On the 18th of October Rome Film Festival will be on an island on Second Life; the Grand Opening Party is scheduled on 12:00 pm PDT with live DJs.
The festival will go on until the 27th and it'll have two big contests: the “Treasure Hunt” and the “Actor Look Alike” contest. The “Treasure Hunt” will start on the 22nd and end on the 24th, the fastest finding all the treasures will get L$ 12,000, the second L$ 8,000, the third L$ 5,000.
The “Actor Look Alike”contest will end on the 26th, first place L$ 25,000, second place L$ 15,000 and third place L$ 10,000.
For both contests it is mandatory to subscribe, and subscriptions are open from the 18th of October. Come to the island for more information and notecards, and to visit the movie sets. The movie sets are interactive and in front of the sets you find free highly detailed costumes to download and to wear to take pictures or make a machinima. What are you waiting for? Come to:
BNL BNP Paribas2 (50, 140, 26) - Rome Film Festival - www.freelifemagazine.com
Dj sets:
18th October (PM-PDT)
12:00/02:00 Dj Claude Morigi(disco – ITA)
02:00/04:00 Dj Leanne Karas(’80ies – UK)
22nd October (PM-PDT)
12:00/02:00 Dj Neofito Beck(radio-hits – GER)
02:00/04:00 Dj Josey Trautman(alternative rock – ITA)
23rd October (PM-PDT)
12:00/02:00 Dj Leanne Karas(80ies – UK)
02:00/04:00 Dj WigmanStreeter (modern-rock – ITA)
24th October (PM-PDT)
12:00/02:00 Dj Danae Koenkamp (house – ND)
02:00/04:00 Dj Brad Infinity(dance – PT)
26th October (PM-PDT)
12:00/02:00 Dj Josey Trautman(alternative rock – ITA)
02:00/04:00 Dj Leanne Karas (’80ies – UK)
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