An angry store owner, a suspicious alien face hugger -- and a plot to bankrupt Zilu !!!
by Coke Supply
A shocking take of content theft, SL business treachery, and aliens -- based on a true story
by Coke Supply
[Looks like I missed an episode somewhere. No matter, I'll catch you up later, but for now I wanted to be sure to post this special Valentine's Day edition of Plywood. Let it serve as a cautionary tale about just how much we have to lose from grid problems and bad neighbors. Happy Valentine's Day!
--Walker Spaight]
The Herald is proud to present the return of Plywood, the Web Comic! After its first smash run ended last year, Moriash Moreau (my neighbor in Louise, wouldn't you know) has brought back our favorite Second Life comic strip (well, my favorite, anyway), which we're delighted to feature in a nearly exclusive run in the pages of the Second Life Herald. We've got a little catching up to do, so expect another installment soon after this one, and then it's back to Plywood's regular as-Mori-feels-like-it schedule. Enjoy!
--Walker Spaight
The Herald is pleased to announce the appointment of SL resident Brian Mifflin to the cosmically prestigous position of Herald Phunny Page Editor. We will be publishing a weekly comic strip and occasional cartoons with SL subject matter. Contact Brian in game if you wish to be a contributor. (Yes we pay). We begin by serializing Second Theory -- a comic strip that Brian has made and posted on his web site, so some of you may have seen them. If so, enjoy them again as we republish them over the next few weeks.
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