that butt of his first? I always thought it were his best part.
Only one thing botherifies me: somebody left this-here note on my trailer (which am the Party Party HQ):
"You are an abomination of the first order, and you shall not live to enjoy the spoils of your wickedness, you unevolved invertebrate. We shall expunge you before you corrupt any more people."
It were sinned, at the bottom "Wild Orchid, Avenger of Purity."
Posted by: Pappy Enoch, Future Mayor of Hard Alley | February 13, 2010 at 10:01 AM
Puts on her best blue dress and sends in her application for Mayor's Intern
Posted by: Monica Lewinsky | February 13, 2010 at 10:59 AM
heheheheh need to take that 20k and buy some GOOD furniture lol!
Posted by: Jumpman Lane | February 13, 2010 at 12:26 PM
The election is over and Takashi Alexseev was victorious! Election day was a blast, with cheerleaders offering blow jobs to get votes for thier candidate, other candidates bribing and threatening voters, and some just playing dirty tricks on both the voters and the other candidates.
Takashi was sworn in yesterday and now begins his reign of terror from his office atop City Hall, where he is already hard at work violating his interns.
Thanks to all who participated and helped make this a lot of fun!
Posted by: Hard Rust | February 25, 2010 at 01:26 PM