Herald news Idoru pseudonym sacrificed in free speech fight
by Peter Ludlow (aka Urizenus Sklar), Herald Founder
Sometimes we all have to take a stand. In this case Herald Editrix Pixeleen Mistral, facing an outrageous abuse of the DMCA by Kalel Venkman, has, pursuant to Section 512(c)(1)(C) of the DMCA, filed documents disputing Venkman's claims of copyright infringement on screen shots and snippets of chat from the Justice League Unlimited wiki. As reported earlier in the Herald, the JLU wiki amassed vast amounts of (often false) information on Second Life denizens, including massive chat logs that were in cases recorded without the consent of the parties involved. In effect, the JLU was running an enormous surveillance program against Second Life users, and were using the DMCA to try and cover up those abuses to keep the public from understanding the full scope and frightening nature of the abuses. More troubling still is that much of the material Venkman requested be taken down appeared to implicate the involvement of Linden Lab staff member Plexus Linden in the activities of the JLU.
This can only mean trouble for Venkman. It is illegal under Title 17, United States Code Section 512(f) to knowingly send faulty DMCA notices, and doing so can result in serious legal liability. For example, there is already established precedent in the Northern District of California (where YouTube is located) holding that when a company knew or should have known that use of copyrighted material is fair use (and therefore, non-infringing), it is a violation of Section 512(f) and the DMCA. As a result of that violation, the company responsible paid over $100,000 to the parties affected.
Title 17, Section 107 explicitly says that "the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies... for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright." As I said, Venkman is in trouble.
Some commentators have suggested that Venkman's real interest in filing bogus DMCA notices was to force targeted individuals to reveal their real life identities to Venkman, and this in turn has raised questions about the security and safety of those who do reveal their identities. I doubt that this is true, or at least I hope it isn't true, but in any case it takes some courage to put oneself at risk, and Pixeleen should be commended. In general, though, this shows another flaw of the DMCA: It can be used as a tool for the malicious to undermine the privacy of virtual world residents.
As for the identity of Pixeleen's real life typist, Prok was right: Pixeleen is Mark McCahill.
The text of Pixeleen's response follows.
TypePad Copyright Agent
Six Apart Ltd.
548 4th Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
Fax: 415.344.0829
Email: [email protected]
February 4, 2010
Mistaken Removal RE: Ticket #9805: TypePad Terms of Service Violation
Dear TypePad Copyright Agent;
Please find attached to this letter a list of material removed by you pursuant to 17
U.S.C. Section 512. I have a good faith belief that this material was removed or disabled
in error as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material. I declare that this is
true and accurate under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of
For the purposes of this matter, I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District
Court for the judicial district in which I reside. I also consent to service of process
by the person providing notification under Section 512(c)(1)(C) or that person’s agent.
However, by this letter, I do not waive any other rights, including the ability to pursue an
action for the removal or disabling of access to this material, if wrongful.
Having complied with the requirements of Section 512(g)(3), I remind you that
you must now replace the blocked or removed material and cease disabling access to it
within fourteen business days of your receipt of this notice. Please notify me when this
has been done.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions about
this notice, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mark McCahill
[address and phone number elided]
Email: [email protected]
the reproduction of Typepad's letter in the post here:
From the post:
* the image: http://foo.secondlifeherald.
From the post:
* the image: http://foo.secondlifeherald.
* the text:
[disputed chatlog text elided to prevent another Typepad takedown while DMCA dispute continues]
From the post:
* the text starting with:
[disputed chatlog text elided to prevent another Typepad takedown while DMCA dispute continues]through the last line of the post:
[disputed chatlog text elided to prevent another Typepad takedown while DMCA dispute continues]
From the post:
* the image: http://foo.secondlifeherald.
* the entire table which starts with the item:
[disputed text elided to prevent another Typepad takedown while DMCA dispute continues]
and continues through the end of the post.
From the post:
* the image: http://foo.secondlifeherald.
* the text which starts with:
[disputed text elided to prevent another Typepad takedown while DMCA dispute continues]
through the last line of the post:
[disputed text elided to prevent another Typepad takedown while DMCA dispute continues]
I sincerely hope Typepad wakes the fuck up and gets with reality.
Posted by: Coke Supply | February 06, 2010 at 07:07 PM
/me dances a jig and grins
Pix, you've just made one of the bravest stands in the history of the Herald. I don't personally care whether your meatlife name is Mark or Bender Bending Rodriguez 8D As far as I'm concerned you will remain Pix and you deserve serious respect for this day's work :)
What you've done here is have the courage to stand up, step up to the plate and show those JLU bungholes that someone is prepared to stand up to them and their bullying tactics. I wish I could be there to see Kalel Venkman's face right now as he's reading this and damn, I wish I could be a fly on the wall at tomorrow's JLU daily meeting.
JLU shitting themselves in 3...2...
Posted by: Senban Babii | February 06, 2010 at 07:19 PM
Now we get to see if Typepad vacates Safe Harbor status or puts it back. Why not let Lessig know about this episode of bullshit as well?
Posted by: All Seeing Eye | February 06, 2010 at 07:43 PM
Bravo. Well played Mistral. Well played.
*Sits back and eats popcorn*
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 06, 2010 at 08:35 PM
I already contacted Lessig. And some other friends. Kalel, how big is *your* game?
Posted by: urizenus sklar | February 06, 2010 at 08:40 PM
It would help if you gave the right to publish your chatlogs exclusively to the Herald, this would help challenge Kalel's claims to ownership of your speech...
Posted by: IntLibber | February 06, 2010 at 08:50 PM
Good luck to you Pix, I don't think the JLU has any legal right to DMCA these documents from anywhere, much less collect most of them in the first place.
Posted by: We | February 06, 2010 at 08:55 PM
Venomfangx Apologizes to the Internets
info of use to kalel re DCMA on Tube
Posted by: corona anatine | February 06, 2010 at 09:41 PM
I'm impressed. Whilst I certainly don't agree with everything in the Herald, this is a principled stand that I do concur with. Will Post6 have to move a few posts further back in order to accommodate it? This one could run and run.
Posted by: Obvious Schism | February 06, 2010 at 09:43 PM
in before the JLU starts spamming the comments about how wrong you are for doing this and how they will be serving lawsuits and all that bullshit.
I'd like to see on what grounds.
Posted by: At0m0 Beerbaum | February 06, 2010 at 10:20 PM
It's hilarious that Pixeleen is outed as an Internet Methuselah. It's like JLU just activated a goddamn trap card.
Posted by: November Enzo | February 06, 2010 at 10:32 PM
It would help if you gave the right to publish your chatlogs exclusively to the Herald, this would help challenge Kalel's claims to ownership of your speech...
I never denied rights to publish what I say, I just said I was miffed at Kalel and the JLU actually trying to claim ownership of shit I say.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 06, 2010 at 11:22 PM
And please no yugioh faggotry
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 06, 2010 at 11:22 PM
Thanks Pixeleen from a lot of us out here. I downloaded the wiki from the Herald's links and put on my computer to read. My computer also had a personal web server loaded on it. Even though the jlu wiki was in a folder with NO LINKS TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD, when I read through the wiki those un corrected links that lead back to Venkmans server showed him where to look on my computer. Next thing I know Venkman is in my computer looking at personal stuff that was never published to the outside world and DMCA'ed me for having his wiki on there too. He got my DSL turned off for 20 minutes until they found out it was some SL crank and turned it back on. I want a piece of this jerk too. Please prevail.
Posted by: thanks | February 06, 2010 at 11:27 PM
Yay! Go Pixel! :D
Posted by: Kiddoh | February 06, 2010 at 11:33 PM
By all means reference my success in keeping the wiki up, should a legal battle ensue. Plus contact the media like sky etc they love this sort of thing.
Of course, things may be a little different there.
FYI we have receive no response from any legal body as yet. Not that I expect there to be any, can you imagine how much it would cost to take all the people to court? XD. My solicitor waits though, he said 'In the last 15 years I have never laughed so hard, I actually thought I would pass out!'
Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Tux Winkler | February 06, 2010 at 11:38 PM
I didn't think anyone would notice any additional faggotry here, sorry boss.
Posted by: November Enzo | February 06, 2010 at 11:46 PM
I'm glad to see the type of thuggery the JLU has been engaging in fought against.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | February 07, 2010 at 12:49 AM
Holy Double Dog Moly!
As they say in Face Off, this is quite the predicament!
I just ordered some extra popcorn and beer for this one.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | February 07, 2010 at 01:13 AM
Remember kiddos the interbutts are srs bsns
Posted by: nebula/pink | February 07, 2010 at 01:36 AM
Congratulations. The Herald has just taken the next step in the DMCA process. I don't see this as some big dramatic face-off, though. It's just working out the way it was always destined to work out. Kalel sent the initial DMCA complaint to Six Apart. Six Apart did exactly what they had to do to avoid liability, telling the Herald to remove the disputed content. When the Herald didn't respond, Six Apart removed it for them. Now did anyone really expect it would end there? I certainly didn't. I would have continued the process too, as the Herald did, telling Six Apart that the material wasn't copyrighted so it should be replaced. As I understand it, Six Apart had a choice before. They could have looked at the complaint, dismissed it as frivolous, and refused to remove the content. But at this point, also as I understand it, they have no choice. They are required by law to replace the content.
So is this a victory for either side? Not yet. The next step in the process is for Kalel to sue to have the material removed. At that point, the lawyers get involved and it gets expensive for everyone. Will the case ever go to court? Right now it's too soon to tell. Maybe Gaara will share some of his popcorn with me.
Now as for the assertion that "this can only mean trouble for Venkman," I believe the saloon door swings both ways there. Pixeleen has declared, under penalty of perjury, that a large table full of information written only by JLU members was mistakenly identified as JLU copyrighted material. This is going to cause some raised eyebrows in the courtroom at the very least.
Pixeleen's real name is Mark McCahill? Okay. I didn't believe anyone's name was really "Pixeleen" any more than others would believe anyone's name was really "GreenLantern." We all hide behind our Second Life aliases. Everyone knows who Kalel really is, so it's only fair that Pixeleen's secret identity is revealed too. But will the byline on the Herald stories change now? The entire world holds its breath...
Posted by: GreenLantern Excelsior | February 07, 2010 at 01:41 AM
When I saw Pixeleen's real name I nearly lost my jaw under my desk.
GreenLantern Excelsior, here. Let me help by shedding some light on the name Mark P.McCahill. Maybe this will help to define the gravity of the situation Kalel is facing:
There's a reason why an earlier poster referred to Mark as an "internet Methuselah".
Posted by: Oh Dear | February 07, 2010 at 02:57 AM
"Now as for the assertion that "this can only mean trouble for Venkman," I believe the saloon door swings both ways there. Pixeleen has declared, under penalty of perjury, that a large table full of information written only by JLU members was mistakenly identified as JLU copyrighted material. This is going to cause some raised eyebrows in the courtroom at the very least."
As JLU isnt an registered organization, Kalel as an head of JLU cant claim copyright to things other JLU members have written.
and also...Woodbury will have field day hearing that they're all members of JLU now! After all, good part of the wiki is chatlogs from Woodbury meetings with no JLU members involved.
Posted by: Tuomy Boa | February 07, 2010 at 03:14 AM
Three thumbs up (hey, I'm a Gargoyle, we have one thumb on each hand and foot - but one of them broke off recently) from me for Pixeleen taking a stand against those spandex-clad copyright infringers and DMCA-abusers!
Posted by: Barney Boomslang | February 07, 2010 at 04:56 AM
Way ta go Pixleen! Give 'em a super-wedgie!
Posted by: Dick McMinnar | February 07, 2010 at 05:54 AM
As I noted above, I'm impressed with the stance that the Herald is taking here. Whilst I appreciate that some residents have suffered at the hands of griefers, I have personally encountered only minor annoyances, and those on very rare occasions. So whether a self-appointed task force is really necessary to combat griefing is I think questionable. Nonetheless, and even though I find some griefer tactics rather amusing, perhaps even illuminating, I certainly have no affinity with them either.
Similarly, I find the day-to-day activities of the JLU entertaining and occasionally interesting. But again, I have no big gripe against them as I have never even seen a JLU Superhero in-world, let alone had my collar felt by one. From a distance, it all seemed to be a bit of ineffectual role-playing fun, which if that's what floats your boat, carry on. It was a game within a game that both sides enjoyed playing and that's fine. Indeed, some serious points about online communities have also been raised along the way and lively debate has been had by all. Hats off to both sides for bringing those issues to our attention, intentionally or otherwise.
Now, GLE, I'm also quite impressed with the way you have handled yourself during the course of this incident. You do seem to be a reasonable person and have responded with patience, courtesy and humour. Which is why I am consequently wondering why on earth you are still defending something that has obviously gone way beyond the limits of what is acceptable in this platform. The fact that this exposé has spilled over into DCMA takedown notices is a further indication of the rot that is at the very core of the JLU. If I were you GLE, I'd get out now while you still have the chance.
Posted by: Obvious Schism | February 07, 2010 at 06:44 AM
Now we are talkin serious business! Bet nobody saw that coming! And pixels that dude! hahahaha omg cant wait to see what happens 8) I hope that jlu dude doesnt disappoint and hit back! but something tells me this will probably be the end of it. Mind you i dont even play SL but this is so entertaining! Pass the popcorn! oh and theres none for u greenlambtern!
Posted by: wowza | February 07, 2010 at 06:44 AM
'Prok was right: Pixeleen is Mark McCahill' o_O
Posted by: WaytoGo band | February 07, 2010 at 07:02 AM
Pix, everyone in the Economic Office is behind you 1000% even though Jones is saying there can only be 100% of anything.
Pixeleen was brave enough to give up her pseudonymity because she, and many others, believes what Kalel is doing is wrong. You seem to suggest that reprinting a portion of some tables is a violation of Kalel's copyright rights, which I presume you mean any rights he would have in the U.S. But my biggest problem is you seem to be suggesting that because Kalel was outed at some point, then its somehow fair for Pixeleen to be outed. It sounds a bit too close to you saying that because Kalel lost something, then other people who stand up to his aggressive tactics need to lose something as well.
Here's another thing; how many lawyers do you think are going to line up to support Kalel for issuing a DMCA where he cannot show that he created the content in question? And how many lawyers do you think are going to line up to support free speech against aggressive unfounded DMCA notices?
Posted by: Jessica Holyoke | February 07, 2010 at 08:04 AM
Oh my damn. I think the Internet just exploded on you guys... or maybe you just exploded on the internet. I don't know.
Hmm I have nothing bad to say though. Pix got some real nerd cred here. Hardcore Nerd Cred I might add.
I say use your nerd cred Pix, and help shut these JLU clowns down.
And if the Lindens won't do anything about it, then I think it's time someone start up some bad publicity for the Labs. Then they'll react.
Posted by: Crunk | February 07, 2010 at 10:05 AM
I need some more butter for my popcorn.
Do we have any official dates to look for yet?
When is the very next climatic scene going to unfold in this event? Just want to add the date to my calendar.
Time for another beer as well. I may need to order a bigger monitor to watch this all unfold. :)
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | February 07, 2010 at 10:50 AM
"I downloaded the wiki from the Herald's links and put on my computer to read. My computer also had a personal web server loaded on it. Even though the jlu wiki was in a folder with NO LINKS TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD, when I read through the wiki those un corrected links that lead back to Venkmans server showed him where to look on my computer. Next thing I know Venkman is in my computer looking at personal stuff that was never published to the outside world and DMCA'ed me for having his wiki on there too. He got my DSL turned off for 20 minutes until they found out it was some SL crank and turned it back on."
Damn. Talk about obsession. Now that's just wrong, messing with someone's internet.
"So is this a victory for either side? Not yet. The next step in the process is for Kalel to sue to have the material removed. At that point, the lawyers get involved and it gets expensive for everyone. Will the case ever go to court? Right now it's too soon to tell.
"Pixeleen has declared, under penalty of perjury, that a large table full of information written only by JLU members was mistakenly identified as JLU copyrighted material. This is going to cause some raised eyebrows in the courtroom at the very least."
I'm loving how you're disregarding(you and some other JLU members)the factor that some of the information I've been told is copyrighted as collective work was acquired through clear violations of the in-game ToS.
well, Kalel doesn't disregard it, he admitted it to me, but he obviously doesn't give two shits about how wrong what he does seems in the eyes of others. He's also made that clear to me in a few ways.
Desiring a few answers from the JLU, I recently IMed a number of their members, trying to seek someone with a rational way of thinking in their group. Surprise, I found none so far. Aside from Fenix Harbinger, pretty much everyone else gives me the runaround, and mutes me(Kara Timtam, Kalel Venkman, and I'm quite sure Maverick Grunfeld and Melanippe Karas).
Seems their tactic is hiding under rocks now because I'm a immense threat simply as a member of WU.
All that aside, I stand behind Pix in this as well.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 07, 2010 at 11:10 AM
I think I need to add; people are saying that this is the JLU's copyright protected materials. How is the JLU owning anything? When did they become an organization with the capacity to sue or enforce copyright on its own behalf?
Posted by: Jessica Holyoke | February 07, 2010 at 11:45 AM
When they started thinking they were all that's good, pure, and holy on Second Life and the internets.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 07, 2010 at 12:05 PM
Posted by: Haruhi Thespian | February 07, 2010 at 12:37 PM
When they started thinking they were all that's good, pure, and holy on Second Life and the internets.
maybe so
but as they say
'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'
Posted by: corona anatine | February 07, 2010 at 12:53 PM
I'd like to say this: Way To GO PIX...make your stand. I feel the JLU is like the Neighborhood Watch with billyclubs, roaming the neighborhood. If you've ever seen this, you'll know how what I mean.
Abuse of the DCMA shouldn't be taken lightly and the JLU should be taken to the cleaners. Keeping secreted information on residents is morally reprehensible. Anyone keeping secret info like that has something to hide themselves.
Posted by: Eva Ryan | February 07, 2010 at 01:19 PM
i lold hard at this shit. the fact that pix is a man, and some sort of internets genious is just wonderfull. I totally want the JLU to go away even though i will never set foot in second life again, just for the fact that they make 1/6 of abuse reports in the game most ahve to be fualty.
you said a large table of information that was written by you guys
1. it is mostly chat logs meaning you didn't write them and cannot quote somone and copy right it without express written permission.
2. mistaken as copy written materail... well kalel shouldn't have claimed it as such.
3. someone has sued a ham sandwich successfully.... google it. this shit may actually go to court.
4. not attacking GLE personally as he is the only JLU faggot that actually is ok
Posted by: NebulaCS | February 07, 2010 at 02:51 PM
The DMCA/Take Down I received was because Kalel stated copyright on the entire wiki. This is impossible of course. Even the JLU chat logs cannot be copyrighted without proof that the conversation was on a private sim and all members signing copyright to Kalel, even then it is an iffy subject.
Any conversation (typed chat) is impossible to copyright (or validate for that matter) because it cannot be proven it is not someone else's chat log who overheard. Even at the time, it could have been a chat bug (you know about these right? XD). Which, although against TOS, would not valid a copyright claim on a public chat log.
Now, Kalel has to act, either he backs away and works on rebuilding his little empire. Or he follows a legal battle, with each and everyone of us hosting and holding clips. I am happy for this method personally because it will highlight the needs for caution on the internet.
The thing about SL is you never know who you are dealing with (as Pix has proven). People could be average Joe, an Uber Guru, or maybe someone in the public eye, someone in media. Of course a court case would not deal with avatar names, and so everyone's RL info will come out and be public. I don't mind, mine is pretty much (if really looked for), Pix's is. But all members of the JLU? All the people hosting? And then lets not forget, the wiki wasn't stolen. The person who took it was given a username and password right? Did they sign a legal non disclosure form? With a pen?
Posted by: Tux Winkler | February 07, 2010 at 03:02 PM
"Now as for the assertion that "this can only mean trouble for Venkman," I believe the saloon door swings both ways there. Pixeleen has declared, under penalty of perjury, that a large table full of information written only by JLU members was mistakenly identified as JLU copyrighted material. This is going to cause some raised eyebrows in the courtroom at the very least."
Yes, the raised eyebrows will be that JLU maliciously filed DMCAs to try to keep their wrongdoing secret. None of the items specified in the DMCAs are copyrightable, at all. JLU will lose, and hopefully have to pay large sums of money in damages. Only then will the Justice League know what True Justice is.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | February 07, 2010 at 04:27 PM
So Pixeleen Mistral is a a guy in RL... SO WHAT! He has huge huevos for standing his ground against JLU. Fight on Mark!
Posted by: BamBam | February 07, 2010 at 04:31 PM
I really cannot see any attorney taking Kalel's case on a contingency basis. Perhaps pro-bono if they really felt that his case represented some important principle of IP law, but I don't really see that here.
Unless Kalel intends to fund his legal defense himself, he's going to need to look for outside help. I would be very interested in seeing who might be bankrolling his case. Certainly not Linden Lab, far too much of a PR debacle if they did. Either he overplayed his hand here, filing DMCAs and expecting no one to counterfile, or else he's got a lawyer on retainer and some internet organization willing to bankroll such expensive litigation.
I'm not as familiar with civil law as I am with criminal/constitutional law issues, but I do believe that there are precedents for parties who bring frivolous lawsuits being required to pay legal fees to the respondents, no? So probably the first thing that Kalel will want to consult his attorney is whether or not his claims will be thrown out as frivolous, dismissed with prejudice, etc.
Btw, I had no idea Pix had such a history in IT. No offense, but the posts on the Herald seemed to be rather....well, I guess Pix is a character and was simply presenting that persona, but the writing style and tone would definitely never have led me to think that the person behind the keyboard had such a long history of success in the IT world. Appearances can be deceiving, I guess, and so I'll need to script a hat in-world so I can eat it.
Also, one other thing, this article notes that Prok was right with regards to Pix's identity. Prok was right....those three words had me conjuring up images of Satan freezing his ass off. (I kid, of course, Prok's hyperbolic rants tend to obscure a fairly sharp eye, even if I tend to disagree with much of what Prok says).
Now, is Kalel required under the DMCA to file a lawsuit, or is that merely the requirement to have the material re-removed? If Kalel fails to file a lawsuit or other court documents to establish his copyright claims, does this mean that others (such as Prok) who were forced to remove content due to his DMCA requests would also be allowed to put that material back up?
Posted by: Jahar Aabye | February 07, 2010 at 06:03 PM
lnformation Core Yes Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 02:26:39 Justice Island http://slurl.com/secondlife/Justice%20Island/136/129/715 Disclosure > Second Life information/chat/IMs Disclosure of Local Chat Via Note...(truncated)
This, from SL's most annoying spy force. They think highly of themselves, that thought grows in my mind ever further.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 07, 2010 at 06:27 PM
The JLU are also filing Disclosure AR's on anybody mentioning or displaying http://jlu.sl4.me this is BS and should be contested. I will be contacting LL to explain that they (by the TOS) cannot control external websites. Plus the DMCA claim was deemed wrong for this site. So there is no issue. I have already had friends banned because of this.
I created a group .JLU WIKI OPT-OUT. for this sort of thing. Lets see how many of us are listed in the next leak!
Posted by: Tux Winkler | February 07, 2010 at 07:12 PM
Wow really? They're ARing people for disclosure of the wiki? I wonder how many times I have been AR'd.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 07, 2010 at 08:01 PM
Lots of action going on at their sim, they appear to be holding a meeting and or ar party, so 11 faux ars can get you banned?
Posted by: Judge Joker | February 07, 2010 at 08:58 PM
I once logged in and checked their sim, about 26 people were on their sim.
Posted by: Gaara Sandalwood | February 07, 2010 at 09:35 PM
Lolz @ all the idiots who hadn't figured out who Pix was. Christ, it's been out there for months, if not a year by now.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | February 07, 2010 at 09:39 PM
Well if the "JLU" is mob filing AR's falsely then I hope they enjoyed their stay. Because there is no fucking way LL will back them up on a damn thing. They were tools and got used and will be discarded like a used tampon. And doing mass last retaliation bullshit like filing false ARs that wastes LL RESI time needs to be countered with a bill for time wasted in the form of seizing any assets and liquidating them to pay for the lost time and time required to remove and resolve the former accounts. Once LL gets rid of them they can say it is proof the JLU was in no way officially affiliated and whatever was there is probably explainable with plausible deniability.
Posted by: All Seeing Eye | February 07, 2010 at 10:05 PM
Especially since the members of the JLU are the ones guily of disclosure, by sharing chat logs with others on their Wiki. Again the pot calls the kettle black.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | February 07, 2010 at 10:16 PM