Hi Everyone! I really don't have anything profound or inspirational to say so I'll start with a brief introduction to "Sav" as my friends call me. I am me! I am just a regular girl, with a multi-faceted personality. Smart, funny, bold, brash, I am a dreamer. I am sassy, and I am cute; reflective, and introspective, I am protective, and passionate about the things and people I care about. I am caring and compassionate. I am sympathetic, empathetic, and a good listener - which makes me an awesome friend. I am opinionated. I have been described as "cheeky." I am good, at being bad. I am a B.I.T.C.H. Love me or hate me, I am just me
I was actually invited to join our beloved "game" by my friend, "Max" with a boat load of promises of how much fun I would have. At the time, I had no idea what I was in for. Thinking back, that all seems like a life time ago.
I work at Hooters & Shooters as a Manager & dancer there often. I started there in June 2007, and continue to enjoy the nightly parties. It's a second home to me, and the atmosphere we strive to preserve is reminiscent of the TV show "Cheers" from back in the day. New patrons quickly become new friends, and I love when our VIP's welcome newcomers, making everyone feel noticed and part of the family. We have a gorgeous array of both male & female dancers, loyal VIPs, DJs who spin great tunes & keep the party going.I am also an occasional blogger, I was also priviledged enough to write a couple of articles for The Essence of Style magazine. I did start my own blog, "Savvy Shopper" where, when the mood strikes I write about things I like. I've really slacked off on my own blog lately, I tend to obsess about something, then get burned out, and eventually get back to dabbling at it. I blog a bit for Snugglicious, which are amazing cute cuddle pillows for you & your honey. I am also a Customer Service Rep for .44 Caliber/DJinn & Tonic.
I am not all about working, although my friends would probably argue otherwise. I do have other hobbies.
I enjoy decorating my home. I change my houses often. I get some satisfaction out of creating a comfortable space to spend time away from work. I like to dabble in photography, and explore the awesome landscapes & sim builds our virtual world offers. I am always impressed with the creativity displayed on the grid. I've never been much of a builder, so I must admire the talents of others, although I did make a table, once.
I like her!
Posted by: Inniatzo | February 10, 2010 at 12:27 AM
Seems like a nice lady. I do have to point out, though, shopping and stripping. Perhaps a bit of escorting in her past? How unusual for Post 6.
Those first two photos are really dark. It's a quick and easy fix to lighten them up a bit.
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | February 10, 2010 at 07:20 AM
I love this woman! i've known her since '08 when i first starting going to Hooters & Shooters. It's a second family now. She is truly a beautiful persona and i'm lucky to have her to call on. xoxo!
Posted by: ShannonCharlize | February 10, 2010 at 12:21 PM
Glad to see you back and with a great set of photo's of a lovely av, well done loved it.
Posted by: Carmen | February 10, 2010 at 02:15 PM
@Mary Elizabeth said:
Those first two photos are really dark. It's a quick and easy fix to lighten them up a bit.
Yes! You can plug your laptop in or spring for a better monitor Mary, they look great on my screens- rich colors and subtle lighting.
Great avie and write-up Savannah, thanks for sharing it with us. Good to see you back Tim.
Posted by: Bob | February 10, 2010 at 03:53 PM
Thanks for your kind advice. My computer is plugged in and those photos are still too dark.
A hint. Go hang out in her club. It's a more effective way to get Savannah's attention.
Posted by: Mary Elizabeth | February 10, 2010 at 10:52 PM
@Mary Elizabeth
So, by your theory I'm here trying to pick up Post 6 girls by saying nice things. By extension, since you come here day after day to say snarky things on every article, are you trying to pick up a troll? Are you hoping to find a kindred asshole?
What a bitter and cynical little life you must lead. You do know that no one here really cares what you think, right?
Posted by: Bob | February 11, 2010 at 08:28 AM
Wow! Gorgeous avvie, nice writeup, and the pictures look very nice.
Posted by: Skye | February 11, 2010 at 09:49 AM
Booooooooriiiing. Hook me up with some gynoids with drilltits.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | February 11, 2010 at 03:17 PM
Posted by: Prof. Archie Lukas | February 12, 2010 at 05:10 AM
"Love me or hate me."
hate you.
well at least i would if i cared. it should be "love me, hate me or find me mind-numbingly boring." in which case i would go for mind-numbingly boring.
"I am me!"
No you're not - I am!
Posted by: like_ummm | February 13, 2010 at 12:10 AM
I still don't "get" the point of these. Take hideous SL e-girl, +1 if successful, +2 if they have a shape that deforms the SL mesh as much as possible. interview them as if they were important, post "sexy" possibly vomit inducing photos, and wait as "her" fans come and talk about how awesome "she" liek zomg totally is.
Seriously, no one cares.
Posted by: Daria? | February 15, 2010 at 12:38 PM
Well nice to see that some do seem to be able to work in clubs for years and years without getting "burned out".
But I could swear I know this pretty lady from The Roxy 2007/2008, but I never heard of Hooters and Shooters in those days. Yeah, I am certain she used to be a Roxy Girl, I even still have pictures of her stripping there... yummy!
Too bad good clubs don't last as long as the dancers do though.
Posted by: Slade | February 16, 2010 at 08:56 AM
Nice to see that some things never change. Timothy still raids the SL sex industry for models and Bob is still stuck deep in his arse.
Posted by: Takuya Kawashima | February 16, 2010 at 02:30 PM
"I have been described as "cheeky." I am good, at being bad. I am a B.I.T.C.H. Love me or hate me, I am just me"
Blah blah over confident girl!
well guess that's a fashion for every sl chick calling herself a b.i.t.c.h...
oooh wow wait thats pretty good stuff to make people laugh at you lol..
Ridicilious b.i.t.c.h!
Posted by: Morre | March 04, 2010 at 06:00 AM
@ Bob you suck at taking screenshots so why bother to defend yourself lol
Posted by: Errin | March 04, 2010 at 06:04 AM